News release

Handbook for Caregivers Now Available in French

Status of Women

A handbook to help Nova Scotia caregivers look after their family, friends, neighbours and other people in their communities is now available in French.

The guide, Manuel du soignant: Une main tendue aux familles et aux amis qui fournissent des soins en Nouvelle-Écosse, as well as the English version, The Caregiver's Handbook, is available for free by calling 1-888-658-1112.

The Healthy Balance Research Program partners developed the guide with input from caregivers across the province. Program partners are: the Nova Scotia Advisory Council on the Status of Women, the Atlantic Centre of Excellence for Women's Health and the Institute for Population Health at the University of Ottawa.

French language health services at the Department of Health, the Department of Health Promotion and Protection, the Office Acadian Affairs, the Seniors' Secretariat and Human Resources and Social Development Canada also provided expertise and funding.