News release

Chignecto Wilderness Protection Feedback

Environment (April 2008 - Feb. 2021)

The province is providing an opportunity for Nova Scotians to have their say in shaping the future for protected lands in Cumberland County.

"We understand that Nova Scotians expect their government to meet our commitment of protecting 12 per cent of land by 2015," said Sterling Belliveau, Minister of Environment. "As we identify lands for protection, we rely on science and the wisdom of the people who use the lands to shape our decisions."

The departments of Environment and Natural Resources are evaluating options to establish a wilderness area on Crown lands in and around the Chignecto Game Sanctuary in Cumberland County.

Initial discussions have been held with community, business, industry, recreation, and environmental groups and organizations. The information gathered to date is summarized in a newsletter that is available on the Department of Environment website and will be distributed in the community. Consultation with the Nova Scotia Mi'kmaq is also underway.

"Our aim is to satisfy many interests while protecting and conserving these lands," said John MacDonell, Minister of Natural Resources. "We're taking the time to listen, to gather input and make informed decisions before developing proposed boundaries for wilderness areas."

The area being studied is 35,000 hectares and includes all of Chignecto Game Sanctuary and surrounding provincial lands.

Nova Scotia Environment, in co-operation with the Department of Natural Resources, is evaluating the land, parts of which represent a unique opportunity for wilderness protection. It is also significant because of its ecological value, minerals, recreation, forestry, hunting, sport fishing, and other potential uses.

The goal is to announce government's proposed wilderness area in the coming months, followed by broad public consultation on its boundary and uses. The feedback will help shape the final protected wilderness area.

Further information on the Chignecto lands is available at .