News release

Ombudsman Conference Comes to Nova Scotia


Ombudsman from North America are coming to Halifax to talk about ways to improve their service to the public.

For the first time, the Nova Scotia Office of the Ombudsman will co-host the Forum of Canadian Ombudsman and the Association of Canadian College and University Ombudspersons Conference from Sunday, June 9, to Wednesday, June 12.

Topics include conducting effective and credible investigations, mediation, changing conflicts into opportunities, report writing, and creating barrier-free services.

"We're looking forward to co-hosting this conference, and sharing ideas with our colleagues," said Ombudsman Dwight Bishop. "What we hope to achieve is a better understanding of how we can work together to address concerns brought forward by people."

Guest speakers include Professor Wayne MacKay, Schulich School of Law, Dalhousie University and was chair of the Nova Scotia Task Force on Bullying and Cyberbullying, Joelle Thibault, Ombudsman, Hydro Quebec and Howard Sapers, Correctional Investigator for Canada. For the agenda and registration information, go to

The conference is at the Westin Nova Scotia, 1181 Hollis St.

The Nova Scotia Office of the Ombudsman investigates complaints against provincial and municipal government departments, agencies, boards and commissions. It also provides youth and seniors services, and a public interest disclosure of wrongdoing or whistleblowing process.

Established in 1971, the office promotes the principles of fairness, integrity and good governance. For more information, go to