News release

Procurement Administrator Selected for Renewable Energy

Energy and Mines (July 2018 - Aug. 2021)

Easier access to renewable energy will help to create jobs and ensure that Nova Scotia continues to lead in the fight against climate change.

That’s why the province has appointed CustomerFirst Renewables as the independent procurement administrator for low-impact renewable electricity for large energy customers under the Green Choice program.

“New, low-cost, renewable energy can help Nova Scotia fight climate change, keep electricity rates stable, create jobs and encourage investment,” said Energy and Mines Minister Derek Mombourquette. “We are committed to seeking affordable ways to increase our renewable energy use.”

The procurement administrator will be appointed for a three-year term to enroll interested buyers, conduct requests for proposals and issue power purchase agreements for renewable electricity generation for large energy customers. That includes the federal government, which has committed to acquire all of its electricity needs from renewable sources by 2022.

Regulations for the Green Choice program are being developed.

The Green Choice program offers a new, simplified process for large-scale energy customers to procure renewable electricity. CustomerFirst Renewables will provide advice and consult on program design during the procurement process. Nova Scotia Power, interested large energy customers and independent energy producers will be consulted on program design.


“CustomerFirst Renewables is honoured to be selected as procurement administrator by the Province of Nova Scotia. We look forward to working with key stakeholders to facilitate local renewable energy procurement and creating the opportunity for Nova Scotians to demonstrate their leadership on climate change.”

– Susanne Fratzscher, director of business development, CustomerFirst Renewables

Quick Facts:

  • amendments to the Electricity Act in February created the Green Choice program for larger power customers and resulted from an MOU signed with the federal government in 2019
  • a Request for Information was issued in March for a procurement administrator to conduct requests for proposals under the Green Choice program
  • government has previously used independent procurement administrators for wind power generation, solar energy refits for public buildings, and tidal power generation
  • CustomerFirst Renewables will carry out renewable energy procurement for all electricity customers in the future
  • other provinces such as Alberta and Saskatchewan have achieved record low prices for renewable energy supply by using competitive procurement practices
  • CustomerFirst Renewables, an independent energy advisor based in Maryland, has more than a decade of experience conducting renewable energy procurements for institutional and corporate users and engaging stakeholders

Additional Resources:

The Electricity Act:

CustomerFirst Renewables: