News release

Nova Scotia’s Approach to Setting Minimum Wage to be Reviewed

Labour and Advanced Education (Jan. 2011 - Aug. 2021)

The current approach to setting the minimum wage rate in Nova Scotia will be reviewed in the coming months. The review comes as government accepts the recommendation from the Nova Scotia Minimum Wage Review Committee in its annual report.

“The minimum wage rate affects the lives of many workers and businesses across our province,” said Lena Metlege Diab, Minister of Labour and Advanced Education. “I look forward to this review on what is an important issue for Nova Scotians.”

On Jan. 26, government also accepted the committee’s recommendation to increase the rate for minimum wage earners to $12.95 an hour. The new rate increase takes effect on April 1.

The Minimum Wage Review Committee, which includes employee and employer representatives, filed its report with the minister of Labour and Advanced Education on Jan. 4.

For a copy of the Nova Scotia Minimum Wage Review Committee report, visit:

Quick Facts:

  • a $12.95 per hour minimum wage means Nova Scotia will have the second highest minimum wage in Atlantic Canada, just $0.05 behind PEI, whose rate will increase to $13.00 on April 1
  • on April 1, 2020, Nova Scotia’s minimum wage increased by $1, making it the largest increase to minimum wage in a decade

Additional Resources:

2021 Minimum Wage Rate release:

For more information on Nova Scotia’s minimum wage, visit: