News release

Legislation Amalgamates Housing Authorities, Creates Nova Scotia Provincial Housing Agency

Municipal Affairs and Housing (to November 2024)

The Province is making significant changes in how public housing is managed to improve services for Nova Scotians in need.

Legislation introduced today, October 20, will modernize the structure and oversight of provincial housing programs, increase accountability and create a new Crown corporation responsible for public housing in Nova Scotia.

“It will take bold actions, working together and doing things differently to overcome this housing crisis. Public housing is a key part of that work,” said John Lohr, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing. “Frankly, we owe it to tenants, and all Nova Scotians, to manage our properties efficiently and effectively. Bringing public housing together under one roof will provide a dedicated focus, more consistency in policies and procedures, and improve client services across the province.”

The Housing Act and Housing Nova Scotia Act will be repealed and replaced with the Housing Services and Supply Act. Under the new legislation:

  • the five regional housing authorities will amalgamate into a new Crown corporation called the Nova Scotia Provincial Housing Agency
  • the five housing authority boards will be dissolved, and a new advisory board for the agency will be appointed
  • the agency will be responsible for the administration, management and maintenance of public housing across the province
  • all non-public housing programs and functions will transfer from Housing Nova Scotia to the Department of Municipal Affairs and Housing.

The new legislation will be effective December 1.

Quick Facts:

  • creating an independent entity responsible for housing was recommended by the Nova Scotia Affordable Housing Commission
  • there were 11,200 public housing units in Nova Scotia and 6,596 applicants, including 2,443 families, on the waitlist as of September
  • the number of families on the waitlist has increased almost 10 per cent since January
  • in June, the Office of the Auditor General identified that more than 1,500 tenants living in public housing were living in larger units than they need

Additional Resources:

Bills tabled in the legislature are available at:

Nova Scotia housing authorities:

Housing Nova Scotia:

Affordable Housing Commission Final Progress Report:

Nova Scotia’s affordable housing plan, A Healthy Nova Scotia: Solutions for Housing and Homelessness (October 2021) is available at:

Mandate letter of the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing: