12 Percent - Parks and Protected Areas System Plan Consultation

Five Mile River Wilderness Area




2016 ha


Wilderness Area



Conditions Apply?


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Large forest patch with karst and river frontage

Ecological Values

Karst features (caves and sink holes)

Provincially significant bat hibernacula

At least 20 species of rare floodplain and calcareous plants

Habitat for nationally threatened and provincially vulnerable wood turtle

Some remnant old forest along the river

Opportunity to restore older forest within a region of highly disturbed woodlands

Representation of Shubenacadie River Hills Natural Landscape

Outdoor Recreation Values

Various recreation activities along Five Mile River

Likely hunting, some fishing

Forest Values

Much of the area was harvested since the 1980s.

Contains 35 km of access roads and 300 ha of young plantations, including some with exotic species

Small portion of area currently unavailable for forestry due to DNR old forest policy

Other Resource Values

High mineral potential

High petroleum potential.

The area overlaps with a regional agreement for petroleum exploration

Low wind potential


Legal protection of this area will be delayed until 2020.  Legal protection subject to addressing petroleum rights.


Exclusions and Vehicle Access

Potential road exclusions and OHV trail agreements subject to future planning and consultation.

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