2112 ha
Wilderness Area
Mature hardwood and mixed forest, lakes and wetlands adjacent to Indian River
Mix of wetlands, barrens, and hardwood and spruce/fir forest
Contributes to representation of Eastern Shore Quartzite Plain natural landscape in protected areas network
Includes 12 km corridor along Indian River
Potential core habitat for provincially endangered mainland moose
Large open bog - shrub fen complex south of Head Lakes
Hunting and fishing
Backcountry canoeing on Indian River
Most of area has low forestry potential due to extensive wetlands and poor growing conditions
Some mature hardwood with lesser amounts of scattered fir and spruce
Some recent harvesting on the west side of Indian River
Low to high mineral potential
Low petroleum potential
Low wind potential
Boundary expansion to Head Lakes and south along river subject to further review (1,275 ha)
Includes 2 km of powerline corridor
Access to camps not affected