12 Percent - Parks and Protected Areas System Plan Consultation

Ponhook Lake Nature Reserve


Lunenburg, Queens


160 ha


Nature Reserve



Conditions Apply?


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Forest patches along the shore of and near Ponhook and Molega Lakes

Ecological Values

Shoreline and islands on Ponhook and Molega Lakes adjacent to existing nature reserve and conservation lands

Habitat for nationally and provincially threatened redroot and other rare coastal plain plants

Habitat for nationally and provincially threatened eastern ribbon snake

One area contains old forest of eastern hemlock, red spruce and white pine

Outdoor Recreation Values

Canoeing, boating

Hunting, fishing and trapping

Forestry Values

Contains mature softwood and mixedwood

Western parcels a source of local fuelwood

Includes about 800m of old logging road

Some parcels currently unavailable for forestry due to DNR old forest policy

Some mature hardwood, mixedwood, and softwood on largest parcel (north of Ponhook Lake)

Island and lakefront properties not important for forestry

Other Resource Values

Medium to high mineral potential

Low petroleum potential

Low wind potential


Exclusions and Vehicle Access

Additional Comments

Part of the area is licensed for mineral exploration

Includes one campsite lease

Some OHV use