Guysborough, Pictou, Colchester
3096 ha
To be determined, pending further site planning. Likely to be designated as a mix of provincial park and wilderness area and/or nature reserve
Part of several patches that provide a corridor over 30 km along West River St Marys and St Marys River
Habitat for nationally threatened and provincially vulnerable Wood Turtle
Stands of old forest in eastern portions
Floodplain forests
Atlantic Salmon spawn in river
Mixedwood forest with some recent forestry activities, particularly in western portions
Canoeing, camping
Fishing and hunting
A mix of forest ages and species including softwood, mixedwood and hardwood stands
Several plantations and a few treated stands
Range in mineral potential from high to low
Part of the area is licensed for mineral exploration
Low petroleum potential
Low wind potential
Final designation type and mix subject to additional planning.
Portion is subject to lands being acquired by the Province (561 ha)
Four roads off Waternish Road excluded as well as road to Lead Mine Pool/private property.
Electrical infrastructure requirements to be addressed in consultation with NSPI.