28.19 Hectares
Outdoor Recreation
Designated; Operational
20 Y 5
Core Park
A provincially-significant fossil site with an interpretive kiosk, picnic area, trail and beach access.
Provincially significant geology and fossils, earth history
Regionally-significant opportunities to interpret site and regional geology, landscape development; interpretive kiosk. St. F.X University uses as an outdoor classroom
Provincially significant tourist attraction; unique natural history attraction, annual Fossil Walk
Short hiking trail, beach access, picnicking, geocaching, snowshoeing, skiing
Right-of-way for transmission line runs through park.
Susceptible to coastal processes (storm events with high tide surge or wind driven waves) that cause site erosion.
Spruce Bark beetle damage may require ecological restoration program to remove dead and dying trees in areas of public use to re-establish a more suitable forest cover.