12 Percent - Parks and Protected Areas System Plan Consultation

Fisher Lake Provincial Park




120.70 Hectares


Natural Environment



Location NS Atlas

64 W 5

Managed As

Supporting Park

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Relatively large property with important conservation and recreation values. Recent acquisition from Bowater.  Condition of purchase was to manage for protection / conservation. Majority of property is being transferred to NS Environment for management through Protected Areas program.

Protection Values

Considerable significant older and unique forest (SOUF) mostly white pine, some eastern hemlock/red spruce; approximately 40 percent is comprised of different types of wetland; 84 hectare bog; potential for pre-contact archaeological site; extensive frontage on Fisher Lake; access from Fisher Lake and Highway # 8;.  Province acquiring (2012) additional adjoining lands (Patch # 143) around Fisher Lake from Bowater that the Department of Environment has identified as having the potential to contribute to its goal of protecting 12% of the land base by 2015.

Education Values

Natural values

Tourism Values

Recreational access to Fisher Lake and connection to Mersey River; “Canoe Annapolis” canoe route

Outdoor Recreation Values

Lake access, canoeing, hiking, fishing

Other Site Considerations

Designation type and locations of park lands to be determined through additional planning for Medway Lakes Wilderness Area.