43.16 Ha
Outdoor Recreation
Designated; Operational
48 V5
Supporting Park
A popular camping and day-use park in a secluded setting along the Meander River.
80 campsites, open for camping from June to September
Although consisting of a relatively small landbase this park protects rare flora and climax forest stands (Yellow Birch and Hemlock). One species of vascular plant found within the park is critically imperiled, three are imperiled and one is vulnerable to extirpation or extinction. In addition, one non-vascular plant species is listed as being imperiled.
Provincially and regionally significant; opportunity to interpret floodplain flora and Karst topography.
Regionally and locally significant; centrally located in a secluded setting near a 100 series travel route.
Camping, frontcountry hiking, walking, picnicking, limited opportunities for swimming and fishing, cross-country skiing and snowshoeing in winter, number of local community events.
3000 camper nights
Day-Use: 300 – 400 Users (Up to 800 during events)
2010: $65,984
2010: $204,618
Portion of park occupies flood plain.
The exotic invasive tree, Norway Maple, requires removal