Offshore wind energy areas: engagement

The federal and provincial governments are working together to identify suitable areas for offshore wind farms. Share your feedback on the proposed wind energy areas. All Nova Scotians are welcome to participate.

About the engagement

Nova Scotia has some of the strongest offshore wind resources in the world. Safely developing this natural resource can create jobs, attract investment, provide long-term energy security and help reduce carbon emissions.

That’s why the Government of Nova Scotia set a target to issue licences for up to 5 gigawatts of offshore wind energy by 2030, with the first call for bids in 2025.

The federal and provincial governments jointly manage the Canada-Nova Scotia offshore area. In 2023, they appointed an independent regional assessment committee that identified 8 areas with strong potential for offshore wind.

5 areas are proposed to go forward as wind energy areas:

  • French Bank
  • Middle Bank
  • Sable Island Bank
  • Sydney Bight
  • Western/Emerald Bank

Nova Scotians are invited to share feedback about the proposed wind energy areas to help the federal and provincial governments make final decisions about designating wind energy areas.

Private companies that want to build offshore wind farms can participate in a competitive licencing process managed by the Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Energy Regulator. That process includes identifying parcels for development within some of the wind energy areas.

Get informed

Offshore wind is a source of clean, renewable energy. It can help us use less fossil fuel in Nova Scotia. It is one of many solutions needed to help us meet our climate change goals and grow our green economy. Both the federal and provincial governments are involved in regulating offshore wind.

Learn more about offshore wind energy areas:

How to participate

You can participate by sending feedback to . You can also send feedback to the Department of Energy by mail. Provide your feedback by 14 April 2025.

Next steps

Feedback will be reviewed by the federal and provincial governments and help inform the designation of wind energy areas.

More information about the engagement

You can send questions about the offshore wind energy areas engagement to .