Policing review: engagement

The Government of Nova Scotia is reviewing policing services and how they’re working. Share your feedback to help improve policing services in your community. Anyone can participate.

About the engagement

The Government of Nova Scotia is working with Deloitte to review policing services. The review will evaluate the current policing model and look at how to provide more effective and efficient police services throughout the province.

As part of the review process, government is connecting with stakeholders and inviting Nova Scotians to provide feedback about how policing services are currently working in their communities.

Nova Scotians are invited to share their ideas and feedback to help shape recommendations about improving policing services.

Get informed

Learn more about policing services: Directory of Police Agencies in Nova Scotia

How to participate

You can participate by taking a survey or sending feedback to the Department of Justice.

Take the survey

Provide your feedback through the online survey by 31 July 2024.

Start now

You can also send feedback to .

Next steps

A summary of feedback will be published after the engagement period. Feedback will be reviewed by government and help inform recommendations to improve policing services.

More information about the engagement

You can send questions about the policing review engagement to .


Department of Justice
Policing Review Engagement
PO Box 7
Halifax, NS B3J 2L6
Phone: 902-424-0094