These are the values that public servants throughout Nova Scotia consider essential to achieving its vision and mission. Experience shows that it can take years to truly change workplace cultures or environments. However long it might take, attitudes that are reflective of these shared values and a commitment to action are essential pre-conditions that will guide decision-making and actions, as well as the way employees interact with one another and with the community being served.
As public servants, it is important that our day-to-day interactions with fellow employees and the public are guided by the public service values of respect, integrity, diversity, accountability, and the public good. These values serve as the foundation for a renewed commitment to public service.
Our workplace culture is one where our co-workers respect each other and members of the public. This promotes a healthy and supportive work environment, and contributes to a positive and mutually respectful relationship with the community.
Our workplace culture is one where personal and professional integrity is valued and guides us to behave in an impartial, non-partisan, and ethical manner and to ensure that we use the resources entrusted to us in the best possible way. Integrity can help build public confidence in the value and quality of public service and public servants.
We value a workplace where diversity, in all its forms, is encouraged and recognized for its contribution to a more creative, rewarding, and productive public service to our broader community.
Valuing diversity challenges us not only to be a public service that reflects the community we serve, but also to create a more respectful and productive public service and to be a model for other employers in Nova Scotia.
Our workplace culture is one where accountability is reflected in our actions and interactions, the objective and wise use of resources, the responsibilities of our success and failures, and how we conduct ourselves. We are accountable to the public, to our co-workers, and to our many partners in service delivery.
We value the very special relationship we have with the citizens of Nova Scotia and are committed to developing and delivering services that are in the public’s interest, are for the public good, and to be a professional public service that is deserving of the public’s trust.
The links below (only available while you are logged on to the government network) illustrate the Public Service Values: