Department of Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal
Litter Clean-Up (Adopt-A-Highway) Permit
Who Needs This Permit? |
| Volunteers who are completing roadside litter cleanups along Nova Scotia's provincial roadways (This excludes 100-series highways.)
Issuing Department / Agency: |
N.S. Department of
Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal
Where can you get this Permit and/or further
information? |
Nova Scotia Adopt-A-Highway Program
TIR Area Manager
Any TIR District or Area Office
The Department of Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal is responsible for approving litter permits along provincial roadsides
Adoption Applications & Clean-up Permits |
All forms can be found on the Nova Scotia Adopt-A-Highway Office website at Additionally, you may contact the Nova Scotia Adopt-A-Highway Program at:
D-28 Esplanade Street
Truro, NS B2N 2K3
T: 902-843-3553
Before you apply for a Clean-up Permit, please read the conditions and suggestions.
Each time cleanups are performed (usually twice per year in the spring and fall), a new Litter Clean-up Permit must be approved by the Department of Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal. Safety vests, garbage bags and flagging materials are provided to the volunteer groups when the permit is approved.
Highway signs are installed along the adopted section of roadway to give recognition to the volunteer group, after two seasonal cleanups.
Waiting Period: |
3 to 4 weeks
Provided that all the items that must accompany the application have been received
Expiry & Renewal: |
This application is valid for 3 years from the date it is issued. Near
the end of the 3 year period, a renewal letter will be sent to your group
to renew the application for an additional 3 years.
Price: |
Related Requirements: |
Additional Information: |
This program started in Nova Scotia in 1992 by the Women's Institutes of Nova Scotia, the Lions Clubs, and Clean Nova Scotia. The Departments of Environment, Department of Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal and Divert NS continue to be strong supporters of this program.
Legislative Authority: |
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Department of Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal