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Registry of Motor Vehicles - The Point System

The Motor Vehicle Act requires that points be assigned to a driver's record as the result of convictions for certain offences under the Act. The points remain on the driver's record for two years following the date of the conviction for which they were assigned. After two years they are removed.

An exception to this, would be when the driver's licence or the privilege of obtaining a driver's licence has been suspended for six (6) months. Upon restoration of the privilege to drive, the points that suspended the driver are erased from the record, but the convictions remain on the record for five (5) years.

Points will be assigned to your record even if you did not have a licence at the time of the offence.

Point System Table: The following table shows the number of points assigned for convictions under various sections of the Motor Vehicle Act.

Conviction Section(s) Violated # of Points
Careless and imprudent driving 100
Speeding or dangerous driving 101
Failing to stop at an accident or to perform any duty 97
Speeding in school bus 103(6)
Racing 163
B.A.C exceeds .00 100A(1) - (Graduated) (Newly License Driver)
Failure to comply with demand 100A(4) - (Graduated) (Newly License Driver)
Passing school bus or failure to obey a crossing guard 103(3), 125A
Improper passing 114,115(1)(a)
Speeding in excess of prima facie speed limit (the speed limit you would expect to be in effect) 102
Speeding in excess of posted limit 103(1)
Using cell phone/comm device (text) while operating vehicle 100(d)1
Speeding in excess of posted limit by between 1 and 15 kilometers per hour, inclusive 106A(a)
Speeding in excess of posted limit by between 16 and 30 kilometers per hour, inclusive 106A(b)
Speeding in excess of posted limit by 31 kilometers per hour and over 106A(c)
Failure to yield to pedestrian 125(1), (2)
Failure to obey a traffic control person 107B
Failing to obey traffic signs or signals or yield right of way 83(2),93(2),
Driving to left of centre line 110, 115(1)(b), 115(1)(c), 115(2)
Operating motor vehicle without adequate brakes 181
Offences involving the use of a motor vehicle under the following sections: 70, 70A, 70B, 75(5), 107, 111, 112, 117, 118, 119, 120, 123, 164, 165, 169(2), 175(2), 175(3), 175(4), 178, 185

This table shows how the assignment of points would affect you:

  Interview*6-month suspension
Learner's licence  4 points
Newly Licensed Driver** 46
All Others 610

* NOTE: An interview with a Driver Enhancement Officer will include a complete driver's re-examination.
** NOTE: You are a newly licensed driver if you have:

1) held a class 7 or 8 driver's licence prior to October 1, 1994 for four (4) years commencing with the date the person qualifies for another class of driver's licence.

2) received a class 7 or 8 driver's licence on or after October 1, 1994, you enter the Graduated Driver Licence system. When an applicant upgrades to a class five (5) licence, this newly licensed status will be for a minimum period of two (2) years. Should the driver's licence be suspended for an accumulation of points, no insurance, failure to pay a judgement, discretionary suspension under the Motor Vehicle Act or any suspension/revocation under alcohol offences, once the driver's licence is restored, the person must complete two more years in the Newly licensed category under the Graduated Driver's Licence Stage..

Following a period of suspension resulting from accumulation of points, the driver will be issued a probationary licence for a period of one year. If, during the term of the probationary licence, three of more points are assigned against the driver's record, the licence will be suspended for another period of six months

The Registrar may deduct up to four points from the record of a driver who has successfully completed a self-improvement defensive driving course within the preceding year. The points deducted are those that were first entered and are still existing on the driver's record. (Note: This does not apply to persons under the Graduated Licensing System.)

Conditional Driver's licence

If a driver's licence (other than learner's licence) has been suspended for the first time in the last five (5) years, because of point accumulation, the driver may apply to be considered for a conditional driver's licence. If such a licence is issued, any points recorded during the conditional licence period will be cause for further suspension.

An application for a Conditional Drivers licence must be accompanied by a fee of $33.10, plus a restoration fee of $99.60, for a total of $132.70.

Driver's Licence Information Index

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