Change of Address
You are required by law to advise the Registry of Motor Vehicles of any changes in address within 30 days of your move. You can now change your address using our convenient online service, or you can notify us by mail (see address below) or by fax at 902-428-2180. Please include your Driver's Licence Master Number, along with your old and new addresses, as well as your signature and the date.
Registry of Motor Vehicles
P.O. Box 1652
Nova Scotia
B3J 2Z3
If you wish to have a Driver's Licence, with your new address on the front, one will be issued for a fee of $25.10. If your Driver's Licence is due for renewal within the next six months, you can visit any RMV office and renew it. (The standard renewal fee applies.). If you have vehicles or licence plates registered jointly with another party, a separate application must be completed for the joint master number.
Change of Name
Please complete the Application for Driver Licensing and Identification Services (Form 1), indicating the reason for the name change, and bring it to any Registry of Motor Vehicles office. A new signature is required. The fee is $25.10. You will require supporting documentation, such as your Marriage Certificate or Change of Name Certificate from Vital Statistics, showing your new name. For further information, please visit any Registry of Motor Vehicles office or call 902-424-5851 or 1-800-898-7668 (toll-free).
Note: It is not acceptable for an individual to have an out of province residential or mailing address.
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