There are four student categories. Most applicants fit into the Single Dependant Student category. Others may be Single Independant Students, Same-sex Relationship/ Common-law/Married Students, or Single Parent Students.
We process your loan application based on your student category as of the first day of the month in which your classes begin.
For example: Your classes begin on September 15 this year, and you will be getting married on August 28. You must apply for a loan as a Married Student because your status as of September 1 will be married.
A Single Dependant Student is considered financially dependent on a parent, step-parent, guardian, sponsor or other supporting relative. Even if your parents or guardians refuse to help you pay for school, you will be assessed as a Single Dependant Student. You are a Single Dependant Student UNLESS you fit into one of the other three categories listed below.
You are a Single Independent student if you are single AND meet ONE or more of the following conditions:
For Nova Scotia Student Loan purposes, you are living in a same-sex or heterosexual common-law relationship if:
Your spouse is expected to contribute financially. The amount of your loan will reflect this contribution, whether or not your spouse actually contributes. If your marriage, common-law relationship or same sex relationship ends, your category becomes either Single Independent Student or Single Parent Student. This change in your status is made on the 91st day after you separate. Once you prove your status has changed, the change will become back-dated to when your relationship ended.
This category is only for single students who are custodial parents (who have primary custody of one or more children). This includes parents who have:
Even though you may financially support your child, and your child visits you, you do NOT fit into the category of Single Parent Student UNLESS you are the custodial parent.