Traffic Safety Act: public engagement

Nova Scotia’s outdated Motor Vehicle Act is being replaced with a modern Traffic Safety Act that will help make the province’s roads and highways safer. We’re looking for feedback from Nova Scotians to help develop the regulations that accompany the Traffic Safety Act. The draft regulations for offences, penalties and mandatory suspensions are currently available for public feedback.

You can provide your feedback on Weights and Dimensions regulations until 31 March 2022.

The new Traffic Safety Act affects all Nova Scotians in some way, including drivers, pedestrians, cyclists, police, municipalities and car dealerships.

The act was developed as a framework piece of legislation. That means most of the details will be in the regulations, not the act itself.

Consultation process

Government worked with stakeholders to develop draft regulations. These draft regulations are now available for public input in phases:

  • drivers (consultation completed)
  • vehicles (consultation completed)
  • rules of the road (consultation completed)
  • business and licensing (consultation completed)
  • roles and responsibilities (consultation completed)
  • administration (consultation completed)
  • offences, penalties and mandatory suspensions (consultation completed)
  • weights and dimensions (in progress)

The Traffic Safety Act and regulations will take effect after the public review phases are finished and once upgrades to the Registry of Motor Vehicles computer system are completed.

How to participate

Nova Scotians can now provide feedback on proposed regulations on weight and dimensions of all vehicles including trucks, buses, and trailers. The proposed regulations focus on the allowable width, length, height, and weight of a vehicle, as well as the weight limits for axles and vehicle configurations.

Review the draft regulations and send your comments by email to . The deadline to submit your feedback is Thursday, 31 March 2022.

Weights and Dimensions regulations (PDF)