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Registry of Motor Vehicles - Driver Abstracts

What is an abstract and what does it contain?

An abstract is a copy of a persons driving record. It will show any Motor Vehicle Act (MVA) convictions, accidents, as well as departmental postings and processes. A driver abstract may also be referred to as a client record abstract.

A driver abstract contains information from numerous sources concerning an individual’s driving history. Summary Offence Tickets (SOTs) issued under the Nova Scotia Motor Vehicle Act (MVA), as well as convictions under the Criminal Code of Canada, are submitted through the Department of Justice in Nova Scotia. Offences incurred by those holding Nova Scotia driver’s licences travelling in other provinces are also transmitted and recorded. Any accident resulting in death or involving damages in excess of $2000.00 and / or personal injury are also posted to the driving record.

It is important to understand that Service Delivery issues several different types of driver abstracts. The data presented on these documents varies, but there are two consistencies:

(1) Driver Abstracts contain a five year history of collision and MVA conviction events, Criminal Code Convictions, as well as departmental postings and processes.

(2) Driver Abstracts contain a ten year history of alcohol related convictions and revocations. This represents a change to our recording process since December 1999.

The information which appears on the abstracts issued to external stakeholders are listed below:

(1) Insurance

- convictions
- suspensions & revocations
- traffic accidents
- judgements
- departmental entries

(2) Client

- convictions
- suspensions & revocations
- traffic accidents
- appeals
- judgements
- departmental entries
- defensive driving entries
- prohibition orders
- notice of payment information
- outstanding certificates
- paid certificates
- insurance abstracts
- client abstracts
- employer abstracts
- government abstracts
- other provinces RMV abstracts
- field staff abstracts
- national safety code

(3) Police

- convictions
- suspensions & revocations
- traffic accidents
- appeals
- judgements
- departmental entries
- prohibition orders
- notice of payment information
- outstanding certificates
- paid certificates
- pardons
- police abstracts
- other province RMV abstracts

(4) Other Province RMV

- convictions
- suspensions & revocations
- traffic accidents
- judgements
- departmental entries
- defensive driving entries
- prohibition orders
- notice of payment information
- outstanding certificates
- pardons
- other province RMV abstracts

(5) Employer

- convictions
- traffic accidents
- judgements
- suspensions & revocations

(6) Government (Inter/Intra)

- convictions
- traffic accidents
- judgements
- prohibition orders
- national safety code
- pardons

How to obtain a driver abstract?

There are two options on how to request a driver’s abstract:

1. You may apply in person at one of our RMV Customer Services Centres
Payment options at the counter: Cash, debit card, VISA, American Express or MasterCard credit card, or cheque (or money order) made out to the Registry of Motor Vehicles.

2. Mail your request to:
Service Nova Scotia
PO Box 1652
Halifax, NS B3J 2Z3
Payment options by mail: Cheque or money order made out to the Registry of Motor Vehicles.
Note: A driver’s abstract is NOT available on-line.

A Form 1 (Application for Driver Licensing and identification Services) or Employer Release Authorization Form must be properly completed to request a driver abstract. If you do not have an application form, you may provide a signed and dated letter stating your name, master number and reason for abstract (if the abstract is for you).

The fee for an abstract is $18.65.

If you are looking for a Certified Letter regarding specific information on your driver abstract (i.e. length of time that you have held a driver’s licence), you may contact our office at 1 800 898-7668 (toll free) or 902-424-5851 to obtain more information. The fee for a Certified Letter is $13.20.

Driver's Licence Information Index

Driver Abstract (Out of Province)

The Registry of Motor Vehicles provides Driver Abstract service for people living or traveling outside Nova Scotia. To use this service, you must have a credit card, access to a printer and a fax machine.

Out of Province Abstract Application Form (PDF)

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Please use the online inquiry form if you have any questions, comments or suggestions.