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Hebb, Milipsigate and Minamkeak Lake Watershed Protected Water Area Designation
made under Section 106 of the
Environment Act
S.N.S. 1994-95, c. 1
N.S. Reg. 112/2006 (July 13, 2006)
Province of Nova Scotia
In The Matter of: the Environment Act, S.N.S. 1994-95, c. l, S.106
In The Matter of: the designation of an area surrounding Hebb Lake, Lunenburg County, as a Protected Water Area, to be known as the “Hebb, Milipsigate, and Minamkeak Lake Watershed Protected Water Area”
Designation of the Hebb, Milipsigate and Minamkeak Lake Watershed Protected
Water Area and the Making of Regulations with Respect Thereto
Whereas by order dated June 17, 1964, and published in the Royal Gazette (Part I) on June 17, 1964, the Nova Scotia Water Authority defined and prescribed an area surrounding Hebb Lake and Milipsigate Lake as the public water supply for the Town of Bridgewater;
And whereas by order dated April 22, 1981, and published in the Royal Gazette (Part 1) on May 13, 1981, the Minister of the Environment designated an area surrounding Minamkeak Lake, Lunenburg County, as a Protected Water Area;
And whereas subsections 106(4) and (5) of the Environment Act provide:
(4) When requested by an operator of a water works or proposed water works, the Minister may cancel a designation made pursuant to this Section, in whole or in part.
(5) Any protected water area designated pursuant to the Water Act, prior to the coming into force of this Act remains so designated;
And whereas the Public Service Commission of Bridgewater, operator of the water utility, has requested that the Minister of Environment and Labour cancel the June 17, 1964, and April 22, 1981, designations;
And whereas Section 106 of Chapter 1 of the Acts of 1994-95, the Environment Act, provides for the designation by the Minister of Environment and Labour of a protected water area and the making of regulations under subsection (6) to prohibit, regulate or require the doing of any act or acts in a protected water area that may impair or prevent the impairment, as the case may be, of the quality of water in the Protected Water Area;
And whereas the Public Service Commission of Bridgewater, operator of the water utility, has requested that the Minister of Environment and Labour designate the Hebb, Milipsigate, and Minamkeak Lake watershed as a Protected Water Area in order to protect the quality of the surface water and the groundwater supply;
And whereas the Public Service Commission of Bridgewater has provided opportunities for public consultation, including public meetings and the establishment of the Petite Riviere Watershed Advisory Group, an advisory committee comprising a number of different representatives including the general public and landowners;
Therefore pursuant to Section 106 of Chapter 1 of the Acts of 1994-95, the Environment Act, the undersigned, Mark Parent, Minister of the Environment and Labour hereby
(a) cancels the June 17, 1964, and the April 22, 1981, designations;
(b) designates an area surrounding Hebb Lake, Milipsigate Lake, and Minamkeak Lake more fully described in Schedule “A” as a protected water area, to be known as the “Hebb, Milipsigate, and Minamkeak Lake Watershed Protected Water Area” and;
(c) makes regulations respecting activities in the Hebb, Milipsigate, and Minamkeak Lake Watershed Protected Water Area, in the form set forth in Schedule “B”. [Filed as N.S. Reg. 113/2006.]
Sgd.: Mark Parent
Honourable Mark Parent
Minister of Environment and Labour
Halifax, Nova Scotia
July 13, 2006
Schedule “A”
Hebb, Milipsigate and Minamkeak Lake Watershed Protected Water Area
Boundary Description
All that certain lot of land situate in the vicinity of Hebbville, Hebbs Cross and Lapland, County of Lunenburg, Province of Nova Scotia, comprising the watershed area of Hebb Lake and Minamkeak Lake, the watershed area for the Public Service Commission of the Town of Bridgewater, said area being partially shown on Plan Number E-10-17A recorded in the Provincial Crown Lands Record Centre, Department of Natural Resources, Halifax and being more particularly described as follows:
Beginning at point “1” as shown on said Plan Number E-10-17A, said point being on the southerly boundary of a power line right of way, 603.504 m distant from the westerly boundary of Highway No. 3 leading from Bridgewater to Liverpool, said point being further marked by a survey marker, an iron bar with an identification cap, being located North 23 degrees 50 minutes 12 seconds East 6821.688 metres from Nova Scotia Co-ordinate Monument No. 213786;
Thence North 89 degrees 27 minutes 53 seconds East following the Southern boundary of a power line right-of-way as shown on a plan prepared by the Nova Scotia Power Commission dated December 4, 1931, and having Plan No. A-107-6-1-84, 311.810 m more or less to a point located Westerly 301.752 metres more or less from the centre of Public Highway No. 3;
Thence North 30 degrees 39 minutes 01 second East 2274.270 metres to the intersection of the Eastern boundary of Weagle Road, a Public Highway having Authority Number 1010 (formerly known as the Walter Hebb Road, Authority No. 625), with the Northeast margin of the Hydro Power Outlet, Hebb Lake, Lunenburg County, said point being marked by a survey marker;
Thence in a Northerly direction along the Eastern boundary of the former Walter Hebb Road, now the Eastern boundary of the Weagle Road and the Eastern boundary of Century Drive, a Public Highway having Authority No. 625, 663.8 metres more or less to its intersection with the Northern margin of the Spillway Outlet on original stream out of Hebb Lake;
Thence Westerly crossing Century Drive to the Western boundary thereof;
Thence Northerly following the Western boundary of Century Drive and the Southwestern boundary of Dean Road, a Public Highway having Authority No. 980, 2376 metres more or less to its intersection with the Western boundary of the power line easement as shown on plan A10T-233-1-14 by the Nova Scotia Power Commission dated March 21, 1968, said point being marked by a survey marker and being further located South 53 degrees 34 minutes 22 seconds East 2523.837 metres from Nova Scotia Co-ordinate Monument No. 16229;
Thence following the power line in a Northerly direction 897 metres more of less to an angle thereof, said point being marked by a survey marker, a tie line from the last mentioned survey marker to this survey marker being North 09 degrees 04 minutes 45 seconds West 897.388 metres;
Thence North 74 degrees 33 minutes 55 seconds West 2132.381 metres to the Northern boundary of Public Highway No. 325, said point being further located South 74 degrees 51 minutes 53 seconds West 172.350 metres from Nova Scotia Co-ordinate Monument No. 16229;
Thence following the Northwest boundary of the Highway 325 and the Western boundary of the Lapland Road, a Public Highway having Authority No. 598, to the Eastern boundary of the road to Waterloo, the Aldebert Wile Road, a Public Highway having Authority No. 602;
Thence Southerly crossing the Lapland Road to its Southern boundary, said point being marked by a survey marker and being further located South 45 degrees 28 minutes 56 seconds West 8520.117 metres from Nova Scotia Co-ordinate Monument No. 16228;
Thence Westerly following a curve to the right having a radius of 246.629 metres an arc distance of 60.350 metres along the Southern boundary of the Lapland Road, to a point, a tie line between the last two points being South 57 degrees 15 minutes 56 seconds West and 60.200 metres;
Thence South 01 degrees 32 minutes 27 seconds West 35.983 metres to the South boundary of the power line easement as shown on Plan by the Nova Scotia Power Commission dated April 30, 1932, having their Plan Number A 107-6-1-71;
Thence in a Westerly direction following the Southerly boundary of the aforementioned Power line easement to the Eastern boundary of another power line easement as shown on plan A12-T2-L1-35 by the Nova Scotia Power Commission dated June 11, 1964, said point being shown as Point “2” on the aforementioned Plan Number E-10-17A, said point being marked by a survey marker;
Thence South 01 degree 32 minutes 27 seconds West 2827.926 metres to the Northern boundary of the Camperdown Road, a Public Highway having Authority No. 631;
Thence in a generally southeasterly direction following the various courses of the said northerly boundary of the Camperdown Road, until it meets the high water line of Minamkeak Lake;
Thence continuing in a generally southeasterly direction along the high water line of Minamkeak Lake to point “4” as shown on said Plan Number E-10-17A, said point “4” being located North 71 degrees 15 minutes 08 seconds West 3734.349 metres from Nova Scotia Co-ordinate Monument No. 21376;
Thence South 84 degrees 17 minutes 21 seconds East 33.997 metres to point “5” as shown on said Plan Number E-10-17A;
Thence North 86 degrees 47 minutes 10 seconds East 224.906 metres to point “6” as shown on said Plan Number E-10-17A;
Thence North 69 degrees 25 minutes 27 seconds East 111.447 metres to point “7” as shown on said Plan Number E-10-17A;
Thence North 69 degrees 25 minutes 27 seconds East 108.073 metres to point “8” as shown on said Plan Number E-10-17A;
Thence South 57 degrees 25 minutes 45 seconds East 680.570 metres to point “9” as shown on said Plan Number E-10-17A;
Thence South 40 degrees 58 minutes 57 seconds East 174.413 metres to point “10” as shown on said Plan Number E-10-17A;
Thence South 45 degrees 53 minutes 51 seconds West 33.595 metres to point “11” as shown on said Plan Number E-10-17A;
Thence South 48 degrees 57 minutes 59 seconds East 177.028 metres to point “12” as shown on said Plan Number E-10-17A;
Thence South 41 degrees 02 minutes 01 second West 5.230 metres to point “13” as shown on said Plan Number E-10-17A;
Thence South 48 degrees 22 minutes 27 seconds East 218.066 metres to point “14” as shown on said Plan Number E-10-17A;
Thence North 85 degrees 43 minutes 12 seconds East 32.589 metres to point “15” as shown on said Plan Number E-10-17A;
Thence South 70 degrees 59 minutes 50 seconds East 124.297 metres to point “16” as shown on said Plan Number E-10-17A;
Thence South 68 degrees 44 minutes 57 seconds East 286.664 metres to point “17” as shown on said Plan Number E-10-17A;
Thence North 29 degrees 10 minutes 51 seconds East 149.065 metres to point “18” as shown on said Plan Number E-10-17A;
Thence South 30 degrees 14 minutes 09 seconds East 163.550 metres to point “19” as shown on said Plan Number E-10-17A;
Thence North 74 degrees 57 minutes 51 seconds East 185.075 metres to point “20” as shown on said Plan Number E-10-17A;
Thence South 68 degrees 52 minutes 03 seconds East 25.951 metres to point “21” as shown on said Plan Number E-10-17A;
Thence North 55 degrees 43 minutes 33 seconds East 46.470 metres to point “22” as shown on said Plan Number E-10-17A;
Thence North 45 degrees 43 minutes 27 seconds East 167.573 metres to point “23” as shown on said Plan Number E-10-17A;
Thence North 23 degrees 12 minutes 33 seconds West 69.202 metres to point “24” as shown on said Plan Number E-10-17A;
Thence North 65 degrees 01 minutes 33 seconds East 212.433 metres to point “25” as shown on said Plan Number E-10-17A;
Thence South 60 degrees 48 minutes 27 seconds East 90.526 metres to point “26” as shown on said Plan Number E-10-17A;
Thence South 28 degrees 43 minutes 33 seconds West 49.286 metres to point “27” as shown on said Plan Number E-10-17A;
Thence South 30 degrees 57 minutes 51 seconds East 54.919 metres to point “28” as shown on said Plan Number E-10-17A;
Thence South 40 degrees 26 minutes 51 seconds East 151.480 metres to point “29” as shown on said Plan Number E-10-17A;
Thence South 70 degrees 26 minutes 21 seconds West 9.053 metres to point “30” as shown on said Plan Number E-10-17A;
Thence South 44 degrees 25 minutes 45 seconds East 205.191 metres to point “31” as shown on said Plan Number E-10-17A;
Thence North 80 degrees 28 minutes 55 seconds East 135.386 metres to point “32” as shown on said Plan Number E-10-17A;
Thence North 80 degrees 44 minutes 15 seconds East 159.124 metres to point “33” as shown on said Plan Number E-10-17A;
Thence North 80 degrees 44 minutes 15 seconds East 43.452 metres to point “34” as shown on said Plan Number E-10-17A;
Thence North 45 degrees 49 minutes 15 seconds East 392.592 metres to point “35” as shown on said Plan Number E-10-17A, said point “35” being further located North 07 degrees 52 minutes 33 seconds West 617.272 metres from Nova Scotia Co-ordinate Monument No. 21376;
Thence North 26 degrees 46 minutes 46 seconds East 6304.465 metres to the place of beginning.
The above described bearings are Nova Scotia Grid Bearings.
The above described area of land contains an area of 5574.6 Hectares more or less and includes land and land covered by water.
The above description was compiled from field surveys conducted between November 7, 2005 and March 21, 2006 by Turner Surveys and from previous descriptions. The above described watershed boundary can also be seen on the attached Drawing S15A by the Town of Bridgewater dated March 22, 2006, Showing Public Service Commission of Bridgewater Protected Water Area Boundaries.
Last updated: 10-12-2017