This consolidation is unofficial and is for reference only. For the official version of the regulations, consult the original documents on file with the Registry of Regulations, or refer to the Royal Gazette Part II. Regulations are amended frequently. Please check the list of Regulations by Act to see if there are any recent amendments to these regulations filed with the Registry that are not yet included in this consolidation. Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this electronic version, the Registry of Regulations assumes no responsibility for any discrepancies that may have resulted from reformatting. This electronic version is copyright © 2009, Province of Nova Scotia, all rights reserved. It is for your personal use and may not be copied for the purposes of resale in this or any other form.
Shubenacadie Wildlife Park Designation
made under Sections 16 and 113 of the
Wildlife Act
R.S.N.S. 1989, c. 504
O.I.C. 2008-54 (February 19, 2008), N.S. Reg. 79/2008
The Governor in Council on the report and recommendation of the Minister of Natural Resources dated January 30, 2008, and pursuant to Sections 16 and 113 of Chapter 504 of the Revised Statutes of Nova Scotia, 1989, the Wildlife Act, is pleased, effective on and after February 19, 2008, to
(a) repeal the Shubenacadie Game Sanctuary designation and regulations, N.S. Reg. 129/77, made by the Governor in Council by Order in Council 77-1268 dated October 11, 1977;
(b) designate an area of land, more particularly described in Schedule “A” and shown outlined in red on Schedule “B”, both schedules attached to and forming part of the report and recommendation, as the Shubenacadie Wildlife Park; and
(c) make regulations respecting the Shubenacadie Wildlife Park in the form set forth in Schedule “C” attached to and forming part of the report and recommendation.
Schedule “A”
Parcel “A”
All and singular that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being at Shubenacadie in the County of Colchester, Province of Nova Scotia, said parcel being Parcel A as shown on a plan of survey (Field Plot No. P-021/07) and filed in the Department of Natural Resources Office, Halifax, N.S., said parcel of land being more particularly described as follows:
Beginning at a survey marker (CL 3114);
Thence (by grid bearings referenced to the Nova Scotia 3° Modified Transverse Mercator Projection, Zone 5, Central Meridian 64° 30' West Longitude) S 77° 02' 58" E a distance of 346.280 metres to a survey marker (CL 3115);
Thence S 78° 56' 09" E along the southern boundary of Parcel C a distance of 69.293 metres to a survey marker (CL 3116);
Thence S 78° 56' 09" E along the aforesaid southern boundary of Parcel C a distance of 2.4 metres more or less to Lynch Lake;
Thence along the northern boundary of Lynch Lake a distance of 139 metres more or less to a survey marker (CL 1553) being N 88° 53' 24" E a distance of 112.906 metres from the last mentioned survey marker;
Thence N 37° 01' 09" E along the eastern boundary of Parcel C a distance of 100.352 metres to a survey marker (CL 1552);
Thence S 55° 30' 18" E along the southern boundary of Parcel C a distance of 390.400 metres to a survey marker (CL 1551);
Thence S 54° 32' 37" E a distance of 598.088 metres to a survey marker (CL 4710);
Thence S 53° 53' 13" E a distance of 702.402 metres to a survey marker (CL 4704);
Thence S 60° 18' 01" E a distance of 176.851 metres to a survey marker (CL 4705);
Thence S 04° 56' 35" W a distance of 424.641 metres to a survey marker (CL 4706);
Thence S 73° 40' 24" E a distance of 133.045 metres to a survey marker (CL 4707);
Thence southerly along the western boundary of the Lynch Road to a survey marker (CL 4708) being S 02° 48' 04" W a distance of 359.112 metres from the last mentioned survey marker;
Thence N 68° 10' 28" W along the northern boundary of Parcel F a distance of 435.919 metres to a survey marker (CL 4709);
Thence N 68° 10' 28" W along the aforesaid northern boundary of Parcel F a distance of 30.169 metres to a survey marker (CL 3332);
Thence N 68° 10' 28" W along the aforesaid northern boundary of Parcel F a distance of 3.281 metres to a point;
Thence S 08° 04' 55" W along the western boundary of Parcel F a distance of 11.168 metres to a point;
Thence S 07° 50' 01" W along the aforesaid western boundary of Parcel F a distance of 11.500 metres to a point;
Thence S 60° 08' 39" E along the aforesaid western boundary of Parcel F a distance of 20.841 metres to a point;
Thence S 14° 14' 35" E along the aforesaid western boundary of Parcel F a distance of 26.369 metres to a point;
Thence S 46° 50' 36" E along the aforesaid western boundary of Parcel F a distance of 8.002 metres to a survey marker (CL 3333);
Thence S 24° 35' 29" W along the aforesaid western boundary of Parcel F a distance of 45.872 metres to a point, said point being N 24° 35' 29" E a distance of 1.600 metres from a survey marker (CL 3334);
Thence N 52° 06' 05" W along the aforesaid western boundary of Parcel F a distance of 40.762 metres to a point;
Thence S 77° 14' 35" W along the aforesaid western boundary of Parcel F a distance of 9.884 metres to a point;
Thence S 30° 40' 59" W along the aforesaid western boundary of Parcel F a distance of 18.886 metres to a point;
Thence S 23° 45' 04" W along the aforesaid western boundary of Parcel F a distance of 22.340 metres to a point;
Thence S 56° 56' 57" W along the aforesaid western boundary of Parcel F a distance of 21.131 metres to a point;
Thence S 40° 34' 22" W along the aforesaid western boundary of Parcel F a distance of 24.909 metres to a point;
Thence N 44° 40' 03" W along the aforesaid western boundary of Parcel F a distance of 16.163 metres to a point;
Thence S 79° 39' 52" W along the aforesaid western boundary of Parcel F a distance of 19.151 metres to a point;
Thence S 41° 58' 10" W along the aforesaid western boundary of Parcel F a distance of 38.134 metres to a point;
Thence S 61° 13' 33" W along the aforesaid western boundary of Parcel F a distance of 24.839 metres to a point;
Thence S 83° 45' 05" W along the aforesaid western boundary of Parcel F a distance of 7.396 metres to a point;
Thence N 82° 41' 38" W along the aforesaid western boundary of Parcel F a distance of 10.742 metres to a point;
Thence N 74° 58' 58" W along the aforesaid western boundary of Parcel F a distance of 13.127 metres to a point;
Thence N 86° 04' 04" W along the aforesaid western boundary of Parcel F a distance of 16.087 metres to a point;
Thence N 74° 58' 06" W along the aforesaid western boundary of Parcel F a distance of 19.664 metres to a point;
Thence S 47° 20' 02" E along the aforesaid western boundary of Parcel F a distance of 40.882 metres to a point;
Thence S 77° 12' 55" E along the aforesaid western boundary of Parcel F a distance of 21.726 metres to a point;
Thence N 75° 14' 08" E along the aforesaid western boundary of Parcel F a distance of 20.697 metres to a point;
Thence N 65° 01' 44" E along the aforesaid western boundary of Parcel F a distance of 4.216 metres to a point;
Thence S 68° 53' 37" E along the aforesaid western boundary of Parcel F a distance of 6.060 metres to a point;
Thence N 72° 30' 06" E along the aforesaid western boundary of Parcel F a distance of 40.549 metres to a point;
Thence S 78° 56' 24" E along the aforesaid western boundary of Parcel F a distance of 31.684 metres to a point;
Thence S 25° 51' 39" E along the aforesaid western boundary of Parcel F a distance of 21.933 metres to a point;
Thence S 12° 56' 12" W along the aforesaid western boundary of Parcel F a distance of 24.260 metres to a point;
Thence S 80° 02' 14" E along the aforesaid western boundary of Parcel F a distance of 24.534 metres to a point;
Thence N 87° 14' 08" E along the aforesaid western boundary of Parcel F a distance of 18.067 metres to a point;
Thence N 67° 29' 22" E along the aforesaid western boundary of Parcel F a distance of 19.018 metres to a point;
Thence S 75° 20' 50" E along the aforesaid western boundary of Parcel F a distance of 35.322 metres to a point;
Thence S 11° 44' 48" E along the aforesaid western boundary of Parcel F a distance of 9.864 metres to a point;
Thence S 32° 50' 58" E along the aforesaid western boundary of Parcel F a distance of 22.713 metres to a point;
Thence S 28° 26' 33" W along the aforesaid western boundary of Parcel F a distance of 13.471 metres to a point;
Thence N 33° 47' 23" W along the aforesaid western boundary of Parcel F a distance of 37.448 metres to a point;
Thence N 76° 35' 20" W along the aforesaid western boundary of Parcel F a distance of 9.425 metres to a point;
Thence S 50° 56' 38" W along the aforesaid western boundary of Parcel F a distance of 16.065 metres to a point;
Thence S 14° 47' 25" W along the aforesaid western boundary of Parcel F a distance of 44.995 metres to a point;
Thence S 35° 34' 40" W along the aforesaid western boundary of Parcel F a distance of 32.502 metres to a point;
Thence S 41° 24' 34" E along the aforesaid western boundary of Parcel F a distance of 30.521 metres to a point;
Thence S 06° 44' 09" E along the aforesaid western boundary of Parcel F a distance of 43.016 metres to a point;
Thence S 17° 09' 37" W along the aforesaid western boundary of Parcel F a distance of 43.384 metres to a point;
Thence S 17° 18' 24" E along the aforesaid western boundary of Parcel F a distance of 11.640 metres to a point;
Thence S 43° 28' 11" E along the aforesaid western boundary of Parcel F a distance of 38.818 metres to a point;
Thence S 28° 25' 46" E along the aforesaid western boundary of Parcel F a distance of 32.074 metres to a point;
Thence S 49° 47' 40" W along the aforesaid western boundary of Parcel F a distance of 16.840 metres to a point;
Thence S 22° 01' 26" E along the aforesaid western boundary of Parcel F a distance of 15.250 metres to a point;
Thence S 19° 49' 17" W along the aforesaid western boundary of Parcel F a distance of 10.521 metres to a point;
Thence S 88° 27' 48" W along the aforesaid western boundary of Parcel F a distance of 29.820 metres to a point;
Thence N 16° 44' 09" W along the aforesaid western boundary of Parcel F a distance of 26.080 metres to a point;
Thence S 57° 02' 28" W along the aforesaid western boundary of Parcel F a distance of 14.683 metres to a point;
Thence S 44° 20' 21" W along the aforesaid western boundary of Parcel F a distance of 73.476 metres to a point;
Thence S 48° 30' 27" W along the aforesaid western boundary of Parcel F a distance of 45.343 metres to a point;
Thence S 65° 47' 17" W along the aforesaid western boundary of Parcel F a distance of 30.768 metres to a point;
Thence S 30° 02' 54" W along the aforesaid western boundary of Parcel F a distance of 11.520 metres to a point;
Thence S 40° 18' 52" W along the aforesaid western boundary of Parcel F a distance of 14.160 metres to a point;
Thence N 67° 32' 12" W along the aforesaid western boundary of Parcel F a distance of 33.497 metres to a point;
Thence N 54° 43' 42" W along the aforesaid western boundary of Parcel F a distance of 21.646 metres to a point;
Thence N 30° 25' 59" W along the aforesaid western boundary of Parcel F a distance of 26.165 metres to a point;
Thence N 67° 16' 25" W along the aforesaid western boundary of Parcel F a distance of 8.108 metres to a point;
Thence S 42° 01' 50" W along the aforesaid western boundary of Parcel F a distance of 7.877 metres to a point;
Thence S 17° 16' 06" E along the aforesaid western boundary of Parcel F a distance of 2.160 metres to a survey marker (CL 4727);
Thence S 17° 16' 06" E along the aforesaid western boundary of Parcel F a distance of 27.995 metres to a survey marker (CL 4726);
Thence N 59° 10' 16" W along the northern boundary of Parcel F a distance of 282.223 metres to a iron pipe;
Thence N 59° 09' 16" W along the aforesaid northern boundary of Parcel F a distance of 66.513 metres to a survey marker (CL 4725);
Thence N 59° 08' 54" W along the aforesaid northern boundary of Parcel F a distance of 731.078 metres to a iron pipe;
Thence N 59° 04' 02" W along the aforesaid northern boundary of Parcel F a distance of 38.130 metres to a survey marker (CL 4724);
Thence S 37° 33' 45" W along the western boundary of Parcel F a distance of 25.756 metres to a survey marker (CL 4723);
Thence N 34° 41' 04" W along the aforesaid northern boundary of Parcel F a distance of 45.720 metres to a survey marker (CL 4722);
Thence S 77° 57' 54" W along the aforesaid northern boundary of Parcel F a distance of 260.759 metres to a survey marker (CL 4721);
Thence S 77° 57' 54" W along the aforesaid northern boundary of Parcel F a distance of 5.182 metres to a survey marker (CL 4721A);
Thence N 26° 49' 57" W along the eastern boundary of Highway No. 224 a distance of 356.214 metres to a survey marker (CL 4720A);
Thence N 58° 56' 34" E along the southern boundary of Parcel F a distance of 45.351 metres to a survey marker (CL 4719);
Thence N 27° 11' 48" W along the eastern boundary of Parcel F a distance of 24.381 metres to a survey marker (CL 4718);
Thence S 58° 56' 34" W along the northern boundary of Parcel F a distance of 45.193 metres to a survey marker (CL 4717A);
Thence N 26° 49' 57" W along the aforesaid eastern boundary of Highway No. 224 a distance of 75.057 metres to a survey marker (CL 2469);
Thence N 63° 10' 01" E along the southern boundary of Highway No. 224 a distance of 5.182 metres to a survey marker (CL 2468);
Thence along a curve to the right with a radius of 1140.946 metres along the aforesaid eastern boundary of Highway No. 224 an arc distance of 85.240 metres to a survey marker (CL 2467) being N 24° 15' 38" W a distance of 85.228 metres from the last mentioned survey marker;
Thence N 22° 33' 00" W along the aforesaid eastern boundary of Highway No. 224 a distance of 79.196 metres to a survey marker (CL 2466);
Thence along a curve to the left with a radius of 215.862 metres along the aforesaid eastern boundary of Highway No. 224 an arc distance of 52.785 metres to a survey marker (CL 2465) being N 27° 46' 23" W a distance of 52.654 metres from the last mentioned survey marker;
Thence S 83° 58' 00" W along the northern boundary of Highway No. 224 a distance of 5.983 metres to a survey marker (CL 2464);
Thence along a curve to the left with a radius of 210.681 metres along the aforesaid eastern boundary of Highway No. 224 an arc distance of 61.829 metres to a survey marker (CL 2463) being N 46° 00' 45" W a distance of 61.606 metres from the last mentioned survey marker;
Thence N 40° 30' 29" E along the eastern boundary of Parcel F a distance of 62.472 metres to a survey marker (CL 2462);
Thence N 49° 27' 39" W along the northern boundary of Parcel F a distance of 32.044 metres to a survey marker (CL 2461);
Thence N 49° 27' 39" W along the northern boundary of Parcel F a distance of 32.038 metres to a survey marker (CL 2460);
Thence S 40° 34' 14" W along the western boundary of Parcel F a distance of 62.652 metres to a survey marker (CL 2459);
Thence S 35° 43' 25" W along the western boundary of Highway No. 224 a distance of 5.172 metres to a survey marker (CL 2458);
Thence N 53° 53' 01" W along the aforesaid northern boundary of Highway No. 224 a distance of 6.782 metres to a survey marker (CL 2457);
Thence N 36° 07' 23" E along the aforesaid eastern boundary of Highway No. 224 a distance of 5.182 metres to a survey marker (CL 2456);
Thence along a curve to the left with a radius of 388.175 metres along the aforesaid northern boundary of Highway No. 224 an arc distance of 88.599 metres to a survey marker (CL 2455) being N 61° 02' 15" W a distance of 88.410 metres from the last mentioned survey marker;
Thence N 24° 06' 08" E along the eastern boundary of Parcel F a distance of 33.784 metres to a survey marker (CL 2454);
Thence N 61° 58' 34" W along the northern boundary of Parcel F a distance of 22.842 metres to a survey marker (CL 2453);
Thence N 24° 20' 15" E along the eastern boundary of Parcel F a distance of 45.123 metres to a survey marker (CL 2452);
Thence N 64° 26' 52" W along the northern boundary of Parcel F a distance of 47.274 metres to a survey marker (CL 2451);
Thence N 21° 48' 58" E along the eastern boundary of Parcel F a distance of 67.358 metres to a survey marker (CL 2450);
Thence N 78° 53' 10" W along the northern boundary of Parcel F a distance of 80.242 metres to a survey marker (CL 2449);
Thence S 79° 06' 30" W along the aforesaid northern boundary of Parcel F a distance of 38.002 metres to a survey marker (CL 2448);
Thence S 26° 53' 33" W along the western boundary of Parcel F a distance of 10.662 metres to a survey marker (CL 2447);
Thence S 20° 10' 54" W along the aforesaid western boundary of Parcel F a distance of 48.588 metres to a survey marker (CL 2446);
Thence S 48° 14' 03" W along the western boundary of Parcel F a distance of 10.400 metres to a survey marker (CL 2445);
Thence N 82° 33' 37" W along the northern boundary of Parcel F a distance of 9.635 metres to a survey marker (CL 2444);
Thence N 84° 25' 53" W along the aforesaid northern boundary of Parcel F a distance of 9.434 metres to a survey marker (CL 2443);
Thence N 01° 57' 16" W along the eastern boundary of Parcel F a distance of 153.400 metres to a survey marker (CL 3341);
Thence N 88° 06' 12" E along the southern boundary of Parcel E a distance of 23.848 metres to a survey marker (CL 3342);
Thence S 01° 53' 48" E along the western boundary of Parcel E a distance of 34.940 metres to a survey marker (CL 3343);
Thence along a curve to the left with a radius of 31.288 metres along the aforesaid southern boundary of Parcel E an arc distance of 42.856 metres to a survey marker (CL 3344) being S 41° 08' 10" E a distance of 39.583 metres from the last mentioned survey marker;
Thence S 80° 22' 32" E along the aforesaid southern boundary of Parcel E a distance of 138.151 metres to a survey marker (CL 3345);
Thence S 86° 51' 40" E along the aforesaid southern boundary of Parcel E a distance of 38.401 metres to a survey marker (CL 3346);
Thence N 74° 31' 51" E along the aforesaid southern boundary of Parcel E a distance of 28.735 metres to a survey marker (CL 3347);
Thence N 06° 33' 59" W along the eastern boundary of Parcel E a distance of 133.436 metres to a survey marker (CL 3348);
Thence N 55° 48' 20" E along aforesaid southern boundary of Parcel E a distance of 116.637 metres to a survey marker (CL 3349);
Thence N 88° 05' 14" E along the aforesaid southern boundary of Parcel E a distance of 72.197 metres to a survey marker (CL 3350);
Thence N 44° 50' 56" E along the aforesaid southern boundary of Parcel E a distance of 124.626 metres to a survey marker (CL 3351);
Thence N 06° 34' 41" E along the aforesaid eastern boundary of Parcel E a distance of 80.035 metres to a survey marker (CL 3352);
Thence N 75° 23' 29" W along the northern boundary of Parcel E a distance of 49.539 metres to a survey marker (CL 2426);
Thence N 02° 25' 12" E along the eastern boundary of Parcel D a distance of 185.185 metres to a survey marker (CL 3104);
Thence N 75° 54' 29" W a distance of 102.751 metres to a survey marker (CL 3105);
Thence N 07° 43' 22" E a distance of 16.087 metres to a survey marker (CL 3106);
Thence N 06° 02' 05" E a distance of 9.144 metres to a survey marker (CL 3107);
Thence N 84° 48' 47" W a distance of 1.829 metres to a survey marker (CL 3108);
Thence N 08° 58' 27" E a distance of 35.662 metres to a survey marker (CL 3109);
Thence N 08° 47' 41" E a distance of 38.896 metres to a survey marker (CL 3110);
Thence N 08° 00' 47" E a distance of 64.544 metres to a survey marker (CL 3111);
Thence N 08° 34' 47" E a distance of 29.038 metres to a survey marker (CL 3112);
Thence N 08° 53' 58" E a distance of 19.791 metres to a survey marker (CL 3113);
Thence N 07° 42' 57" E a distance of 86.304 metres to the PLACE OF BEGINNING.
The above described parcel of land contains 331.46 Hectares more or less.
Schedule “B”
[Note: Schedule “B” was not filed with the Registry of Regulations. The map contained in Schedule “B” is available for viewing at the Department of Natural Resources.]
Last updated: 10-12-2017