Argyle Aquaculture Development Area

Aquaculture Development Area (ADA) in Argyle is a new and innovative approach to sustainable marine aquaculture in Nova Scotia.

This project is a collaborative initiative led by the Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture and the Municipality of the District of Argyle. The Aquaculture Development Area (ADA) in Argyle is a new and innovative approach to sustainable marine aquaculture in Nova Scotia. This pilot project has identified ADA sites for marine and shellfish aquaculture in the municipality.

An ADA differs from the traditional aquaculture licensing processes because it proactively identifies potential sites. This is done in collaboration with various government agencies and community input. Once an ADA is approved, sea farmers can then apply for a lease at an already identified area that has been approved for farming. This new approach helps to streamline the licence and lease application process for sea farmers, saving time and resources while providing additional opportunities for communities to be part of the licensing process.

Through extensive collaborations and research, 53 sites have been designated as an ADA for shellfish (for example American oysters) and marine plant (for example sugar kelp) aquaculture, within Lobster Bay and Pubnico Harbour, Yarmouth County. The Argyle ADA will be developed in phases, starting with a call for proposals for six identified sites - see Currently Designated ADA's section. Other calls for additional sites will follow.

Map of the Argyle Aquaculture Development Area

The map shows all designated sites for marine plant and shellfish aquaculture within the ADA.

Argyle Aquaculture Development Area Map (PDF)

Consultation and Stakeholder Engagement

The ADA pilot project involved over four years of comprehensive engagement with local communities. This work aligned with the municipality's commitment to environmentally and socially responsible development. This collaborative approach has been a key part of the pilot project.

Acquiring a Licence and Lease within an ADA

The Nova Scotia Fisheries and Coastal Resources Act (PDF) allows the Minister, with approval from Governor in Council, to designate specific marine areas for aquaculture development (as an ADA). Once designated, details about these areas are made public. The process for applying for an aquaculture licence and lease within an ADA is governed by the Nova Scotia Aquaculture Licence and Lease Regulations.

Applications will only be accepted from a proponent selected by the Aquaculture Administrator following a public competitive "call for proposals" issued by the Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture. Proposals will only be considered during the time period identified in a call for proposals. Unsolicited proposals or applications for a site within an ADA will not be considered.

The ADA call for proposal process provides a fair opportunity for proponents to submit a proposal for the exclusive right to apply for an aquaculture licence and lease within an ADA. Proposals that meet the required criteria are assessed by a panel comprised of Department staff, industry representatives and representatives from the Municipality of the District of Argyle, with recommendations provided to the Department's Aquaculture Administrator.

The Administrator may select a proposal (as submitted or with variation) or not select any proposals. On selecting a proposal, the Administrator notifies the successful proponent that they have the exclusive right to submit an application for a new aquaculture licence and lease for that ADA site for a period of 90 days.

Successful proponents then collect any additional information required, prior to submitting a completed application form, fees, development plan and additional documentation to the Department. The application is processed using the Administrative process, which you can learn more about on our website here.

Currently Designated ADA's

On April 15, 2024, the Argyle Aquaculture Development Area was designated representing 53 sites for shellfish and marine plant aquaculture, within Lobster Bay and Pubnico Harbour, Yarmouth County. Each site has been assigned a unique ADA number. Decisions shall be made publicly available as they are issued (accessed under the applicable column in the Designated ADA Sites section of the Public Information webpage).

Designated ADA Sites

Applications submitted following the call for proposals can be found under the Aquaculture Applications in Progress section of the Public Information webpage. Should a licence and lease be issued to a site within an ADA, the licence and lease number will be provided in the Designated ADA Sites section of the Public Information webpage.