News Release Archive
Virginia Bergmann of Baddeck has found a way of squeezing five
tour guides into your car for the journey around the Cabot Trail,
without the need for shared seating or alternative arrangements for
the dog!
The entertaining and informative service is designed to
maximize enjoyment of one of the world's most spectacular driving
trails and highlight the different attractions in each section. It
can even be turned off when you'd rather stop listening and just
look - all you need is a cassette deck in the car.
Ms. Bergmann's tape, 'The Cabot Trail, a Guided Tour', is the
first project of her company, Moran DÂ n, (Gaelic for 'multi-art'
and pronounced "More Ann DÂ ne") and looks set to be a popular
tourist purchase.
Moran DÂ n was formed in May 1994, using a community business
loan from the Economic Renewal Agency as a start into the
burgeoning multi-media community in Cape Breton. However, its blend
of high-technology and legendary Cape Breton talent in the arts and
music fields did not come easy; Moran DÂ n is a phoenix rising from
the ashes of a fire lit by fate.
Ms. Bergmann first considered going into business for herself
when her husband injured his back and was no longer able to provide
support for the family through his work in forestry. She designed
and produced a line of greeting cards and implemented a nationwide
direct marketing scheme, mailing samples to 10,000 homes.
Unfortunately the scheme coincided with the beginning of the
recession in 1990 and met with poor response.
By 1993, Ms. Bergman was ready to take on the business world
again, but this time on her own terms. Her husband suggested a song
she had written about her circumstances of coming to Cape Breton
would make a great music video. Daughter of a Cape Bretoner who had
left the island in search of work, she recalled her return was an
emotional experience.
"When I arrived in Cape Breton (actually while crossing the
causeway) I got this overwhelming feeling and whispered. . ."It
feels like home!" she said. Her song, "It Feels Like Home!", ended
up sparking a new business venture.
"I was determined if I was going to try a business project
again, I was going to be a little more cautious," said Ms.
Bergmann. A friend recommended the YMCA Enterprise Centre for
business counselling. The staff at the centre helped her to put her
ideas in practical terms, made sure she did her research and
assisted with the presentation of a business plan. Six months
later, she had secured funding from ACOA and from the Economic
Renewal Agency.
She said the Economic Renewal Agency's community business loan
program played an invaluable part in the project. "Without their
support, both moral and monetary, it could not have been
accomplished. Shaun Shea is always positive, encouraging and a
great source of number knowledge. I would recommend the program
without hesitation," she said.
The first step loan from the Economic Renewal Agency helped to
purchase the computer equipment for a multi-media production
studio. This included: computer; video hardware for full
screen/real-time video capture and non-linear editing; sound and
MIDI hardware; high-end colour printer and scanner; software for
graphics, video editing and special effects, sound editing and a
digitizing tablet.
In keeping with its high-tech nature, Moran Dan will soon have
a home page on the Internet's World Wide Web, connecting the Cabot
Trail to the information highway. Computer technology has even
resurrected the greeting card line, allowing Ms. Bergmann to place
it in an "e-catalogue" on the Internet. She is also working with a
local marketing company to compile a similar catalogue for local
At least two full time jobs will eventually be created through
Moran DÂ n, as well as contract work for other artisans in the area.
Besides a short music video called 'It Feels Like Home', which will
be filmed, recorded, edited and distributed by Moran DÂ n
Productions, future plans include releasing a full CD featuring the
two songs from the video plus six more of Ms. Bergmann's original
songs. This is all slated to coincide with the 1995 tourist season.
Moran DÂ n will make multi-media titles for others in a variety
of formats, including video, CD-ROM and CD-i(interactive). Ms.
Bergmann has also written a number of children's stories which she
plans to develop as interactive children's CD's and or music
"I have access to a tremendous amount of talent in the music
and art fields here in Cape Breton, so there won't be a shortage of
content to work with," she said.
"The community business loan did more than help to purchase
vital equipment for Moran DÂ n in this instance, it created
employment for Ms. Bergmann and promises to create further
employment in the Baddeck area. Economic Renewal Minister Ross
Bragg said it will also help to promote Cape Breton's creative
heritage, and further develop a reputation for quality high-
technology capabilities in the region."
Ms. Bergmann agrees. "I foresee Moran DÂ n as part of the cutting
edge technology just emerging in Cape Breton. We have an early
start at what is soon to be the entertainment standard as more and
more digital devices find their way into consumers' family rooms."
Contact: Joe Cottreau, (902) 424-3970