News Release Archive

  A report recommending the types of supports required to
  complete the closure of the province's two Children's
  Training Centres in Dartmouth and Sydney will be
  implemented, Community Services Minister Jim Smith said
  The report recommends how closure can proceed and the needs
  of residents met during the transition to community-based
  The 10-member committee, five of whom are parents of
  children and youth who use the services of the two centres,
  was established to review the recommendations made by Dr.
  Peter Camfield, head of the neurology department at the
  Izaak Walton Killam Hospital in a November, 1994 report on
  the operations of the two institutions.
  Reaffirming the department's commitment to
  de-institutionalization, Dr. Smith said that "residents of
  the Children's Training Centres will continue to receive the
  same high quality care until the closure of both facilities
  is successfully concluded and appropriate alternative
  supports are in place for them in their communities."
  Noting that community placement plans have already been
  successfully developed for more than 30 former residents of
  the Nova Scotia Youth Training Centre and the Dartmouth and
  Sydney children's facilities, the committee recommends that
  the project team responsible for those plans continue its
  The project team, which has worked in partnership with
  parents and community-based service providers, will remain
  in place until similar plans are developed for each of the
  remaining residents of the three facilities, Dr. Smith said.
  In addition, the following existing community-based programs
  will be reviewed as recommended and revised to better meet
  the needs of children and their families:
  * The in-home support program provides families with 
  necessary resources to enable their children to remain at
  home. A clear definition of available supports and
  eligibility criteria will be developed in order to ensure
  that similar needs are addressed in a fair and equitable
  * The provincial respite care program is a vital component
  of quality services to challenged individuals. Both
  scheduled and emergency relief is essential for families who
  are caring for children with high levels of need. Again,
  equity and fairness will be the yardsticks by which this
  revamped program will be measured.
  * The development of two community-based residences to
  accommodate the needs of the children now in the nursing
  unit of the Sydney Children's Training Centre will be
  undertaken by the project team. These facilities will be
  staffed by persons with the necessary training to ensure the
  safety and well-being of these medically complex young
  * In order to co-ordinate high quality planning and program
  implementation among the department, parents/guardians, and
  appropriate service providers, a case management program
  will be developed.
  The case management program "will guarantee that each
  challenged individual has an advocate to ensure that
  appropriate services and resources are in place and kept up
  to date in accordance with his or her evolving needs and
  circumstances," the minister said.
  The committee's recommendations support the
  de-institutionalization process, assure parents and
  guardians of challenged individuals of ongoing support, and
  provide an acceptable quality of life for their children, he
  Completion of the closure process will depend on the
  appropriate community placement of all residents.
  Contact: Rusty McClelland  902-424-3265
  trp                         Nov. 03, 1995