News Release Archive

  November may be the time of year that heralds the start of a
  long, cold winter...but for wine lovers it is the time to
  celebrate the arrival of the first bottling from the
  northern hemisphere's 1995 grape harvest.
  France's Beaujolais Nouveau from Mommessin and Roland
  Bouchacourt, Italy's Vino Novello and Nova Scotia's Jost's
  Noveau Rouge will arrive in Liquor Commission outlets
  Thursday, Nov. 16----the traditional third Thursday of the
  These wines bring with them the excitement and liquor store
  traffic that has been associated with the wine since the
  style was introduced by the French in 1947.
  Harvested less than nine weeks previous, the new wines are
  light and fresh with a fruit essence that is reminiscent of
  juicy strawberry or cherry. These characteristics are
  accentuated when the wine is served slightly chilled.
  Peter Rockwell of the Nova Scotia Liquor Commission says the
  wines are meant to be consumed when they are young, often
  reaching maturity by the Christmas holidays," making them
  perfect stocking stuffers."
  What makes the wines so lively and aromatic is the
  utilization of the carbonic maceration method of
  "To minimize the acid and tannin, and increase youthful
  fruit, the juice must avoid prolonged exposure to the outer
  grape skin. Great care is taken not to damage the fruit so
  that fermentation can be encouraged to occur within the
  skin," Mr. Rockwell said.
  During the carbonic maceration process, the grapes are not
  pressed. Whole bunches, including stocks, are placed in
  stainless steel vats. The weight of the upper bunches
  crushes those towards the bottom while natural or added
  yeasts start the formation of the exposed juice.
  Carbon dioxide, a by-product of fermentation, begins to rise
  to the top of the vat. The expanding CO2 exerts downward
  pressure, forcing yeast through the skins of the unbroken
  grapes and initiating fermentation from within. Ultimately,
  the pressure causes the remaining grapes to burst.
  While normal unpressurized maceration takes between 10 to 12
  days, carbonic maceration lasts about 48 hours, with the
  extracted juice creating a wine with a full berry hue and a
  velvety, fruit flavour.
  "Some try to pass off the Noveau experience as promotional
  hype, but nothing is further from the truth," said Mr.
  "Through not a true barometer of the vintage as a whole,
  individual regional micro-climates make that
  impossible....these wines have an identifiable personality
  that transcends their lightweight reputation."
  "Furthermore," he said, "they provide a yearly infusion of
  wine awareness which often acts as a catalyst for many wine
  drinkers to discover the attributes of red wine...also they
  provide a reason to talk about wine and a chance to
  celebrate as winter starts to sink in."
  Contact: Peter Rockwell   902-425-5667
  trp                        Nov. 14, 1995