News Release Archive

  Municipal Affairs Minister Sandy Jolly today announced the
  selection of UMA Group in association with Doane Raymond, as
  the consultant to conduct a municipal government study in
  Cumberland County.
  Maurice Lloyd, Atlantic region vice-president of UMA Group
  will be Project Manager for the study, with John Mullowney,
  a partner with Doane Raymond, as assistant project manager.
  The five municipal units in Cumberland County include
  Municipality of the County of Cumberland; and, the towns of
  Amherst, Oxford, Parrsboro and Springhill. The villages of
  River Hebert and Pugwash will also be included in the study.
  Representatives of the municipal units had been discussing
  ways of sharing services on a regional basis over the past
  several months. At a Aug. 30 meeting in Amherst, all five
  municipal units agreed to ask the province to fund a study
  to examine regional service delivery and structural change
  for Cumberland County.
  The minister said that the consultants will obtain the views
  and opinions of the citizens in Cumberland County through a
  number of public meetings. They will also consult
  extensively with the elected and appointed officials of the
  municipal units. Ms. Jolly said the study will examine the
  current financial situation and service delivery methods of
  the existing municipalities; and will determine whether a
  regional municipality structure is appropriate, by examining
  the financial and non-financial advantages and disadvantages
  of adopting a regional structure taking into account the
  principles of accessibility, accountability, and
  cost - effectiveness.
  The UMA Group/Doane Raymond proposal was selected as a
  result of a public tender. Proposals from KPMG Management
  Consulting, Boyne Clarke in association with Coopers &
  Lybrand, and Porter Dillon in association with ATI
  Consulting and Syntel Consultancy were also considered.
  The proposals were assessed for value for money by comparing
  study methodology combined with proposal cost. The
  expenditure for professional fees under the contract will be
  $47,450, plus legitimate expenses. The contract will
  commence this month with a project timetable of 10 weeks.
  Contact: Danny McDougall 902-424-5378
  trp                      Nov. 17, 1995