News Release Archive

  The Nova Scotia Gaming Corporation has drafted criteria and
  an evaluation process to determine how proceeds from the
  Sydney casino will be allocated to charitable organizations.
  The corporation is seeking public input on the proposed
  criteria and process.
  Finance Minister Bernie Boudreau, who is also responsible
  for the Gaming Corporation, tabled a report in the
  legislature today that details the corporation's proposals.
  The report is available at the Nova Scotia Government
  Bookstore (toll-free, 1-800-526-6575) and will be available
  at regional libraries across the province later this week.
  The Gaming Corporation is accepting submissions and
  suggestions about the criteria and process until Jan. 31,
  after which it will finalize its report and recommendations
  to cabinet.
  Half of the proceeds from the ITT Sheraton Casino in Sydney
  will be distributed to charitable organizations in the
  province. The other half will be divided among Mi'kmaq
  The draft criteria limit eligibility to registered charities
  operated by a volunteer board and located in Nova Scotia.
  Any proceeds charities obtain from the casino would be
  directed to specific projects in Nova Scotia.
  Opened in August, the Sydney casino is developing its
  market, said Gaming Corporation chairman Ralph Fiske. "It's
  too early to say when profits will flow from the Sydney
  operation. But, it's prudent to put the criteria and process
  in place now, so charitable organizations know the rules
  before any revenue-sharing begins."
  In its proposal to build the Nova Scotia casinos, ITT
  Sheraton estimated that profits from the Sydney operation
  could eventually reach $4 million a year.
  The Sydney casino was built at a cost to ITT Sheraton of
  $25.7 million. There is no public investment in the
  construction or operation of the Sydney or Halifax casinos.
  The province is guaranteed $100 million in revenue from the
  casinos over their first four years in operation. The first
  $25 million installment on that guarantee was paid by ITT
  Sheraton earlier this year.
  Contact: Ralph Fiske  902-424-2203
  trp                      Nov. 20, 1995