News Release Archive

A large tract of timbered wilderness known as the "Tobeatic
finger" is being added to the Tobeatic candidate protected area
in western Nova Scotia. The 7,000 hectare "finger" is located on
the northeastern border of the 99,000 hectare site, the largest
wilderness area in the Maritime Provinces.

Addition of the finger is part of a boundary revision that will
result in a net increase of 5,500 hectares in the size of the
Tobeatic candidate area. It will expand the candidate site to
nearly 105,000 hectares.

"Cabinet decided to revise the Tobeatic boundaries in response to
public calls to add the finger to the candidate protected site
and, at the same time, satisfy existing commitments to supply
sawlogs to area sawmills," said Natural Resources Minister
Eleanor Norrie. "Some 1,400 hectares on the western margin of the
Tobeatic will be excluded from protected status in order to
satisfy outstanding timber commitments."

The Department of Natural Resources has contractual obligations
to make Crown land timber available to the Lewis Sawmill Limited
in Weymouth and to the E.M. Comeau and Sons Ltd. sawmill in

Under the revised boundaries, all but 350 hectares of the 7,300
hectare area known locally as "the finger" will gain protected
status under the proposed Parks and Protected Areas Systems plan.

Mrs. Norrie credited a local citizens group, the Tobeatic
Wilderness Committee, with being instrumental and effective  in
having the finger added to the candidate protected site.

"Two of the main reasons the committee lobbied so strongly for
inclusion of the finger are because it includes the headwaters
for the Kejimkujik National Park watershed and it also provides a
two kilometre buffer adjacent to the park," said Mrs. Norrie.

A public review panel recommended in its 1995 report that the
Department of Natural Resources, "should consider including the
area known as the finger in the Tobeatic Protected Area."

"An implementation strategy for the Parks and Protected Areas
Systems Plan will soon be introduced, so it is appropriate that
any changes in the boundaries or status of candidate protected
sites be made now, before the strategy is put into place." said
Mrs. Norrie. "The implementation strategy reaffirms our
government's commitment to both the concept and the reality of
protected areas."

The implementation strategy will be made public within the next
few weeks.


Contact: Blain Henshaw  902-424-5252

trp                       Feb. 12, 1997 - 4:58 p.m.