News Release Archive

"Protected Areas Strategy" that commits the government of Nova
Scotia to protect 291,000 hectares of public land on 30 sites has
been introduced by Natural Resources Minister Eleanor Norrie.

"The strategy takes the province from concept to commitment for a
protected areas system," said Mrs. Norrie. "This will be done
through new provincial legislation for protected  areas, which
will be introduced this year during the fall session of the House
of Assembly."

The strategy commits the government to the establishment of a
comprehensive system of protected areas;  enactment of protected
areas legislation; formal designation under that legislation of
30 candidate sites; and public consultation and management
planning for the individual sites.

An action plan and interim management guidelines for protected
areas were also introduced by Mrs. Norrie.

"The action plan provides direction for implementation of the
strategy over the next three years," said the minister. "The
guidelines will ensure protection of all 30 sites until the
legislation and individual management plans are in place."

As more than 70 per cent of the land in Nova Scotia is privately
owned, the strategy also emphasizes private land stewardship and
encourages private landowners to protect significant natural
features of their properties through existing provincial

The 291,000 hectares (727,000 acres) identified for protection
represents nearly 20 per cent of the provincial Crown land in
Nova Scotia. Combined with all existing protected areas such as
provincial and national parks, this means that 8.2 per cent of
the whole province and nearly 28 per cent of all public land
(provincial and federal Crown lands) will have protected status.

"At 8.2 per cent, Nova Scotia ranks third in Canada for its
percentage of land under protection," said Mrs. Norrie. "We are
first in eastern Canada, well ahead of Ontario, Quebec and the
other Atlantic provinces."

The Protected Areas Strategy introduced today reaffirms the
government's commitment to both the concept and the reality of
protected spaces.

Mrs. Norrie said protected areas will benefit Nova Scotia and its
people for generations to come.

"They will enhance our quality of life, provide outstanding
opportunities for outdoor recreation, and make Nova Scotia more
attractive as a tourism destination," she said. "I am proud of
our government's commitment to parks, protected areas and special
places and look forward to introducing the new protected areas
legislation in the fall."


Contact: Blain Henshaw  902-424-5252

trp                       Feb. 28, 1997 - 1:15 p.m.