News Release Archive

Nova Scotia is the first province to have all its public
libraries plugged into the information highway, Education
Minister Robbie Harrison noted today as he marked Information
Rights Week, April 21-27.

"From Clark's Harbour to Ingonish, we are providing public access
to the Internet and the wealth of information it contains," he

Established in 1994 by the Canadian Library Association,
Information Rights Week is intended to raise public awareness and
provide information on issues such as the Internet, protection of
privacy and access to government information.

"The emergence of the Internet and other high-speed
telecommunications networks is changing the way we think and the
way we learn," said Mr. Harrison. "More than ever, we need to
ensure all Nova Scotians have universal access to information."

Connecting public libraries to the Internet is one way the
Department of Education and Culture is providing access to
information. All 75 libraries in the province offer public access
to the Internet through the department's wide-area network,

Libraries aren't the only ones taking advantage of the EDnet
connection; 152 schools use EDnet and more schools are preparing
to hook up. The goal is to have all schools in Nova Scotia
connected to the Internet by the year 2000.

Last year, Nova Scotia invested $3 million in computer systems,
printers and software for 46 junior high schools across the
province. As well, more than 2,100 used computers were donated to
schools, libraries and communities by various groups in the
public and private sectors.

"We have many accomplishments to be proud of, but we still have
much to do," said Mr. Harrison. "The new Information Age demands
that we stay on the cutting edge of technology if we want to
provide equal access for everyone."


Contact: Doug Hadley
         Education and Culture

trp                   Apr. 24, 1997 - 11:20 a.m.