News Release Archive

PREMIER'S OFFICE--Premier Announces Tendering Process
Premier Russell MacLellan announced today the province has agreed
to facilitate the tendering process on behalf of the Joint Action
Group (JAG) for the dismantling and removal of several structures
at the coke ovens site.

Once final cost estimates are identified through these tenders,
and reviewed by JAG, they will be presented to government 
through the formal funding process for JAG.

The premier said he is encouraged by news of progress in reaching
a formal memorandum of understanding between the community, as
represented by the JAG on Environmental Clean-Up, and the three
levels of government. 

"I was here at the table in August of 1996 when this process
began," said Premier MacLellan. "I am encouraged by JAG's
accomplishments to date and commend the tremendous contributions
of the volunteers who have given so much to make this process

"I understand JAG is progressing in its deliberations over the
memorandum of understanding and will soon have a proposal for us
to consider based on the draft memorandum of understanding that
governments tabled with JAG in August." 
The memorandum of understanding is a critical component of the
community-driven process. It outlines the mandate of JAG, its
governance model and the functions of its various working groups
and subcommittees.

It details the commitments of the municipal, provincial and
federal governments, and how these parties will work toward an
acceptable solution to a complex array of problems, including the
Sydney tar ponds and the former coke ovens site.

JAG is made up of volunteer representatives from the community
and officials of government established to find clean-up
solutions for an area defined as the Muggah Creek Watershed,
which includes the Sydney tar ponds and the coke ovens
--solutions that are socially acceptable, environmentally sound
and economically responsible.

Membership information and/or registration is available from any
member of JAG or through the JAG office, fourth floor, Civic
Centre, 320 Esplanade, Sydney, N.S., by calling 902-563-5584 or
faxing 902-563-5585, or by attending one of the meetings of the
various working groups or general meetings of the JAG round-table
as advertised publicly.

Contact: Murray MacGray
         Industrial Properties

ngr                   Nov. 13, 1997               4:25 p.m.