News Release Archive

JUSTICE/COMMUNITY SERVICES--Funding for Victim-Support Services
Funding for support services for victims of family violence will
be provided for the next 15 months, Justice Minister Alan
Mitchell and Community Services Minister Francene Cosman
announced today.

The extension of funding for victim-support services is part of
the government's continued commitment to the Framework for Action
Against Family Violence.

"This program has made a difference to victims of violence," said
Ms. Cosman. "We want to build on the progress we have made."

"This initiative is about breaking down barriers in the justice
system, so that victims can break free from the cycle of
violence," said Mr. Mitchell.

More than 1,700 clients have received assistance through the
eight projects currently in place. A total of $410,000 has been
set aside over the next 15 months to continue support services
for victims.

Gardner Pinfold Consulting Economists Ltd. has conducted an
independent evaluation of the eight projects funded by the
province. The audit assessed the relevance, success and
cost-effectiveness of the projects.

It concluded the information and support services provided help
to facilitate a co-ordinated response from the justice system to
victims of family violence and should continue. While the audit
notes the success of the projects, there are several
recommendations geared to improving service delivery.   

The evaluators suggest the "ideal program model" should provide
early intervention and advocacy in an integrated fashion. The
projects should operate in partnership with police to facilitate
referrals, and they should be delivered either by a transition
house or police.
The departments of Justice and Community Services will work with
the project sponsors to implement the recommendations of the
evaluation. Followup evaluations will be conducted to ensure the
programs' continued relevance and effectiveness.

The Framework for Action Against Family Violence was first
announced in September 1995. As part of the framework, integrated
policies and procedures for responding to family violence have
been developed and implemented.

These revised procedures reflect a pro-arrest, pro-charge,
pro-prosecution policy. More than 3,000 front-line justice
workers have been trained, and a tracking system has been put in
place to monitor progress.


Contact: Michele McKinnon
         Department of Justice

         Tom Peck
         Department of Community Services

NOTE TO EDITORS: For a copy of the audit conducted by Gardner
Pinfold Consulting Economists Ltd., please contact either Michele
McKinnon or Tom Peck at the above numbers. 

ngr                Dec. 16, 1997                3:00 p.m.