News Release Archive

Researching the market is important before starting any business.
Terri Brewer had a head start on her craft supply business from
her accounting desk at a Baddeck department store.

Ms. Brewer, who has been in retail for about 15 years, decided to
go out on her own after the store she was co-managing went out of
business. She had kept a close eye on the crafts section at the
department store and saw that craft supply sales were increasing
every year.

"I knew it was an area that was growing," she said. "I also knew
from talking to people and friends after the store closed that
the craft supplies were really missed."

She quickly realized that starting her own business meant
investing a lot of time and money. Time was on her side, but
finances were not. So Ms. Brewer turned to the Community Business
Loan Program's First Step Loan, an initiative of Nova Scotia
Economic Development and Tourism. A $10,000 loan helped Ms.
Brewer increase inventory and carry out some minor renovations to
a building on Baddeck's main street.

"Entrepreneurship is a vital part of the Nova Scotia economy,"
said Manning MacDonald, Minister of Economic Development and
Tourism. "This government is pleased to support entrepreneurs
with good ideas, helping them turn their ideas into reality."

Ms. Brewer's shop, Crafts and Gifts Galore, was officially opened
Dec. 1. She expects a steady flow of customers, especially during
the peak craft production times of early spring and early fall.

"From the comments I have heard in the short time I've been open,
it looks like this will be a pretty steady business," she said.
"A lot of people have been waiting for this stock."

Ms. Brewer also expects to soon hire staff. "You really need at
least two people in a store like this."

Craft supplies from yarn to tole-painting brushes can be found at
Crafts and Gifts Galore. In addition to inventory on hand, the
store offers a specialty service. "I have set up a system with
suppliers so that anything my customers want, I can get within
two days," she said. "It's a great service for people."

The Community Business Loan Program is available to new
businesses in the form of startup assistance. The First Step Loan
is aimed specifically at new-business startups and can be applied
to any valid business purpose, including working capital.
Additional funding for this initiative was provided by the
Northside Economic Development Association Corp.


Contact: Angela Campbell
         Economic Development and Tourism

ngr                   Dec. 30, 1997                  10:10 a.m.