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Dares Lake Protected Water Area Designation

made under subsection 106(5) of the

Environment Act

S.N.S. 1994-95, c. 1

N.S. Reg. 259/2007 (March 8, 1972)

Canada                              )

Province of Nova Scotia   )


                In the Matter of        The Water Act, Chapter 335, of the Revised Statutes of Nova Scotia 1967, as amended by Chapter 64 of the Statutes of Nova Scotia 1968

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                In the Matter of        A Protected Water Area

       The Undersigned, the Minister charged with the administration of the Water Act, pursuant to Section 17 of the said Act hereby orders that the area of land in the County of Lunenburg, hereinafter described, which surrounds a source of water supply for the water works operated by the Town of Lunenburg, is now and hereafter designated as a Protected Water Area:

       All and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and land covered by water situate lying and being at Northwest in the County of Lunenburg, Province of Nova Scotia, Canada, which can be more particularly described as follows:

       Beginning at a point on the division line between properties of Michael Falkenham and Lottie M. Cantelope et al. on the Northeastern side of Dares Lake which said point is located Three Hundred Sixty feet (360.0') measured Northeastwardly along said division line from the mean high water mark of the Northeastern shore of Dares Lake;

       Thence from said point so located South Eleven degrees three minutes Fifty-four seconds East (S 11°03'54” E) (Astronomic Meridian) over said property of Lottie M. Cantelope et al. One Thousand Three Hundred Ninety feet (1,390.0') more or less, to a point marked by a stake driven into the ground;

       Thence South Thirty-six degrees Twenty-six minutes Fifty-four seconds East (S 36°26'54” E) over properties of Lottie M. Cantelope et al. and Benjamin Kaulback One Thousand Four Hundred Seven and Seventy-four one hundredths feet (1,407.74') more or less, to a point marked by a stake driven into the ground;

       Thence South Forty degrees Fifty-four minutes Thirty seconds West (S 40°54'30” W) along the Southeastern boundary of property of Evans Parks and Ross Parks Eight Hundred Fifty and Ninety-eight one hundredths feet (850.98') more or less, to a point marked by a stake driven into the ground;

       Thence North Fifty-nine degrees Thirty minutes West (N 59°30' W) over said property of Evans Parks and Ross Parks One Thousand One Hundred Sixty-two feet (1,162.0') more or less to a point marked by a stake driven into the ground;

       Thence South Thirty-seven degrees Thirty-one minutes West (S 37°31' W) over properties of Evans Parks and Ross Parks and Heirs of the Estate of Forman Robar and Amiel Demone respectively Five Thousand Eleven and Ninety-four one hundredths feet (5,011.94') more or less, to a point marked by a stake driven into the ground;

       Thence South Seventy-two degrees Thirty minutes West (S 72°30' W) over property of Carol W. Dares and Elmore Awalt respectively Two Thousand Five Hundred Fifty-two and Ninety-one one hundredths feet (2,552.91') more or less, to a point marked by a stake driven into the ground;

       Thence North Twenty-two degrees Thirty minutes West (N 22°30' W) over property of Elmore Awalt Seven Hundred Fifteen and Sixty-two one hundredths feet (715.62') more or less, to a point marked by a stake driven into the ground;

       Thence North Nine degrees Thirty-nine minutes West (N 09°39' W) over property of Elmore Awalt and Hugh Anderson respectively One Thousand Three Hundred Ninety-six feet (1, 396.0') more or less, to a point marked by a stake driven into the ground;

       Thence North Seventeen degrees Four minutes East (N 17°04' E) over properties of Hugh Anderson, Lloyd Wentzell and Hazel Wentzell respectively Three Thousand Four Hundred Twenty Feet (3,420.0') more or less, to a point marked by a stake driven into the ground;

       Thence North Twenty-seven degrees Thirty-five minutes East (N 27°35' E) over properties of Lloyd Wentzell and Hazel Wentzell, Olive E. Dorey and Aubrey Berringer respectively Four Thousand Two Hundred Seventy-nine and Seven one hundredths feet (4,279.07') more or less, to a point marked by a stake driven into the ground;

       Thence North Fifty-three degrees Thirteen minutes Fifty-four seconds East (N 53°13'54” E) over property of Aubrey Berringer and along the division line between properties of Palmer Langille and Olive E. Dorey Seven Hundred Seventy-eight and Thirty-eight one hundredths feet (778.38') more or less, to a point marked by a stake driven into the ground;

       Thence North Fifty-two degrees Six seconds East (N 52°00'06” E) along said division line One Hundred Fifty-seven and Seventy-seven one hundredths feet (157.77') more or less, to a point marked by a stake driven into the ground;

       Thence North Fifty-two degrees Thirty-six minutes East (N 52°36' E) along said division line Three Hundred Ninety-five and Forty-nine one hundredths feet (395.49') more or less, to a point marked by a stake driven into the ground;

       Thence North Fifty-four degrees Fifty-three minutes East (N 54°53' E) along said division line One Hundred Eighty-two and Twenty-eight one hundredths feet (182.28') more or less, to a point marked by a stake driven into the ground;

       Thence North Fifty-three degrees Seventeen minutes East (N 53°17' E) along said division line Two Hundred Ninety-six and Forty-six one hundredths feet (296.46') more or less, to a point marked by a stake driven into the ground;

       Thence South Thirty-five degrees Fifty-six minutes East (S 35°56' E) over properties of Olive E. Dorey, Michael Falkenham and Aubrey Berringer One Thousand Three Hundred Sixty-four and Thirty-eight one hundredths feet (1,364.38' more or less, to a point marked by a stake driven into the ground;

       Thence South Forty-three degrees Thirty-six minutes forty-eight seconds East (S 43°36'48” E) over property of Aubrey Berringer Two Hundred Twenty-five and Forty-five one hundredths feet (225.45') more or less, to a point marked by a stake driven into the ground;

       Thence South Forty degrees Ten minutes East (S 40°10' E) over properties of Aubrey Berringer, Alice Spidle, Muriel Nauss, Olive Dorey and Michael Falkenham respectively One Thousand Five Hundred Fifteen and Sixty-six one hundredths feet (1,515.66') more or less, to a point marked by a stake driven into the ground;

       Thence South Eleven degrees Three minutes Fifty-four seconds East (S 11°03'54” E) over said property of Michael Falkenham Four Hundred Eighty feet (480.0') more or less, to the point marking the place of beginning, all bearings being astronomic.

       The herein described lot of land and land covered by the waters of Dares Lake contains an approximate area of Nine Hundred and Seventy-one one hundredths acres (900.71 acs.) and is shown on a Plan of Survey showing Dares Lake and bordering properties at Northwest, Lunenburg Co., N.S. dated at Bridgewater, N. S. the 27th day of March, A. D., 1971 and approved by Errol B. Hebb, Nova Scotia Land Surveyor No. 7.

        Dated at Halifax, in the Province of Nova Scotia this 8th day of March A. D. 1972.

                                                         Glen M. Bagnell 

                                               .        Minister Charged with the Administration of the Water Act

Last updated: 10-12-2017