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Powers and Duties of the Chief Judge

regulations made under Section 5 of the
Family Court Act
R.S.N.S. 1989, c. 159
O.I.C. 83-928 (August 16, 1983), N.S. Reg. 181/83

1 The Chief Judge of the Family Court shall have superintendence over the judges of the Family Court and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, shall have the power and duty to supervise the judges of the Family Court in the performance of their duties, including the power and duty to

(a) assign the circuits for each judge having regard to the need for such circuits and the availability of Court facilities and Court staff;

(b) designate a particular case, or matter, or class of cases, or matters, in respect of which a judge shall act;

(c) designate the Court facility which is to be used by a judge having regard to the availability of Court facilities and Court staff;

(d) approve the times of vacation, leave of absence and special leave; and insofar as is practicable sick leave, for each judge, to a maximum of 60 days for each judge in each calendar year;

(e) assign a judge to act during the illness, absence or inability to act of another judge; and

(f) subject to the availability of funds, approve and authorize the holding of meetings of judges of the Family Court and the attendance of judges at out-of-Province meetings.

2 The Chief Judge shall review any matter concerning the conduct of a judge which comes to his attention, including a complaint, and may

(a) determine that no further action need be taken;

(b) take appropriate corrective measures; or

(c) refer the matter to a Judicial Council.

3 The Chief Judge shall advise and consult with the Minister and Deputy Minister of Community Services in all appropriate matters which, in the opinion of the Chief Judge, are likely to or may contribute to the functioning of the Family Court.

4 (1) The Chief Judge of the Family Court shall have precedence over other judges of the Family Court.

(2) Where the Minister of Community Services has designated a judge to act in the place of the Chief Judge during the illness, absence or inability to act of the Chief Judge, the judge so designated shall have all the powers and duties of the Chief Judge and shall have precedence over other judges of the Family Court while so designated.

Last updated: 10-12-2017