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Nova Scotia Building Code Regulations

made under Section 4 of the

Building Code Act

R.S.N.S. 1989, c. 46

N.S. Reg. 116/2022 (effective October 1, 2022)

Effective April 1, 2025, these regulations are replaced by N.S. Reg. 198/2024.

Table of Contents

Please note: this table of contents is provided for convenience of reference and does not form part of the regulations.
Click here to go to the text of the regulations.


Part 1: Interpretation, Definitions, Scope and Administration


Adoption and Interpretation


Definitions in NBC apply

Adoption of national codes

Notes referenced in regulations

Scope and Application


Existing buildings

Accessibility requirements for existing buildings


Home-based business exemptions


Building permit fees

Withholding permits

Applying for permit

Minimum information required in application

Dimensional tolerances


Land surveys

Site grading

Repairs to public property

Permission to proceed in part

Temporary building or occupancy permits

Nova Scotia Building Advisory Committee–qualification of members

Forms prescribed for field review of construction


Part 2: Responsibilities and Obligations

Responsibility for Carrying out Work

Responsibility for carrying out work not affected

Obligations of Owner

Letter of undertaking when professional required to design

Required permits and plan reviews

Start-up date

Notice of names and contact information for employees

Plans and permit at site

Professional design and review

Structural components requiring professional design and review

Site conditions, size or complexity requiring professional design and review

Professional design and review for sprinklered buildings

Notification for inspection and certification of field review of construction

Occupancy before work completed

Test or inspections to prove compliance

Responsibility on discontinuation of work

Obligations of Professionals

Design in accordance with profession and Code

Field review of construction

Obligations of Constructor

Owner deemed to be constructor

Work on public property

Responsibilities for work with owner

Responsibility on discontinuation of work

Materials, systems to comply with Code

Obligations of Building Official

Appointment and qualification of building officials

Administration and enforcement of Act, regulations and Code

Copies of applications, inspections and tests

Notices and orders

Responding to inquiries

Authority having jurisdiction to issue permits

Duty to inform owner of plan review requirement

Tests required to prove compliance

Report required for failure or potential failure

Conditional building or occupancy permit

Incorrect information in application for permit

Permit conditions

Occupancy before completion


Part 3: Amendments to Adopted National Codes

Amendments to Division A (Compliance, Objectives and Functional Statements) of National Building Code

Sentence (Application of this Code) replaced

Sentence—Definition of owner

Clause (Objective OA, Accessibility) replaced

Clause (Functional Statements F73 and F74) replaced

Amendments to Part 1 (General) of Division B of National Building Code

Article (Applicable Editions) replaced

Table (Documents referenced in NBC) amended

Amendments to Part 3 (Fire Protection, Occupant Safety and Accessibility) of Division B of National Building Code

Article (Combustible Solar Collector Systems) added

Article (Alternate Compliance Methods for Existing Buildings) added

Sentence (Doors and Door Hardware) replaced

Sentence (Door Release Hardware) replaced

Table (Objectives and Functional Statements Attributed to Acceptable Solutions in Part 3) amended

Amendments to Part 9 (Housing and Small Buildings) of Division B of National Building Code

Sentence (Application) added

Article (Barrier Free Design—General) replaced

Article (Exception for Apartment Buildings) repealed

Article (Exemption for Houses) added

Sentence (Items under Part 3 Jurisdiction) amended

Article (Power Supply) replaced

Article (Air Barrier System Properties) replaced

Sentence (Minimum Protection from Precipitation Ingress) amended

Article (Required Fixtures) replaced

Clause (Principal Ventilation System) amended

Article (Exhaust-Only Ventilation Systems) and Note A- repealed

Sentence (Compliance and Application) replaced

Sentence (Compliance and Application) added

Article (Continuity of Insulation) amended and to add Sentence (10)

Article (Thermal Characteristics of Fenestration, Doors and Skylights) amended and to add Sentence (9)

Section 9.38. (Recreational Cabins) added

Section 9.39. (Tiny Houses) added

Table (Objectives and Functional Statements Attributed to Acceptable Solutions in Part 9) amended

Amendments to Part 2 (Plumbing Systems) of Division B of National Plumbing Code

Article (No Reduction in Size) replaced

Sentence (Flushing Devices) replaced

Article (Solar Domestic Hot Water Systems) replaced

Amendments to Part 1 (General) of Division B of National Energy Code

Sentence (Prescriptive, Trade-off or Performance Compliance) replaced


Schedule A: Forms for Field Review of Construction

Form 1—Letter of Undertaking: Confirmation of Commitment by Owner to Municipal Building Official as Authority Having Jurisdiction (Field Review of Construction)

Form 2—Commitment Certificate: Prime Consultant

Form 3—Commitment Certificate: Building Design Requirements

Form 4—Commitment Certificate: Structural Design Requirements

Form 5—Commitment Certificate: Mechanical Design Requirements

Form 6—Commitment Certificate: Electrical Design Requirements

Form 7—Commitment Certificate: Fire Suppression Systems Design Requirements

Form 8—Commitment Certificate: Geotechnical Design Requirements

Form 9—Commitment Certificate: Plumbing Design Requirements

Form 10—Commitment Certificate: Interior Design Requirements

Form 11—Commitment Certificate: Resource Conservation Measures – Energy Requirements

Form 12—Certification of Field Review of Construction


Schedule B: Design Data for Selected Locations in Nova Scotia

Appendix C to NBC

Obtaining design values for locations not listed

Obtaining seismic values for locations not listed


Schedule C: Substituted Section 3.8 of NBC, Accessibility

Section 3.8. Accessibility

          3.8.1.   Scope

          3.8.2.   Application

          3.8.3.   Design

          3.8.4.   Adaptable Housing Requirements


Schedule D: Alternate Compliance Methods for Existing Buildings


Part 1: Interpretation, Definitions, Scope and Administration


1        These regulations may be cited as the Nova Scotia Building Code Regulations.

Adoption and Interpretation


2        (1)    In these regulations, the following definitions apply:


“Act” means the Building Code Act;


“alternating tread device” means a device that has a series of steps between 50° and 70° from the horizontal, usually attached to a centre support rail in an alternating manner so that the user does not have both feet on the same level at the same time;


“authority having jurisdiction” has the same meaning as specified in any code adopted under Section 4 and includes a building official as designated under Section 48;


“camping accommodation” means any building within a campground that is intended to


                              (i)      serve the public, or


                              (ii)     be used as rental accommodation for the travelling or vacationing public;


“Code” means the Nova Scotia Building Code, which includes all of the following:


                              (i)      all national codes adopted under Section 4,


                              (ii)     all amendments, including deletions and additions, to adopted national codes made in these regulations, including in Schedule C to these regulations,


                              (iii)    Schedules B and D to these regulations;


“egress roof access window” means a skylight or roof window;


“field review of construction” means the review of construction work at intervals appropriate to the stage of construction, at the project site and at any fabrication location where building components are fabricated for use at the project site, that the designer in their profession [professional] discretion considers necessary to determine general compliance with the design drawings accepted by the authority having jurisdiction and all revisions to the drawings, but does not include coordination, quality and performance of construction;


“heritage building” means a registered heritage property, registered under the Heritage Property Act by the Province or by a municipality;


“heritage conservation district” means a heritage conservation district designated by a municipality in accordance with the Heritage Property Act;


“home-based business” means a business or service use located in a dwelling unit that is used or occupied as a single housekeeping unit;


“interior designer” means a member or licensee of the Association of Interior Designers in Nova Scotia;


“landing platform” means a landing provided as the top step of a stairway accessing a loft;


“loft” means a floor level located directly above and accessed from a floor level with direct access to an exit door and open to the floor level below on at least 1 side;


“manufactured home” means a transportable, single- or multiple-section dwelling unit certified by an accredited certification body as complying with the CSA Z240 MH Series, Manufactured Homes at the time of manufacture, before it is placed on the installation site;


“modular home” means a finished section or sections of a complete dwelling unit built in a factory for transport to the site for installation and certified to CSA A277, Procedures for the Factory Certification of Buildings, by an accredited certification body at the time of manufacture, before it is placed on the installation site;


“National Building Code” or “NBC” means the National Building Code of Canada, as adopted under Section 4;


“National Energy Code” or “NECB” means the National Energy Code of Canada for Buildings, as adopted under Section 4;


“National Farm Building Code” or “NFBC” means the National Farm Building Code of Canada, as adopted under Section 4;


“National Plumbing Code” or “NPC” means the National Plumbing Code of Canada, as adopted under Section 4;


“NSBCR” means these regulations (the Nova Scotia Building Code Regulations);


“recreational cabin” means a building that meets the criteria in Sentence (Part 9 of Division B) of the National Building Code, as added by these regulations;


“roofed accommodation” means a roofed building, part of a building or group of buildings that is intended as rental accommodation for the travelling or vacationing public;


“Schedule A” means Schedule A: Forms for Field Review of Construction;


“Schedule B” means Schedule B: Design Data for Selected Locations in Nova Scotia;


“Schedule C” means Schedule C: Substituted Section 3.8 of NBC, Accessibility (Replaced for Code);


“Schedule D” means Schedule D: Alternate Compliance Methods for Existing Buildings;


“tiny house” means a dwelling unit that is 37 m2 or less in building area;


“work” means any construction activity regulated by these regulations and carried out on or about a construction site or on, in or about a building or part thereof.


          (2)    A reference in these regulations to an occupancy group classification or class is a reference to the classification as set out in the National Building Code.


          (3)    A reference to a building official in these regulations and the Act is a reference to the building official as the authority having jurisdiction, in accordance with Section 48.

Definitions in NBC apply

3        The definitions in Sentence of Division A to the National Building Code apply to these regulations, unless otherwise defined.

Adoption of national codes

4        (1)    These regulations adopt all of the following national codes, as amended by these regulations, as part of the Code:


                   (a)      the National Building Code of Canada 2015, including all revisions, errata and corrections to the errata issued by the Canadian Commission on the Building and Fire Codes, National Research Council of Canada, NRCC No. 56190 on or before March 1, 2019;


                   (b)     the National Energy Code of Canada for Buildings 2017, including all revisions, errata and corrections to the errata issued by the Canadian Commission on the Building and Fire Codes, National Research Council of Canada, NRCC No. 56215 on or before March 1, 2019;


                   (c)      the National Plumbing Code of Canada 2015, including all revisions, errata and corrections to the errata issued by the Canadian Commission on the Building and Fire Codes, National Research Council of Canada, NRCC No. 56193 on or before March 1, 2019;


                   (d)     the National Farm Building Code of Canada 1995, including all revisions, errata and corrections to the errata issued by the Canadian Commission on the Building and Fire Codes, National Research Council of Canada, NRCC No. 38732 on or before March 1, 2019.


          (2)    A national code adopted under subsection (1) as part of the Code must be complied with as adopted.

Notes referenced in regulations

5        (1)    These regulations reference the following types of notes:


                   (a)      notes found in Appendix A to the National Building Code, which are noted as “(See Note A-[specific provision numbers and letters], NBC)”;


                   (b)     notes found in the explanatory notes to these regulations, which are noted as “(See Note NS-[specific provision number and letters], NSBCR)”.


          (2)    Notes are for explanatory purposes only and do not form part of these regulations.

Scope and Application


6        These regulations apply to the administration and enforcement of the Act in the


                   (a)      design, construction, erection, placement and occupancy of new buildings;


                   (b)     alteration, reconstruction, demolition, removal, relocation, occupancy and change of occupancy classification of existing buildings; and


                   (c)      work necessary to correct unsafe conditions in existing buildings that are reported to a building official or observed during an inspection.


          (2)    If a building or any part thereof is altered, these regulations apply to the parts of the building that are altered.


          (3)    If the whole or any part of a building is relocated either within or into the area of jurisdiction of a municipality as the authority having jurisdiction, these regulations apply only to the parts of the building that are being altered or constructed.


          (4)    If the whole or any part of a building is demolished, these regulations apply to


                   (a)      the work involved in the demolition; and


                   (b)     the work required to any part of the building that remains after demolition, to the extent that deficiencies occurring or remaining after demolition require correction.


          (5)    If a building is damaged by fire, earthquake or other cause, these regulations apply to the work necessary to reconstruct damaged portions of the building.

Existing buildings

7        (1)    Any construction or condition that lawfully existed before the effective date of these regulations is not required to conform to these regulations if the construction or condition does not constitute an unsafe condition in the opinion of a building official.


          (2)    The alternate compliance methods for existing buildings under the Code that are set out in Schedule D may be used if a building existed before March 13, 1987, and either of the following apply:


                   (a)      the building is undergoing construction other than for a change of occupancy classification;


                   (b)     the building is undergoing construction and a change of occupancy classification results in an occupancy with a reduced fire hazard risk.


          (3)    If a heritage building, or part thereof, is undergoing a change in occupancy classification, the owner may choose the alternate compliance methods for existing buildings in Schedule D, or a combination of those methods and the Code.


          (4)    If any building in a Heritage Conservation District is undergoing a change in occupancy classification, the owner may choose the alternate compliance methods for existing buildings in Schedule D, or a combination of the those methods and the Code.

Accessibility requirements for existing buildings

8        (1)    Except as provided in subsections 7(2), (3) and (4), if a building or part thereof has a change of occupancy classification, the accessibility requirements of Section 3.8. of the National Building Code, as set out in Schedule C, including for barrier-free entrances, apply to the construction of the building or part thereof undergoing the change.


          (2)    In subsections (3) to (5),


“restaurant” means a restaurant as defined in the Food Safety Regulations made under the Health Protection Act.


          (3)    If a Group A, Division 2 assembly occupancy building, or part thereof, is constructed or altered for use as a restaurant, the exemptions in Sentences and of the National Building Code, as set out in Schedule C, do not apply to the construction of the restaurant part of the building.


          (4)    If a Group A, Division 2 assembly occupancy building, or part thereof, changes from a non-restaurant use to a restaurant use, the change is considered equivalent to a change of occupancy classification.


          (5)    The exemptions set out in Sentence and of the National Building Code, as set out in Schedule C, do not apply to a building, or part thereof, with a change of occupancy classification under subsection (4).


9        (1)    The Code does not apply to any of the following:


                   (a)      sewerage, water, electrical, telephone, rail or similar systems located above, below or on an area that is dedicated or deeded for public use;


                   (b)     public utility towers and poles, television and radio or other communication aerials and towers, except for loads resulting from those located on or attached to buildings;


                   (c)      if not a building, flood control structures, dams for public water supply, hydroelectric dams and their related structures;


                   (d)     mechanical or other equipment and appliances not specifically regulated by the Code;


                   (e)      above ground or below ground bulk storage tanks not regulated under Part 6 of the National Building Code or the National Farm Building Code;


                   (f)      free-standing signs;


                   (g)     fences;


                   (h)     retaining walls or exterior steps not attached to, and forming part of, a building’s construction;


                   (i)      manufactured homes built to CSA Z240 MH Series, Manufactured Homes, except that the following are still required:


                              (i)      the notifications required by subsection 35(1) for a manufactured home constructed before January 1, 2010, that has not been structurally altered,


                              (ii)     the notifications required by subsection 35(1) and the requirements of Section 9.36. Energy Efficiency (Part 9 of Division B) of the National Building Code if the manufactured home is constructed after December 31, 2009;

(See Note NS-9(1)(i) and (j), NSBCR)


                   (j)      modular homes certified to CAN/CSA A277, Procedure for Factory Certification of Buildings, as complying with the technical requirements of this Code, except that all of the following are still required:


                              (i)      the notifications required by subsection 35(1) for a modular home constructed before January 1, 2010, that has not been structurally altered,


                              (ii)     the notifications required by subsection 35(1) and the requirements of Section 9.36. Energy Efficiency (Part 9 of Division B) of the National Building Code if the modular home is constructed after December 31, 2009.

(See Note NS-9(1)(i) and (j), NSBCR)


          (2)    Unless a municipality otherwise requires by by-law or regulations under another statute require, the Code applies but a building permit is not required for any of the following:


                   (a)      accessory buildings not greater than 20 m2 in area;


                   (b)     for buildings under the scope of Part 9 of Division B of the National Building Code, interior and exterior non-structural material alterations and material repairs for any or all of the following:


                              (i)      removing and replacing roofing with similar materials,


                              (ii)     removing and replacing cladding with similar materials,


                              (iii)    replacing or repairing drywall or other interior finish,


                              (iv)    installing additional insulation or replacing insulation,


                              (v)     replacing a furnace or boiler,


                              (vi)    installing or replacing an air-conditioning unit or heat pump,


                              (vii)   replacing windows or doors, if there is no change in location or size of the window or door and the structural support for the opening is not affected,


                              (viii)  installing or replacing cabinets, shelving, millwork or flooring,


                              (ix)    waterproofing or damp proofing of foundation walls or repairing or replacing foundation drainage;


                   (c)      for buildings under the scope of Part 3 of Division B of the National Building Code, interior and exterior non-structural material repairs or maintenance with a monetary value of $10 000.00 or less;


                   (d)     replacing or installing a new plumbing fixture that does not increase the hydraulic load of the drainage system or require alterations to an existing water distribution system or drainage system.

(See Note NS-9(2), NSBCR)

Home-based business exemptions

10      (1)    A building official may consider a home-based business as part of the Group C residential occupancy of a dwelling unit and not a major occupancy for the purposes of the Code if all the following criteria are met:


                   (a)      the business or service use of the dwelling unit, an accessory building to the dwelling unit, or both, is secondary to the residential occupancy use of the dwelling unit;


                   (b)     at least 1 full-time resident of the dwelling unit with the home-based business operates the business or service;


                   (c)      the business or service use is not 1 of the following:


                              (i)      a Group F1 high-hazard industrial occupancy, or


                              (ii)     a Group F2 medium-hazard industrial occupancy;


                   (d)     the home-based business uses an aggregate floor area of less than 50 m2;


                   (e)      the home-based business uses less than 25% of the floor area of the dwelling unit.


          (2)    A home-based business that meets all of the criteria in subsection (1), is not considered a separate and adjoining major occupancy from the dwelling unit for the separation requirements in Article (Part 3 of Division B) of the National Building Code.


          (3)    A building official must not require additional water closets under Article (Part 3 of Division B) of the National Building Code for a dwelling unit with


                   (a)      a home-based business that meets all the criteria in subsection (1); or


                   (b)     a home-based business located with an accessory building, if that building is less than 45 m from the dwelling unit.


          (4)    A dwelling unit with a home-based business is deemed to be a building that is exempt from the barrier-free design requirements under Clause of the National Building Code, as set out in Schedule C.


          (5)    A home-based business that meets all the criteria in subsection (1) is not considered a separate major occupancy from the dwelling unit for the occupancy classification purposes in Subsection 9.10.2. (Part 9 of Division B) of the National Building Code.

(See Note NS-10, NSBCR)


Building permit fees

11      For the purpose of determining the fees to be applied for a building permit, a municipality, as the authority having jurisdiction, may place a value on the cost of the work based on an accepted costing standard.

Withholding permits

12      (1)    A building official may withhold a building permit until they are satisfied that


                   (a)      for systems that require an approval, there is a valid on-site sewage disposal system approval issued by the department responsible for enforcing the Environment Act; or


                   (b)     for systems that do not require an approval, notification has been given to the department responsible for enforcing the Environment Act for the construction of a building requiring a new private sewage disposal system.

(See Note NS-12(1), NSBCR)


          (2)    A building official may withhold an occupancy permit until they are satisfied that all of the following are done, as applicable:


                   (a)      there is a valid electrical permit issued by the electrical authority having jurisdiction;


                   (b)     the civic address is posted if a municipality requires by by-law, in accordance with Section 313 of the Municipal Government Act;


                   (c)      the certificate of installation for any on-site sewage system for the site is provided;


                   (d)     a fire safety plan approved by the authority having jurisdiction over fire safety matters is in place for the occupancy.


          (3)    A building official may withhold a building permit until they are satisfied that there is a valid “Minister’s Consent For Building and Access to Property” for the work issued by the department responsible under the Public Highways Act.


          (4)    A building official may withhold a building permit until they are satisfied that


                   (a)      all applicable requirements of the Heritage Property Act and the Municipal Government Act, including any land use bylaw, subdivision bylaw, lot grading plan or development agreement, have been complied with; and


                   (b)     all required permits are issued by a development officer for the municipality.

Applying for permit

13      To obtain a permit, an owner must submit an application as prescribed in the by-laws of the applicable municipality as the authority having jurisdiction.

Minimum information required in application

14      (1)    An application for a building permit must, at a minimum, meet all of the following criteria:


                   (a)      it must identify and describe in detail the work and occupancy to be covered by the permit being applied for;


                   (b)     it must describe the land by including either


                              (i)      if Nova Scotia property mapping exists for the property, the unique Parcel Identifier (PID), or


                              (ii)     if Nova Scotia mapping does not exist for the property, the assessment account number and a description that will readily identify and locate the building lot;


                   (c)      it must include plans and specifications, as required by Subsection 2.2.2. of Division C of the National Building Code;


                   (d)     it must state the valuation of the proposed work and be accompanied by the required fee;


                   (e)      it must state the name, address and telephone number of the owner and of each of the following who will perform work under the permit:


                              (i)      architect,


                              (ii)     professional engineer,


                              (iii)    interior designer or other designer,


                              (iv)    constructor,


                              (v)     inspection or testing agency that has been engaged to monitor the work or part of the work;


                   (f)      it must describe any special building systems, materials and appliances;


                   (g)     it must include any additional information that is required by a building official.

Dimensional tolerances

15      A building official may accept a minor variation, not more than 2%, in a dimension given in the Code if, in the opinion of the building official,


                   (a)      safety to life will not be reduced by the variation; and


                   (b)     accessible design and access will not be adversely affected by the variation.

(See Note NS-15, NSBCR)

Deviations from Code or permit

16      An owner must not deviate, nor authorize a deviation, from the Code or from the conditions of a building permit without first obtaining permission in writing for the deviation from a building official.

Land surveys

17      In addition to the documents required by clause 14(1)(c), an owner, if requested by a building official, must submit an up-to-date plan of survey or real property report prepared by a Nova Scotia land surveyor registered under the Land Surveyors Act, that contains sufficient information about the site and the location of the building to


                   (a)      before construction begins, establish that the requirements of the Act, these regulations and the Code related to the site and the location of the building will be complied with; and


                   (b)     upon completion of the work, verify that the requirements of the Act, these regulations and the Code related to the site and the location of the building have been complied with.

Site grading

18      A building official may require an owner to have a building site graded in conformance with any storm drainage plan that is prepared or accepted by the building official for the area where the building is located.

Repairs to public property

19      An owner is responsible for the cost of repairing any damage to public property or works located on public property that may occur as a result of undertaking work, regardless of whether a permit is required for the work.

Permission to proceed in part

20      (1)    To ensure conformance with the Code, a building official may allow, with conditions as necessary, an owner to proceed, at the owner’s risk, with excavation or construction of part of a building before the plans of the entire building have been submitted.


          (2)    An owner must submit all plans and specifications that a building official requires in connection with an excavation or construction allowed under subsection (1), including at a minimum, complete plans and specifications for the work allowed.


          (3)    An owner who proceeds to excavate or construct part of a building in accordance with this Section proceeds without assurance that the excavation or construction of other parts of the building will be allowed.

Temporary building or occupancy permits

21      (1)    Despite any other provision of these regulations, a temporary permit issued by a building official may authorize, for a limited time only, under circumstances that warrant only selective compliance with the Code,


                   (a)      the erection and existence of a building, or part of a building; or


                   (b)     a change of occupancy classification for an occupancy that, because of its nature, will exist for a short time.


          (2)    A permit for a temporary building or temporary change of occupancy classification must state all of the following:


                   (a)      the date the permit expires; and


                   (b)     any conditions under which the permit is no longer valid.


          (3)    The term of a permit for a temporary building or temporary change of occupancy classification may be extended in writing by a building official.


          (4)    A permit for a temporary building or temporary change of occupancy classification must be posted on the building to which it applies.


          (5)    A permit issued for a tent or temporary air-supported structure is required to be renewed every 12 months.


          (6)    A permit issued for a temporary change of occupancy classification is required to be renewed every 12 months.

(See Note NS-21, NSBCR)

Nova Scotia Building Advisory Committee–qualification of members

22      (1)    The Committee must include a minimum of the following qualified members:


                   (a)      a representative of the Fire Marshal for the Province;


                   (b)     a representative appointed from among persons nominated by the Nova Scotia Accessibility Advisory Board;


                   (c)      a representative of municipal government appointed from among persons nominated by the Executive of the Nova Scotia Federation of Municipalities;


                   (d)     a representative appointed from among persons nominated by the Executive of the Association of Professional Engineers of Nova Scotia;


                   (e)      a representative appointed from among persons nominated by the Executive of the Nova Scotia Association of Architects;


                   (f)      a representative appointed from among persons nominated by the Executive of the Nova Scotia Home and Building Designers Association;


                   (g)     a representative appointed from among persons nominated by the Executive of the Association of Interior Designers of Nova Scotia;


                   (h)     a representative appointed from among persons nominated by the Executive of the Canadian Home Builders’ Association Nova Scotia;


                   (i)      a representative appointed from among persons nominated by the Executive of the Construction Association of Nova Scotia;


                   (j)      a representative appointed from among persons nominated by the Executive of the Nova Scotia building officials Association;


                   (k)     a representative appointed from among persons nominated by the Executive of the Atlantic Canada Regional Council of Carpenters, Millwrights and Allied Workers, and who is a resident of Nova Scotia.


          (2)    If an organization specified in subsection (1) is unable to nominate a representative, the Minister may appoint a member nominated by any similar organization that the Minister determines to be a replacement organization.

Forms prescribed for field review of construction

23      The following forms are prescribed for use in the field review of construction required by these regulations:


                   (a)      Form 1—Letter of Undertaking: Confirmation of Commitment by Owner to Municipal Building Official as Authority Having Jurisdiction;


                   (b)     Form 2—Commitment Certificate: Prime Consultant;


                   (c)      Form 3—Commitment Certificate: Building Design Requirements;


                   (d)     Form 4—Commitment Certificate: Structural Design Requirements;


                   (e)      Form 5—Commitment Certificate: Mechanical Design Requirements;


                   (f)      Form 6—Commitment Certificate: Electrical Design Requirements;


                   (g)     Form 7—Commitment Certificate: Fire Suppression Systems Design Requirements;


                   (h)     Form 8—Commitment Certificate: Geotechnical Design Requirements;


                   (i)      Form 9—Commitment Certificate: Plumbing Design Requirements;


                   (j)      Form 10—Commitment Certificate: Interior Design Requirements;


                   (k)     Form 11—Commitment Certificate: Resource Conservation Measures – Energy Requirements;


                   (l)      Form 12—Certification of Field Review of Construction.

Part 2: Responsibilities and Obligations

Responsibility for Carrying out Work

Responsibility for carrying out work not affected

24      The acceptance of drawings and specifications, the issuing of a permit and inspections made by a building official do not relieve an owner, owner’s agent, constructor, architect, professional engineer or interior designer of a building from their respective responsibility for carrying out the work or having it carried out in accordance with the Act, these regulations and the Code, including ensuring that the occupancy of the building, or part thereof, is in accordance with the terms of the permit.

Obligations of Owner

Letter of undertaking when professional required to design

25      Together with their application for a permit, an owner must submit a letter of undertaking to a building official for the field review of construction in accordance with Sections 30 and 32 when the building or part thereof is designed within the scope of any 1 or more of the following:


                   (a)      Part 3 of Division B to the National Building Code;


                   (b)     Part 4 of Division B to the National Building Code;


                   (c)      Section 32, for buildings within the scope of Part 9 of Division B to the National Building Code.

Required permits and plan reviews

26      (1)    An owner must obtain all required permits or approvals before starting the work that they relate to.


          (2)    For a building or facility containing 1 or more of the classes of occupancy that are required to have a plan review under subsection 12(1) of the Fire Safety Regulations, an owner must ensure that they submit the plans for review by the Office of the Fire Marshal before starting the construction or alteration, as required by those regulations.

Start-up date

27      Before starting work on a building site, an owner must give a building official written notice of the date that the owner intends to start work.

Notice of names and contact information for employees

28      (1)    Before starting work on a building site, an owner must give a building official notice in writing of the name, address and telephone number of all of the following:


                   (a)      the constructor or other person in charge of the work;


                   (b)     the designer of the work;


                   (c)      all architects, professional engineers and any prime consultant performing a field review of construction for the work;


                   (d)     any inspection or testing agency engaged to monitor the work, or any part of the work.

Plans and permit at site

29      (1)    An owner must ensure that the plans, specifications and related documents that a building permit is based on are available at the site of the work for inspection during working hours by a building official.


          (2)    An owner must ensure that the building permit, or true copy of it, is posted conspicuously at the site during the entire execution of the work.

Professional design and review

30      An owner who undertakes to construct or have constructed a building or part thereof under the scope of Part 3 or Part 4 of Division B of the National Building Code must do all of the following:


                   (a)      ensure that an architect, professional engineer or interior designer, as required,


                              (i)      are appointed to undertake the design of the building or part of the building, and


                              (ii)     complete and submit the appropriate certificates of commitment for the field review of construction of the building, using the applicable forms set out in Schedule A;


                   (b)     complete and submit the letter of undertaking set out in Form 1 of Schedule A for the field review of construction of the building.

Structural components requiring professional design and review

31      If the dimensions of a structural component are not provided in Part 9 of the National Building Code for use in a building within the scope of that Part, and the dimensions are to be determined on the basis of calculation, testing or other means of evaluation, an owner must do all of the following:


                   (a)      ensure that a professional engineer is appointed to undertake the design of the structural component;


                   (b)     when required by a building official, complete and submit the certificate of commitment specified in Form 4 of Schedule A for the field review of construction for the structural component.

Site conditions, size or complexity requiring professional design and review

32      If the site conditions, size or complexity of a building, part of a building or a building component warrant, a building official may require an owner to file an additional letter of undertaking and have prepared and submitted any additional certificates of commitment that the building official considers necessary.

Professional design and review for sprinklered buildings

33      (1)    Except as provided in subsection (2), an owner must do all of the following for a building that is required or intended to be sprinklered:


                   (a)      ensure that a professional engineer is appointed to undertake the design of the sprinkler system;


                   (b)     ensure that the professional engineer completes and submits the commitment certificate in Form 7 of Schedule A for the field review of construction for the fire suppression system design.


          (2)    Clauses (1)(a) and (b) do not apply to an alteration of an existing building that requires changes to an existing sprinkler system, if a building official determines that all of the following conditions are met:


                   (a)      there is no change in occupancy for the existing building;


                   (b)     there is no change to the branch pipe sizing for the sprinkler system;


                   (c)      there are no new branches or mains for the sprinkler system;


                   (d)     the total number of individual sprinkler devices to be added, removed or relocated is 10 or fewer.


          (3)    If clauses (1)(a) and (b) are determined not to apply under subsection (2), any design documents and test results of tests conducted on the system that are required under the Fire Safety Regulations made under the Fire Safety Act must be filed with a building official.

Alteration to property boundary or ground elevation

34      (1)    Except as provided in subsection (2), an owner or person hired by an owner must not allow the ground elevations or property boundaries of a building lot to be changed so as to place a building or part thereof in contravention of these regulations or the Code.


          (2)    Subsection (1) does not apply if the building or part thereof is altered after obtaining the necessary permit so that no contravention will occur as a result of the change to the property boundary or grades.

Notification for inspection and certification of field review of construction

35      (1)    An owner of a building being constructed under the scope of Part 9 of Division B of the National Building Code must notify a building official to inspect for compliance with the Code at all of the following stages of construction:


                   (a)      footings in place;


                   (b)     subfloor plumbing;


                   (c)      subfloor and foundation insulation;


                   (d)     pre-backfill;


                   (e)      for buildings other than manufactured and modular homes,


                              (i)      the framing, roof and plumbing and mechanical systems, and


                              (ii)     insulation and vapour barrier before wall framing is covered;


                   (f)      for manufactured and modular homes,


                              (i)      superstructure installation and anchorage systems,


                              (ii)     foundation insulation and vapour barrier before wall framing is covered, and


                              (iii)    plumbing connections below the first floor;


                   (g)     before occupancy.

(See Notes NS-35(1) and (2) and NS-9(1)(i) and (j), NSBCR)


          (2)    An owner of a building being constructed outside the scope of Part 9 of Division B to the National Building Code must notify a building official to inspect for compliance with the Code as follows:


                   (a)      before beginning any construction that will require inspection, by notifying of their intent to undertake construction;


                   (b)     during construction, as intended in the letter of undertaking and applicable commitment certificates required by Section 30 or 32;


                   (c)      at the times specified and as otherwise ordered to be inspected by a building official before covering construction, by notifying the building official of the intent to cover construction;


                   (d)     at intervals considered necessary by a building official, based on the complexity of the building;


                   (e)      when construction is completed, so that a final inspection can be made.

Occupancy before work completed

36      If an owner requires occupancy to occur before all work is completed, the owner must


                   (a)      apply for the occupancy permit; and


                   (b)     ensure that no unsafe condition exists or will exist because of the work that is being undertaken or is not completed.

Test or inspections to prove compliance

37      (1)    An owner must make, or have made at their own expense, any tests or inspections necessary to prove compliance with these regulations or the Code.


          (2)    An owner must promptly file a copy of all test or inspection reports from tests or inspections conducted in accordance with subsection (1) with a building official.

Responsibility on discontinuation of work

38      An owner who is unable to continue work because of bankruptcy or another cause is responsible, before leaving the site of the work, for ensuring that no unsafe condition remains at the site.

Obligations of Professionals

Design in accordance with profession and Code

39      An architect, professional engineer or interior designer who undertakes to design a building or part thereof in accordance with their respective governing statutes, regulations and bylaws must ensure that the design meets the intent of the Code.

Field review of construction

40      An architect, professional engineer or interior designer who undertakes a field review of construction must do all of the following:


                   (a)      review the building at intervals appropriate to the state of construction to determine general compliance with the design;


                   (b)     coordinate, with a building official, the review of any changes to the design documents for consistency with the intent of the plans and specifications;


                   (c)      file the certification of field review of construction in Form 12 of Schedule A with a building official.

Obligations of Constructor

Owner deemed to be constructor

41      If the work for which a permit is issued is not under the control of a constructor, the owner is deemed to be the constructor.

Work on public property

42      A constructor is responsible for ensuring that prior approval in writing is obtained from the appropriate government authority before


                   (a)      any excavation or other work is undertaken on public property; or


                   (b)     any building is erected on public property or materials stored in whole or in part in the building.

Responsibilities for work with owner

43      A constructor is responsible jointly and severally with the owner for all and any work undertaken.

Responsibility on discontinuation of work

44      A constructor who is unable to continue work because of bankruptcy or another cause is responsible, before leaving the site of the work, for ensuring that no unsafe condition remains at the site.

Materials, systems to comply with Code

45      A constructor must ensure that all materials, systems and equipment used in the construction, alteration, reconstruction or renovation of a building meet the provisions of the Code for the work undertaken.

Obligations of Building Official

Appointment and qualification of building officials

46      A person appointed by a municipality as a building official must meet all of the following qualifications:


                   (a)      they must hold a valid diploma from the Nova Scotia Building Code Training and Certification Board;


                   (b)     they must be a member in good standing of the Nova Scotia Building Officials Association.

Administration and enforcement of Act, regulations and Code

47      (1)    Subject to subsection (2), a building official must administer and enforce the provisions of the Act, these regulations and the Code.


          (2)    A building official may only administer and enforce the provisions of the Act, these regulations and the Code within the scope for which they hold a valid diploma from the Nova Scotia Building Code Training and Certification Board.


          (3)    When enforcing the Act, these regulations and the Code in accordance with subsection (2), a building official is designated as an authority having jurisdiction in the municipality for which they are appointed.


          (4)    Any reference to a building official in the Act and these regulations is deemed to be a reference to an authority having jurisdiction in accordance with subsection (3).

Copies of applications, inspections and tests

48      A building official must keep copies of all of the following:


                   (a)      applications received;


                   (b)     permits and orders issued;


                   (c)      inspections and tests made;


                   (d)     all papers and documents connected with the administration and enforcement of the Act, these regulations and the Code.

Notices and orders

49      (1)    Any notices or orders that are necessary to inform an owner that a contravention of the Act, these regulations or the Code has been observed must be issued by a building official in writing.


          (2)    A notice or order issued by a building official may specify any remedial or other measures that are required to meet the Act, these regulations or the Code.


          (3)    A copy of any notices or orders issued by a building official must be retained by the authority having jurisdiction and a copy must be sent to each of the following by the method specified:


                   (a)      the owner, by regular mail at the address given on the permit application;


                   (b)     the interior designer, architect or professional engineer, by regular mail at the address given on the permit application;


                   (c)      the constructor, by regular mail or, if the constructor is present during the inspection, given to the constructor.


          (4)    An order directing compliance under subsection 12(1) of the Act may include a requirement to do any of the following:


                   (a)      remove any unauthorized encroachment on public property;


                   (b)     remove any building, or part of a building, constructed in contravention of the Act, these regulations or the Code;


                   (c)      cease any occupancy in contravention of the Act, these regulations or the Code;


                   (d)     cease any occupancy if any unsafe condition exists because of work being undertaken or not completed;


                   (e)      correct any unsafe condition;


                   (f)      uncover and replace any of the following at the owner’s own expense:


                              (i)      work that has been ordered to be done pursuant to an order to comply that has been covered without being inspected,


                              (ii)     work for which notification to inspect is required to be given under Section 35, if uncovering the work is necessary to determine compliance with the Code.

Responding to inquiries

50      A building official must answer all reasonable questions with respect to the provisions of the Act, these regulations or the Code when requested to do so, but must not assist in the laying out of any work or act in the capacity of a designer.

Authority having jurisdiction to issue permits

51      Abuilding official must issue a building permit or an occupancy permit to an owner when, to the best of the building official’s knowledge, the applicable conditions in the Act, these regulations and the Code have been met.

Duty to inform owner of plan review requirement

52      A building official must inform an owner of the owner’s obligations to provide building plans for the construction or alteration to the Office of the Fire Marshal for review before starting the construction or alteration of a building or facility, as required by subsection 12(1) of the Fire Safety Regulations.

Tests required to prove compliance

53      (1)    A test ordered by a building official under clause 11(1)(d) of the Act may include a test of any of the following, as specified in the order:


                   (a)      materials;


                   (b)     equipment;


                   (c)      devices;


                   (d)     construction methods;


                   (e)      structural assemblies;


                   (f)      foundation conditions.


          (2)    Instead of ordering a test under clause 11(1)(d) of the Act, a building official may accept evidence submitted by the owner if the building official is satisfied that the evidence shows whether the material, equipment, device, construction or foundation conditions meet the Code.

Report required for failure or potential failure

54      If a failure occurs that causes or has the potential to cause injury or loss of life, a building official may require an owner, or an owner’s representative, to submit a report that states


                   (a)      the nature and details of the failure; and


                   (b)     the name and address of the constructor.

Conditional building or occupancy permit

55      A permit may be made conditional upon any of the following:


                   (a)      submitting additional information not available at the time, if the information is of such a nature that withholding the permit until the information becomes available would be unreasonable;


                   (b)     completing any work that is incomplete at the time of inspection, if the application is of such a nature that no unsafe condition exists and withholding the permit would be unreasonable.

Incorrect information in application for permit

56      (1)    An applicant must not knowingly provide incorrect information in a permit application.


          (2)    If incorrect information is provided in a permit application contrary to subsection (1), the proposed building, construction or demolition may be deemed by a building official to not comply with these regulations under clause 9(1)(a) of the Act, resulting in a refusal to issue a permit for the proposed construction, demolition or occupancy of the building.

Permit conditions

57      Contravention of a condition under which a permit was issued that results in the permit having been issued on mistaken or false information is grounds for a building official to revoke the permit under clause 9(3)(a) of the Act.

Occupancy before completion

58      To allow the occupancy of a building or part thereof for the accepted use, an occupancy permit may be issued before construction or demolition work is started or completed, subject to compliance with provisions to safeguard persons in or about the premises.

Part 3: Amendments to Adopted National Codes

Amendments to Division A (Compliance, Objectives and Functional Statements)
of National Building Code

Sentence (Application of this Code) replaced

59      Sentence (Part 1 of Division A) of the National Building Code is repealed and replaced with the following Sentence:


2)Except as provided by Clauses 9(1)(i) and (j) of the Nova Scotia Building Code Regulations, the Code applies to both site-assembled and factory-constructed buildings. (See Note NS-9(1)(i) and (j), NSBCR)

Sentence—Definition of owner

60      The definition of “owner” in Sentence (Part 1 of Division A) of the National Building Code is repealed and replaced with the definition of “owner” in Section 2 of the Act.

Clause (Objective OA, Accessibility) replaced

61      Sentence (Part 2 of Division A) of the National Building Code is amended by repealing Clause (a) and replacing it with the following Clause:


                                        a)     the following buildings, except that they are still required to be in compliance with the adaptable housing requirements in Subsection 3.8.4. as set out in Schedule C to the Nova Scotia Building Code Regulations and the objectives in Table as amended in Section 70 of those regulations:

                                                 i)      detached houses,

                                                 ii)     semi-detached houses,

                                                 iii)    houses with a secondary suite,

                                                 iv)    duplexes,

                                                 v)     triplexes,

                                                 vi)    townhouses,

                                                 vii)   row houses, and

                                                 viii)  boarding houses.

(See Note A- of Division A, Secondary Suite, NBC)

Clause (Functional Statements F73 and F74) replaced

62      Sentence (Part 3 of Division A) of the National Building Code is amended by repealing Clause (a) and replacing it with the following Clause:


                                        a)     the following buildings, except that they are still required to be in compliance with the adaptable housing requirements in Subsection 3.8.4. as set out in Schedule C to the Nova Scotia Building Code Regulations and the functional statements in Table as amended in Section 70 of those regulations:

                                                 i)      detached houses,

                                                 ii)     semi-detached houses,

                                                 iii)    houses with a secondary suite,

                                                 iv)    duplexes,

                                                 v)     triplexes,

                                                 vi)    townhouses,

                                                 vii)   row houses, and

                                                 vii [viii])   boarding houses.

Amendments to Part 1 (General) of Division B of National Building Code

Article (Applicable Editions) replaced

63      Article (Part 1 of Division B) of the National Building Code, except Table is repealed and replaced with the following:


       Applicable Editions

1)Except as provided under Sentence (2), where documents are referenced in this Code, they shall be the editions designated in Table except those documents designated under the following Acts and regulations of the Province of Nova Scotia in which case the edition so referenced shall apply:

                                        a)     Technical Safety Act and Sections 4 (boiler and pressure equipment standards) and 6 (fuel safety standards) of the Technical Safety Standards Regulations,

                                        b)     Elevators and lifts Act and Elevators and Lifts General Regulations, or as that Act and regulations are replaced by the Technical Safety Act and Technical Safety Standards Regulations, or

                                        c)     Electrical Installation and Inspection Act and Electrical Code Regulations, or as that Act and regulations are replaced by the Technical Safety Act and Technical Safety Standards Regulations.(See Note NS-69, NSBCR)


2)Where amendments to documents adopted by this Code apply, these amendments shall apply to the particular provisions of those documents adopted by the above Acts and regulations unless amended by the Nova Scotia Building Code Regulations.

Table (Documents referenced in NBC) amended

64      Table (Part 1 of Division B) of the National Building Code is amended by adding the following rows to the table under ULC as the issuing agency:

Issuing Agency

Document Number

Title of Document

Code Reference



Standard for Residential Fire Warning System Control Units



Electronic Access Control Systems

Amendments to Part 3 (Fire Protection, Occupant Safety and Accessibility)
of Division B of National Building Code

Article (Combustible Solar Collector Systems) added

65      Subsection 3.1.5. (Part 3 of Division B) of the National Building Code is amended by adding the following Article immediately after Article


     Combustible Solar Collector Systems

1)A combustible solar collector system is permitted to be installed above the roof of a building required to be of noncombustible construction.

Article (Alternate Compliance Methods for Existing Buildings) added

66      Subsection 3.2.2. (Part 3 of Division B) of the National Building Code is amended by adding the following Article immediately after Article


     Alternate Compliance Methods for Existing Buildings

1)The Alternate Compliance Methods for Existing Buildings contained in Schedule D to the Nova Scotia Building Code Regulations are hereby adopted and may be used in accordance with subsections 7(2), (3) and (4) of those regulations.

Sentence (Doors and Door Hardware) replaced

67      Sentence (Part 3 of Division B) National Building Code is repealed and replaced with the following Sentence:


3)Except as permitted by Sentence (4) or Clause, door release hardware shall be operable by one hand and the door shall be openable with not more than one releasing operations. (See Sentence, NSBCR)

Sentence (Door Release Hardware) replaced

68      Sentence (Part 3 of Division B) of the National Building Code is repealed and replaced with the following Sentence:


4)Electromagnetic locks that do not incorporate latches, pins or other similar devices to keep the door in the closed position are permitted to be installed on exit doors, other than doors leading directly from a high-hazard industrial occupancy, provided all of the following are met:

                                        a)     the building is equipped with a fire alarm system,

                                        b)     the locking device, releases upon actuation of the alarm signal from the building’s fire alarm system,

                                        c)     the locking device releases immediately upon loss of power controlling the electromagnetic locking mechanism and its associated auxiliary controls,

                                        d)     except for electromagnetic locking devices installed in conformance with Sentence (5), the locking device releases immediately upon actuation of a manually operated switch readily accessible only to authorized personnel,

                                        e)     except as allowed by Clauses (f) and (m), a force not more than 90 N applied to the door opening hardware initiates an irreversible process that will release the locking device within 15 s and not re-lock until the door has been opened,

                                        f)      in a Group B, Division 2 or Group B, Division 3 occupancy located in a building or part thereof, licensed by the Province of Nova Scotia, the locking device on exit doors or doors in a means of egress, is permitted to be released by:

                                                 i)      a force of not more than 90 N applied to the door opening hardware that initiates an irreversible process that will release the locking device within 15 s, and not relock until the door has been opened, or

                                                 ii)     activating a blue manual pull station, installed in close proximity to the door, and not relock until the door has been opened,

(See Note NS-, NSBCR)

                                        g)     upon release, the locking device must be reset manually by the actuation of the switch referred to in Clause (d),

                                        h)     a legible sign is permanently mounted:

                                                 i)      for a locking device to be released in accordance with Subclause (f)(i), on the exit door to indicated that the locking device will release within 15 s of applying pressure to the door-opening hardware, or

                                                 ii)     for a locking device to be released in accordance with Subclause (f)(ii), on the exit door or door in a means of egress to indicate that the locking device will release by actuating the blue manual pull station,

                                        i)      devices installed under Subclause (f)(ii) shall conform with the CAN/ULC-S319, “Electronic Access Control Systems”,

                                        j)      the total time delay for all electromagnetic locks in any path of egress to release is not more than 15 s,

                                        k)     where a bypass switch is installed to allow testing of the fire alarm system, actuation of the switch

                                                 i)      can prevent the release of the locking device by the fire alarm system, as stated in Clause (b), during the test, and

                                                 ii)     causes an audible and visual signal to be indicated at the fire alarm annunciator panel required by Article and at the monitoring station specified in Sentence,

                                        l)      emergency lighting is provided at each door, and

                                        m)    where they are installed on doors providing emergency crossover access to floor areas from exit stairs in accordance with Article,

                                                 i)      the locking device releases immediately upon the operation of a manual station for the fire alarm system located on the wall on the exit stair side not more than 600 mm from the door, and

                                                 ii)     a legible sign with the words “re-entry door unlocked by fire alarm” in letters at least 25 mm high with a stroke of at least 5 mm is permanently mounted on the door on the exit stair side.

Section 3.8. (Accessibility) replaced by Schedule C

69      Section 3.8. (Part 3 of Division B) of the National Building Code is repealed and replaced with Section 3.8. Accessibility, as set out in Schedule C.

Table (Objectives and Functional Statements Attributed to Acceptable Solutions in Part 3) amended

70      Table of the National Building Code is amended by adding the following functional statements and objectives immediately after the functional statements and objectives for Article

Functional Statements and Objectives Sleeping Units in Roofed Accommodations






[F74-OA2] Suites of Residential Occupancies Required to be Barrier-Free








[F73-OA1][F74-OA2] Entrance Doors to Dwelling Units






[F73-OA1] Interior Doors and Corridors in Dwelling Units






[F73-OA1] Kitchens in Dwelling Units






[F74-OA2] Bathrooms in Dwelling Units




[F74-OA2] Duplex Receptacles, Switches and Controls





Amendments to Part 9 (Housing and Small Buildings)
of Division B of National Building Code

Sentence (Application) added

71      Article (Part 9 of Division B) of the National Building Code is amended by adding the following Sentence immediately after Sentence


2)The Alternate Compliance Methods for Existing Buildings contained in Schedule D to the Nova Scotia Building Code Regulations are adopted and may be used in accordance with subsections 7(2), (3), and (4) of those regulations.

Article (Barrier Free Design—General) replaced

72      Article (Part 9 of Division B) of the National Building Code is repealed and replaced with the following Article:



1)Subject to Articles and, every building shall be designed in conformance with Section 3.8.

Article (Exception for Apartment Buildings) repealed

73      Article (Part 9 of Division B) of the National Building Code is repealed.

Article (Exemption for Houses) added

74      Subsection 9.5.2. (Part 9 of Division B) of the National Building Code is amended by adding the following Article immediately after Article


       Exemption for Houses

1)Despite Clauses and (b), buildings within the scope of Sentence, shall comply with Subsection 3.8.4.

Sentence (Items under Part 3 Jurisdiction) amended

75      Sentence (Part 9 of Division B) of the National Building Code is amended by adding “self-service storage buildings”, immediately after “walkways”.

Article (Power Supply) replaced

76      Article (Part 9 of Division B) of the National Building Code is repealed and replaced with the following Article:


   Power Supply

1)Except as provided in Sentences (2) to (4), smoke alarms described in Sentence shall

                                        a)     be installed with permanent connections to an electrical circuit (See Note A-, NBC),

                                        b)     have no disconnect switch between the overcurrent device and the smoke alarm, and

                                        c)     in case the regular power supply to the smoke alarm is interrupted, be provided with a battery as an alternative power source that can continue to provide power to the smoke alarm for a period of no less than 7 days in the normal condition, followed by 4 minutes of alarm.


2)In a single dwelling unit, smoke alarms may be installed:

                                        a)     as a component of a household fire warning system which includes a certified control unit that meets the applicable requirements of ULC-S545, “Standard for Residential Fire Warning System Control Units”, and

                                        b)     in case the regular power supply to the control unit is interrupted, be provided with a battery as an alternative power source that can continue to provide power to the control unit for a period of no less than 7 days in the normal condition, followed by 4 minutes of alarm.


3)Where the building is not supplied with electric power, smoke alarms are permitted to be battery-operated.


4)Suites of residential occupancy are permitted to be equipped with smoke detectors in lieu of smoke alarms, provided the smoke detectors:

                                        a)     are capable of independently sounding audible signals within the individual suites,

                                        b)     except as permitted in Sentence (5), are installed in conformance with CAN/ULC-S524, “Installation of fire Alarm Systems,”, and

                                        c)     form part of the fire alarm system.

(See Note A-, NBC)


5)Smoke detectors permitted to be installed in lieu of smoke alarms as stated in Sentence (4) are permitted to sound localized alarms within individual suites, and need not sound an alarm throughout the rest of the building.

Article (Air Barrier System Properties) replaced

77      Article (Part 9 of Division B) of the National Building Code is repealed and replaced with the following Article:


     Air Barrier System Properties

1)Sheet and panel type materials intended to provide the principal resistance to air leakage shall have an air leakage characteristic of not greater than 0.02 L/(s⋅m2) measured at an air pressure differential of 75 Pa.


2)Where polyethylene sheet is used to provide airtightness in the air barrier system, it shall conform to CAN/CGSB-51.34-M, “Vapour Barrier, Polyethylene Sheet for Use in Building Construction”.

Sentence (Minimum Protection from Precipitation Ingress) amended

78      Sentence (Part 9 of Division B) of the National Building Code is amended by striking out everything after the word “break” and adding a period at the end of the Sentence.

Article (Required Fixtures) replaced

79      Article (Part 9 of Division B) of the National Building Code is repealed and replaced with the following Article:


     Required Fixtures

1)A kitchen sink, lavatory, either a bathtub or shower, and either a water closet or a drainless composting toilet shall be provided for every dwelling unit where a piped water supply is available.

Clause (Principal Ventilation System) amended

80      Clause (Part 9 of Division B) of the National Building Code is amended by striking out “except as permitted by Article,”.

Article (Exhaust-Only Ventilation Systems) and Note A- repealed

81      Article (Part 9 of Division B) and Note A- in the Appendix notes to Part 9 of the National Building Code are repealed.

Sentence (Compliance and Application) replaced

82      Sentence (Part 9 of Division B) of the National Building Code is repealed and replaced with the following Sentence:


1)Except as provided in Sentences (2) to (6), buildings shall comply with

                                        a)     the prescriptive or trade-off requirements for climatic Zone 6 stated in Subsections 9.36.2. to 9.36.4.,

                                        b)     the performance requirements in Subsection 9.36.5. based on the climatic data for where the building is located, or

                                        c)     the NECB.

(See Note NS-, NSBCR)

Sentence (Compliance and Application) added

83      Article (Part 9 of Division B) of the National Building Code is amended by adding the following Sentence immediately after Sentence


6)Section 9.36. does not apply to any of the following:

                                        a)     farm buildings,

                                        b)     buildings intended primarily for manufacturing or commercial or industrial processing,

                                        c)     non-heating season, or intermittently occupied buildings, or (See Note A-, NBC)

                                        d)     heritage buildings.

Article (Continuity of Insulation) amended and to add Sentence (10)

84      (1)    Sentence (Part 9 of Division B) of the National Building Code is repealed and replaced with the following Sentence:


6)Except as provided in Sentence (10), where mechanical, plumbing or electrical system components, such as pipes, ducts, conduit, cabinets, chases, panels or recessed heaters, are placed within and parallel to the wall assembly required to be insulated, the effective thermal resistence of that wall at the projected area of the system component shall be not less than that required by Table, 9.36,2.6.-B, or

(See Note A-, NBC)


          (2)    Article (Part 9 of Division B) of the National Building Code is amended by adding the following Sentence immediately after Sentence (9):


10)Effective thermal resistance at the projected area of vent pipes need not comply with Tables or provided

                                        a)     the vent pipe serves a kitchen sink and has a maximum size of 1 1/2 inches, and

                                        b)     the insulation is continuous around the pipe.

Article (Thermal Characteristics of Fenestration, Doors and Skylights) amended and to add Sentence (9)

85      (1)    Sentence (Part 9 of Division B) of the National Building Code is repealed and replaced with the following Sentence:


1)Except as provided in Sentences (2) to (9) and Article (Part of Division B) of the National Building Code, fenestration and doors shall have an overall thermal transmittance (U-Value) not greater than, or an Energy Rating not less than the values listed in Table, for the applicable heating degree-day category.

(See Note A- and (2), NBC)


          (2)    Article (Part 9 of Division B) of the National Building Code is amended by adding the following Sentence immediately after Sentence


9)Thermal characteristic of fenestrations and doors protected by storm windows or storm doors need not comply with the efficiencies specified in Table or Table

Section 9.38. (Recreational Cabins) added

86      Part 9 of Division B of the National Building Code is amended by adding the following Section immediately after Table


Section 9.38.Recreational Cabins


         9.38.1.     Scope



1)For the purposes of this Section, a recreational cabin means a building with a residential occupancy which meets all of the following:

                                        a)     it is used or intended to be used as a dwelling unit,

                                        b)     it is principally used for a seasonal recreational activity,

                                        c)     it is 2 storeys in building height or less, and

                                        d)     it is not used as a permanent residence.


2)A building described in Sentence (1) shall comply with the requirements in this Part and in Part 3 of the regulations except where it is specifically exempted in this Section.





1)Except as provided in Subsections 9.9.10. and 9.10.15. and Articles (NSBCR) and (NSBCR), a recreational cabin need not comply with Sections 9.5. to 9.7.


2)Except as provided in Subsections 9.9.10. and 9.10.15. and Articles (NSBCR) and (NSBCR), a recreational cabin need not comply with Sections 9.9. to 9.11.


3)Flooring in a recreational cabin need not comply with Section 9.30. but tight-fitting floors shall be provided to support the live and dead loads.


4)Except as provided in Sentence (5), thermal insulation, vapour barrier, air barrier system, interior finishes, plumbing, heating, mechanical ventilation, air-conditioning and electrical facilities need not be provided in a recreational cabin, but where any of these are provided they shall comply with the requirements of this Part.


5)Where heating and air-conditioning are provided in a recreational cabin, Article need not be complied with.



1)Except as provided in Sentences (2) and (3), a foundation shall be provided in a recreational cabin in accordance with the requirements of this Part.


2)Where unit masonry columns are used, the height of such columns shall not exceed the lesser of 1.2 m or,

                                        a)     in the case of hollow masonry units, 4 times the least dimension of the units,

                                        b)     in the case of solid masonry units, or hollow units with voids filled with concrete, 10 times the least dimension of the column, or

                                        c)     where the column is reinforced with at least four 13 mm diameter bars and filled with concrete, 18 times the least dimension of the column.


3)Columns in excess of the height limitations of Clauses (2)(a) to (c) shall be designed in accordance with Part 4.


     Waterproofing and Dampproofing

1)Where foundations below ground level and concrete floors on ground are used in a recreational cabin, they shall comply with Section 9.13.


     Smoke Alarms

1)Smoke alarms shall be installed in accordance with Subsection 9.10.19.


9.38.3.Roofed Accommodation


     Buildings used for Roofed Accommodation

1)If a recreational cabin is used or intended to be used as a roofed accommodation or camping accommodation, it shall comply with Sections 9.5. to 9.8. in addition to the requirements of this Section.

Section 9.39. (Tiny Houses) added

87      Part 9 of Division B of the National Building Code is amended by adding the following Section immediately after Section 9.38.:


Section 9.39.Tiny Houses





1)This Section applies to a tiny house used as a single dwelling unit.


     Construction Requirements

1)A tiny house shall comply with the requirements in this Part and in Part 3 of the Nova Scotia Building Code Regulations except as provided in this Section.


2)A tiny house is exempt from the adaptability requirements of Subsection 3.8.4. (NSBCR)


     Ceiling Heights of Rooms or Spaces

                                        1)     The ceiling height of rooms or spaces in a tiny house shall conform to Table


Forming part of Sentence

Room or space

Minimum Ceiling Heights

Bathrooms, toilet rooms and kitchens

1930 mm

All other living space except lofts

2030 mm


As per Article



1)A loft with a ceiling height of less than 2030 mm and used as a sleeping or living space shall meet the minimum area and dimension requirements of this Article.


2)A loft shall have a floor area of not less than 3.25 m2.


3)A loft shall be not less than 1525 mm in any horizontal dimension.


4)Except as provided in Sentence (5), portions of a loft with a sloping ceiling measuring less than 915 mm from the finished floor to the finished ceiling shall not be considered as contributing to the minimum required area for the loft.


5)Under finished sloped ceilings with a minimum slope of 6:12, portions of a loft with a sloping ceiling measuring less than 405 mm from the finished floor to the finished ceiling shall not be considered as contributing to the minimum required area of the loft.


6)The access to and primary egress from a loft shall be

                                        a)     of any type described in Articles,, or,

                                        b)     securely attached to the loft, and

                                        c)     the required handrails shall extend to the height of the loft guard.


7)A loft that meets the requirements of this Article and does not exceed 2/3 of the building area of the tiny home is not considered a storey.


8)Where a loft is used as a sleeping room, smoke alarms required by Subsection 9.10.19. are not required in the loft provided a smoke alarm is located within 1.5 m from the edge of the open side of the loft. (See Note NS-, NSBCR)



1)A stairway accessing a loft shall comply with

                                        a)     Section 9.8., or

                                        b)     this Article.


2)A stairway accessing a loft shall not be less than 430 mm in clear width at all points at or above the permitted handrail height.


3)The minimum width below the handrail shall not be less than 505 mm.


4)Except as provided in Sentence (5), the headroom in a stairway accessing a loft shall not be less than 1880 m when measured in accordance with Sentence


5)The headroom for a landing platform shall be not less than 1370 mm.


6)A riser for a stair in a stairway accessing a loft shall be uniform and a minimum of 180 mm and a maximum of 305 mm calculated using the following formulas:


Run = 510 mm minus 4/3 riser height




Riser height = 380 mm minus 3/4 run

(See Note NS-, NSBCR)


7)A landing platform on a stairway accessing a loft shall measure 2 treads deep and 2 risers tall.


8)A handrail shall comply with Subsection 9.8.7.


9)A guard at open sides of stairs shall comply with Subsection 9.8.8.


     Ladders for Lofts

1)A ladder accessing a loft shall have 305 mm minimum rung width and 255 mm to 355 mm spacing between rungs.


2)The rung spacing shall be uniform within 9.5 mm.


3)A ladder accessing a loft shall be capable of supporting 1000 N load on any rung.


4)A ladder accessing a loft shall be installed at 70 to 80 degrees from horizontal.


     Alternating Tread Devices

(See Note A-, NBC)

1)An alternating tread device accessing a loft shall comply with this Article.


2)The clear width at and below the handrails shall not be less than 510 mm.


3)An alternating tread device shall have

                                        a)     a tread depth of not less than 125 mm,

                                        b)     a projected tread depth of not less than 215 mm,

                                        c)     a tread width of not less than 180 mm, and

                                        d)     a uniform riser height of not more than 240 mm.


                                        4)     The tread depth shall be measured horizontally between the vertical planes of the foremost projections of adjacent treads.


5)The riser height and tread depth provided shall result in an angle of ascent from the horizontal of between 50 and 70 degrees.


6)The initial tread of the alternating tread device shall begin at the same elevation as the platform, landing or floor surface.


7)A handrail shall be provided on both sides of an alternating tread device and shall comply with Articles (Continuity of Handrails) and (Ergonomic Design).


8)The height of a handrail shall be not less than 765 mm and not more than 865 mm high measured in accordance with Sentence


     Ships Ladders

1)A ships ladder accessing a loft shall comply with this Article.


                                        2)     A handrail shall be provided on both sides of a ships ladder and shall comply with Articles (Continuity of Handrails), and (Ergonomic Design).


3)The height of the handrail shall be not less than 765 mm and not more than 865 mm high measured in accordance with Sentence


4)The clear width at and below the handrail of a ships ladder shall not be less than 510 mm.


5)The tread on a ships ladder shall have a depth of not less than 125 mm.


6)The tread shall be projected such that the total of the tread depth plus the nosing projection is not less than 215 mm.


7)The riser height shall be uniform and not more than 240 mm.


     Loft Guards

1)A loft guard shall be located along the open side of a loft which is located more than 600 mm above the floor.


2)A loft guard shall be the lesser of

                                        a)     915 mm in height, or

                                        b)     one half the clear height to the ceiling.


3)A loft guard is permitted a maximum opening of 610 mm to allow for access to the loft.


     Egress Openings

1)An egress roof access window in a tiny house shall meet the requirements for an egress opening from a bedroom contained in Article


2)An egress roof access window in a loft which is used as a sleeping room shall be installed with the bottom of the window opening not more than 1120 mm above the loft floor.

Table (Objectives and Functional Statements Attributed to Acceptable Solutions in Part 9) amended

88      (1)    Table of the National Building Code is amended by repealing and replacing the functional statements and objectives for Article with the following functional statements and objectives:

Functional Statements and Objectives Power Supply


[F11, F81-OS1.5]


[F11, F81-OS1.5]


          (2)    Table of the National Building Code is amended by repealing the functional statements and objectives for Article


          (3)    Table of the National Building Code is amended by adding the following functional statements and objectives immediately after the functional statements and objectives for Article

Functional Statements and Objectives

9.38. Recreational Cabins Exclusions





[F30-OS3.1] Foundations





          (4)    Table of the National Building Code is amended by adding the following functional statements and objectives immediately after the functional statements and objectives for Article

Functional Statements and Objectives

9.39. Tiny Homes Ceiling heights of Rooms and Spaces



[F10-OS3.7] Lofts




[F10-OS3.7] Stairways














[F30-OS3.1] Ladders for Lofts








[F30-OS3.1] Alternating Tread Devices










[F30-OS3.1] Ships Ladders














[F30-OS3.1] Loft Guards









[F30-OS3.7] Egress Openings



Amendments to Part 2 (Plumbing Systems) of Division B of National Plumbing Code

Article (No Reduction in Size) replaced

89      Article (Part 2 of Division B) of the National Plumbing Code is repealed and replaced with the following Article:


       No Reduction in Size

1)Except as permitted in Sentence (3), no drainage pipe that is of minimum size required by this Part for the purpose for which it is installed shall be so connected as to drain to other drainage pipe of lesser size.


2)Where a building drain connects to a stack through a wall or floor, the drain shall retain its full size through the wall or floor.


3)A sanitary drainage pipe may be connected to a pre-engineered waste water heat recovery system that incorporates piping of a lesser size than required by Sentence (1) if the drainage pipe does not convey sewage

                                        a)     from a sanitary unit, or

                                        b)     that contains solids.

Sentence (Flushing Devices) replaced

90      Sentence (Part 2 of Division B) of the National Plumbing Code is repealed and replaced with the following Sentence:


4)Sentence (3) does not apply to a fixture located in a heritage building, or a care, treatment or detention occupancy or passenger station.

Article (Solar Domestic Hot Water Systems) replaced

91      Article (Part 2 of Division B) of the National Plumbing Code is repealed and replaced with the following Article:


       Solar Domestic Hot Water Systems

1)Except as provided in Sentence (2), systems for solar heating of potable water shall be installed in accordance with good engineering practice.


2)Systems for solar heating of potable water in residential occupancies shall be installed in conformance with CAN/CSA-F383, “Installation Code for Solar Domestic Hot Water Systems”.

Amendments to Part 1 (General) of Division B of National Energy Code

Sentence (Prescriptive, Trade-off or Performance Compliance) replaced

92      Sentence (Part 1 of Division B) of the National Energy Code, is repealed and replaced with the following Sentence:


1)Buildings shall comply with one of the following:

                                        a)     the prescriptive or trade-off requirements for climatic Zone 6 stated in Parts 3 to 7, or

                                        b)     the performance requirements stated in Part 8.


Schedule A: Forms for Field Review of Construction

Form 1—Letter of Undertaking: Confirmation of Commitment by Owner to Municipal Building Official as Authority Having Jurisdiction
(Field Review of Construction)


The Nova Scotia Building Code (the “Code”) is made up of portions of the Nova Scotia Building Code Regulations (the “regulations”) made under the Building Code Act, together with the National Building Code, the National Plumbing Code and the National Energy Code, as amended and adopted by the regulations. Construction and demolition of buildings must be done in accordance with the Act, the regulations and the Code.

Architects, interior designers and professional engineers are required by their respective statutes, regulations and bylaws to ensure the general public of competent standards and ethical conduct in the design of buildings. Under Part 2 of the regulations, professionals must design buildings in conformance with the minimum standards of the Code, with sufficient drawings and documents to show how these standards have been met.

Part 2 of the regulations also requires buildings to be reviewed at intervals appropriate to the stage of construction to determine general compliance with the design drawings (and all revisions) accepted by a building official as the authority having jurisdiction. Completed commitment certificates for these field reviews of construction must be submitted to a building official as the authority having jurisdiction. If a building official has not been assigned by the applicable municipality, this document must be submitted directly to the municipality until a building official is assigned.

This letter of undertaking must be submitted with a completed application for a building permit.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -






authority having jurisdiction (building official)













authority having jurisdiction (building official)




address of project




name of project




legal description of project

I, the owner, submit this letter of undertaking to the building official as the authority having jurisdiction along with a completed application for a building permit.

I have appointed an architect(s), professional engineer(s), interior designer(s), or designer(s), or prime consultant(s) to undertake the field reviews of construction, as required by Sections 30 to 33 of the regulations for the following disciplines, which I have initialled:

(Initial the disciplines that apply to this project. All disciplines will not necessarily be employed on every project.)

___ Building Design

___ Interior Design

___ Structural

___ Plumbing

___ Mechanical

___ Electrical

___ Geotechnical

___ Fire Suppression System

___ Resource Conservation–Energy



(check all appropriate boxes)

I have attached the following to this letter of undertaking:

         field review of construction commitment certificates completed by me or the prime consultant appointed by me to coordinate the field review of construction.


         field review of construction commitment certificates (identified above) completed by responsible individuals appointed by me to perform the field review of construction for the applicable discipline(s).

I will forward

         field review of construction commitment certificates for responsible individuals not yet appointed.

I will notify the building official as the authority having jurisdiction if the architect, interior designer or professional engineer named in the attached field review of construction commitment certificates ceases, for whatever reason, to provide the field review of construction for this project and will appoint another architect, interior designer or professional engineer immediately so that the field review of construction will continue uninterrupted.

If the contract for a field review of construction is terminated at any time during construction, this notice and the necessary field review of construction commitment certificates will be forwarded to the building official as the authority having jurisdiction as soon as practical, but no later than 72 hours after the change in the individual responsible occurs.



signature of owner


print name



postal code





Form 2—Commitment Certificate: Prime Consultant

(Field Review of Construction)


The Nova Scotia Building Code (the “Code”) is made up of portions of the Nova Scotia Building Code Regulations (the “regulations”) made under the Building Code Act, together with the National Building Code, the National Plumbing Code and the National Energy Code, as amended and adopted by the regulations. Construction and demolition of buildings must be done in accordance with the Act, the regulations and the Code.

Architects, interior designers and professional engineers are required by their respective statutes, regulations and bylaws to ensure the general public of competent standards and ethical conduct in the design of buildings. Under Part 2 of the regulations, professionals must design buildings in conformance with the minimum standards of the Code, with sufficient drawings and documents to show how these standards have been met.

Part 2 of the regulations also requires buildings to be reviewed at intervals appropriate to the stage of construction to determine general compliance with the design drawings (and all revisions) accepted by a building official as the authority having jurisdiction. Completed commitment certificates for these field reviews of construction must be submitted to a building official as the authority having jurisdiction. If a building official has not been assigned by the applicable municipality, this document must be submitted directly to the municipality until a building official is assigned.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -






authority having jurisdiction (building official)













authority having jurisdiction (building official)




address of project




name of project




legal description of project

This is to advise that I am the architect, interior designer, professional engineer or designer appointed by the owner as prime consultant to coordinate the field review of construction for this project.

I hereby certify, as prime consultant for this project, that I will coordinate the field review of construction for the following disciplines, which I have initialled:

(Initial the disciplines that apply to this project. All disciplines will not necessarily be employed on every project.)

___ Building Design

___ Interior Design

___ Structural

___ Plumbing

___ Mechanical

___ Electrical

___ Geotechnical

___ Fire Suppression System

___ Resource Conservation–Energy



I attach for your review the field review of construction commitment certificates for each above initialled discipline completed by an appropriate professional for the discipline, or will forward the field review of construction commitment certificate for those not yet appointed.

I, and professionals who have completed the various field review of construction commitment certificates, will perform the field review of construction.

I also certify that

          1)     I will coordinate the review of shop drawings;

          2)     I will coordinate the review of changes to the design documents; and

          3)     I will complete, or have completed by the appropriate professional, the certification of field review of construction and return it to the building official as the authority having jurisdiction before the occupancy permit is issued.

Please be advised that I may delegate some or all of my duties associated with the coordination of the field review of construction to another person employed by me or my firm where it is consistent with prudent professional practice to do so. All delegated functions will be performed under my supervision in accordance with the Architects Act, the Interior Designers Act and the Engineering Profession Act.

If the contract for a field review of construction is terminated at any time during construction, I will notify a building official as the authority having jurisdiction as soon as practical, but no later than 72 hours after the event.


If a design professional: Affix below the seal of the licensed architect, interior designer or professional engineer in accordance with provincial legislation.

If not a design professional, this document must be signed by the person appointed as the prime consultant.

print name



print name of firm or company

print address


postal code





Form 3—Commitment Certificate: Building Design Requirements

(Field Review of Construction)


The Nova Scotia Building Code (the “Code”) is made up of portions of the Nova Scotia Building Code Regulations (the “regulations”) made under the Building Code Act, together with the National Building Code, the National Plumbing Code and the National Energy Code, as amended and adopted by the regulations. Construction and demolition of buildings must be done in accordance with the Act, the regulations and the Code.

Architects, interior designers and professional engineers are required by their respective statutes, regulations and bylaws to ensure the general public of competent standards and ethical conduct in the design of buildings. Under Part 2 of the regulations, professionals must design buildings in conformance with the minimum standards of the Code, with sufficient drawings and documents to show how these standards have been met.

Part 2 of the regulations also requires buildings to be reviewed at intervals appropriate to the stage of construction to determine general compliance with the design drawings (and all revisions) accepted by a building official as the authority having jurisdiction. Completed commitment certificates for these field reviews of construction must be submitted to a building official as the authority having jurisdiction. If a building official has not been assigned by the applicable municipality, this document must be submitted directly to the municipality until a building official is assigned.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -






authority having jurisdiction (building official)













authority having jurisdiction (building official)




address of project




name of project




legal description of project

This is to advise that I am the interior designer, architect, or professional engineer appointed by the owner or prime consultant to perform the field review of construction for the building design aspects of this project, which are within Parts 3 and 5 of the National Building Code and Part 3 of the National Energy Code, and as shown in design documents submitted to a building official as the authority having jurisdiction, but do not include areas of work referred to in the certificates in Forms 4 to 11 of the regulations, inclusive.

I hereby certify, for the building design requirements, that

          1)     I will review the shop drawings relevant to this certificate to determine general compliance with the design documents, however, the party producing the shop drawings remains responsible for the design expressed in the documents;

          2)     I will coordinate the review of changes to the design documents relevant to this certificate to ensure that the changes conform to the Code; and

          3)     I will complete the certification of field review of construction and return it to a building official as the authority having jurisdiction before the occupancy permit is issued.

Please be advised that I may delegate some or all of my duties associated with the coordination of the field review of construction to another person employed by me or my firm where it is consistent with prudent professional practice to do so. All delegated functions will be performed under my supervision in accordance with the Architects Act, the Interior Designers Act and the Engineering Profession Act.

If the contract for a field review of construction is terminated at any time during construction, I will notify a building official as the authority having jurisdiction as soon as practical, but no later than 72 hours after the event.


Affix below the seal of the licensed architect, interior designer or professional engineer in accordance with provincial legislation.

print name



print name of firm or company

print address


postal code





Form 4—Commitment Certificate: Structural Design Requirements

(Field Review of Construction)


The Nova Scotia Building Code (the “Code”) is made up of portions of the Nova Scotia Building Code Regulations (the “regulations”) made under the Building Code Act, together with the National Building Code, the National Plumbing Code and the National Energy Code, as amended and adopted by the regulations. Construction and demolition of buildings must be done in accordance with the Act, the regulations and the Code.

Architects, interior designers and professional engineers are required by their respective statutes, regulations and bylaws to ensure the general public of competent standards and ethical conduct in the design of buildings. Under Part 2 of the regulations, professionals must design buildings in conformance with the minimum standards of the Code, with sufficient drawings and documents to show how these standards have been met.

Part 2 of the regulations also requires buildings to be reviewed at intervals appropriate to the stage of construction to determine general compliance with the design drawings (and all revisions) accepted by a building official as the authority having jurisdiction. Completed commitment certificates for these field reviews of construction must be submitted to a building official as the authority having jurisdiction. If a building official has not been assigned by the applicable municipality, this document must be submitted directly to the municipality until a building official is assigned.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -






authority having jurisdiction (building official)













authority having jurisdiction (building official)




address of project




name of project




legal description of project

This is to advise that I am the professional engineer appointed by the owner or prime consultant to perform the field review of construction for the structural design requirements for this project.

I hereby certify, for the structural design requirements, that

          1)     I will review the structural shop drawings to determine general compliance with the design documents, however, the party producing the shop drawings remains responsible for the design expressed in the documents;

          2)     I will coordinate the review of changes to the structural design drawings to determine that the changes conform to the Code; and

          3)     I will complete the certification of field review of construction and return it to a building official as the authority having jurisdiction before the occupancy permit is issued.

Please be advised that I may delegate some or all of my duties associated with the field review of construction to another person employed by me or my firm where it is consistent with prudent professional practice to do so. All delegated functions will be performed under my supervision in accordance with the Engineering Profession Act.

If the contract for a field review of construction is terminated at any time during construction, I will notify a building official as the authority having jurisdiction as soon as practical, but no later than 72 hours after the event.


Affix below the seal of the licensed professional engineer in accordance with provincial legislation.

print name



print name of firm or company

print address


postal code





Form 5—Commitment Certificate: Mechanical Design Requirements

(Field Review of Construction)


The Nova Scotia Building Code (the “Code”) is made up of portions of the Nova Scotia Building Code Regulations (the “regulations”) made under the Building Code Act, together with the National Building Code, the National Plumbing Code and the National Energy Code, as amended and adopted by the regulations. Construction and demolition of buildings must be done in accordance with the Act, the regulations and the Code.

Professional engineers are required by their statute, regulations and bylaws to ensure the general public of competent standards and ethical conduct in the design of buildings. Under Part 2 of the regulations, professionals must design buildings in conformance with the minimum standards of the Code, with sufficient drawings and documents to show how these standards have been met.

Part 2 of the regulations also requires buildings to be reviewed at intervals appropriate to the stage of construction to determine general compliance with the design drawings (and all revisions) accepted by a building official as the authority having jurisdiction. Completed commitment certificates for these field reviews of construction must be submitted to a building official as the authority having jurisdiction. If a building official has not been assigned by the applicable municipality, this document must be submitted directly to the municipality until a building official is assigned.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -






authority having jurisdiction (building official)













authority having jurisdiction (building official)




address of project




name of project




legal description of project

This is to advise that I am the professional engineer appointed by the owner or prime consultant to perform the field review of construction for the mechanical design aspects of this project, which are within Part 6 of the National Building Code and Parts 5 and 6 of the National Energy Code.

I hereby certify, for the mechanical design requirements, that

          1)     I will review the mechanical shop drawings to determine general compliance with the design documents, however, the party producing the shop drawings remains responsible for the design expressed in the documents;

          2)     I will coordinate the review of changes to the mechanical design documents to ensure that the applicable professional engineer(s) determines whether the changes conform to the Code; and

          3)     I will complete the certification of field review of construction and return it to a building official as the authority having jurisdiction before the occupancy permit is issued.

Please be advised that I may delegate some or all of my duties associated with the field review of construction to another person employed by me or my firm where it is consistent with prudent professional practice to do so. All delegated functions will be performed under my supervision in accordance with the Engineering Profession Act.

If the contract for a field review of construction is terminated at any time during construction, I will notify a building official as the authority having jurisdiction as soon as practical, but no later than 72 hours after the event.


Affix below the seal of the licensed professional engineer in accordance with provincial legislation.

print name



print name of firm or company

print address


postal code





Form 6—Commitment Certificate: Electrical Design Requirements

(Field Review of Construction)


The Nova Scotia Building Code (the “Code”) is made up of portions of the Nova Scotia Building Code Regulations (the “regulations”) made under the Building Code Act, together with the National Building Code, the National Plumbing Code and the National Energy Code, as amended and adopted by the regulations. Construction and demolition of buildings must be done in accordance with the Act, the regulations and the Code.

Professional engineers are required by their statute, regulations and bylaws to ensure the general public of competent standards and ethical conduct in the design of buildings. Under Part 2 of the regulations, professionals must design buildings in conformance with the minimum standards of the Code, with sufficient drawings and documents to show how these standards have been met.

Part 2 of the regulations also requires buildings to be reviewed at intervals appropriate to the stage of construction to determine general compliance with the design drawings (and all revisions) accepted by a building official as the authority having jurisdiction. Completed commitment certificates for these field reviews of construction must be submitted to a building official as the authority having jurisdiction. If a building official has not been assigned by the applicable municipality, this document must be submitted directly to the municipality until a building official is assigned.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -






authority having jurisdiction (building official)













authority having jurisdiction (building official)




address of project




name of project




legal description of project

This is to advise that I am the professional engineer appointed by the owner or prime consultant to perform the field review of construction for the electrical design aspects of this project, which are within Part 1 of the Canadian Electrical Code and Parts 4 and 7 of the National Energy Code.

I hereby certify, for the electrical design requirements, that

          1)     I will review the electrical shop drawings to determine general compliance with the design documents, however, the party producing the shop drawings remains responsible for the design expressed in the documents;

          2)     I will coordinate the review of changes to the electrical design documents to ensure that the applicable professional engineer(s) determines whether the changes conform to the Code; and

          3)     I will complete the certification of field review of construction and return it to a building official as the authority having jurisdiction before the occupancy permit is issued.

Please be advised that I may delegate some or all of my duties associated with the field review of construction to another person employed by me or my firm where it is consistent with prudent professional practice to do so. All delegated functions will be performed under my supervision in accordance with the Engineering Profession Act.

If the contract for a field review of construction is terminated at any time during construction, I will notify a building official as the authority having jurisdiction as soon as practical, but no later than 72 hours after the event.


Affix below the seal of the licensed professional engineer in accordance with provincial legislation.

print name



print name of firm or company

print address


postal code





Form 7—Commitment Certificate: Fire Suppression Systems Design Requirements

(Field Review of Construction)


The Nova Scotia Building Code (the “Code”) is made up of portions of the Nova Scotia Building Code Regulations (the “regulations”) made under the Building Code Act, together with the National Building Code, the National Plumbing Code and the National Energy Code, as amended and adopted by the regulations. Construction and demolition of buildings must be done in accordance with the Act, the regulations and the Code.

Professional engineers are required by their statute, regulations and bylaws to ensure the general public of competent standards and ethical conduct in the design of buildings. Under Part 2 of the regulations, professionals must design buildings in conformance with the minimum standards of the Code, with sufficient drawings and documents to show how these standards have been met.

Part 2 of the regulations also requires buildings to be reviewed at intervals appropriate to the stage of construction to determine general compliance with the design drawings (and all revisions) accepted by a building official as the authority having jurisdiction. Completed commitment certificates for these field reviews of construction must be submitted to a building official as the authority having jurisdiction. If a building official has not been assigned by the applicable municipality, this document must be submitted directly to the municipality until a building official is assigned.


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authority having jurisdiction (building official)













authority having jurisdiction (building official)




address of project




name of project




legal description of project

This is to advise that I am the professional engineer appointed by the owner or prime consultant to perform the field review of construction for the fire suppression systems design requirements.

I hereby certify, for the fire suppression systems design requirements, that

          1)     I will review the fire suppression systems shop drawings to determine general compliance with the design documents, however, the party producing the shop drawings remains responsible for the design expressed in the documents;

          2)     I will coordinate the review of changes to the fire suppression systems design documents to ensure that the applicable professional engineer(s) determines whether the changes conform to the Code;

          3)     I will complete the certification of field review of construction and return it to a building official as the authority having jurisdiction before the occupancy permit is issued; and

          4)     I will file a copy of this certificate, a copy of the shop drawings and specifications for the fire suppression system and a copy of the appropriate contractor’s material and test certificate for the system, as required by Section 26 of the regulations, with a building official as the authority having jurisdiction before the occupancy permit is issued.

Please be advised that I may delegate some or all of my duties associated with the field review of construction to another person employed by me or my firm where it is consistent with prudent professional practice to do so. All delegated functions will be performed under my supervision in accordance with the Engineering Profession Act.

If the contract for a field review of construction is terminated at any time during construction, I will notify a building official as the authority having jurisdiction as soon as practical, but no later than 72 hours after the event.


Affix below the seal of the licensed professional engineer in accordance with provincial legislation.

print name



print name of firm or company

print address


postal code





Form 8—Commitment Certificate: Geotechnical Design Requirements

(Field Review of Construction)


The Nova Scotia Building Code (the “Code”) is made up of portions of the Nova Scotia Building Code Regulations (the “regulations”) made under the Building Code Act, together with the National Building Code, the National Plumbing Code and the National Energy Code, as amended and adopted by the regulations. Construction and demolition of buildings must be done in accordance with the Act, the regulations and the Code.

Professional engineers are required by their statute, regulations and bylaws to ensure the general public of competent standards and ethical conduct in the design of buildings. Under Part 2 of the regulations, professionals must design buildings in conformance with the minimum standards of the Code, with sufficient drawings and documents to show how these standards have been met.

Part 2 of the regulations also requires buildings to be reviewed at intervals appropriate to the stage of construction to determine general compliance with the design drawings (and all revisions) accepted by a building official as the authority having jurisdiction. Completed commitment certificates for these field reviews of construction must be submitted to a building official as the authority having jurisdiction. If a building official has not been assigned by the applicable municipality, this document must be submitted directly to the municipality until a building official is assigned.


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authority having jurisdiction (building official)













authority having jurisdiction (building official)




address of project




name of project




legal description of project

This is to advise that I am the professional engineer appointed by the owner or prime consultant to perform the field review of construction for the geotechnical (permanent) design requirements for this project.

I hereby certify, for the geotechnical (permanent) design requirements, that

          1)     I will review the geotechnical shop drawings to determine general compliance with the design documents, however, the party producing the shop drawings remains responsible for the design expressed in the documents;

          2)     I will coordinate the review of changes to the geotechnical design documents to ensure that the applicable professional engineer(s) determines whether the changes conform to the Code; and

          3)     I will complete the certification of field review of construction and return it to a building official as the authority having jurisdiction before the occupancy permit is issued.

Please be advised that I may delegate some or all of my duties associated with the field review of construction to another person employed by me or my firm where it is consistent with prudent professional practice to do so. All delegated functions will be performed under my supervision in accordance with the Engineering Profession Act.

If the contract for a field review of construction is terminated at any time during construction, I will notify a building official as the authority having jurisdiction as soon as practical, but no later than 72 hours after the event.


Affix below the seal of the licensed professional engineer in accordance with provincial legislation.

print name



print name of firm or company

print address


postal code





Form 9—Commitment Certificate: Plumbing Design Requirements

(Field Review of Construction)


The Nova Scotia Building Code (the “Code”) is made up of portions of the Nova Scotia Building Code Regulations (the “regulations”) made under the Building Code Act, together with the National Building Code, the National Plumbing Code and the National Energy Code, as amended and adopted by the regulations. Construction and demolition of buildings must be done in accordance with the Act, the regulations and the Code.

Professional engineers are required by their statute, regulations and bylaws to ensure the general public of competent standards and ethical conduct in the design of buildings. Under Part 2 of the regulations, professionals must design buildings in conformance with the minimum standards of the Code, with sufficient drawings and documents to show how these standards have been met.

Part 2 of the regulations also requires buildings to be reviewed at intervals appropriate to the stage of construction to determine general compliance with the design drawings (and all revisions) accepted by a building official as the authority having jurisdiction. Completed commitment certificates for these field reviews of construction must be submitted to a building official as the authority having jurisdiction. If a building official has not been assigned by the applicable municipality, this document must be submitted directly to the municipality until a building official is assigned.


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authority having jurisdiction (building official)













authority having jurisdiction (building official)




address of project




name of project




legal description of project

This is to advise that I am the professional engineer appointed by the owner or prime consultant to perform the field review of construction for the plumbing design requirements for this project.

I hereby certify, for the plumbing design requirements, that

          1)     I will review the plumbing shop drawings to determine general compliance with the design documents, however, the party producing the shop drawings remains responsible for the design expressed in the documents;

          2)     I will coordinate the review of changes to the plumbing design documents to ensure that the applicable professional engineer(s) determines whether the changes conform to the Code; and

          3)     I will complete the certification of field review of construction and return it to a building official as the authority having jurisdiction before the occupancy permit is issued.

Please be advised that I may delegate some or all of my duties associated with the field review of construction to another person employed by me or my firm where it is consistent with prudent professional practice to do so. All delegated functions will be performed under my supervision in accordance with the Engineering Profession Act.

If the contract for a field review of construction is terminated at any time during construction, I will notify a building official as the authority having jurisdiction as soon as practical, but no later than 72 hours after the event.


Affix below the seal of the licensed professional engineer in accordance with provincial legislation.

print name



print name of firm or company

print address


postal code





Form 10—Commitment Certificate: Interior Design Requirements

(Field Review of Construction)


The Nova Scotia Building Code (the “Code”) is made up of portions of the Nova Scotia Building Code Regulations (the “regulations”) made under the Building Code Act, together with the National Building Code, the National Plumbing Code and the National Energy Code, as amended and adopted by the regulations. Construction and demolition of buildings must be done in accordance with the Act, the regulations and the Code.

Interior designers are required by their statute, regulations and bylaws to ensure the general public of competent standards and ethical conduct in the design of buildings. Under Part 2 of the regulations, professionals must design buildings in conformance with the minimum standards of the Code, with sufficient drawings and documents to show how these standards have been met.

Part 2 of the regulations also requires buildings to be reviewed at intervals appropriate to the stage of construction to determine general compliance with the design drawings (and all revisions) accepted by a building official as the authority having jurisdiction. Completed commitment certificates for these field reviews of construction must be submitted to a building official as the authority having jurisdiction. If a building official has not been assigned by the applicable municipality, this document must be submitted directly to the municipality until a building official is assigned.


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authority having jurisdiction (building official)













authority having jurisdiction (building official)




address of project




name of project




legal description of project

This is to advise that I am the interior designer appointed by the owner or prime consultant to perform the field review of construction for the interior design requirements for this project.

I hereby certify, for the interior design requirements, that

          1)     I will review the shop drawings relevant to this certificate to determine general compliance with the design documents, however, the party producing the shop drawings remains responsible for the design expressed in the documents;

          2)     I will coordinate the review of changes to the design documents relevant to this certificate to ensure that the changes conform to the Code; and

          3)     I will complete the certification of field review of construction and return it to a building official as the authority having jurisdiction before the occupancy permit is issued.

Please be advised that I may delegate some or all of my duties associated with the field review of construction to another person employed by me or my firm where it is consistent with prudent professional practice to do so. All delegated functions will be performed under my supervision in accordance with the Interior Designers Act.

If the contract for a field review of construction is terminated at any time during construction, I will notify a building official as the authority having jurisdiction as soon as practical, but no later than 72 hours after the event.


Affix below the seal of the licensed interior designer in accordance with provincial legislation.

print name



print name of firm or company

print address


postal code





Form 11—Commitment Certificate: Resource Conservation Measures – Energy Requirements

(Field Review of Construction)


The Nova Scotia Building Code (the “Code”) is made up of portions of the Nova Scotia Building Code Regulations (the “regulations”) made under the Building Code Act, together with the National Building Code, the National Plumbing Code and the National Energy Code, as amended and adopted by the regulations. Construction and demolition of buildings must be done in accordance with the Act, the regulations and the Code.

Architects and professional engineers are required by their respective statutes, regulations and bylaws to ensure the general public of competent standards and ethical conduct in the design of buildings. Under Part 2 of the regulations, professionals must design buildings in conformance with the minimum standards of the Code, with sufficient drawings and documents to show how these standards have been met.

Part 2 of the regulations also requires buildings to be reviewed at intervals appropriate to the stage of construction to determine general compliance with the design drawings (and all revisions) accepted by a building official as the authority having jurisdiction. Completed commitment certificates for these field reviews of construction must be submitted to a building official as the authority having jurisdiction. If a building official has not been assigned by the applicable municipality, this document must be submitted directly to the municipality until a building official is assigned.


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authority having jurisdiction (building official)













authority having jurisdiction (building official)




address of project




name of project




legal description of project

This is to advise that I am the architect, or professional engineer appointed by the owner or prime consultant to coordinate the field review of construction for the resource conservation measures – energy requirements for this project for the following disciplines, which I have initialled:

___ Building Design

___ Plumbing

___ Mechanical

___ Electrical

I hereby certify, for the resource conservation measures – energy requirements, that

          1)     I will comply with the requirements of Division C of the National Building Code and the National Energy Code;

          2)     I will review the energy shop drawings to determine general compliance with the design documents, however, the party producing the shop drawings remains responsible for the design expressed in the documents;

          3)     I will coordinate the review of changes to the energy design documents to ensure that the changes conform to the Code;

          4)     if the size and complexity of the design warrants, I will coordinate additional areas of review as considered appropriate in consultation with a building official as the authority having jurisdiction; and

          5)     I will complete the certification of field review of construction and return it to a building official as the authority having jurisdiction before of the occupancy permit is issued.

Please be advised that I may delegate some or all of my duties associated with the field review of construction to another person employed by me or my firm where it is consistent with prudent professional practice to do so. All delegated functions will be performed under my supervision in accordance with the Architects Act or Engineering Profession Act.

If the contract for a field review of construction is terminated at any time during construction, I will notify a building official as the authority having jurisdiction as soon as practical, but no later than 72 hours after the event.


Affix below the seal of the licensed architect or professional engineer in accordance with provincial legislation.

print name



print name of firm or company

print address


postal code





Form 12—Certification of Field Review of Construction

NOTE: This letter must be signed by a licensed architect, interior designer or professional engineer, as appropriate, in accordance with provincial legislation and must be submitted after the project is completed but before the occupancy permit is issued. A separate letter must be submitted by each architect, interior designer or professional engineer hired by the owner or prime consultant.





authority having jurisdiction (building official)













authority having jurisdiction (building official)




address of project




name of project




legal description of project

I hereby certify that I have fulfilled my obligations for the field review of construction as defined in the letter of undertaking and the commitment certificate for this project, and advise that I have reviewed the work at intervals appropriate to determine general compliance with the design drawings (and all revisions) accepted by a building official as the authority having jurisdiction for the following disciplines, which I have initialled:

(Initial the disciplines that apply to this project. All disciplines will not necessarily be employed on every project.)

___ Building Design

___ Interior Design

___ Structural

___ Plumbing

___ Mechanical

___ Electrical

___ Geotechnical

___ Fire Suppression System

___ Resource Conservation–Energy




Affix below the seal of the licensed architect, interior designer or professional engineer in accordance with provincial legislation.

print name



print name of firm or company

print address


postal code





Schedule B: Design Data for Selected Locations in Nova Scotia

Appendix C to NBC

It is not practical to list design values for all municipalities in Nova Scotia, in Appendix C of the National Building Code, Table C-2 Design Data for Selected Locations in Canada.

Obtaining design values for locations not listed

Design values for locations not listed can be obtained by writing to the Atmospheric Environment Service, Environment and Climate Change Canada, 4905 Dufferin Street, Downsview, ON M3H 5T4 or by contacting (416) 739 4365 or

Obtaining seismic values for locations not listed

Seismic values for those not listed may be obtained through Natural Resources Canada website at, or by writing to the Geological Survey of Canada, 7 Observatory Crescent, Ottawa, ON K1A 0Y3.


Schedule C: Substituted Section 3.8 of NBC, Accessibility

(Replaced for Code)

As amended by Section 69 of these regulations, Section 3.8. (Accessibility) of Division B of the National Building Code is replaced for the Code with the following:

Section 3.8. Accessibility


3.8.1.       Scope

(See Note NS-3.8.1., NSBCR)       Scope

1)This Section is concerned with the barrier-free design of buildings.


2)Buildings required to be barrier-free in accordance with Subsection 3.8.2. shall be designed in accordance with Subsection 3.8.3.


3.8.2.       Application       Application and Exemptions

1)The requirements of this Section apply to all buildings, except

                              a)       houses on their own lot, other than those houses used as roofed accommodation for not more than 10 persons including the owner and the owner’s family and that meet the requirements of Sentence (5),

                              b)       semi-detached, houses with secondary suites, duplexes, triplexes, townhouses, row houses, boarding houses and rooming houses,

                              c)       buildings of Group F, Division 1 major occupancy,

                              d)       buildings that are not intended to be occupied on a daily or full-time basis, including automatic telephone exchanges, pumphouses and substations,

                              e)       industrial occupancies with an operation that is not adaptable to barrier-free design, and

                              f)       fire, rescue, and emergency response facilities intended to house vehicles and their crews. (See Note NS-, NSBCR)


2)In camping accommodation where sleeping accommodations are provided, and in roofed accommodation one sleeping unit conforming to Article shall be provided for every 20 sleeping units or part thereof.


3)In roofed accommodation, where a fire alarm system is required by Subsection 3.2.4. or Subsection 9.10.18., at least one sleeping unit for every 20 sleeping units or part thereof, other than those required in Sentence, shall be provided with a warning system that shall conform to Article (Visual Signals).


4)Every floor area to which a barrier-free path of travel is required to provide access, shall conform to Article (Protection on Floor Areas with a Barrier-Free Path of Travel).


5)Where an alteration on the entrance level is made to a dwelling unit used as roofed accommodation to add sleeping accommodation, all of the following shall be provided:

                              a)       one sleeping unit conforming to Article,

                              b)       a barrier-free entrance designed in accordance with Subsection 3.8.3.,

                              c)       a barrier-free path of travel conforming to Article, and

                              d)       one parking stall for each required sleeping unit under this Sentence conforming with Sentence


6)Except as exempted by Clause, in a building with multiple suites for care or residential occupancies,

                              a)       one unit conforming to Article shall be provided for every 20 units or part thereof, or

                              b)       every unit shall conform to Subsection 3.8.4.

(See Note NS-, NSBCR)       Entrances
(See Note A-, NBC)

1)In addition to the barrier-free entrances required by Sentence (2), not less than 50% of the pedestrian entrances of a building referred to in Sentence shall be barrier-free and shall lead from

                              a)       the outdoors at sidewalk level, or

                              b)       a ramp that conforms with Subsection 3.8.3. and leads from a sidewalk.


2)A suite of assembly occupancy, business and personal services occupancy, or mercantile occupancy that is located in the first storey of a building, or in a storey to which a barrier-free path of travel is provided, and that is completely separated from the remainder of the building so that there is no access to the remainder of the building, shall have at least one barrier-free entrance.


3)A barrier-free entrance required by Sentence (1) or (2) shall be designed in accordance with Subsection 3.8.3.


4)At a barrier-free entrance that includes more than one doorway, only one of the doorways is required to be designed in accordance with the requirements of Subsection 3.8.3.


5)If a walkway or pedestrian bridge connects two barrier-free storeys in different buildings, the path of travel from one storey to the other storey by means of a walkway or bridge shall be barrier-free.


6)Where a principal entrance to a building of residential occupancy is equipped with a security door system,

                              a)       both visual and audible signals shall be used to indicate when the door lock is released, and

                              b)       where there are more than 20 suites, a closed-circuit visual monitoring system shall be provided that is capable of connection to individual suites.


7)Where a house is required to conform to the requirements of Sentence, the house shall provide one barrier-free entrance in conformance with Sentence (1).       Areas Requiring a Barrier-Free Path of Travel
(See Note A-, NBC)

1)Except as permitted by Sentence (2), a barrier-free path of travel from the entrances required by Sentences and (2) to be barrier-free shall be provided throughout and within all normally occupied floor areas of each of the following:

                              a)       the entrance storey,

                              b)       each storey exceeding 600 m2 in area, and

                              c)       each storey served by a passenger elevator, escalator, inclined moving walk, or a passenger-elevating device.

(See Article (Protection on Floor Areas with a Barrier-Free Path of Travel) for additional requirements for floor areas above or below the first storey to which a barrier-free path of travel is required.)


2)A barrier-free path of travel for persons in wheelchairs is not required

                              a)       to service rooms,

                              b)       to elevator machine rooms,

                              c)       to janitor’s rooms,

                              d)       to service spaces,

                              e)       to crawl spaces,

                              f)       to attic or roof spaces,

                              g)       to floor levels not served by a passenger elevator, a platform-equipped passenger-elevating device, an escalator or an inclined moving walk,

                              h)       to high-hazard industrial occupancies,

                              i)        within portions of a floor area with fixed seats in an assembly occupancy where those portions are not part of the barrier-free path of travel to spaces designated for wheelchair use,

                              j)        within floor levels of a suite of residential occupancy that are not at the same level as the entry level to the suite,

                              k)       within a suite of care or residential occupancy unless required by Sentence, or

                              l)        within those parts of a floor area that are not at the same level as the entry level, provided amenities and uses provided on any raised or sunken level are accessible on the entry level by means of a barrier-free path of travel.


3)In an assembly occupancy, the number of spaces designated for wheelchair use within rooms or areas with fixed seats shall conform to Table (See also Article for additional requirements.)


Designated Wheelchair Spaces

Forming Part of Sentence

Number of Fixed Seats in Seating Area

Number of Spaces Required for Wheelchairs

2 – 100


101 – 200


201 – 300


301 – 400


401 – 500


501 – 900


901 – 1300


1301 – 1700


each increment of up to 400 seats in excess of 1700

one additional space       Access to Storeys Served by Escalators and Moving Walks

1)In a building in which an escalator or inclined moving walk provides access to any floor level above or below the entrance floor level, an interior barrier-free path of travel shall be provided to that floor level.

(See Note A-, NBC)


2)The route from the escalator or inclined moving walk to the barrier-free path of travel from floor to floor required by Sentence (1) shall be clearly indicated by appropriate signs.       Access to Parking Areas and Exterior Passenger-Loading Zones

1)A barrier-free path of travel shall be provided between an exterior parking area and a barrier-free entrance referred to in Article

(See Note A-, NBC)


2)Where a passenger elevator serves one or more indoor parking levels, a barrier-free path of travel shall be provided between at least one parking level and all other parts of the building required to be provided with barrier-free access in accordance with Subsection 3.8.3.


3)Exterior passenger-loading zones shall comply with Subsection 3.8.3.


4)Where on-site parking is provided, parking stalls for use by persons with a disability shall be provided in accordance with one of the following:

                              a)       as designated by Table,

                              b)       one parking stall shall be provided for each viewing position required in assembly occupancies in Sentence, or

                              c)       one parking stall shall be provided for each barrier-free residential suite.


Designated Parking Stalls

Forming Part of Sentence

Number of Parking Stalls

Number of Designated Stalls Required for Persons with Disability

2 – 15


16 – 45


46 – 100


101 – 200


201 – 300


301 – 400


401 – 500


501 – 900


901 – 1300


1301 – 1700


each increment of up to 400 stalls in excess of 1700

one additional space


5)Where on-site parking is provided, parking stalls for use by persons with a disability shall comply with Subsection 3.8.3.       Controls

1)Except as required by Sentence for elevators, controls for the operation of building services or safety devices, including electrical switches, thermostats and intercom switches, that are intended to be operated by the occupant and are located in or adjacent to a barrier-free path of travel shall comply with Subsection 3.8.3.

(See Note A-, NBC)       Power Door Operators

1)Except as permitted by Sentences (2) and (3), every door that provides a barrier-free path of travel through an entrance referred to in Article, including the interior doors of a vestibule where provided, shall be equipped with a power door operator that complies with Subsection 3.8.3. and allows persons to activate the opening of the door in the intended direction of travel, where the entrance serves

                              a)       a hotel,

                              b)       a building of Group B, Division 2, major occupancy,

                              c)       a building of Group B, Division 3, major occupancy with more than 10 residents, or

                              d)       a building that is more 500 m2 in building area and contains one of the following occupancies:

                                        i)      an assembly occupancy,

                                        ii)     a business and personal services occupancy, or

                                        iii)    a mercantile occupancy.


2)The requirements of Sentence (1) do not apply to an individual suite having an area less than 500 m2 in a building having only suites of assembly occupancy, business and personal services occupancy or mercantile occupancy if the suite is completely separated from the remainder of the building so that there is no access to the remainder of the building.


3)Only the active leaf in a multiple leaf door in a barrier-free path of travel need conform to the requirements of this Article.       Plumbing Facilities
(See Note A- to (4), NBC)

1)Except as permitted by Sentence (2), a washroom in a storey to which a barrier-free path of travel is required in accordance with Article, shall be barrier-free in accordance with Subsection 3.8.3.


2)A washroom need not conform to the requirements of Sentence (1) provided

                              a)       it is located within a suite of care or residential occupancy, except where required by Sentence, or

                              b)       other barrier-free washrooms are provided on the same floor area within 45 m.


3)In a building in which water closets are required in accordance with Subsection 3.7.2., one or more barrier-free water closets shall be provided in the entrance storey, unless

                              a)       a barrier-free path of travel is provided to barrier-free water closets elsewhere in the building, or

                              b)       the water closets required by Subsection 3.7.2. are for dwelling units only.


4)In any washroom containing not more than 3 water closets, one of the water closet stalls may be replaced by a universal washroom conforming to Subsection 3.8.3.

(See Note NS-, NSBCR).


5)In any washroom containing 4 or more water closets, at least one of the water closet stalls shall conform to Subsection 3.8.3.


6)A universal washroom conforming to Subsection 3.8.3. is permitted to be substituted for one water closet stall required by Sentence (5), in lieu of facilities for persons with disabilities in washrooms used by the general public.

(See Note NS-, NSBCR)


7)Where alterations are made to an existing building, universal washrooms conforming to Subsection 3.8.3. are permitted to be provided in lieu of facilities for persons with disabilities in washrooms used by the general public.


8)Where urinals are provided in a barrier-free washroom, at least one urinal shall comply with Subsection 3.8.3.


9)A barrier-free washroom shall be provided with a lavatory that complies with Subsection 3.8.3.


10)Where mirrors are provided in a barrier-free washroom, at least one mirror shall comply with Subsection 3.8.3.


11)Where drinking fountains are provided, at least one shall comply with Subsection 3.8.3.


12)Except within a suite of care occupancy or a suite of residential occupancy, where showers are provided in a building, at least one shower stall in each group of showers shall comply with Subsection 3.8.3.


13)Where a bathtub or shower is installed in a suite of residential occupancy required to be barrier-free, it shall comply with Subsection 3.8.3.       Assistive Listening Devices

1)In a building of assembly occupancy, all classrooms, auditoria, meeting rooms and theatres with an area of more than 100 m2 and all court rooms shall be equipped with an assistive listening system complying with Subsection 3.8.3.     Signs and Indicators

1)Signs complying with Subsection 3.8.3. shall be installed to indicate the location of

                              a)       barrier-free entrances,

                              b)       barrier-free washrooms,

                              c)       barrier-free showers,

                              d)       barrier-free elevators,

                              e)       barrier-free parking spaces, and

                              f)       facilities for persons with hearing disabilities.


2)Where a washroom is not designed to accommodate persons with physical disabilities in a storey to which a barrier-free path of travel is required, signs shall be provided to indicate the location of barrier-free facilities.     Counters
(See Note A-, NBC)

1)Every counter more than 2 m long, at which the public is served, shall comply with Subsection 3.8.3.


2)Built-in shelves and counters provided for public telephones shall comply with Subsection 3.8.3.


3.8.3.       Design       Design Standards

1)Buildings or parts thereof and facilities that are required to be barrier-free shall be designed in accordance with

                              a)       this Subsection, or

                              b)       the provisions of CSA B651, “Accessible Design for the Built Environment” listed in Table, in their entirety.

(See Note A-, NBC and Note NS-, NSBCR)


Barrier-free Design Provisions

Forming Part of Sentence

Barrier-free Application (Code References)

Applicable CSA B651 Provisions

Interior accessible routes (

4.3 and 5.1

Exterior accessible routes (

8.2.1 to 8.2.5 and 8.2.7

Parking stalls and passenger pickup areas (

8.3.3, 9.3 and 9.5.1 to 9.5.21

Ramps (

5.3 and 5.5

Doors and doorways (


Passenger-elevating devices (


Operating controls (


Signage (

4.5 and 9.4

Drinking fountains (


Washroom facilities ( to

6.2 and 6.3

Bathing facilities ( to


Communication ( And


Counters (


Spaces in seating area (


Sleeping units in roofed accommodation (

6.2.5,, 7.4.32, 7.4.5,,

Suites of care and residential occupancies to be barrier-free (,, 7.4.3, 7.4.4, 7.4.5,,

Note 1. Clause, NSBCR must be complied with as well

Note 2. Grab bar requirements for water closets, showers and bathtubs are required to be met (Clauses 6.2.5 and       Barrier-Free Path of Travel

1)Except as required elsewhere in this Part or as permitted by Article pertaining to doorways, the unobstructed width of a barrier-free path of travel shall be not less than 920 mm.


2)Interior and exterior walking surfaces that are within a barrier-free path of travel shall

                              a)       have no opening that will permit the passage of a sphere more than 13 mm in diameter,

                              b)       have any elongated openings oriented approximately perpendicular to the direction of travel,

                              c)       be stable, firm and slip-resistant,

                              d)       have a cross slope no steeper than 1 in 50,

                              e)       be bevelled at a maximum slope of 1 in 2 at changes in level between 6 mm and 13 mm, and

                              f)       be provided with sloped floors or ramps at changes in level more than 13 mm.

(See Note A-, NBC)


3)A barrier-free path of travel is permitted to include ramps, passenger elevators, inclined moving walks or passenger-elevating devices to overcome a difference in level.


4)The width of a barrier-free path of travel that is more than 30 m long shall be increased to not less than 1500 mm for a length of 1500 mm at intervals not exceeding 30 m.       Exterior Walks

1)Exterior walks that form part of a barrier-free path of travel shall

                              a)       be not less than 1100 mm wide, and

                              b)       have a level area conforming to Clause adjacent to each entrance doorway.       Parking Stalls and Exterior Passenger-Loading Zones

1)If an exterior passenger-loading zone is provided, it shall have

                              a)       an access aisle not less than 1500 mm wide and 6000 mm long adjacent and parallel to the vehicle pull-up space,

                              b)       a curb ramp, where there are curbs between the access aisle and the vehicle pull-up space, and

                              c)       a clear height of not less than 2750 mm at the pull-up space and along the vehicle access and egress routes.


2)A curb ramp shall have

                              a)       a minimum width of 1200 mm,

                              b)       a maximum slope of 1 in 12,

                              c)       flared sides with a maximum slope of 1 in 10.

(See Note NS-, NSBCR)


3)Parking stalls for use by persons with physical disabilities shall

                              a)       be not less than 2400 mm wide and provided on one side with an access aisle not less than 1500 mm wide (if more than one parking space is provided for persons with physical disabilities, a single access aisle can serve 2 adjacent parking stalls), and parallel parking stalls shall be not less than 7000 mm long,

                              b)       have a firm, slip-resistant and level surface of asphalt, concrete or compacted gravel,

                              c)       be located close to an entrance required to conform to Article, but not exceeding 50 m from the entrance,

                              d)       be clearly marked as being for the use of persons with physical disabilities, and

                              e)       be identified by a sign located not less than 1500 mm above ground level in conformance with the regulations respecting traffic signs made under the Motor Vehicle Act (Nova Scotia).       Ramps

1)A ramp located in a barrier-free path of travel shall

                              a)       have a clear width of not less than 870 mm,

(See Note A-, NBC)

                              b)       have a slope not more than 1 in 12,

(See Note A-, NBC)

                              c)       have a level area not less than 1500 by 1500 mm at the top and bottom and at intermediate levels of a ramp leading to a door, so that on the latch side the level area extends not less than

                                        i)      600 mm beyond he [the] edge of the door opening where he [the] door opens towards the ramp, or

                                        ii)     300 mm beyond the edge of the door opening where the door opens away from the ramp,

(See Note A-, NBC)

                              d)       have a level area not less than 1200 mm long and at least the same width as the ramp

                                        i)      at intervals not more than 9 m along its length, and

                                        ii)     where there is an abrupt change in the direction of the ramp,

                              e)       except as permitted by Sentence (2), be equipped with handrails conforming to Article, except that they shall be not less than 865 mm and not more than 965 mm high, and

                              f)       be equipped with guards conforming to Article


2)Handrails installed in addition to required handrails need not comply with the height requirements stated in Clause (1)(e).


3)The requirement for handrails in Clause (1)(e) does not apply to a ramp serving as an aisle for fixed seating.


4)The surfaces of ramps and landings shall

                              a)       be hard or resilient where the ramp is steeper than 1 in 15

(See Note A-, NBC),

                              b)       have a cross slope no steeper than 1 in 50, and

                              c)       where exposed to water, be designed to drain.


5)Ramps and landings not at grade or adjacent to a wall shall have edge protection consisting of

                              a)       a curb not less than 75 mm high, or

                              b)       a raised barrier or rail located not more than 100 mm from the ramp or landing surface.


6)Floors or walks in a barrier-free path of travel having a slope steeper than 1 in 20 shall be designed as ramps.       Doorways and Doors

1)Except where stated otherwise, this Article applies to swinging and sliding doors.


2)Every doorway that is located in a barrier-free path of travel shall have a clear width not less than 800 mm when the door is in the open position.

(See Note A-, NBC)


3)Doorways in a path of travel to and into at least one bathroom within a suite of care or residential occupancy shall have a clear width of not less than 800 mm when the door is in the open position.

(See Note A-, NBC)


4)Door-operating devices shall

                              a)       comply with Clause, and

                              b)       be operable at a height between 900 mm and 1100 mm above the floor.

(See Note A-, NBC)


5)A threshold for a doorway referred to in Sentences (2) or (3) shall be not more than 13 mm higher than the finished floor surface and shall be bevelled to facilitate the passage of wheelchairs.


6)Power door operators required by Sentence shall

                              a)       activate automatically or through the use of controls that

                                        i)      are located in a barrier-free path of travel,

                                        ii)     are marked with the International Symbol of Access,

                                        iii)    are located clear of the door swing and no more than 1500 mm from the door swing,

                                        iv)    comply with Subclause,

                                        v)     are operable from a height between 150 mm and 300 mm as well as between 900 mm and 1100 mm above the floor, and

                                        vi)    are operable by touching or approaching any part of their surface with a fist, arm or foot, and

                              b)       unless equipped with safety sensors,

                                        i)      fully open the door in not less than 3 s, and

                                        ii)     require a force not more than 65 N to stop movement of the door.

(See Note A- and (7), NBC)


7)A cane-detectable guard shall be installed on the hinged side of power-assisted doors that swing open into the path of travel.

(See Note A- and (7), NBC)


8)Except as provided in Sentence (9) and except for a door with a power door operator complying with Sentence (6), when unlatched, a door in a barrier-free path of travel shall open when the force applied to the handle, push plate or latch-releasing device is not more than

                              a)       38 N in the case of an exterior door,

                              b)       22 N in the case of an interior swinging door, or

                              c)       22 N in the case of a sliding door.


9)Sentence (8) does not apply to a door at the entrance to a dwelling unit, or where greater forces are required in order to close and latch the door against the prevailing difference in air pressure on opposite sides of the door. (See Note A-, NBC)


10)Except for a door at the entrance to a dwelling unit, a closer for an interior door in a barrier-free path of travel shall have a closing period of not less than 3 s measured from when the door is in an open position of 70° to the doorway, to when the door reaches a point 75 mm from the closed position, measured from the leading edge of the latch side of the door.

(See Note A-, NBC)


11)Unless equipped with a power door operator complying with Sentence (6), a swinging door in a barrier-free path of travel shall have a clear space on the latch side extending the height of the doorway and not less than

                              a)       600 mm beyond the edge of the door opening if the door swings toward the approach side, and

                              b)       300 mm beyond the edge of the door opening if the door swings away from the approach side.

                              (See Note A-, NBC)                                                                 


12)A vestibule located in a barrier-free path of travel shall be arranged to allow the movement of wheelchairs between doors and shall provide a distance between 2 doors in series of not less than 1200 mm plus the width of any door that swings into the space in the path of travel from one door to another.


13)Only the active leaf in a multiple-leaf door in a barrier-free path of travel need conform to the requirements of this Article.


14)Except as provided in Clause, the floor surface on each side of a door in a barrier-free path of travel shall be level within a rectangular area

                              a)       as wide as the door plus the clearance on the latch side required by Sentence (11), and

                              b)       whose dimension perpendicular to the closed door is not less than the width of the barrier-free path of travel but need not exceed 1500 mm.


15)The power door operator required by Sentence (6) shall function for passage in both directions through the door.


16)Where a power door operator is required, at least one leaf in each set of doors in the barrier-free path of travel through a vestibule shall meet the requirements.

(See Note NS-, NSBCR)       Passenger-Elevating Devices

1)A passenger-elevating device referred to in Article shall conform to CSA B355, “Lifts for Persons with Physical Disabilities”.       Controls

1)Controls described in this Section shall

                              a)       where located in or adjacent to a barrier-free path of travel, and unless otherwise stated,

                                        i)      be mounted between 400 to 1200 mm above the floor,

                                        ii)     be adjacent to and centred on either the length or the width of a clear space of 1350 mm by 800 mm, and

                              b)       be operable

                                        i)      with one hand in a closed fist position, without requiring tight grasping, pinching with fingers or twisting of the wrist, and

                                        ii)     unless otherwise stated, with a force not more than 22 N.       Accessibility Signs

1)Signs required by Article shall incorporate the International Symbol of Access or the International Symbol of Access for Hearing Loss and appropriate graphical or textual information that clearly indicates the type of facilities available.

(See Note A-, NBC)     Drinking Fountains

1)Drinking fountains required by Sentence shall

                              a)       be located along a barrier-free path of travel,

                              b)       have a minimum clear floor space of 800 mm by 1350 mm in front of it,

                              c)       where it has frontal access, provide a knee clearance in accordance with Clause,

                              d)       have a spout that

                                        i)      is located near the front of the unit, at a height between 750 mm and 915 mm above the floor, and

                                        ii)     directs water flow in a trajectory that is nearly parallel to the front of the unit, at a height not less than 100 mm, and

                              e)       be equipped with controls that

                                        i)      activate automatically, or

                                        ii)     are located either on the front or on both sides of it and comply with Clause     Water Closet Stalls

1)Water closet stalls and enclosures required by Sentence shall

                              a)       be not less than 1500 mm wide by 1500 mm deep,

                              b)       have a clear floor space of 1500 mm by 1500 mm in front of the accessible stall,

                              c)       be equipped with a door that

                                        i)      can be latched from the inside with a mechanism conforming to Clause,

                                        ii)     is aligned with either the transfer space adjacent to the water closet or with a clear floor space not less than 1500 mm by 1500 mm within the stall,

                                        iii)    provides a clear opening not less than 850 mm wide when it is open,

                                        iv)    is self-closing so that, when at rest, the door is ajar by not more than 50 mm beyond the jamb,

                                        v)     swings outward, unless there is sufficient floor space within the stall for the door to swing inward in addition to a clear floor space of at least 800 mm by 1350 mm,

                                        (See Note A-, NBC)

                                        vi)    where the door swings outward, is provided with a horizontal, D-shaped, visually contrasting door pull not less than 140 mm long, located on the inside such that its midpoint is 200 mm to 300 mm from the hinged side of the door and 800 mm to 1000 mm above the floor, and

                                        (See Note A-, NBC)

                                        vii)   is provided with a horizontal, D-shaped, visually contrasting door pull not less than 140 mm long located on the outside such that its midpoint is 120 mm to 220 mm from the latch side and 800 mm to 1000 mm above the floor,

                              d)       have a water closet located so that the distance between the centre line of the fixture and the wall on one side is 460 mm to 480 mm,

                              e)       be equipped with an L-shaped grab bar that

                                        i)      is mounted on the side wall closest to the water closet,

                                        ii)     has horizontal and vertical components not less than 760 mm long mounted with the horizontal component 750 mm to 850 mm above the floor and the vertical component 150 mm in front of the water closet, and

                                        (See Note A-, NBC)

                                        iii)    complies with Article,

                              f)       be equipped with either one grab bar at least 600 mm long centred over the water closet, or 2 grab bars at least 300 mm long and located either side of the flush valve that,

                                        i)      conform to Article,

                                        ii)     are mounted on the rear wall, and

                                        iii)    are mounted at the same height as the grab bar on the side wall or 100 mm above the top of the attached water tank, if applicable,

                              g)       be equipped with a coat hook mounted not more than 1200 mm above the floor on a side wall and projecting not more than 50 mm from the wall, and

                              h)       be equipped with a toilet paper dispenser mounted on the side wall closest to the water closet such that,

                                        i)      the bottom of the dispenser is 600 mm to 800 mm above the floor, and

                                        ii)     the closest edge of the dispenser is 300 mm from the front of the water closet.     Universal Washrooms
(See Note A-, NBC)

1)A universal washroom shall

                              a)       be served by a barrier-free path of travel,

                              b)       have a door complying with Article that

                                        i)      has a latch-operating mechanism located 900 mm to 1000 mm above the floor that is capable of being locked from the inside and released from the outside in case of emergency,

                                        ii)     if it is an outward swinging door that is not self-closing, has a door pull not less than 140 mm long located on the inside so that its midpoint is not less than 200 mm and not more than 300 mm from the hinged side of the door and not less than 900 mm and not more than 1000 mm above the floor, and

                                        (See Note A-, NBC)

                                        iii)    if it is an outward swinging door that is not self-closing, a door closer, spring hinges or gravity hinges, so that the door closes automatically,

                              c)       have on [one] lavatory conforming to Article,

                              d)       have one water closet conforming to Article and Clause, with a clear floor space at least 900 mm wide that is parallel and adjacent to the open side of the water closet,

                              e)       have grab bars conforming to Clauses and (f),

                              f)       have a coat hook conforming to Clause,

                              g)       have a toilet paper dispenser conforming to Clause,

                              h)       unless a counter is provided, have a shelf located not more than 1200 mm above the floor, and

                              i)        be designed to permit a wheelchair to turn in an open space that has a diameter of not less than 1500 mm.     Water Closets
(See Note NS-, NSBCR)

                              1)       A water closet for a person with physical disabilities shall

                              a)       be equipped with a seat located at not less than 430 mm and not more than 460 mm above the floor,

                              b)       flush automatically or be equipped with a flushing control that

                                        i)      is located 500 mm to 900 mm above the floor,

                                        ii)     is located no more than 350 mm from the transfer side, and

                                        iii)    complies with Clause,

                              c)       be equipped with a seat lid or other back support, and

                              d)       where it has a tank, have a securely attached tank top.     Urinals
(See Note NS- NSBCR)

1)Urinals described in Sentence shall

                              a)       be wall-mounted, with the opening of the basin located not more than 430 mm above the floor,

                              b)       be adjacent to an accessible route,

                              c)       have a clear width of approach of 800 mm centred on the urinal and unobstructed by privacy screens,

                              d)       have no step in front of it,

                              e)       have a flush valve that

                                        i)      is automatic, or

                                        ii)     complies with Clause and is located 900 mm to 1100 mm above the floor, and

                              f)       have a vertically mounted grab bar installed on each side that

                                        i)      complies with Article,

                                        ii)     is not less than 600 mm long, with its centre line 1000 mm above the floor, and

                                        iii)    is located not more than 380 mm from the centre line of the urinal.     Lavatories and Mirrors

                              1)       Lavatories required by Sentence shall

                              a)       be equipped with faucets complying with Sentence,

                              b)       be located so that the distance between the centre line of the lavatory and any side wall is not less than 460 mm,

                              c)       have a rim height not more than 865 mm above the floor,

                              d)       have a clearance beneath the lavatory not less than

                                        i)      760 mm wide,

                                        ii)     735 mm high at the front edge

                                        iii)    685 mm high at a point 200 mm back from the front edge, and

                                        iv)    230 mm high over the distance from a point 280 mm to a point 430 mm back from the front edge,

(See Note A-, NBC)

                              e)       have insulated water supply and drain pipes where these pipes are exposed,

(See Note A-, NBC)

                              f)       have a soap dispenser that

                                        i)      is automatic, or

                                        ii)     complies with Clause and is located not more than 1100 mm above the floor within 500 mm from the front of the lavatory, and

(See Note A-, NBC)

                              g)       have a towel dispenser or other hand-drying equipment located close to the lavatory, not more than 1200 mm above the floor in an area that is accessible to persons in wheelchairs.


2)Mirrors required by Sentence shall be

                              a)       mounted with their bottom edge not more than 1000 mm above the floor, or

                              b)       fixed in an inclined position so as to be usable by a person in a wheelchair.     Showers

                              1)       Showers required by Sentences and (13) shall

                              a)       be not less than 1500 mm wide and 900 mm deep,

                              b)       have a clear floor space at the entrance to the shower that is not less than 900 mm deep and the same width as the shower, except that fixtures are permitted to project into that space provided they do not restrict access to the shower,

(See Note A-, NBC)

                              c)       have no doors or curtains that obstruct the controls or clear floor space at the entrance to the shower,

                              d)       have a slip-resistant floor surface,

                              e)       have a threshold not more than 13 mm higher than the finished floor, and where it is higher than 6 mm, bevelled to a slope no steeper than 1 in 2 (50%),

                              f)       have 2 grab bars that

                                        i)      conform to Sentence,

                                        ii)     one of which is not less than 1000 mm long and located vertically on the side wall 50 mm to 80 mm from the adjacent clear floor space, with its lower end 600 mm to 650 mm above the floor, and

                                        iii)    one of which is L-shaped and located on the wall opposite the entrance to the shower, with a horizontal member not less than 1000 mm long mounted 750 mm to 870 mm above the floor and a vertical member not less than 750 mmm long mounted 400 mm to 500 mm from the side wall on which the other vertical grab bar is mounted,

(See Note A-, NBC)

                              g)       have a hinged seat that is not spring loaded, or a fixed seat with a smooth slip-resistant surface and no rough edges, the seat being

                                        i)      not less than 450 mm wide and 400 mm deep,

                                        ii)     mounted on the same side wall as the vertical grab bar, at 460 mm to 480 mm above the floor, and

                                        iii)    designed to carry a minimum load of 1.3 kN,

                              h)       have a pressure-equalizingor thermostatic-mixing valve that

                                        i)      complies with Clause,

                                        ii)     are mounted on the wall opposite the entrance to the shower at not more than 1200 mm above the floor and within reach of the seat,

                              i)        have a hand-held shower head with not less than 1800 mm of flexible hose located so that it

                                        i)      can be reached from the seated position,

                                        ii)     can be used in a fixed position at a height of 1200 mm and 2030 mm, and

                                        iii)    does not obstruct the use of the grab bars, and

                              j)        have recessed soap holders that can be reached from a seated position.


2)If individual shower stalls are provided for use by residents and patients in buildings of Group B, Division 2 or 3, care or treatment occupancies, they shall conform to the requirements of Clauses (1)(a) to (j) except where

                              a)       common showers are provided in conformance with Clauses (1)(a) to (j), or

                              b)       common bath tubs equipped with hoist mechanisms to accommodate residents and patients are available.     Bathtubs

1)Bathtubs required by Sentence shall

                              a)       be located in a room with a clear floor space not less than 1500 mm in diameter,

                              b)       be not less than 1500 mm long,

                              c)       have a clear floor space not less than 750 mm wide adjacent to its entire length,

                              d)       be capable of being accessed along its full length with no tracks mounted on its rim,

                              e)       have faucets or other controls that

                                        i)      conform to Clause, and

                                        ii)     are located on the centre line or between the centre line of the bathtub and the exterior edge of the bathtub rim, at a maximum height of 450 mm above the rim,

                              f)       have 3 grab bars

                                        i)      that conform to Sentence,

                                        ii)     that are not less than 1200 mm long,

                                        iii)    2 of which are located vertically at each end of the bathtub, set 80 mm to 120 mm in from the outside edge of the bathtub, with their lower end 180 mm to 280 mm above the bathtub rim, and

                                        iv)    one of which is located horizontally along the length of the bathtub at 180 mm to 280 mm above the bathtub rim,

                              g)       have a slip-resistant bottom surface, and

                              h)       be equipped with a hand-held shower head with not less than 1800 mm of flexible hose that can be used in a fixed position at a height of 1200 mm to 2030 mm.     Assistive Listening Devices
(See Note A-, NBC)

1)Except as permitted in Sentence (2), assistive listening systems required by Article shall encompass the entire seating area.


2)Where the assistive listening system referred to in Article is an induction loop system, only half the seating area in the room need be encompassed.     Counters

1)Counters required by Sentence shall have

                              a)       at least one barrier-free section not less than 760 mm long centred over a knee space conforming to Clause (c),

                              b)       a surface not more than 865 mm above the floor, and

                              c)       except as provided in Sentence (2) and where the counter is intended to be used as a work surface, a knee space underneath it that is

                                        i)      not less than 760 mm wide,

                                        ii)     not less than 685 mm high, and

                                        iii)    not less than 485 mm deep.


2)A counter that is used in a cafeteria or one that performs a similar function whereat movement takes place parallel to the counter, need not provide a knee space underneath it.     Shelves or Counters for Telephones and TTY/TTD Telephone Services
(See Note A-, NBC)

1)Shelves or counters required by Sentence shall

                              a)       be level,

                              b)       be not less than 305 mm deep,

                              c)       have, for each telephone provided, a clear floor space not less than 250 mm wide having no obstruction within 250 mm above the surface, and

                              d)       have a section with a surface not more than 865 mm above the floor serving at least one telephone.


2)Where a wall-hung telephone is provided above the shelf or counter section described in Clause (1)(d), it shall be located so that the receiver and coin slot are not more than 1200 mm above the floor.


3)Where public telephones are provided, at least one telephone shall be provided with a variable volume control on the receiver.


4)At least one built-in teletypewriter telephone (TTY/TTD) shall be provided and located in a publicly accessible location for all of the following:

                              a)       where 4 or more public access telephones are provided, including interior and exterior locations,

                              b)       where the building area exceeds 600 m2, in a Group A, Group B, Group D or Group E occupancy when telephones are provided,

                              c)       in a hotel or motel that

                                        i)      exceeds 600 m2 in building area, or

                                        ii)     is required by Sentence to provide a barrier-free suite, or

                              d)       in a tourist cabin required by Sentence to provide barrier-free suites, unless a portable unit is available for use.

(See Note NS-, NSBCR)


5)Where public telephones are provided, at least one electrical receptacle shall be provided within 500 mm of one of the public telephones.     Spaces in Seating Area

1)Spaces designated for wheelchair use referred to in Sentence shall be

                              a)       clear and level, or level with removable seats,

                              b)       not less than 900 mm wide and 1525 mm long to permit a wheelchair to enter from a side approach and 1220 mm long where the wheelchair enters from the front or rear of the space,

                              c)       be arranged so that at least 2 designated spaces are side by side,

                              d)       located adjoining a barrier-free path of travel without infringing on egress from any row of seating or any aisle requirements, and

                              e)       situated, as part of the designated seating plan, to provide a choice of viewing location and a clear view of the event taking place.     Sleeping Units in Roofed Accommodations

1)Where sleeping unit suites conforming to this Article are required by Sentence, they shall have

                              a)       sufficient space to provide a turning area of not less than 1500 mm diameter on one side of the bed,

                              b)       sufficient space to provide clearance of not less than 900 mm to allow for functional use of units by persons in wheelchairs,

                              c)       an accessible balcony, where balconies are provided,

                              d)       at least one closet that provides

                                        i)      a minimum clear opening of 900 mm,

                                        ii)     clothes hanger rods located at a height of 1200 mm, and

                                        iii)    at least one shelf located at a height of 1370 mm,

                              e)       light switches, thermostats and other controls that are specifically provided for use by the occupant mounted not more than 1200 mm above the floor,

                              f)       electrical receptacles located between 455 mm and 550 mm above the finished floor,

                              g)       a GFI outlet located not more than 1200 mm above the floor,

                              h)       an accessible bathroom that shall be designed to provide manoeuvring space up to each type of fixture required to be used by persons in a wheelchair conforming to the following:

                                        i)      a floor space of not less than 3.7 m2 with no dimension less than 1700 mm when the door swings out and 4.0 m2 with no dimension less than 1800 mm when the door swings in,

                                        ii)     fixtures located to provide maximum manoeuvrability for persons in wheelchairs,

                                        iii)    grab bars conforming to Clauses and (f),

                                        iv)    a coat hook conforming to Clause,

                                        v)     a water closet conforming to Article,

                                        vi)    at least one lavatory conforming to Article,

                              i)        washroom accessories conforming to Clause, and

                              j)        a lock on the entrance door that is operable with one hand.


2)If a bathtub is installed in a sleeping unit required to be barrier-free, the bathtub shall comply with the requirements of Article


3)If a shower is installed within a sleeping unit required to be barrier-free, at least one shower stall shall be barrier-free and comply with the requirements of Article     Suites of Care and Residential Occupancies to be Barrier-free


1)Where a suite of care or residential occupancy is required by Sentence to provide barrier-free access, it shall be served by

                              a)       entrances in accordance with Article,

                              b)       a barrier-free path of travel to, into, and throughout each required suite in accordance with Article,

                              c)       an accessible balcony, if required, in accordance with Clause, and

                              d)       barrier-free controls for the operation of building services or safety devices, including electrical switches, thermostats and intercom switches, that are accessible to a person in a wheelchair, operable with one hand and mounted not more than 1200 mm above the floor and electrical receptacles that are located between 400 mm and 550 mm above the finished floor, except as required by Clause and Subclause


Sleeping Area

2)Where a suite of residential occupancy is required by Sentence to provide barrier-free access, it shall contain at least one sleeping area with

                              a)       a minimum floor space of 12.25 m2,

                              b)       at least one horizontal room dimension not less than 3.35 m, and

                              c)       at least one closet that provides

                                        i)      a minimum clear opening of 900 mm,

                                        ii)     clothes hanger rods located at a height of 1200 mm, and

                                        iii)    at least one shelf located at a height of 1370 mm.



3)Where a suite of care or residential occupancy is required by Sentence to provide barrier-free access, a minimum of one accessible bathroom shall be provided with

                              a)       a floor space of not less than 3.7 m2 with no dimension less than 1700 mm when the door swings out and 4.0 m2 with no dimension less than 1800 mm when the door swings in,

                              b)       a water closet conforming to Article,

                              c)       a lavatory conforming to Article,

                              d)       where a shower is provided, a shower conforming to Article,

                              e)       where a bathtub is provided, a bathtub conforming to Article,

                              f)       a GFI razor outlet located not more than 1200 mm above the floor, and

                              g)       grab bars conforming to Clauses and (f).



4)Where a suite of care or residential occupancy is required by Sentence to provide barrier-free access the kitchen shall have

                              a)       a minimum 1200 mm clearance between counters and all opposing base cabinets, counter tops, appliances, or walls except in a U-shaped kitchen the minimum distance shall be 1500 mm,

                              b)       a minimum clear floor space of 750 mm by 1200 mm at each

                                        i)      range,

                                        ii)     cooktop,

                                        iii)    oven,

                                        iv)    refrigerator or freezer,

                                        v)     dishwasher, and

                                        vi)    other major appliance,

                              c)       a minimum of one work surface that

                                        i)      is 750 mm wide by 600 mm deep,

                                        ii)     is 810 mm to 860 mm above the floor,

                                        iii)    has a clear floor area of 750 mm by 1200 mm, which may extend 480 mm under the work surface,

                                        iv)    has a knee space a minimum of 750 mm wide, 480 mm deep and 680 mm high, and

                                        v)     has a minimum of one electrical receptacle located at the front or side of the work surface,

                              d)       base cabinets with a minimum toe space 150 mm deep and 230 mm high,

                              e)       sinks

                                        i)      mounted with the rim between 810 mm and 860 mm above the floor,

                                        ii)     with a knee space a minimum of 750 mm wide and 250 mm deep, and a toe space 750 mm wide, 230 mm deep and 230 mm high,

                                        iii)    with a clear floor space 750 mm by 1200 mm, which may extend 480 mm under the work surface,

                                        iv)    with faucets equipped with lever handles, and

                                        v)     with insulated hot water and drain pipes that may abut the required clear space,

                              f)       where upper cabinets are provided, an upper cabinet with a minimum of one shelf not more than 1200 mm above the floor,

                              g)       storage cabinet doors and drawers

                                        i)      with handles that are easily graspable, and

                                        ii)     mounted at the top of base cabinets and bottom of upper cabinets,

                              h)       all controls in compliance with Clause, except as required by Subclause


3.8.4.       Adaptable Housing Requirements       Application

1)This Subsection applies to the design and construction of all of the following:

                              a)       a dwelling unit in a building that is exempt under Sentence from the barrier-free requirements in this Section, or

                              b)       a dwelling unit in a building with multiple suites for care or residential occupancies if the barrier-free requirements for the unit in Clause are not met and the dwelling unit is not a unit exempt by Clause       Entrance Doors to Dwelling Units

1)All dwelling units shall have at least one entrance door no less than 900 mm wide equipped with door opening hardware conforming to Sentence


2)Except as provided in Sentence (3), the entrance door in Sentence (1) shall have a threshold that complies with Sentence


3)The entrance door to a building described in Clause or (b) shall be easily accessed and be capable of being made barrier-free from a sidewalk or parking area.       Interior Doors and Corridors in Dwelling Units

1)Doors or passageways within dwelling units to habitable rooms and service rooms shall be not less than 900 mm wide and equipped with door opening hardware conforming to Sentence

(See Note NS-, NSBCR)


2)Where a door is installed between an attached garage and a dwelling unit, the door shall conform to Article


3)Corridors within dwelling units shall have a clear width of not less than 900 mm.       Kitchens in Dwelling Units

1)Kitchen sinks in dwelling units shall be equipped with lever-type faucets or hardware conforming to Sentence


2)All trap arms running from P-traps under the kitchen sink shall be installed no higher than 305 mm to the centre line of the pipe measured from the finished floor.


3)An electrical rough-in shall be located below the counter top to allow for the installation of an electrical receptacle conforming to Subclause


4)Duplex electrical receptacles located over a kitchen counter are not required to comply with this Subsection.       Bathrooms in Dwelling Units                                                                              

1)All lavatories in dwelling units shall be equipped with lever-type faucets or hardware conforming to Sentence


2)Wall assemblies that enclose a bathroom in a dwelling unit shall include reinforcement to accommodate the future installation of grab bars described in

                              a)       Clauses and (f), for a water closet,

                              b)       Clause, for a bathtub,

                              c)       Clause, for a shower.

(See Note NS-, NSBCR)       Duplex Receptacles, Switches and Controls
(See Note NS-, NSBCR)

1)Operating controls in a dwelling unit include, but are not limited to,

                              a)       door handles and locks,

                              b)       faucets and adjustable shower heads,

                              c)       nonpropreitary duplex electrical receptacles, telephone, cable and data outlets and wall switches,

                              d)       controls for the operation of building services, safety devices and intercoms, and

                              e)       activation devices.


2)Except as permitted by Sentence (3), all controls in a dwelling unit shall be operable

                              a)       with one hand, using

                                        i)      a closed fist position, or

                                        ii)     another method of operation that does not require tight grasping, pinching or twisting of the wrist, and

                              b)       with a force of not more than 22 N.


3)A control identified in Clause (1)(a) or (b) need not meet the actual requirements in Clause (2)(a) provided that it remains possible for door hardware or a faucet, which conforms to those requirements, to be installed.


4)Except as provided in Sentence (5), the centre line height of the operating controls shall be located in a range between 400 mm and 1200 mm from the finished floor.


5)Sentence (4) does not apply where an additional or required nonproprietary duplex electrical receptacle is permitted by the electrical authority having jurisdiction to be mounted in a location other than a wall.

(See Note NS-, NSBCR)


Schedule D: Alternate Compliance Methods for Existing Buildings


NBC Requirement

(as amended by NSBCR where applicable)

Alternate Compliance Methods


Fire Separations (2 h)


Article and Table (Part 3); Subsection 9.10.9. (Part 9)

2 h fire separation required between some major occupancies

Except for Group F1 occupancies, 1 h fire separation is acceptable provided the building is fully sprinklered.


Fire Separations (1 h)


Article and Table (Part 3); Subsection 9.10.9. (Part 9)

1 h fire separation required between some major occupancies

30 min. fire separation is acceptable provided the building is fully sprinklered.


Noncombustible Construction


Subsection 3.1.5. (Part 3); Article (Part 9)

All materials used in noncombustible construction must be noncombustible unless otherwise permitted.

1. Roofs may be of combustible construction provided the building is fully sprinklered.

2. Up to 10% gross floor area to a maximum of 10% of any 1 floor area may be of combustible construction provided the building is fully sprinklered.


Fire-resistance Rating


Sentence (Part 3); Article (Part 9)

Where a material, assembly of materials or structural member is required to have a fire-resistance rating it shall be tested in accordance with the CAN/ULC-S101 standard.

A fire-resistance rating may also be used where they are based on 1 of the following:

(a) HUD Rehabilitation Guidelines No. 8, “Guideline on Fire Ratings of Archaic Materials and Assemblies”,

(b) “Fire Endurance of Protected Steel Columns and Beams”, DBR Technical Paper No. 194,

(c) “Fire Endurance of Unit Masonry Walls”, DBR Technical Paper No. 207,

(d) “Fire Endurance of Light-Framed and Miscellaneous Assemblies”, DBR Technical Paper No. 222.


Rating of Supporting Construction


Article (Part 3); Article (Part 9)

Supporting assemblies to have fire-resistance rating at least equivalent to that of the supported floor.

Heavy timber construction is permitted to have a fire-resistance rating less than would be required by the Code provided the building is

(a) fully sprinklered, and

(b) does not exceed 5 storeys in building height.


Continuity of Fire Separations


Sentences and (2) (Part 3); Article (Part 9)

Fire separations are required to be continuous above the ceiling space.

Fire separations are not required to be continuous above the ceiling space where:

(a) the ceiling space is noncombustible construction,

(b) both fire compartments are sprinklered, or

(c) the ceiling has a minimum rating of 30 min.


Wired Glass


Sentences and (Part 3); Article (Part 9)

6 mm wired glass in steel frame required in fire separations.

For fixed transoms or sidelights, 6 mm wired glass fixed to a wood frame of at least 50 mm thickness with steel stops is permitted in a required fire separation.




Sentence to (6) (Part 3); Article (Part 9)

Mezzanines enclosing more than 10% above the horizontal plane are considered a storey in building height.

Mezzanines may enclose up to 20% above the horizontal plane and not be considered a storey in building height provided the building is fully sprinklered.


Spatial Separation


Subsection 3.2.3. (Part 3); Subsection 9.10.14. (Part 9)

Specified maximum areas of unprotected openings.

The area of unprotected opening is not limited provided:

(a) the exterior walls have an interior thermal barrier of 12.7 mm thick gypsum board, or lath and plaster in good condition,

(b) the limiting distance is a minimum 1 m,

(c) the entire building has a supervised sprinkler system in conformance with Sentence, (Part 3),

(d) the sprinkler system is connected to the fire department in conformance with Sentence (Part 3).


Construction of Exposing Building Face


Article (Part 3); Articles and (Part 9)

The exposing building face is required to have a fire-resistance rating and/or be of noncombustible construction.

1. Exposing building face is not required to have a fire-resistance rating provided the building is fully sprinklered.

2. Also, the exposing building face is not required to be of noncombustible construction if:

(a) it is protected by an exterior sprinkler system conforming to NFPA 13, and

(b) has a thermal barrier as specified in item no. 9(a) of this compliance table.


Roof Covering Rating


Article (Part 3)

Class A, B or C roof covering in conformance with CAN/ULC-S107 required.

For existing roofs not covered by a Class A, B or C roofing, a manually operated deluge system in accordance with NFPA 13 is permitted.


Interconnected Floor Space


Subsection 3.2.8. (Part 3); Sentence (Part 9)

Openings that are not protected by shafts or closures shall be protected in conformance with Subsection 3.2.8. or Sentence

An open stair in buildings of maximum 3 storeys in building height need not comply with Subsection 3.2.8. (Part 3) provided:

(a) the stair is not a required exit stair,

(b) the building contains a Group C or D occupancy,

(c) the building is fully sprinklered with fast-response sprinklers,

(d) corridors opening into the interconnected floor space are separated from the interconnected floor space by a fire separation with the rating required for the corridor, and

(e) smoke detectors are installed in the rooms opening into the interconnected floor space.


Separation of Suites


Article (Part 3); Article and (Part 9)

Suites are required to be separated from adjoining suites by 45 min. or 1 h rated fire separations.

Existing 30 min fire separations are acceptable in fully sprinklered buildings not exceeding 5 storeys in building height.


Public Corridor Fire Separation


Article (Part 3); Article (Part 9)

Public corridors are required to be separated from the remainder of the building by a fire separation having a fire-resistance rating of at least 45 min.

Existing corridors with 30 min. fire-resistance ratings are acceptable in residential occupancies provided the building

(a) does not exceed 5 storeys in building height, and

(b) is fully sprinklered with fast-response sprinklers.


Width of Corridors


Articles and (Part 3); Article (Part 9)

Public corridors, corridors used by the public and exit corridors are required to have a minimum width of 1100 mm.

Public corridors, corridors used by the public and exit corridors are permitted with a minimum width of 800 mm if

(a) the occupant load of the building is not more than 20 people, and

(b) the building does not exceed 3 storeys in building height.


Door Swing


Articles and (Part 3); Article (Part 9)

Doors are required to swing in the direction of exit travel.

A 2nd egress door from a room is not required to swing in the direction of exit travel provided the building:

(a) is fully sprinklered and the system is supervised in conformance with Sentence, (Part 3),

(b) the occupant load of the building is not more than 100 people.


Stairs, Ramps, Handrails and Guards


Article,,, to (Part 3); Section 9.8. (Part 9)

Existing conditions that do not comply fully with the requirements are permitted if they

(a) do not create an unsafe condition, and

(b) are acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction.


Transparent Doors and Panels


Article (Part 3); (Part 9)

Glass in doors and sidelights is required to be protected by guards and to be safety glass.

Existing glass or transparent panels that do not comply fully with the requirements are permitted if

(a) sufficiently discernible, or

(b) guards are provided in hazardous situations.


Dead-end Corridors


Sentence (Part 3); Article (Part 9)

Dead-end corridors are permitted to a maximum length of 6 m.

1. Dead-end corridors are permitted to a maximum length of 10 m in Group C occupancies provided

(a) the building is fully sprinklered with fast-response sprinklers, and

(b) smoke detectors are installed in the corridor system.

2. Dead-end corridors are permitted to a maximum length of 15 m in Group D, E, F2 and F3 occupancies provided

(a) the building is fully sprinklered with fast-response sprinklers, and

(b) smoke detectors are installed in the corridor system.




Article (Part 3); Article (Part 9)

Floor areas shall be served by not fewer than 2 exits except as permitted by Sentence (Part 3).

Floor areas may be served by a single exit within the limits of Sentence (Part 3) provided the building:

(a) does not exceed 3 storeys in building height,

(b) is fully sprinklered with fast-response sprinklers, and

(c) contains an approved fire alarm system with smoke detectors located in accordance with Article (Part 3).


Reduction of Exit Width


Sentence (Part 3); Article (Part 9)

Swinging doors in their swing shall not reduce the effective width of exit stairs and landings to less than 750 mm

Existing swinging doors in their swing are permitted to reduce the effective width of exit stairs and landings to a minimum of 550 mm provided:

(a) they serve Group C or D occupancies,

(b) the building does not exceed 5 storeys in building height, and

(c) the building is fully sprinklered.


Fire Separation of Exits


Article (Part 3); Subsection 9.9.4. (Part 9)

Exits are required to be separated from the remainder of the floor area by a fire separation having a fire-resistance rating of not less than 45 min.

1. Existing fire separations of 30 min. are acceptable provided the building

(a) does not exceed 3 storeys in building height, and

(b) is fully sprinklered with fast-response sprinklers.

2. Buildings not exceeding 5 storeys in building height may have exits that are separated by a 45 min. fire separation if the building is fully sprinklered.


Exits Through Lobbies


Article (Part 3); Article (Part 9)

Rooms adjacent to the lobby are required to be separated by a fire separation.

Rooms adjacent to the lobby are not required to be separated by a fire separation provided

(a) the floor area is sprinklered with fast-response sprinklers, and

(b) smoke detectors are installed in the adjacent rooms.


Rooms Opening into Exit


Sentences and (8) (Part 3); Sentence (Part 9)

Service rooms and ancillary rooms are not permitted to open directly into an exit.

Service rooms and ancillary rooms may open directly into an exit provided

(a) the building is fully sprinklered,