This consolidation is unofficial and is for reference only. For the official version of the regulations, consult the original documents on file with the Office of the Registrar of Regulations, or refer to the Royal Gazette Part II. Regulations are amended frequently. Please check the list of Regulations by Act to see if there are any recent amendments to these regulations filed with our office that are not yet included in this consolidation. Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this electronic version, the Office of the Registrar of Regulations assumes no responsibility for any discrepancies that may have resulted from reformatting. This electronic version is copyright © 2025, Province of Nova Scotia, all rights reserved. It is for your personal use and may not be copied for the purposes of resale in this or any other form.
Fees and Allowances Under Part I and II of the Act
determined under subsection 2(1) of the
Costs and Fees Act
R.S.N.S. 1989, c. 104
Fees and Allowances incorporated in accordance with
Section 15 of Chapter 3 of the Acts of 2004, the Financial Measures (2004) Act
as amended to O.I.C. 2017-143 (April 27, 2017, effective May 26, 2017), N.S. Reg. 86/2017
[Please note: This consolidation includes the fees and allowances (excluding party and party costs) set out in the former Schedules to Parts I and II of the Costs and Fees Act, as they existed immediately before March 30, 2007, and all amendments filed after that date up to and including the regulation number cited above.]
Table of Contents
Please note: this table of contents is provided for convenience of reference and does not form part of the regulations.
Click here to go to the text of the regulations.
Fees and Allowances under Part I of the Act
Fees to be taken at the Department of Justice
Fees to be taken at the Department of Justice
Fees to be taken at the Department of Natural Resources
2. Supreme Court and Court of Appeal
Form 1 - Waiver of Fees Application
Fees to be taken by a Commissioner of the Supreme Court
Fees to be Taken by the Taxing Master
Fees to be Paid to an Appraiser
Arbitrator’s Fees under Order of Court
Fees of a Judge of the Supreme Court* acting within thedistrict for which the Judge is appointed
3. Trial Division of the Supreme Court* (in matrimonial matters)
Fees of Commissioners on Examination of Witnesses
Fees of Solicitor and Counsel in County Court*
6. City Civil Court of the City of Sydney
7. Fees to be taken under the Summary Proceedings Act
For a Judge of the Provincial Court
7A. Fees to be taken by an Administrative Justice of the Peace
9. Fees for Services under the Registry Act
10. Fees of Jailer or Keeper of Lock-up House
12. Fees under the Collection Act
13. Fees under the Indigent Debtors Act
Fees and Allowances under Part II of the Act
1. Fees of Prothonotary and Clerk* of the County Court* and Clerk of the Crown
Form C: Certificate Verifying Witness’ Fees
Fees and Allowances under Part I of the Act
Fees to be taken at the Department of Justice
For services in respect of application for conveyance, transfer, assignment
or payment pursuant to Part VII of the Corporations Miscellaneous
Provisions Act..........up to $1000 as determined in each case by the Governor in Council.
Headings and text incorporated into regulations: S.N.S. 2004, c. 3, S. 15.
Fees to be taken at the Department of Justice
(1) For every instrument under the hand of the Lieutenant Governor and the
Great Seal of the Province.....................................................................................$19.90
(2) For every instrument under the hand of the Lieutenant Governor
and the seal-at-arms...............................................................................................$26.50
(3) For every instrument or certificate under the hand and seal of the
Provincial Secretary...............................................................................................$26.50
(4) For registering diploma............................................................................................$6.65
(5) For registering or filing any other document or making a record of any fact
by law authorized or required to be recorded by the Attorney General......................$3.95
(6) For copies of any papers in the Attorney General’s office, per folio..........................$0.17
(7) For searching books or documents in the Attorney General’s office.........................$0.39
(8) For search on request by mail..................................................................................$0.65
(9) For commission for prothonotary, sheriff, registrar of deeds,
registrar of probate, each........................................................................................$13.30
(10) For commission for coroner.....................................................................................$6.65
(11) For commission for notary public..........................................................................$26.50
(12) For appointment for a term of five years of commissioner to
administer oaths, et cetera, within the Province....................................................$132.70
The Minister of Justice may waive the fee where the appointee is an employee of the Province, the Government of Canada, a city, an incorporated town or a municipality of a county or district; an officer or employee of a society incorporated under the Societies Act; a member of an elected council of an Indian band within the meaning of subsection 2(1) of the Indian Act (Canada); or a member of a council of a city, an incorporated town or a municipality of a county or district who undertakes not to charge a fee for services rendered.
(13) For commission for person appointed commissioner abroad....................................$9.95
(14) For commission for administrative justice of the peace........................................$132.70
(15) For commission for provincial constable................................................................$13.30
(16) For commission for judge of the Supreme Court acting within the
district for which the judge is appointed...................................................................$6.65
(17) For commission for Queen’s Counsel..................................................................$331.75
(18) For examining and passing upon application of a company to have
its suretyship bonds authorized..............................................................................$13.30
(19) For order in council authorizing such bonds...........................................................$66.35
(20) For examining and passing upon application of a loan company as a
safe company for investment of trust funds............................................................$13.30
(21) For order in council sanctioning such investment...................................................$66.35
(22) For examining and passing upon application of a trust company to be
accepted by Supreme Court for certain purposes....................................................$13.30
(23) For order in council approving of such company....................................................$66.35
(24) For examining and passing upon application of trust company to hold
sinking funds under the Municipal Affairs Act........................................................$13.30
(25) For order in council appointing trust company to hold sinking fund accounts.........$66.35
(26) For order in council approving by-law of any company save such as
relate solely to educational, charitable or religious purposes.....................................$6.65
Items (1)-(26) replaced: O.I.C. 2015-96, N.S. Reg. 90/2015.
Fees to be taken at the Department of Natural Resources
(1) For every search......................................................................................$37.39 per hour
(2) Copy of any grant....................................................................................................$7.48
(3) For copy of a plan attached to a grant, such reasonable sum as the
Minister approves, not less than...............................................................................$7.48
(4) For every copy of, or portion of, or an entire general plan of a county,
such reasonable sum as the Minister approves, not less than....................................$7.48
(5) Copies of other documents, per folio.......................................................................$1.26
(6) For every certificate under the hand and seal of the Minister or
Registrar of Crown Lands........................................................................................$7.48
(7) Oak Island Treasure Act
(a) licence fee..................................................................................................$623.00
(b) transfer fee....................................................................................................$13.30
(c) ratification fee................................................................................................$6.65
Items (1)-(7) replaced: O.I.C. 2015-96, N.S. Reg. 90/2015.
Item (8) repealed: O.I.C. 2004-138, N.S. Reg. 58/2004; added: O.I.C. 2007-160, N.S. Reg. 93/2007;
repealed: O.I.C. 2011-110, N.S. Reg. 65/2011.
Items (9)-(10) repealed: O.I.C. 2004-138, N.S. Reg. 58/2004.
Items (1)-(12) under the heading “Mines and Energy” repealed: O.I.C. 2007-160, N.S. Reg. 93/2007.
2. Supreme Court and Court of Appeal
(1) (a) Issuing and filing all documents pertaining to an action or application
commenced in the Supreme Court other than a divorce action or
an action for custody, access or support in the Family Division, and
including a counterclaim, cross-claim or third-party action..........................$218.05
(b) Despite item (1)(a), filing a defence to an action commenced
in the Supreme Court other than a divorce action or action for custody,
access or support in the Family Division or a defence filed in conjunction
with a counterclaim or cross-claim................................................................$99.70
(c) Despite item (1)(a), entering and filing an interlocutory notice or interim
application in the Supreme Court, including the Supreme Court (Family
Division) in an action for custody, access or support.....................................$66.00
(d) Issuing and filing all documents that commence a proceeding
pursuant to the Parenting and Support Act....................................................$43.60
Clause 1(d) amended: O.I.C. 2017-143, N.S. Reg. 86/2017.
(2) Entering and filing a notice of appeal or an application to extend the time to
file a notice of appeal to the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia, including an
objection to a Family Court Report......................................................................$145.80
(3) Entering and filing a notice of appeal or an application to extend the time to
file a notice of appeal to the Nova Scotia Court of Appeal or the Supreme
Court of Canada..................................................................................................$218.05
(4) Preparing a judgment and execution order to enforce a compensation or
restitution order.....................................................................................................$43.60
(5) Setting down or scheduling a matter for trial without a jury before the Supreme
Court other than a divorce action or any proceeding in the Supreme Court
(Family Division)................................................................................................$292.80
(6) Setting down or scheduling a matter for trial with a jury before the
Supreme Court....................................................................................................$436.10
(7) Obtaining a settlement conference prior to setting down or scheduling a matter
for trial before the Supreme Court other than a divorce action or any proceeding
in the Supreme Court (Family Division)..............................................................$133.35
(8) (a) Where a settlement conference has been held prior to the setting down
or scheduling of the matter for trial without a jury before the Supreme
Court, and the matter is not settled, setting down or scheduling the
matter for trial.............................................................................................$159.50
(b) Where a settlement conference has been held prior to the setting down
or scheduling of the matter for trial with a jury before the Supreme
Court and the matter is not settled, setting down or scheduling the
matter for trial.............................................................................................$305.25
(c) Where a settlement conference is held after the matter has been set down or scheduled for trial with or without a jury before the Supreme Court, and the matter is settled and a consent dismissal order is filed with the Court within 30 days of the settlement conference, $111.05 shall be reimbursed to the party who filed the notice of trial.
(9) (a) Requesting an adjournment of a hearing to a new date in the Nova Scotia
Court of Appeal within the 30-day period preceding the date on which
that hearing was scheduled to be heard........................................................$292.80
(b) Requesting an adjournment of a trial to a new date in the Supreme
Court of Nova Scotia within the 90-day period preceding the date
on which that trial was scheduled to be heard other than a divorce
action or any proceeding in the Supreme Court (Family Division)...............$292.80
(10) In lieu of all fees for duties pertaining to the Controverted Elections Act..............$365.10
(11) In lieu of fees for discovery hearings or a hearing in aid of an execution order ......$87.25
(12) Copies of any document made, per page..................................................................$0.65
(13) Certifying any document on file, not including copy charge...................................$13.83
(no charge for one certified copy requested at the time of filing the document)
(14) (a) Filing and entry of all other documents in the Supreme Court, except
a contingency fee agreement, that do not commence an action other
than a divorce action or proceeding in the Supreme Court (Family Division)$33.30
(b) Filing and entry of a contingency fee agreement............................................$13.30
(15) Issuing and filing all documents pertaining to an action for divorce
or matrimonial cause (includes $10.00 fee to Government of Canada for
processing the registration of divorce forms)........................................................$291.55
(16) Despite item (15), issuing and filing an answer or other document in
defence in a divorce proceeding or matrimonial cause except a
counter-petition or counterclaim............................................................................$73.20
(17) Despite item (15), issuing and filing an answer and counter-petition
or defence and counterclaim in a divorce proceeding or matrimonial cause..........$145.80
(18) (a) Issuing a self-help guide for applying for divorce (divorce kit)......................$24.96
(b) Issuing a self-help guide for applying for variation (variation kit)..................$24.96
(19) (a) For mediation in the Supreme Court (Family Division), except in relation to protection actions under the Children and Family Services Act, all parties shall pay hourly fees in accordance with the number of their dependants and income as follows:
Gross Income
Fees per Hour per Party Based on Number of
Dependants Including Self
5 or more
up to $20 000
no fee
no fee
no fee
no fee
no fee
$20 001–$23 000
no fee
no fee
no fee
no fee
$23 001–$26 000
no fee
no fee
no fee
$26 001–$29 000
no fee
no fee
$29 001–$32 000
no fee
$32 001–$35 000
$35 001–$38 000
$38 001–$41 000
$41 001–$44 000
$44 001–$47 000
$47 001–$50 000
$50 001–$53 000
$53 001–$56 000
$56 001–$59 000
$59 001–$62 000
$62 001–$65 000
$65 001 and up
(b) The fees set out in item (19)(a) are payable in advance and apply to each party for each hour of mediation.
(c) In determining the fees payable pursuant to items (19)(a) and (b),
(i) “each party” refers to the parties directly involved in the mediation but does not include anyone who accompanies a party for advice or support,
(ii) “income” shall be determined in the manner set out in Section 16 of the Federal Child Support Guidelines made pursuant to the Divorce Act (Canada),
(iii) “number of dependants” includes the party and any children supported or partially supported by that party and any other person for whom the party is financially responsible; children supported or partially supported by both parents may be counted as dependants by both parents.
(d) Where the total amount of the hourly fees for mediation payable by all parties pursuant to items (19)(a) and (b) exceeds the actual hourly cost of mediation, the fees shall be prorated based on the parties’ incomes.
(e) The Court may order one party to pay part or all of the mediation fees attributable to another party where, in the determination of the Court, to order otherwise would cause serious financial hardship to that other party or for any other appropriate reason.
(20) (a) For the research for and preparation of a Court-ordered custody/access assessment report in the Supreme Court, Family Court or Supreme Court (Family Division), except in relation to protection actions under the Children and Family Services Act or the Adult Protection Act or assessments under the Youth Criminal Justice Act (Canada), all parties shall pay fees in accordance with their income as follows:
Percentage of Cost
of Report Payable
Up to $20 000
$20 001–$25 000
$25 001–$30 000
$30 001–$35 000
$35 001–$40 000
$40 001–$45 000
$45 001–$50 000
$50 001–$55 000
$55 001–$60 000
$60 001–$65 000
$65 001–over
(b) The fees set out in item (20)(a) apply to each party and are payable as follows:
(i) the applicable deposit set out in item (20)(a) upon the Court ordering an assessment report, and
(ii) the amount of the applicable percentage of the cost of the assessment report set out in item (20)(a) upon completion of the report, less the applicable deposit.
(c) In determining the fees payable pursuant to items (20)(a) and (b),
(i) “each party” refers to the parties directly involved in the Court application for which the assessment report is being prepared,
(ii) “income” shall be determined in the manner set out in Section 16 of the Federal Child Support Guidelines made pursuant to the Divorce Act (Canada).
(d) Where the total amount of the fees for an assessment report payable by all parties pursuant to items (20)(a) and (b) exceeds the actual cost of the assessment report, the fees shall be prorated based on the parties’ incomes.
(e) The Court may order one party to pay part or all of the cost of an assessment report attributable to another party where, in the determination of the Court, to order otherwise would cause serious financial hardship to that other party or for any other appropriate reason.
(21) Searching a file, including a telephone search, except bulk-rate searches
(free to parties to the action or their solicitors).........................................................$7.52
(22) Despite item (21), searching a file, if an agreement has been entered into
with the Department of Justice for bulk-rate search fees...........................................$1.26
(23) Purchasing a tape of proceedings heard in any court, per tape.................................$22.57
(24) (a) For transcript of a preliminary hearing held in any court, per page...................$4.65
(b) For transcript of an oral decision in any court, per page (no charge
for one copy to the parties to the action or their solicitors)...............................$4.65
(c) For transcript of a matter in any court, per page..............................................$4.65
(d) For copies of transcripts prepared pursuant to items (24)(a), (b) or (c),
per page..........................................................................................................$0.65
(25) (a) For administering an oath by a commissioner of oaths or a notary
public, per document....................................................................................$19.95
(b) For certifying documents by a notary public, per document...........................$19.95
(26) Where an applicant meets the financial eligibility criteria set out in item (27) and completes an application in Form 1, the clerk of the court shall waive the court filing fees in items (1), (2), (3), (5), (6), (7), (8), (15) except the $10.00 Government of Canada fee for processing the registration of divorce forms, (16), (17) and (22) and the following shall be provided free of charge:
(a) a maximum of 25 photocopies,
(b) a maximum of 3 court file searches, and
(c) the administration of an oath for an affidavit relating to the deponent’s court action.
(27) Where an applicant has the following number of dependants and the applicant’s income is less than or equal to the following amounts, the applicant meets the financial eligibility criteria required to have the court fees set out in item (26) waived:
Monthly Income and Number of Dependants
One adult
Two adults
and 1 child
and 1 child
and 2 children
and 2 children
and 3 children
and 3 children
and 4 children
and 4 children
and 5 children
and 5 children
and 6 children
and 6 children
and 7 children
and 7 children
(28) An applicant shall attach proof of income in the form of a current pay stub, a current benefit stub, a copy of the applicant’s most recent income tax return or a copy of the applicant’s most recent notice of assessment to the application form for the waiver of fees set out in item (26).
(29) Where an applicant is in receipt of no income, the applicant shall attach to the application form for the waiver of fees set out in item (26) a letter signed by the applicant’s medical doctor, priest or other official confirming that the applicant is in receipt of no income and is not surviving from any savings.
(30) Where applicable, the fees set out under the heading “2. Supreme Court and Court of Appeal” in this Schedule are payable in the Family Court, Provincial Court or in any proceeding before a justice of the peace.
(31) A fee or charge set out in an item under the heading “2. Supreme Court and Court of Appeal” in this Schedule prevails over any conflicting fee or charge prescribed in any enactment for a search or service set out in an item under the heading “2. Supreme Court and Court of Appeal” in this Schedule.
Items (1)-(31) replaced: O.I.C. 2015-96, N.S. Reg. 90/2015.
Waiver of Fees Application
Please print in BLOCK LETTERS:
Last name: _____________________________________________
Mailing address: _________________________ Apt # _________
City or town/province: ______________ postal code: __________
Telephones: Home: _______ Work: _______ Msg: ___________
Given names: _________________
Date of birth: _________________
Age: ___________
☐ Male
☐ Female
☐ Employed
☐ Unemployed
☐ Unable to work
☐ Student/training
☐ Not married ☐ Married
☐ Common law ☐ Separated
☐ Divorced ☐ Widowed
I apply to have the following court filing fees waived: ____________________________________________
Address: ___________ Telephone: ___________
Total __ Living with client __ Living apart __
Name Relationship Birth date
1. ______________________________________
2. ______________________________________
3. ______________________________________
4. ______________________________________
5. ______________________________________
6. ______________________________________
Do you receive social or other municipal assistance[?]
☐ Yes☐ No
Person who can verify
financial information
Name: ________________________________________________________
Address: _________________________________ Telephone: ___________
Salary (wages + tips)
Unemployment ins.
Social assistance
Old age assistance
Spouse’s income
(Including common law)
Support received
Specify other income
Gross monthly income
Less support
you pay per month
Monthly income
This application will not be processed
unless you attach one of the following:
a copy of your pay stub
a copy of your benefit stub
a copy of your most recent Income Tax
Return or Notice of Assessment
a letter from a doctor, priest or other
official stating that you have no income
Applicant declares:
I state that the above information is true and complete. I
consent to have this information investigated for verification
and will notify court administration of any change.
Signature of the applicant
☐ Approved ☐ Denied
Form 1 replaced: O.I.C. 2007-160, N.S. Reg. 93/2007; amended: O.I.C. 2017-143, N.S. Reg. 86/2017.
Fees to be taken by a Commissioner of the Supreme Court
(1) For administering an oath, except when acting as a court officer in taking
the oath for a party or their solicitor .........................................................................$16.06
(2) For allowing attachment order....................................................................................$5.35
(3) Taking depositions of witnesses, each witness............................................................$5.35
(4) And for taking depositions, per folio...........................................................................$0.54
(5) Travelling fees when necessary, per mile....................................................................$0.21
Items (1)-(5) replaced: O.I.C. 2011-110, N.S. Reg. 65/2011.
(1) Originating notice, petition for divorce, writ, summons, subpoena, order, notice or document,
(a) service charge..................................................................................................$73.25
(b) where more than one defendant, for each defendant over one, service charge...$46.40
(2) Execution order,
(a) service charge..................................................................................................$85.95
(b) where service not by sheriff, service charge.....................................................$53.25
plus commission set out in item (9)
(c) where execution returned “NOT SATISFIED” after demand made and no
chattels on which to levy, service charge..........................................................$85.95
(3) Attachment order,
(a) service charge..................................................................................................$85.95
(b) where attachment made and chattels released without sale, service charge.......$85.95
plus commission of 26.53% of first $1000.00 of amount claimed and
13.28% of remainder, to a maximum total of $2653.90
(4) Recovery order or any direct order of the Court, service charge plus $79.60
per person per hour or part thereof for each person required to assist sheriff..............$85.95
(5) For removing defendant and delivering possession, service charge plus $79.60
per person per hour or part thereof for each person required to assist sheriff .............$85.95
(6) For taking and filing bond of defendant, either in cash or sureties
and depositing with prothonotary, service charge......................................................$85.95
(7) On sale of personal property under execution, commission of 26.53% of first $1000.00 realized and 13.28% of remainder, to a maximum total of $2653.90
(8) Where after demand made and payment made to sheriff or settlement made with plaintiff’s solicitor or agent, commission of 26.53% of first $1000.00 realized, including total amount of any settlement and 13.28% of remainder, to a maximum total of $2653.90
(9) Where after demand or levy made and plaintiff or plaintiff’s solicitor accepts payment, the execution shall be immediately returned and the commission shall be 26.53% of first $1000.00 and 13.28% of remainder based on full amount of execution, to a maximum total of $2653.90
(10) Where after levy made defendant makes an assignment in bankruptcy, commission of value of property levied–as determined by sheriff causing property levied to be appraised by 2 sworn appraisers at actual cash value of the property, that value being the amount which, in the opinion of the appraisers, the property would realize if offered at public auction after reasonable notice–but in no case exceeding amount claimed by plaintiff, together with plaintiff’s taxed costs.
(11) In all cases where notices, orders or processes of any type or description are returned without being served or executed because defendant cannot be found, because notice, order or process is recalled by plaintiff’s solicitor, or for any other reason, service charge..$53.25
(12) On sale of land under the Partition Act,
(a) service charge..................................................................................................$85.95
plus commission of 13.28% of amount claimed or realized, whichever is greater, to a maximum total of $2653.90
(b) where sale is abandoned after being advertised or posted on sheriff’s bulletin board, commission of 6.63% of amount claimed or realized, whichever is greater, to a maximum of $1326.95
(13) On sale of land under execution,
(a) service charge..................................................................................................$85.95
plus commission of 26.53% of first $1000.00 realized and
13.28% of remainder, to a maximum total of $2653.90
(b) where sale is abandoned after being advertised or posted on sheriff’s bulletin board, commission of 6.63% of amount claimed or realized, whichever is greater, to a maximum of $1326.95
(c) where sale is postponed after being advertised or posted on sheriff’s bulletin board$132.70
(14) On sale of land under foreclosure or other equitable suit,
(a) service charge..................................................................................................$85.95
plus commission of 13.28% of amount claimed or realized, whichever is greater, to a maximum total of $2653.90
(b) where sale is abandoned after property has been advertised or posted on sheriff’s bulletin board, commission of 6.63% of amount claimed or realized, whichever is greater, to a maximum of $1326.95
(c) where sale is postponed after being advertised or posted on sheriff’s
bulletin board................................................................................................$132.70
(15) For making inventory and appraising goods seized under court order,
service charge...........................................................................................................$85.95
plus $79.60 per person per hour or part thereof for each person required to assist sheriff
(16) The cost of actual travel at the rates set out in the Kilometrage Rates, Monthly Allowances and Transportation Allowances Regulations made under the Civil Service Act, relating to service on each defendant or other party required to be served, with minimum charge of $12.45 per document, shall be added to fees for all notices and other processes.
(17) The sheriff shall be entitled to charge for all expenses incurred in processing each document served including bridge tolls, ferry charges, towing, insurance on chattels, storage, assistants required in the course of taking inventory or possession of chattels and other unforeseen expenses, and such expenses shall be a charge against each individual document as incurred.
(18) For every certificate issued by the sheriff including certificate
under the Creditors’ Relief Act..................................................................................$26.45
(19) For copies of any document, per page.........................................................................$0.65
(20) When it is necessary for the sheriff to remove goods and chattels on a recovery or attachment order or on any other order of the court, the plaintiff shall supply the necessary vehicles and personnel suitable for the removal, loading and storage of the recovered goods and advance the sheriff such amount as the sheriff estimates as the cost and fees to effect the order.
(21) A fee or charge set out in an item under the heading “Sheriff’s Fees” in this Schedule prevails over any conflicting fee or charge prescribed in any enactment for a search or service set out in an item under the heading “Sheriff’s Fees” in this Schedule.
Items (1)-(21) replaced: O.I.C. 2015-96, N.S. Reg. 90/2015.
Items (22)-(26) repealed: O.I.C. 2004-138, N.S. Reg. 58/2004.
Fees to be Taken by the Taxing Master
(1) For taxing each bill of costs and certifying the same if required:
(a) in actions for the recovery of a debtor liquidated demand in money,
where the amount involved does not exceed eighty dollars................................$5.10
(b) in other cases.....................................................................................................$8.15
(c) in any bill of costs between solicitor and client not to exceed,
per hour...........................................................................................................$15.29Heading and item (1) incorporated into regulations: S.N.S. 2004, c. 3, S. 15; replaced: O.I.C. 2008-176, N.S. Reg. 149/2008.
Fees to be Paid to an Appraiser
(1) For appraising goods or real property levied on under attachment, each appraiser—not less than $2.04 nor more than $10.19 at the discretion of the taxing authority.
(2) Where property is extensive and business is complicated, for each day actually employed, each appraiser—not more than $25.48 at the discretion of the taxing authority.
Heading and items (1)-(2) incorporated into regulations: S.N.S. 2004, c. 3, S. 15; replaced: O.I.C. 2008-176, N.S. Reg. 149/2008.
(1) For attendance, per day ..............................................................................................$5.10
(2) Travel, per mile, one way ..........................................................................................$0.20
(3) Plaintiff or defendant, no witness fees, except where called by the opposite party.
Heading and items (1)-(3) incorporated into regulations: S.N.S. 2004, c. 3, S. 15; replaced: O.I.C. 2008-176, N.S. Reg. 149/2008.
(to be paid by municipality)
(1) Attending on sittings of Supreme Court per day, provided that
such amount may be increased by any municipality by by-law
to a sum not exceeding $5.00, per day........................................................................$2.55
(2) Serving every warrant or summons.............................................................................$0.51
(3) Travel per mile, the same as sheriff.
Heading and items (1)-(3) incorporated into regulations: S.N.S. 2004, c. 3, S. 15; replaced: O.I.C. 2008-176, N.S. Reg. 149/2008.
The same fees as a sheriff in cases where he discharges the duties of a sheriff.
Heading and text incorporated into regulations: S.N.S. 2004, c. 3, S. 15.
Arbitrator’s Fees under Order of Court
Reasonable fees to be taxed.
Heading and text incorporated into regulations: S.N.S. 2004, c. 3, S. 15.
Fees of a Judge of the Supreme Court* acting within the
district for which the Judge is appointed
(1) Every attendance on a reference, shown to have been necessary
by affidavit, and approved of by the judge..................................................................$2.04
(2) Every report................................................................................................................$2.04
(3) And for every folio beyond six folios, but not to exceed twenty folios in all................$0.20
(4) Administering every oath and signing jurat ................................................................$0.51
(5) All necessary travel, going and returning, per mile......................................................$0.10
Heading and items (1)-(5) incorporated into regulations: S.N.S. 2004, c. 3, S. 15; replaced: O.I.C. 2008-176, N.S. Reg. 149/2008.
[*Note: Section 10 of the Judicature Act states that any reference to the trial division of the Supreme Court must be read as a reference to the Supreme Court. Section 5 of An Act to Reform the Courts of the Province, S.N.S. 1992, c. 16, states that any reference to a county court must be read as a reference to the Supreme Court.]
(1) For every trial of an action without a jury....................................................................$1.02
(2) For every trial of an action with a jury........................................................................$1.53
(3) For each day in attendance at the trial of an action with or without a jury....................$0.76
(4) For each half day in attendance at the trial of an action with or without a jury ............$0.51
(5) On every chambers motion.........................................................................................$0.25
(6) On every default judgment entered.............................................................................$0.25
Heading and items (1)-(6) incorporated into regulations: S.N.S. 2004, c. 3, S. 15; replaced: O.I.C. 2008-176, N.S. Reg. 149/2008.
These fees are subject to such amendments as may from time to time be made by the judges of
the Supreme Court under the authority of the Judicature Act.
(1) To sue or defend.......................................................................................................$10.19
(2) For statement of claim or special case.......................................................................$10.19
(3) For defence, including counterclaim.........................................................................$10.19
(4) For defence to counterclaim......................................................................................$10.19
(5) For any further pleading ordered by the Court...........................................................$10.19
(6) For third-party proceeding, including statement of claim...........................................$10.19
(7) For defence to third-party proceeding........................................................................$10.19
(8) For originating application........................................................................................$10.19
(9) For interlocutory application.....................................................................................$10.19
(10) For any petition or other originating document..........................................................$10.19
(11) For answer to a petition, including a counter-petition................................................$10.19
(12) For examination for discovery..................................................................................$10.19
(13) For interrogatories, at taxing officer’s discretion, not exceeding................................$10.19
(14) For answer to interrogatories, at taxing officer’s discretion, not
to exceed..................................................................................................................$10.19
(15) For each necessary affidavit........................................................................................$5.10
(16) For striking special jury..............................................................................................$2.04
(17) For pre-trial or pre-hearing conference......................................................................$10.19
Items (1)-(17) replaced: O.I.C. 2008-176, N.S. Reg. 149/2008.
(1) Originating notice (application inter partes), at taxing officer’s
discretion, not to exceed...........................................................................................$17.32
(2) Or, per page................................................................................................................$1.53
(3) Concurrent originating notice......................................................................................$3.57
(4) Renewal of originating notice.....................................................................................$3.57
(5) Any other originating notice, other than a petition.......................................................$7.13
(6) Interlocutory notice.....................................................................................................$7.13
(7) Any other notice, at taxing officer’s discretion, not to exceed......................................$7.13
(8) Statement of claim......................................................................................................$7.64
(9) Or, per page................................................................................................................$1.53
(10) Defence......................................................................................................................$7.64
(11) Or, per page................................................................................................................$1.53
(12) Counterclaim..............................................................................................................$3.06
(13) Or, per page................................................................................................................$1.53
(14) Any other pleading ordered by the Court.....................................................................$7.64
(15) Or, per page................................................................................................................$1.53
(16) Petition.......................................................................................................................$7.64
(17) Or, per page................................................................................................................$1.53
(18) Answer to petition, including any cross-petition..........................................................$7.64
(19) Or, per page................................................................................................................$1.53
(20) Amendments to any originating notice, pleading, petition or order..............................$5.10
(21) Or, per page................................................................................................................$1.53
(22) Particulars..................................................................................................................$5.10
(23) Or at taxing officer’s discretion, not to exceed per page..............................................$1.53
(24) Affidavit.....................................................................................................................$5.10
(25) Or, per page................................................................................................................$1.53
(26) One letter to each opposing party before proceeding, if actually sent...........................$5.10
(27) Other letters, in course of the proceeding to opposite party or
their solicitor, when necessary in the opinion of the taxing officer, each......................$5.10
(28) Interrogatories............................................................................................................$5.10
(29) Or at taxing officer’s discretion, not to exceed per page..............................................$1.53
(30) Answer to interrogatories............................................................................................$5.10
(31) Or at taxing officer’s discretion, not to exceed per page..............................................$1.53
(32) List of documents.......................................................................................................$5.10
(33) Subpoena...................................................................................................................$5.10
(34) Letter of request for examination of witness outside of jurisdiction.............................$5.10
(35) Any recovery order, attachment order, execution order, receivership
order or contempt order..............................................................................................$5.10
(36) Any other order..........................................................................................................$7.64
(37) Or, per page................................................................................................................$1.53
(38) Bill of costs, including notice of taxation....................................................................$7.64
(39) Notice of appeal.........................................................................................................$7.64
(40) Or, per page................................................................................................................$1.53
(41) Notice of cross-appeal................................................................................................$7.64
(42) Or, per page................................................................................................................$1.53
(43) Entry of appeal...........................................................................................................$5.10
(44) Application for decree absolute...................................................................................$5.10
(45) Certificate of prothonotary..........................................................................................$5.10
(46) Warrant for arrest of defaulting witness......................................................................$5.10
(47) Satisfaction piece........................................................................................................$5.10
(48) Deed.........................................................................................................................$10.19
(49) Bond, including execution and justification...............................................................$10.19
(50) Special case, per page.................................................................................................$1.53
(51) Accounts, statements and other documents for an application, per page......................$1.53
(52) Advertisements, including attendance therefor............................................................$7.64
(53) Or, per page................................................................................................................$1.53
(54) Where pursuant to rules of court or on any other proper occasion,
any pleading, special case, appeal, evidence or other matter is printed,
the solicitor of the party furnishing the copy shall be allowed for a copy
for the printer, per page...............................................................................................$1.53
(55) To the solicitor of the party furnishing the copy, for examining the
proof print, per page...................................................................................................$1.02
(56) And, for printing, the amount actually and properly paid to the printer.
(57) The allowance per page for supplying copy, reading proof, or printing is not to include headings or jurats, except one heading in the front.
(58) And where any part is properly printed in a foreign language, or as a facsimile, or in any unusual or special manner, or where an alteration in the document being printed becomes necessary after the first proof has been read, such further allowance shall be made as the taxing officer thinks reasonable.
(59) These allowances are to include all attendances on the printer.
(60) As to notices in a proceeding to wind up a company, for preparing or
filling up each notice to creditors to attend and receive debts, or to
contributories to settle list of contributories.................................................................$0.31
(61) For preparing or filling up each notice to contributories, to be served
with a general order for a call, or order for payment of a call.......................................$0.31
(62) For drawing notice to be served on contributories or creditors, of a
meeting, per page.......................................................................................................$1.53
(63) For each copy of the last mentioned notice to serve.....................................................$0.51
(64) For preparing or filling up for service, in any other proceeding, each notice
to creditors to prove claims, and each notice that payment may be received,
specifying the amount to be received for principal and interest and costs, if any..........$1.02
(65) In a proceeding to wind up a company, the usual charges relating to printing
shall be allowed in lieu of copies for service where the fee for copies would
exceed the charge for printing and amount to more than ...........................................$12.00
Note: The fee prescribed for a document includes the preparation of all copies.
Items (1)-(65) replaced: O.I.C. 2008-176, N.S. Reg. 149/2008.
Supreme Court, Solicitor’s Fees A-D incorporated into regulations: S.N.S. 2004, c. 3, S. 15.
(1) To file or serve a document........................................................................................$2.04
(2) Where, in consequence of the distance of the party to be served it is
proper to effect such service through an agent, for correspondence in addition............$2.04
(3) Or, if served by post...................................................................................................$1.02
(4) Where any two of the documents have to be filed or served together, one fee only for filing or service is to be allowed.
(5) Travel for service of subpoena, 10¢ per mile for each mile actually travelled to place of service and return or $3.06, whichever is greater.
(6) To obtain consent of guardian ad litem to sue or defend in his name...........................$5.10
(7) To inspect, or produce for inspection, documents pursuant to a notice
to admit or produce, or a rule......................................................................................$5.10
(8) To examine or sign admissions...................................................................................$5.10
(9) To obtain appointment to examine any person for discovery.......................................$5.10
(10) On examination of witnesses before any examiner, commissioner,
officer or other person including examination under an examination
for discovery, not to exceed for each witness............................................................$30.57
(11) On pre-trial or pre-hearing conference, not to exceed................................................$25.48
(12) On an application at chambers or before the Court, not to exceed..............................$30.57
(13) To enter, or set down a proceeding, special case or appeal for hearing or
trial, not to include chambers......................................................................................$2.04
(14) To hear judgment when same adjourned.....................................................................$3.06
(15) On taxation of costs....................................................................................................$5.10
(16) To obtain or give an undertaking to appear.................................................................$2.04
(17) To examine title in a proceeding, at the discretion of the taxing officer,
not to exceed............................................................................................................$50.95
(18) Every other attendance necessary to be made by the solicitor personally,
including conferences with solicitor for opposite party................................................$5.10
(19) To obtain or give any necessary or proper consent......................................................$2.04
(20) To strike special jury..................................................................................................$2.04
Heading and items (1)-(20) incorporated into regulations: S.N.S. 2004, c. 3, S. 15; replaced: O.I.C. 2008-176, N.S. Reg. 149/2008.
(1) Of any originating notice, interlocutory notice, pleading, petition, or affidavit,
for each document......................................................................................................$2.04
(2) Or, per page................................................................................................................$1.02
(3) Of a list of documents.................................................................................................$2.04
(4) Of interrogatories........................................................................................................$2.04
(5) Of a notice to admit....................................................................................................$2.04
(6) Of a report of an expert or medical examination.........................................................$2.04
(7) Of a special case.........................................................................................................$2.04
(8) Of documents preparatory to brief, per page................................................................$1.02
(9) Of transcript of trial evidence, per page.......................................................................$1.02
(10) Of letters in course of a proceeding, for each letter not exceeding...............................$3.06
(11) Of a special case.........................................................................................................$2.04
(12) Of any order...............................................................................................................$2.04
(13) Of a bill of costs.........................................................................................................$2.04
Note: The fee for perusal is only allowed in respect of any of the above documents received from an opposing party or his solicitor.
Heading, items (1)-(13) and note incorporated into regulations: S.N.S. 2004, c. 3, S. 1; replaced: O.I.C. 2008-176, N.S. Reg. 149/2008.
(1) Brief, and copy, of a party in a proceeding,
(a) on the trial;
(b) on appeal to the Nova Scotia Court of Appeal;
(c) on a special case;
(d) on a special application before the Nova Scotia Court of Appeal or a judge thereof;
(e) on a contested application before the Supreme Court, or a judge thereof;
(f) on an ex parte application before the Supreme Court, or a judge thereof, where a written brief is submitted at the request of the Court or judge;
(g) on an application to assess damages on default or to foreclose a
mortgage; not to exceed in each instance.......................................................$203.80
(2) In cases in which the Supreme Court and county court have concurrent
jurisdiction and the amount involved does not exceed $500.00, the
brief and copy shall not exceed in each instance........................................................$50.95
(3) On application at chambers, the brief shall not exceed $50.95, unless the Court or Judge certifies that the party is entitled to a larger amount and fixes it.
(4) In addition, for written submission when requested by the Court or judge not exceeding in each instance the amount allowable under items (1), (2) and (3).
(5) Pre-trial memorandum, not to exceed........................................................................$25.48
(6) Memorandum preliminary to an application, not to exceed.......................................$15.29
Heading and items (1)-(6) incorporated into regulations: S.N.S. 2004, c. 3, S. 15; replaced: O.I.C. 2008-176, N.S. Reg. 149/2008.
(1) In every proceeding after defence filed, or on every application or appeal where a brief fee is allowed, a counsel fee not exceeding in each instance $152.85 per day and not exceeding $76.43 per day for one associate counsel.
(2) In cases in which the Supreme Court and county court have concurrent
jurisdiction and the amount involved does not exceed $300.00 not exceeding
in each of the above, per day.....................................................................................$61.14
(3) The taxing officer may, after consultation with a judge of the Supreme Court, increase the counsel fee, except in cases in the county court when he shall consult with the judge of the county court of the district in which the proceedings are carried on.
(4) The following items shall be taxable by a solicitor on a sale of land under execution:
Searching title..................................................................................................$15.29
Preparing advertisement of sale and copies........................................................$5.10
Each notice to subsequent encumbrancers and copies........................................$3.06
Heading and items (1)-(4) incorporated into regulations: S.N.S. 2004, c. 3, S. 15; replaced: O.I.C. 2008-176, N.S. Reg. 149/2008.
[*Note: Section 5 of An Act to Reform the Courts of the Province, S.N.S. 1992, c. 16, states that any reference to a county court must be read as a reference to the Supreme Court.]
(1) In addition to the above, an allowance is also to be made for
(a) the necessary expense of postage, carriage and transmission of documents, telegrams, maps, plans, telephone tolls, and survey;
(b) the reasonable expense of executing an order to examine witnesses by deposition; and
(c) the fee allowed by the Court or judge for the report of a medical practitioner or other expert.
(2) In a foreclosure proceeding, if the amount does not exceed $400, the solicitor’s cost shall in no case exceed $100 exclusive of disbursements.
(3) Notwithstanding anything herein contained, in any proceeding in the Supreme Court the taxable costs shall be taxed to a subtotal on the scale herein provided and then;
(a) where the amount involved is $100 or less, the subtotal shall be reduced by 50%;
(b) where the amount involved exceeds $100 but does not exceed $500, the subtotal shall be reduced by 25%;
(c) where the amount involved exceeds $500 but does not exceed $5 000, the subtotal shall be allowed within alteration;
(d) where the amount involved exceeds $5 000, the subtotal shall be increased by 25%;
(e) where no amount is involved, the subtotal may be increased or decreased by such amount as the taxing officer shall think proper provided that the maximum increase allowable is 50%.
(4) Notwithstanding anything herein contained, the solicitor’s costs taxable in ordinary cases of default of defence in a proceeding for liquidated demand are as follows:
Amount Claimed
Costs Taxable
$100 or less
More than $100, but not exceeding $500
More than $500, but not exceeding $2500
More than $2500, but not exceeding $10 000
More than $10 000
Heading and items (1)-(4) incorporated into regulations: S.N.S. 2004, c. 3, S. 15.
3. Trial Division of the Supreme Court* (in matrimonial matters)
(1) Retaining fee for counsel..........................................................................................$15.29
(2) Proxy..........................................................................................................................$3.06
(3) Draft of petition or other pleading, per folio................................................................$0.51
(4) Engrossing same, per folio..........................................................................................$0.25
(5) Entering appearance and notice of appearance............................................................$3.06
(6) Every subpoena, citation or other writ.........................................................................$3.06
(7) Copies for service, each..............................................................................................$1.02
(8) Drawing affidavit of service of subpoena, citation or other process or
(9) Every petition necessary in conducting a cause...........................................................$2.04
(10) Every order.................................................................................................................$3.06
(11) Counsel fee on making or defending every special motion, not to exceed..................$20.38
(12) Drawing brief in every cause, per folio.......................................................................$0.51
(13) Counsel fee for examining and signing each pleading.................................................$5.10
(14) Draft of interrogatories, per folio................................................................................$0.51
(15) Engrossing, per folio...................................................................................................$0.25
(16) Counsel fee on hearing or argument, not to exceed...................................................$50.95
(17) Making up bills of costs..............................................................................................$3.06
(18) Serving every subpoena, or other writ or order.........................................................[$]2.04
(19) Travel, per mile, from the residence of the party making service to the place of service and return..........................................................................................................................$0.10
(20) Every necessary attendance on the registrar.................................................................$2.04
(21) Draft of decree, per folio.............................................................................................$0.25
(22) Engrossing per folio...................................................................................................$0.25
Heading and items (1)-(22) incorporated into regulations: S.N.S. 2004, c. 3, S. 15; replaced: O.I.C. 2008-176, N.S. Reg. 149/2008.
[*Note: Section 10 of the Judicature Act states that any reference to the trial division of the Supreme Court must be read as a reference to the Supreme Court.]
(1) Issuing notice to appear, filing copy and certifying petitions and affidavit...................$1.50
(2) Filing every petition and affidavit...............................................................................$0.50
(3) Entering appearance and filing copy...........................................................................$1.00
(4) Filing every answer, reply and each copy of pleadings................................................$0.50
(5) Filing every document not otherwise provided for......................................................$0.25
(6) Entry on chambers docket...........................................................................................$0.50
(7) Entry on court docket.................................................................................................$1.00
(8) On trial of each action, including adjournments, in full...............................................$5.00
(9) On every other court attendance, per hour...................................................................$1.50
(10) Swearing each witness................................................................................................$0.25
(11) Filing each exhibit......................................................................................................$0.25
(12) Signing and sealing every writ, subpoena or order.......................................................$0.75
(13) On every motion in Court or chambers.......................................................................$1.00
(14) On decree nisi, including filing...................................................................................$1.00
(15) On decree absolute including filing.............................................................................$1.50
(16) On examination of every witness ordered by a Judge, besides travelling expenses,
per hour......................................................................................................................$5.00
(17) Certifying copies of orders, decrees and other papers..................................................$1.50
(18) Taxing costs...............................................................................................................$5.00
(19) Certifying bill of costs................................................................................................$0.50
(20) Transmitting papers to deputy registrar.......................................................................$1.00
(21) Keeping record of money in Court in each action........................................................$1.50
(22) Every search...............................................................................................................$0.30
(23) Copies of all papers if actually made by registrar, per folio.........................................$0.15
Heading and items (1)-(23) incorporated into regulations: S.N.S. 2004, c. 3, S. 15.
(1) Entry on Court docket.................................................................................................$0.50
(2) On trial of each action including adjournments, in full................................................$5.00
(3) On every other court attendance, per hour...................................................................$1.50
(4) Signing and sealing every writ of subpoena or order...................................................$0.75
(5) Transmitting papers to registrar...................................................................................$1.00
(6) Swearing each witness................................................................................................$0.25
(7) Filing each exhibit......................................................................................................$0.25
Heading and items (1)-(7) incorporated into regulations: S.N.S. 2004, c. 3, S. 15.
(1) Sheriff attending Court...............................................................................................$1.50
(2) Crier attending Court..................................................................................................$1.00
(3) Crier each decree nisi.................................................................................................$1.00
(4) Crier each decree absolute..........................................................................................$1.00
(5) Reporter: taking evidence, each action.......................................................................$5.00
(6) Reporter: reading evidence to judge, if required.........................................................$2.50
(7) Reporter: transcribing evidence if required by judge, per folio....................................$0.10
(8) Commissioner: taking evidence–fee approved by trial judge, not exceeding..............$25.00
(9) Agent for watching counsel on taking commission evidence–fee approved
by trial judge, not exceeding.....................................................................................$25.00Heading and items (1)-(9) incorporated into regulations: S.N.S. 2004, c. 3, S. 15.
Fees of Commissioners on Examination of Witnesses
(1) For taking the examination of every witness...........................................not less than $5.00
nor more than $25.00 per day in the discretion of the taxing authorities.Heading and item (1) incorporated into regulations: S.N.S. 2004, c. 3, S. 15.
(as in the Supreme Court)
Heading and text incorporated into regulations: S.N.S. 2004, c. 3, S. 15.
Attendance at trial of hearing of petition...........................................................................$20.00
Every other necessary attendance, proceeding or service, such amount as the judge may allow.
Heading and text incorporated into regulations: S.N.S. 2004, c. 3, S. 15.
Fees of Solicitor and Counsel in County Court*
A In a proceeding to recover a debt or liquidated demand in money where the amount
involved does not exceed $40.00,
(1) Originating notice and copy, and statement of claim..........................................$5.00
(2) For affidavit and order to arrest..........................................................................$1.00
(3) Any concurrent originating notice and order to arrest.........................................$1.00
(4) Filing and serving defence.................................................................................$2.00
(5) On final judgment.............................................................................................$3.00
(6) Every subpoena.................................................................................................$1.00
(7) Every copy of subpoena.....................................................................................$0.50
(8) Execution order.................................................................................................$2.00
(9) Brief and copy, not less than $2.50, nor more than (in the discretion of
judge, taxing master, or clerk)............................................................................$7.50
(10) Counsel fee when proceeding tried, to be taxed by and in the discretion
of the judge, not to exceed...............................................................................$20.00
B In a proceeding to recover a debt or liquidated demand in money, where the amount involved does not exceed $100.00 but is over $40.00,
(1) Originating notice and copy, and statement of claim..........................................$6.00
(2) Appeal bond in case of appeal where bond is filed.............................................$3.00
(3) For affidavit and order to arrest..........................................................................$1.50
(4) Any concurrent originating notice and order to arrest.........................................$1.00
(5) Filing and serving defence.................................................................................$2.00
(6) On final judgment.............................................................................................$5.00
(7) Every subpoena.................................................................................................$1.00
(8) Every copy of subpoena.....................................................................................$0.50
(9) Execution order.................................................................................................$2.00
(10) Brief and copy, not less than $4.00 nor more than (in the discretion of
the judge, taxing master, or clerk)....................................................................$10.00
(11) Counsel fee when proceeding is tried, not to exceed $25.00 to be taxed by and in the discretion of the judge or taxing officer.
(12) And in addition for drawing pleadings and documents not specified above, solicitors shall be allowed one half of the fees prescribed for solicitors
for the like services in the Supreme Court.
C In appeals to the court, and in a proceeding for debt or liquidated demand where the mount involved exceeds $100.00, and in other proceedings, including any proceeding where no amount is involved, the fees of solicitors and counsel shall be the same as those prescribed by this Act for solicitors and counsel for like services in the Supreme Court and shall be subject to the percentage reductions and increases applicable to costs as taxed in the Supreme Court.
D In matters under the Mechanics’ Lien [Builders’ Lien] Act and subject to Section 41 of that Act, the Supreme Court scale of fees shall apply, including the percentage reductions and increases applicable to costs taxed in the Supreme Court, and whether a statement of claim is issued or not the following costs may be taxed and allowed,
(a) for preparation and filing of a claim of lien......................................................$35.00
(b) for preparation and delivery of a discharge lien................................................$10.00
Heading and items A-D incorporated into regulations: S.N.S. 2004, c. 3, S. 15.
[*Note: Section 5 of An Act to Reform the Courts of the Province, S.N.S. 1992, c. 16, states that any reference
to a county court must be read as a reference to the Supreme Court.]
(1) Upon the issuing of a dedimus (including the application or hearing, for dedimus, preparation of a compared copy of a will, certifying and filing same, filing of all
necessary papers, and documents and letter if any, postage, and forwarding dedimus
to person appointed).................................................................................................$33.30
(2) Upon the issuing of a citation (other than original citation to close), including
(a) the order therefor, filing fees, etc......................................................................$19.95
(b) preparing each compared copy of a citation.......................................................$1.35
(3) Preparing each compared copy of a will:
where the will does not exceed 3 pages
(a) plain..................................................................................................................$6.61
(b) certified (in addition to fee for plain).................................................................$6.61
where the will exceeds 3 pages, an additional fee per page..........................................$1.35
(4) Preparing and certifying a compared copy of letters testamentary, letters of administration cum testamento annexo, resealed letters testamentary of exemplification, resealed letters of administration cum testamento annexo or exemplification (including in each case a compared copy of the will) with certificate of grant:
(a) where the will does not exceed 3 pages............................................................$13.26
(b) where the will exceeds 3 pages, an additional fee per page.................................$1.35
(5) (a) Preparing and certifying a compared copy of letters of administration with
certificate of grant............................................................................................$13.26
(b) Preparing a plain certificate of administration, probate or resealing....................$6.61
(6) Except as herein otherwise specifically provided, preparing each compared copy of any order, decree, decision, letters, paper or document recorded or filed in the registry of probate
(a) per page............................................................................................................$1.35
(b) certifying same, per document...........................................................................$6.61
(c) filing any plan.................................................................................................$13.26
Where any document or copy is tendered to a registrar to be compared and certified or either compared or certified, the fee therefor shall be the same as if the document or copy had also been prepared by the registrar.
The fees payable to the registrar shall be paid to the registrar by the party on whose behalf the proceedings are had, and shall be paid at the time the proceedings are taken.
(7) Filing each attested claim, trust agreement, additional inventory or declaration
or other document or paper where the charging of a filing fee has not been
prohibited or where the filing fee has not been provided for......................................$13.26
(8) Upon perusal or inspection of documents, papers and records by a barrister
or other person, per file...............................................................................................$2.65
(9) Upon each perusal or inspection of documents and records in each estate for
any party by staff (not to include copies thereof or summaries of proceedings),
and supplying information required, per file................................................................$6.61
(10) (a) Filing each caveat............................................................................................$13.30
(b) Filing each notice of appeal.............................................................................$33.30
(11) Upon an application for letters of guardianship and including the issuing of the letters
and the preparation of one compared copy of the letters and certifying same.............$66.65
(12) Upon an application, either pursuant to subsection 50(1) or Section 64 of
the Probate Act, for licence to sell, mortgage or lease real property and including
the issuing of the licence and preparation of one compared copy of the licence
to be recorded in a registry of deeds and certifying same, per document....................$99.70plus an additional fee for each page............................................................................$1.35
(13) (a) Upon an application for the partition or sale of lands and including the
issuing of the warrant to commissioners and subscribing their oaths, the
surveyor, vesting orders and generally such other similar acts or steps
necessary to determine the matter..................................................................$132.70
(b) Upon an application for an insolvency order....................................................$39.85
(c) Upon an application for a maintenance order...................................................$39.85
(d) Upon an application to show cause for Proof in Solemn Form.........................$66.00
(e) Upon application to remove Executor or Administrator
per day or part thereof......................................................................................$66.00
(f) Upon application for other show cause hearings per day or part thereof............$66.00
(14) (a) Upon an application to prove a will in common form other than the affidavit
or affidavits of the subscribing witness or witnesses only, or upon the hearing
of any citation to determine the persons to whom a grant shall be made, or
upon any other hearing preliminary to a grant..................................................$33.30
(b) Upon the adjudication of any claim against an estate
per day or any part thereof...............................................................................$66.35
(c) Upon an application for the revocation of a grant, or upon any application
the fee of which is not otherwise provided for..................................................$66.35
(d) Upon an application for any order on appeal from a decision
of the registrar of probate.................................................................................$66.35
(e) Transmitting appeal with statement of decision and such copies
or dockets as required by the Supreme Court...................................................$66.35
(f) Upon the resumption of a hearing previously partially completed.....................$66.35
(g) Where there is a contest, in addition to the fee payable where there is
no contest, on every application or hearing or the resumption of a hearing
previously partially completed.........................................................................$66.35
The fees set out in items (a) to (g) are per item, or hearing per day or part thereof, including taking of evidence where applicable.
(h) Where an election is filed, the fee for
(i) recording the election at the registry of deeds shall be.............................$33.30
plus $1.35 for each page
(ii) certifying the election shall be the same fees as in items (6)(a) and (b),
(iii) filing the election shall be the same fees as in item (7).
(i) Where a will is tendered, the fee for
(i) proving and filing the will only shall be..................................................$13.30
(ii) certifying the will shall be the same fee as in item (6)(b),
(iii) recording the will at each registry of deeds in the Province
where probate is not sought shall be........................................................$33.30
plus $1.35 for each page
(15) There are no fees payable or collectable for the following:
(a) the filing of any vouchers or receipts in a registry of probate;
(b) the preparation of any paper or document or copy thereof for recording in any registry of probate or the recording of any such paper, document or copy;
(c) the making and maintaining of any index or indexes to estates, books, papers or records in a registry of probate or the making of any entry or card in connection with any such index;
(d) the making of any minute or similar memoranda and entering the same in a minute book or books of acts;
(e) the perusal by any barrister or other person of any of the indexes in a registry of probate;
(f) the administering of an oath to a person giving evidence in a court of probate;
(g) the certifying and transmitting of a certified copy of a will, petition for election, or any other document required to be filed with registry(s) of deeds.
(16) Fees payable to a commissioner appointed under dedimus, fees payable to a commissioner or special examiner under a partition order for sale of land, appraisers’ fees and surveyors’ fees and other fees not specifically mentioned shall be at the discretion of the registrar of probate.
(17) For each grant over one issued on an estate for which an order under Section 72
of the Probate Act has not been made.....................................................................$133.35Items (1)-(17) replaced: O.I.C. 2015-96, N.S. Reg. 90/2015.
Items (18)-(19) repealed: O.I.C. 2004-138, N.S. Reg. 58/2004.
6. City Civil Court of the City of Sydney
Fees to be paid to the Clerk:
(1) Summons or capias....................................................................................................$1.25
(2) Each copy of summons or capias................................................................................$0.25
(3) Affidavits for capias or other purpose, each................................................................$1.00
(4) Subpoena...................................................................................................................$0.30
(5) For each copy of subpoena.........................................................................................$0.25
(6) Administering every oath in court...............................................................................$0.15
(7) Trial and judgment, when for $40.00 or more.............................................................$2.25
(8) Trial and judgment, when under $40.00......................................................................$1.25
(9) Execution...................................................................................................................$0.50
(10) Orders, each...............................................................................................................$0.50
(11) Copies, each...............................................................................................................$0.25
(12) Appeal bond...............................................................................................................$1.00
(13) Transmitting appeal....................................................................................................$0.50
(14) Certificate of judgment...............................................................................................$0.50
(15) Certificate of discharge...............................................................................................$0.50
Heading and items (1)-(15) incorporated into regulations: S.N.S. 2004, c. 3, S. 15.
(as in the Supreme Court)
Heading and text incorporated into regulations: S.N.S. 2004, c. 3, S. 15.
7. Fees to be taken under the Summary Proceedings Act
For a Judge of the Provincial Court
(1) Information or complaint............................................................................................$3.00
(2) Warrant or summons..................................................................................................$2.00
(3) Warrant where summons issued in first instance.........................................................$0.30
(4) Each necessary copy of summons or warrant..............................................................$0.30
(5) Each summons or warrant to or for a witness or witnesses (only one summons on
each side to be charged for in each case, which may contain any number of names,
except where the justice considers that the justice of the case requires it, additional summonses may be issued and charged for)................................................................$0.50
(6) Information for warrant for witness and warrant..........................................................$1.00
(7) Each necessary copy of summons or warrant for witness............................................$0.20
(8) For every recognizance...............................................................................................$1.00
(9) For hearing and determining case................................................................................$3.00
(10) If case lasts over two hours.........................................................................................$2.00
(11) Where one justice alone cannot lawfully hear and determine the case the same fee for hearing and determining to be allowed to the associate justice
(12) For each warrant of commitment................................................................................$2.00
(13) For each warrant of distress........................................................................................$1.00
(14) For making up record of conviction or order where the same is ordered
to be returned on certiorari.........................................................................................$1.00
But in all cases which admit of a summary proceeding before a single justice and wherein no higher penalty than $20.00 can be imposed, there shall be charged for the
record of conviction not more than.............................................................................$0.50
(15) For copy of any other paper connected with any case, and the minutes of the same is
demanded, per folio of 100 words...............................................................................$0.10
(16) For every bill of costs when demanded to be made out in detail..................................$0.20
(Items 15 and 16 to be chargeable only when there has been an adjudication.)
(17) Attending to remand prisoner.....................................................................................$1.00
(18) Attending to arrange bail............................................................................................$1.00
Heading and items (1)-(18) incorporated into regulations: S.N.S. 2004, c. 3, S. 15.
Heading “For a Justice of the Peace” and items (1)-(18) repealed: O.I.C. 2002-441, N.S. Reg. 120/2002.
(1) For attendance, when subpoenaed, per day..................................................................$3.00
(2) For travel (per kilometre one way)..............................................................................$0.20
Heading and items (1)-(2) incorporated into regulations: S.N.S. 2004, c. 3, S. 15.
7A. Fees to be taken by an Administrative Justice of the Peace
(1) For administering oath..............................................................................................$15.00
(2) For swearing information..........................................................................................$15.00
(3) For issuing summons................................................................................................$15.00
(4) For issuing subpoena................................................................................................$15.00
Heading and items (1)-(4) added: O.I.C. 2002-441, N.S. Reg. 120/2002.
8. Constables’ Fees Before Justices of the Peace
under the Collection Act and under the Summary Proceedings Act
(1) Serving summons or capias and making return, or serving order for
appearance of debtor...................................................................................................$0.50
(2) For arrest under warrant, or order, authorizing arrest...................................................$1.50
(3) Bail bond....................................................................................................................$1.00
(4) Attending trial with debtor under capias, or under order for arrest...............................$1.00
(5) Serving subpoena on each witness..............................................................................$0.50
(6) Serving execution and return......................................................................................$0.50
(7) Poundage on execution when sale..................................................................................5%
(8) Poundage on execution when paid without sale...........................................................2½%
(9) Posting notices of sale................................................................................................$1.50
(10) Summoning a jury......................................................................................................$0.50
(11) Summoning each additional juror when there are not sufficient bystanders.................$0.10
(12) All necessary travel actually performed on service of summons, capias,
execution, subpoena or order for appearance and on conveying a person
arrested to jail or to place designated in warrant or order for arrest,
per mile both ways.....................................................................................................$0.10
(13) When subpoenas are served by a constable, separate travel shall not be charged for
serving each witness, but only so much travel as is actually and necessarily performed by
the constable in serving all the subpoenas.
Heading and items (1)-(13) incorporated into regulations: S.N.S. 2004, c. 3, S. 15.
9. Fees for Services under the Registry Act
(1) Under this heading,
(a) “document” means a writing, a plan, a map or any information in a form that can be converted into a writing, a plan or a map by a machine or a device, and includes information
(i) on microfilm,
(ii) in electronic, mechanical or magnetic storage, or
(iii) in electronic data signals; and
(b) “half-day” means a consecutive 4-hour period between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.
(2) The fees for services that are provided under the Registry Act and its regulations at a land registration office or a registry of deeds are as set out under this heading.
(3) Except as provided in item (8)(b), a fee or charge set out in an item under this heading prevails over any conflicting fee or charge prescribed in any enactment for a search or service described in an item under this heading.
(4) A fee must be paid at the time of service, which for document filing or registration is the time the document is submitted.
(5) For the purpose of calculating fees, if documents are combined or attached together, or if several instrument types are combined together in 1 document, each document or instrument type is considered to be a separate document, unless the document is attached as an exhibit or schedule or is not recordable as a separate document.
(6) For the purpose of calculating fees, if a document affects more than 1 security interest or lien, the document is considered to be a separate document for each security interest or lien affected.
(7) For the purpose of calculating fees, a page of a document that has printing on both sides is considered to be 2 separate pages.
(8) Except as provided in item (9), the fees for services that are provided under the Registry Act and its regulations are as follows:
(a) to file or register a document under the Registry Act, other than a
document under the Condominium Act, by any means, per document.............$103.00
(b) for documents under the Condominium Act that are filed or registered under the Registry Act, the fees set out in Schedule “B” to the Condominium Regulations made under the Condominium Act
(c) for supplying a certified copy of a document that was filed or registered
under the Registry Act, per certification...........................................................$13.35
plus the fee per page prescribed in items (e) and (f)
(d) to search any records at a registry of deeds, per person, per half-day or
any partial half-day............................................................................................$6.60
(e) for supplying a copy of a document or part of a document that was filed
or registered under the Registry Act, or an extract from electronic data
or images, that is reproduced by a photocopier or printer and is 11 × 17 in.
(27.94 × 43.81 cm) or smaller, per page.............................................................$1.25
(f) for supplying a copy of a document or part of a document that was filed or registered under the Registry Act, or an extract from electronic data or images, that is reproduced by a photocopier or printer and is
(i) larger than 11 × 17 in. (27.94 × 43.81 cm) but no larger than
24 × 36 in. (60.96 × 76.2 cm), per page....................................................$9.30
(ii) larger than 24 × 36 in. (60.96 × 76.2 cm) but no larger than
36 × 42 in. (76.2 × 106.68 cm), per page................................................$13.40
(iii) larger than 36 × 42 in. (76.2 × 106.68 cm), per metre................................$9.30
(g) for a fee payment returned to a registry of deeds because of
insufficient funds.............................................................................................$16.70
plus, if the fee payment remains outstanding 30 days after
notice has been provided by a registrar, an additional.......................................$16.70
Items (8)(a)-(g) replaced: O.I.C. 2015-96, N.S. Reg. 90/2015.
(9) There is no fee to file or register any of the following under the Registry Act:
(a) a document for which a fee has already been paid to register or record under the Land Registration Act;
(b) a boundary survey plan, other than a subdivision plan, certified by a Nova Scotia Land Surveyor;
(c) a subdivision plan that is exempt from requiring subdivision approval under the Municipal Government Act or that was approved before August 6, 1984;
(d) a form prescribed under the Registry Act or the Land Registration Act;
(e) a document that is required to be filed as a result of a registrar’s error.
Heading and Items (1)-(9) replaced: O.I.C. 2012-42, N.S. Reg. 46/2012.
Item (8)(a)-(g) replaced: O.I.C. 2015-96, N.S. Reg. 90/2015.
Items (10)-(11) replaced: O.I.C. 2011-110, N.S. Reg. 65/2011; repealed: O.I.C. 2012-42, N.S. Reg. 46/2012.
Items (12)-(13) repealed: O.I.C. 2004-138, N.S. Reg. 58/2004.
10. Fees of Jailer or Keeper of Lock-up House
(1) For every person committed to jail on civil process.....................................................$0.75
(2) For every person discharged therefrom, except insolvents or indigent debtors and
criminals....................................................................................................................$0.75Heading and items (1)-(2) incorporated into regulations: S.N.S. 2004, c. 3, S. 15.
(1) Warrant to bailiff........................................................................................................$1.00
(2) Appraisement.............................................................................................................$0.50
(3) Notice and each necessary copy..................................................................................$0.25
(4) Appraisers, each.........................................................................................................$0.75
(5) On a sale or payment without sale, the same fees as to a sheriff.
(6) No custody money to be allowed.
Heading and items (1)-(6) incorporated into regulations: S.N.S. 2004, c. 3, S. 15.
12. Fees under the Collection Act
(1) Each examiner under the Collection Act for the City of Halifax
[Regional Municipality], commissioner, judge of the provincial court
or justice, perusing affidavits and issuing orders for examination................................$0.50
(2) Each examiner under the Collection Act for the City of Halifax
[Regional Municipality], commissioner, judge of the provincial court
or justice, for each days attendance at examination, hearing an inquiry........................$1.00
(3) Each examiner under the Collection Act for the City of Halifax
[Regional Municipality], commissioner, judge of the provincial court
or justice, on signing order or statutory decision..........................................................$0.50
(4) For every warrant or order for arrest or commitment...................................................$0.30
(5) For every order for execution......................................................................................$0.20
Heading and items (1)-(5) incorporated into regulations: S.N.S. 2004, c. 3, S. 15.
(1) Each day in actual attendance.....................................................................................$3.00
(2) All travelling, to be computed from the residence of the witness to the place of trial, per
mile one way..............................................................................................................$0.20
Except as provided in this Schedule, no judge of the provincial court and no justice of the peace shall be entitled to any commission or other remuneration whatsoever on any
money or moneys collected by or through process issuing out of his court, whether the
judgment if any, be by default or otherwise.
Heading, items (1)-(2) and text incorporated into regulations: S.N.S. 2004, c. 3, S. 15.
13. Fees under the Indigent Debtors Act
(1) Each examiner under the Collection Act for the City of Halifax
[ Regional Municipality], or commissioner, on signing order......................................$1.00
(2) Each judge of the provincial court or justice, on signing order.....................................$0.50
(3) If proceeding adjourned, same fees each day of attendance.
(4) Each examiner under the Collection Act for the City of Halifax
[ Regional Municipality], or commissioner, on signing final order..............................$0.50
(5) Each judge of the provincial court or justice, on signing final order.............................$0.25
Heading and items (1)-(5) incorporated into regulations: S.N.S. 2004, c. 3, S. 15.
Fees and Allowances under Part II of the Act
1. Fees of Prothonotary and Clerk* of the County Court* and Clerk of the Crown
(1) In lieu of all fees for duties relating to attendance in sittings of the Supreme Court or any
other court each sitting, morning, afternoon or evening$7.50
Heading and item (1) incorporated into regulations: S.N.S. 2004, c. 3, S. 15.
[*Note: Section 5 of An Act to Reform the Courts of the Province, S.N.S. 1992, c. 16, states that any reference to a county court must be read as a reference to the Supreme Court and that any reference to a clerk must be read as a reference to a prothonotary.]
Heading “2. Fees of Justice of the Peace” and items (1)-(12) repealed: O.I.C. 2002-441, N.S. Reg. 120/2002.
(1) For arrest under warrant..............................................................................................$1.50
(2) For serving summons or subpoena..............................................................................$0.20
(3) For actual travel to serve summons or subpoena or making arrest, or to search under
warrant, per mile........................................................................................................$0.10
(4) For attendance at preliminary examination, per day.....................................................$1.00
(5) For taking prisoner to jail, exclusive of disbursements necessarily expended in his
conveyance, per mile..................................................................................................$0.10
(6) For making search under search warrant.....................................................................$1.00
Heading and items (1)-(6) incorporated into regulations: S.N.S. 2004, c. 3, S. 15.
(1) For attendance when subpoenaed per day...................................................................$3.00
(2) Travel, per mile, one way...........................................................................................$0.20
Heading and items (1)-(2) incorporated into regulations: S.N.S. 2004, c. 3, S. 15.
(1) Calling jury in each case.............................................................................................$0.10
(2) Every verdict..............................................................................................................$0.10
(3) Swearing every witness..............................................................................................$0.05
(4) Discharging a party by proclamation...........................................................................$0.10
Heading and items (1)-(4) incorporated into regulations: S.N.S. 2004, c. 3, S. 15.
Form C: Certificate Verifying Witness’ Fees
(Section 25)
I hereby certify that the account of the several persons mentioned in the Schedule for witness’
fees is correct and justly due to them in the case of the Queen against . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . before . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Court or Justice).
That there was reasonable ground for instituting the proceedings in such cause, and that in my
opinion every witness mentioned in the said Schedule was a material and necessary witness for
the prosecution, and that he attended expressly to give evidence in the cause.
(place and date)
(signed) A.B.
Prosecuting Officer.
(countersigned, or signed if there was no prosecuting officer)
Judge of the Provincial Court (as the case may be)
To the Treasurer of . . . . . . . . . .
Schedule of Witness’ Fees to be Annexed to the Certificate.
Name of witness | Miles travelled | Days of attendance | $
Last updated: 10-12-2017