This consolidation is unofficial and is for reference only.  For the official version of the regulations, consult the original documents on file with the Office of the Registrar of Regulations, or refer to the Royal Gazette Part II.
Regulations are amended frequently.  Please check the list of Regulations by Act to see if there are any recent amendments to these regulations filed with our office that are not yet included in this consolidation.
Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this electronic version, the Office of the Registrar of Regulations assumes no responsibility for any discrepancies that may have resulted from reformatting.
This electronic version is copyright © 2025, Province of Nova Scotia, all rights reserved.  It is for your personal use and may not be copied for the purposes of resale in this or any other form.

Civil Emergency Planning Regulations

made under Section 25 of the

Emergency Management Act

S.N.S. 1990, c. 8

O.I.C. 71-764 (effective August 10, 1971), N.S. Reg. 82/1971

amended to O.I.C. 2003-145 (effective April 4, 2003), N.S. Reg. 82/2003


1       The Government of Nova Scotia recognizes the need for planning to meet both major peacetime disaster and war emergency. To meet this need, the departments listed below shall have designated planning responsibilities:


the Emergency Measures Organization (NS)

the Department of Attorney General

the Department of Public Health

the Department of Public Welfare

the Department of Finance and Economics

the Department of Trade and Industry

the Department of Highways

the Department of Public Works

the Department of Municipal Affairs

the Department of Labour

the Department of Agriculture

the Department of Lands and Forests

the Nova Scotia Power Commission

the Nova Scotia Civil Service Commission

the Nova Scotia Purchasing Agency

the Department of Mines

the Nova Scotia Water Resources Commission.


2       The Deputy Ministers or permanent heads of all departments and agencies shall ensure that necessary planning is carried out within their departments to enable their department or agency to continue its proper functions under any emergency conditions or major peacetime disaster, and coordinated as necessary with the planning of the federal and municipal levels of government.


3       All departments and agencies that have been assigned specific planning responsibilities (para 4) shall


                   (a)   assess their potential disaster problems and related disaster functions, and determine the capability of their department or agency to meet peacetime disaster or war emergency;


                   (b)  develop staff call-out and mobilization procedures;


                   (c)   prepare staff instructions, emergency orders and regulations, and essential records that may be required for peacetime disaster or war emergency;


                   (d)  develop and conduct in-service training programs as required;


                   (e)   prepare a departmental disaster plan for inclusion in the overall Provincial Disaster Plan.


4       In addition to the above general duties,


         A       the Emergency Measures Organization of Nova Scotia shall


                   (a)   develop in conjunction with Provincial departments and agencies, and federal and municipal authorities, a program to ensure the continuity of government in a war emergency, to include


                   (b)(i)        plans for the emergency relocation of government,


                           (ii)    the designation of officials for specific duties in an emergency,


                           (iii)   plans for the manning of emergency government headquarters and relocation units,


                           (iv)   plans for storage of essential records;


                   (c)   prepare a radiological defence (RADEF) plan and organize a RADEF capability for the Province, and assist the municipalities in the preparation of complementary plans;


                   (d)  coordinate civil emergency planning and training by departments, agencies and crown corporations of the Government of Nova Scotia;


                   (e)   coordinate and assist the civil emergency planning, organization and training by the municipalities;


                   (f)   plan civil emergency measures with regard to those matters not the specific responsibility of any department, agency or crown corporation of the Government of Nova Scotia;


                   (g)  within guidelines agreed upon with federal authorities make liaison with and plan for joint operations with adjacent provinces where necessary for civil emergencies;


                   (h)  establish guidelines for training and exercises to be carried out by Provincial departments, agencies and crown corporations;


                   (i)   be responsible for the overall control and budgeting of all monies to be expended on civil emergency planning commensurate with federal policy, by Provincial departments and agencies, and on behalf of municipalities, under the Federal-Provincial Financial Assistance Program;


                   (j)   coordinate Provincial emergency operations during proclaimed peacetime disasters;


         B       the Department of Attorney General shall


                   (a)   be responsible for the administration of law and order during any type of an emergency through the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and municipal police forces;


                   (b)  be responsible for the coordination of emergency legislation and regulations required by the Provincial departments and agencies both for peacetime disasters and war emergencies;


                   (c)   through the RCM Police, develop a Provincial Emergency Police Services Plan to provide effective police protection in the reception and non-stricken areas of the Province. Without in any way limiting the scope, such a plan shall include and provide for the


                           (i)     effective use of all police resources in the Province,


                           (ii)    preservation of law and order and the prevention of panic,


                           (iii)   control and direction of traffic on highways, roads and streets,


                           (iv)   patrol of restricted areas and the safeguarding of vital resources and services;


                   (d)  prepare an Emergency Police Services Planning Guide outlining the principles and procedures which are to be followed by all the police of the Province and issue a copy to all concerned;


                   (e)   provide the services of the Chief Medical Examiner to the Department of Public Health for the development and operation of an Emergency Mortuary Plan;


                   (f)   provide for the evacuation of jails where found necessary and in such instances provide for the reception of inmates in some other secure accommodation;


         C       the Department of Public Health shall


                   (a)   in conjunction with the federal Department of National Health and Welfare, plan for the establishment and operation of a Provincial Emergency Health Service including the planning, organization and operation of emergency hospitals, advance treatment centres and casualty collecting units;


                   (b)  assist hospitals, geriatric centres, and nursing homes in developing disaster plans;


                   (c)   assist the Emergency Measures Organization of Nova Scotia in the development of a program for instruction and training of all Provincial and municipal employees who will be concerned in the control and detection of radioactive contamination and fallout;


                   (d)  effect a close liaison with the Nova Scotia Water Resources Commission of in matters affecting emergency sanitation procedures within the Emergency Health Services plan;


         D       the Department of Public Welfare shall


                   (a)   in conjunction with the federal Department of National Health and Welfare, plan for the establishment and operation of a Provincial Emergency Welfare Service including emergency lodging, feeding, clothing, registration and inquiry and personal services;


                   (b)  be responsible for organization, planning and operation of sheltered congregate lodging of dependents of those personnel who are required to be at a place of duty immediately prior to, during and after the enemy attack on North America until such time as it is deemed safe for them to return to their homes;


                   (c)   be responsible for the feed and dormitory arrangements for personnel in relocation units and Zone Emergency Government Headquarters;


                   (d)  plan for the continuity of peacetime welfare services during a major proclaimed disaster or a war emergency;


         E       the Department of Finance and Economics shall


                   (a)   plan procedures and facilities to enable the department to continue its functions under emergency conditions in a war emergency;


                   (b)  plan for the disbursement of monies to cover the needs of all departments under major, proclaimed peacetime disaster or war emergency;


                   (c)   plan for the establishment of a schedule of priority to be given to the various competing demands likely to be made of the government at a time when there are limited financial and economic resources as a result of a war emergency;


                   (d)  ensure the preservation of departmental essential records, such records to include the payroll of all public servants to obviate the necessity of duplication at each departmental level, and superannuation records;


                   (e)   effect a close liaison with the federal Department of Finance on matters of mutual concern to ensure


                           (i)     that federal government emergency monetary policy decisions are fully known, particularly as they may affect the Government of Nova Scotia and the citizens of the Province,


                           (ii)    that the financial interests of the Nova Scotia Government are fully protected,


                           (iii)   that the facilities and staff of the department may be made available to the federal Department of Finance, if required, for the administration of emergency monetary policy in Nova Scotia;


         F        the Department of Trade and Industry shall


                   (a)   in conjunction with the Emergency Supply Planning Branch of the federal Department of Services and Supply, assist in the planning for the establishment of a War Supplies Agency;


                   (b)  be responsible through the departmental Information Service for the development of an Emergency Public Information Service for use in a war emergency;


         G       the Department of Highways shall


                   (a)   plan for the repair, maintenance and construction of all roads, bridges and highways as may be required in a major peacetime disaster or war emergency;


                   (b)  in conjunction with the federal Department of Public Works and the Provincial Department of Public Works plan for the wartime control of all highway engineer resources;


                   (c)   in conjunction with the Canada Emergency Management Organization and Emergency Measures Organization of Nova Scotia plan for the allocation and control of all vehicle transport in Nova Scotia through the formation of a road transport control organization;


                   (d)  be responsible for the planning of the control, maintenance and repair of all available heavy road building equipment in Nova Scotia, in a war emergency;


                   (e)   supply emergency radio communications by means of existing radio network;


         H       the Department of Public Works shall


                   (a)   in conjunction with the federal Department of Public Works, the Nova Scotia Department of Public Works [sic] and the Canada and Nova Scotia Emergency Measures Organization, assist in the planning for the wartime control of engineering and construction resources;


                   (b)  in conjunction with other departments and agencies and the Department of Municipal Affairs with regard to emergency wartime control of accommodation, plan for the emergency use of all accommodation that may be required in peacetime disaster or war emergency;


         J        The Department of Municipal Affairs shall


                   (a)   in conjunction with the federal Department of Public Works, plan for the establishment of a Wartime Emergency Accommodation Control Agency;


                   (b)  in conjunction with other departments and agencies and the Department of Public Works in particular, plan for the emergency use of all accommodation that may be required in a major peacetime disaster or war emergency;


         K       the Department of Labour shall


                   (a)   in conjunction with the federal Department of Manpower and Immigration, plan for the effective use of manpower in the Province in a war emergency;


                   (b)  plan for the continuing functions of the Department in a war emergency;


                   (c)   in conjunction with the Civil Service Commission and the federal Department of Manpower and Immigration , plan to augment the staff of those Provincial departments which have a role in national emergency from the resources of those departments not so committed;


                   (d)  through the office of the Provincial Fire Marshal develop a Provincial Fire Plan, including a comprehensive training program for auxiliary and volunteer firemen and for the control and direction of the Nova Scotia Emergency Fire Service;


         L       the Department of Agriculture and Marketing shall


                   (a)   in conjunction with the federal Department of Agriculture, plan for a joint federal-Provincial organization to be responsible for


                           (i)     the provision of advice and guidance to farmers on the protection for farms, crops and livestock against wartime hazards and radiation,


                           (ii)    the inspections and regulatory functions relating to


                                    (A)   the quality and wholesomeness of food, except fishery produce,


                                    (B)   the freedom of such food from an unacceptable degree of radioactive contamination,


                                    (C)   plant, animal, insect and disease control;


                   (b)  train and direct departmental field staff and administrative staff to this end;


         M      the Department of Lands and Forests shall


                   (a)   plan for the protection, control and regulation of the forest[s] and wildlife of Nova Scotia;


                   (b)  determine the extent of damage to the forests and wildlife of the Province;


                   (c)   control all forest fires;


                   (d)  assist local fire departments in extinguishing building fires in towns, village and rural areas;


                   (e)   supply emergency radio communications by means of existing radio network;


         N       the Nova Scotia Power Commission shall


                   (a)   in conjunction with the Emergency Supply Planning Board, plan for the continued distribution of electrical power during a war emergency;


                   (b)  plan for the maintenance and repair of all electrical utilities in a war emergency;


                   (c)   review the electrical distributions system with regard to vulnerability to the effects of nuclear weapons and sabotage and develop plans for the hardening of the system during a period of strategic warning prior to attack;


         O       the Nova Scotia Civil Service Commission shall


                   (a)   in conjunction with the Department of Labour and the federal Department of Manpower and Immigration, plan for and be responsible to provide or request such specialist personnel as may be required by other departments in order to continue to carry out their normal functions in a proclaimed major peacetime disaster or war emergency;


                   (b)  in conjunction with the Department of Labour and the federal Department of Manpower and Immigration, plan the procedures and the operation of an emergency manpower service in a war emergency;


         P        the Nova Scotia Purchasing Agency shall


                   (a)   in cooperation with the Emergency Supply Planning Board, be responsible for the development of plans and procedures for emergency operations supply of the Government of Nova Scotia in a war emergency;


                   (b)  in conjunction with the Emergency Measures Organization of Nova Scotia, be responsible for the development of plans and procedures for emergency operations supplies in a proclaimed major peacetime disaster;


         Q       the Department of Mines shall


                   (a)   in conjunction with the Department of Highways and in cooperation with the federal Department of Manpower and Immigration, plan for the effective use of the resources of equipment and manpower of the Department of Mines by the Department of Highways, less all diamond drills and crew;


                   (b)  plan for the effective use of diamond drills and crews in search and production of potable water, under direction from the Regional Emergency Government Headquarters;


         R       the Nova Scotia Water Resources Commission shall


                   (a)   plan to ensure the maintenance and repair of municipal sewage systems, under major peacetime emergency conditions or war emergency;


                   (b)  provide advice and assistance to municipal authorities in the development of emergency plans to safeguard water and sewage systems, and in the testing of water supplies, to ensure they are safe for human consumption;


                   (c)   provide advice and assistance regarding the location and use of emergency ground and service water supplies suitable for firefighting, medical, human consumption, decontamination and emergency industrial priority needs according to the radiological count in each area;


                   (d)  interpret fallout radioactivity danger regarding the closing down of municipal works dependent on supplies of surface water;


                   (e)   provide advice and assistance for the reactivation of municipal water and sewage disposal systems after close-down and advice in the treatment of concentrations of radiological activity in these systems; and


                   (f)   establish a close liaison with the Department of Public Health in matters affecting emergency sanitation procedures within the Emergency Health Services Plan.


5       Departments and agencies which have not been assigned definite planning responsibilities shall


                   (a)   in conjunction with the Civil Service Commission, make selected members of their staff available upon request to augment the staffs of departments, agencies and emergency organizations engaged in peacetime disaster operations or war emergency;


                   (b)  prepare staff instructions, emergency orders and regulations and essential records, to enable their staff to disperse should the order be given.


6       The basis of all planning is simplicity and practicability. By using existing personnel and resources, unnecessary organization will be avoided. If each department and agency carries out their emergency planning responsibilities, their functions will be able to be continued under any circumstances, and if ever required the benefits to Nova Scotia would be invaluable.



Legislative History
Reference Tables

Civil Emergency Planning Regulations

N.S. Reg. 82/1971

Emergency Management Act

Note:  The information in these tables does not form part of the regulations and is compiled by the Office of the Registrar of Regulations for reference only.

Source Law

The current consolidation of the Civil Emergency Planning Regulations made under the Emergency Management Act includes all of the following regulations:


In force

How in force

Royal Gazette
Part II Issue


Aug 10, 1971

date made



Apr 4, 2003

date specified

Apr 18, 2003













The following regulations are not yet in force and are not included in the current consolidation:


In force

How in force

Royal Gazette
Part II Issue













*See subsection 3(6) of the Regulations Act for rules about in force dates of regulations.

Amendments by Provision

ad. = added
am. = amended

fc. = fee change
ra. = reassigned

rep. = repealed
rs. = repealed and substituted

Provision affected

How affected


am. 82/2003





Note that changes to headings are not included in the above table.

Editorial Notes and Corrections:





Regulations in effect on the first of April 1977, and filed with the Registrar before March 31, 1978, are exempt from publication under subsection 24(2) of the Regulations Act.



Other than for the Emergency Measures Organization established by the original parent Act, substituted references legislated for departments, offices and agencies in these regulations are not tracked in these editorial notes.



The title of the Act is changed from the Emergency Measures Act to the Emergency Management Act by amendments made by S.N.S. 2005, c. 48 to the Emergency Measures Act, S.N.S. 1990, c. 8, and the Public Service Act, R.S.N.S. 1989, c. 376.  References to the Emergency Measures Organization should be read as references to the Emergency Management Office established by these amendments.

Dec 20, 2005


References to the Emergency Measures Organization should be read as references to the Department of Justice in accordance with Order in Council 2011-147 under the Public Service Act, R.S.N.S. 1989, c. 376, which abolishes the Emergency Management Office and transfers responsibility for emergency management.

Apr 19, 2011


References to the Emergency Measures Organization should be read as a reference to the Department of Municipal Affairs in accordance with O.I.C. 2014-71 under the Public Service Act, R.S.N.S. 1989, c. 376, which transfers responsibility for emergency management.

Apr 1, 2014


References to the Emergency Measures Organization should be read as a reference to the Department of Municipal Affairs and Housing in accordance with O.I.C. 2019-150 under the Public Service Act, R.S.N.S. 1989, c. 376.

Jun 3, 2019


References to the Department of Municipal Affairs should be read as references to the Department of Municipal Affairs and Housing in accordance with O.I.C. 2019-150 under the Public Service Act, R.S.N.S. 1989, c. 376.

Jun 3, 2019


References to the Department of Municipal Affairs should be read as references to the Department of Municipal Affairs in accordance with O.I.C. 2021-58 under the Public Service Act, R.S.N.S. 1989, c. 376.

Feb 23, 2021


References to the Department of Municipal Affairs should be read as references to the Department of Municipal Affairs and Housing in accordance with O.I.C. 2021-209 under the Public Service Act, R.S.N.S. 1989, c. 376.

Aug 31, 2021

Repealed and Superseded:



In force






Note:  Only regulations that are specifically repealed and replaced appear in this table.  It may not reflect the entire history of regulations on this subject matter.



Webpage last updated: 24-09-2021