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Forbes Lake Watershed Protected Water Area Designation

made under Section 106 of the
Environment Act
S.N.S. 1994-95, c. 1
N.S. Reg. 106/2003 (May 22, 2003)

IN THE MATTER OF: the Environment Act, S.N.S. 1994-95, c.1, s.106
IN THE MATTER OF:the designation of an area surrounding Forbes Lake, Pictou County, as a Protected Water Area, to be known as the "Forbes Lake Watershed Protected Water Area"

Designation of the Forbes Lake Watershed Protected Water Area
and the Making of Regulations with Respect Thereto

WHEREAS Section 106 of Chapter 1 of the Acts of 1994-95, the Environment Act, provides for the designation by the Minister of Environment and Labour of a protected water area and the making of regulations under subsection (6) to prohibit, regulate or require the doing of any act or acts in a protected water area that may impair or prevent the impairment, as the case may be, of the quality of the water in the Protected Water Area;

WHEREAS the operator of the Forbes Lake Municipal Water Works, the New Glasgow Water Utility, has requested that the Minister of Environment and Labour designate a portion of the Forbes Lake Watershed as a Protected Water Area in order to protect the quality of the surface water and groundwater resource as a water supply;

AND WHEREAS the New Glasgow Water Utility has provided opportunities for public consultation, including public meetings and the establishment of the Forbes Lake Watershed Management Committee, an advisory committee comprising elected officials and landowners;

THEREFORE pursuant to Section 106 of Chapter 1 of the Acts of 1994-95, the Environment Act, the undersigned, Ronald S. Russell, CD, Minister of Environment and Labour hereby

(a) designates an area surrounding Forbes Lake comprising Zones 1 and 2 and more fully described in Schedule "A" as a protected water area, to be known as the "Forbes Lake Watershed Protected Water Area"; and

(b) makes regulations respecting activity in the Forbes Lake Watershed Protected Water Area, in the form set forth in Schedule "B".

Sgd: Ron Russell
Honourable Ronald S. Russell
Minister of Environment and Labour

Halifax, Nova Scotia
May 22, 2003

Schedule "A"
Forbes Lake Watershed Protected Water Area
Boundary Description

Zone 1 - Forbes Lake Primary Watershed
Shown as Primary Watershed on a sketch showing the Forbes Lake watershed area prepared by the New Glasgow Engineering Department, dated August 6th, 1997, and attached hereto as Map "A".

Beginning at a point near or at the center of the spillway at the outfall from Forbes Lake, said point being NS co-ordinate N 5041283.90, E 4411247.20 and following a clockwise direction;

Thence south 89° 35' 40" east a distance of 56.50 meters to N.S. co-ordinate N 5041283.50, E 4411303.70;

Thence south 49° 32' 03" east a distance of 110.02 meters to N.S. co-ordinate N 5041212.10, E 4411387.40;

Thence north 86° 26' 51" east a distance of 479.32 meters to N.S. co-ordinate N 5041241.80, E 4411865.80;

Thence south 21° 19' 09" east a distance of 558.09 meters to N.S. co-ordinate N 5040806.34, E 4412035.50;

Thence south 21° 27' 32" east a distance of 90.73 meters to N.S. co-ordinate N 5040721.90, E 4412068.70;

Thence south 14° 36' 14" west a distance of 112.64 meters to N.S. co-ordinate N 5040612.90, E 4412040.30;

Thence south 22° 30' 08" east a distance of 224.71 meters to N.S. co-ordinate N 5040405.30, E 4412126.30;

Thence south 18° 28' 31" east a distance of 225.31 meters to N.S. co-ordinate N 5040191.60, E 4412197.70;

Thence south 1° 08' 01" east a distance of 121.32 meters to N.S. co-ordinate N 5040070.30, E 4412200.10;

Thence south 24° 26' 09" west a distance of 237.14 meters to N.S. co-ordinate N 5039854.40, E 4412102.00;

Thence south 4° 51' 15" east a distance of 189.08 meters to N.S. co-ordinate N 5039666.00, E 4412118.00;

Thence south 21° 31' 13" east a distance of 564.02 meters to N.S. co-ordinate N 5039141.30, E 4412324.90;

Thence south 24° 29' 08" east a distance of 489.31 meters to N.S. co-ordinate N 5038696.00, E 4412527.70;

Thence south 22° 53' 09" east a distance of 127.54 meters to N.S. co-ordinate N 5038578.50, E 4412577.30;

Thence south 22° 50' 10" east a distance of 568.40 meters to N.S. co-ordinate N 5038054.40, E 4412798.00;

Thence south 75° 35' 31" west a distance of 844.36 meters to N.S. co-ordinate N 5037844.30, E 4411980.20;

Thence south 76° 11' 21" west a distance of 456.19 meters to N.S. co-ordinate N 5037735.40, E 4411537.20;

Thence north 13° 38' 00" west a distance of 210.43 meters to N.S. co-ordinate N 5037939.90, E 4411487.60;

Thence south 62° 43' 53" west a distance of 211.28 meters to N.S. co-ordinate N 5037843.10, E 4411299.80;

Thence south 80° 02' 36" west a distance of 83.86 meters to N.S. co-ordinate N 5037828.60, E 4411217.20;

Thence north 5° 50' 57" east a distance of 172.70 meters to N.S. co-ordinate N 5038000.40, E 4411234.80;

Thence south 57° 06' 26" west a distance of 454.45 meters to N.S. co-ordinate N 5037753.60, E 4410853.20;

Thence north 82° 53' 25" west a distance of 185.83 meters to N.S. co-ordinate N 5037776.60, E 4410668.80;

Thence north 33° 50' 21" west a distance of 202.38 meters to N.S. co-ordinate N 5037944.70, E 4410556.10;

Thence north 22° 50' 29" east a distance of 214.85 meters to N.S. co-ordinate N 5038142.70, E 4410639.50;

Thence north 53° 15' 17" west a distance of 625.48 meters to N.S. co-ordinate N 5038516.9, E 4410138.30;

Thence north 11° 56' 31" west a distance of 688.19 meters to N.S. co-ordinate N 5039190.20, E 4409995.90;

Thence north 1° 48' 14" east a distance of 231.91 meters to N.S. co-ordinate N 5039422.00, E 4410003.20;

Thence north 43° 13' 48" west a distance of 190.63 meters to N.S. co-ordinate N 5039560.89, E 4409872.63;

Thence north 30° 09' 57" west a distance of 211.21 meters to N.S. co-ordinate N 5039743.50, E 4409766.50;

Thence north 18° 03' 11" east a distance of 206.94 meters to N.S. co-ordinate N 5039940.25, E 4409830.63;

Thence north 14° 07' 04" west a distance of 394.87 meters to N.S. co-ordinate N 5040323.20, E 4409734.32;

Thence north 48° 53' 18" east a distance of 686.93 meters to N.S. co-ordinate N 5040774.87, E 4410251.87;

Thence north 75° 18' 58" east a distance of 402.29 meters to N.S. co-ordinate N 5040876.85, E 4410641.02;

Thence north 10° 59' 11" west a distance of 177.63 meters to N.S. co-ordinate N 5041051.22, E 4410607.17;

Thence north 75° 04' 47" east a distance of 299.17 meters to N.S. co-ordinate N 5041128.25, E 4410896.25;

Thence north 60° 35' 04" east a distance of 297.16 meters to N.S. co-ordinate N 5041274.20, E 4411155.10;

Thence north 83° 59' 16" east a distance of 92.61 meters to the place of beginning, said point being N.S. co-ordinate N 5041283.90, E 4411247.20.

Zone 2 - Forbes Lake Secondary Watershed
Shown as Secondary Watershed on a sketch showing the Forbes Lake watershed area prepared by the New Glasgow Engineering Department, dated August 6th, 1997, and attached hereto as Map "A".

Beginning at a point at or near the intersection of the watershed boundary and the center of the Coromonie Road, said point being N.S. co-ordinate N 5037346.16, E 4413964.36 and following a clockwise direction;

Thence north 83° 15' 17" west a distance of 644.37 meters to N.S. co-ordinate N 5037421.85, E 4413324.46;

Thence north 53° 37' 58" west a distance of 221.32 meters to N.S. co-ordinate N 5037553.08, E 4413146.24;

Thence north 33° 31' 01" west a distance of 329.96 meters to N.S. co-ordinate N 5037828.18, E 4412964.04;

Thence north 32° 51' 13" west a distance of 103.57 meters to N.S. co-ordinate N 5037915.18, E 4412907.86;

Thence north 38° 16' 38" west a distance of 177.34 meters to N.S. co-ordinate N 5038054.40, E 4412798.00;

Thence north 22° 50' 10" west a distance of 568.40 meters to N.S. co-ordinate N 5038578.50, E 4412577.30;

Thence north 22° 53' 09" west a distance of 127.54 meters to N.S. co-ordinate N 5038696.00, E 4412527.70;

Thence north 24° 29' 08" west a distance of 489.31 meters to N.S. co-ordinate N 5039141.30, E 4412324.90;

Thence north 21° 31' 13" west a distance of 564.02 meters to N.S. co-ordinate N 5039666.00, E 4412118.00;

Thence north 4° 51' 15" west a distance of 189.08 meters to N.S. co-ordinate N 5039854.40, E 4412102.00;

Thence north 24° 26' 09" east a distance of 237.14 meters to N.S. co-ordinate N 5040070.30, E 4412200.10;

Thence north 1° 08' 01" west a distance of 121.32 meters to N.S. co-ordinate N 5040191.60, E 4412197.70;

Thence north 18° 28' 31" west a distance of 225.31 meters to N.S. co-ordinate N 5040405.30, E 4412126.30;

Thence north 22° 30' 08" west a distance of 224.71 meters to N.S. co-ordinate N 5040612.90, E 4412040.30;

Thence north 14° 36' 14" east a distance of 112.64 meters to N.S. co-ordinate N 5040721.90, E 4412068.70;

Thence north 21° 27' 32" west a distance of 90.73 meters to N.S. co-ordinate N 5040806.34, E 4412035.50;

Thence north 73° 32' 22" east a distance of 394.22 meters to N.S. co-ordinate N 5040918.05, E 4412413.57;

Thence north 73° 10' 41" east a distance of 503.70 meters to N.S. co-ordinate N 5041060.73, E 4412897.41;

Thence north 74° 12' 01" east a distance of 626.48 meters to N.S. co-ordinate N 5041231.30, E 4413500.20;

Thence south 35° 39' 24" east a distance of 352.06 meters to N.S. co-ordinate N 5040945.24, E 4413705.43;

Thence south 36° 25' 14" east a distance of 145.04 meters to N.S. co-ordinate N 5040828.53, E 4413791.54;

Thence south 12° 52' 57" west a distance of 492.22 meters to N.S. co-ordinate N 5040348.70, E 4413681.80;

Thence south 18° 36' 07" east a distance of 227.91 meters to N.S. co-ordinate N 5040132.70, E 4413754.50;

Thence south 36° 45' 17" east a distance of 368.32 meters to N.S. co-ordinate N 5039837.60, E 4413974.90;

Thence south 41° 03' 01" east a distance of 357.99 meters to N.S. co-ordinate N 5039567.63, E 4414210.00;

Thence south 16° 02' 09" east a distance of 206.16 meters to N.S. co-ordinate N 5039369.49, E 4414266.95;

Thence north 74° 15' 48" east a distance of 92.99 meters to N.S. co-ordinate N 5039394.71, E 4414356.46;

Thence south 41° 24' 51" east a distance of 489.25 meters to N.S. co-ordinate N 5039027.80, E 4414680.10;

Thence south 02° 30' 08" west a distance of 409.47 meters to N.S. co-ordinate N 5038618.72, E 4414662.22;

Thence north 84° 25' 03" west a distance of 42.09 meters to N.S. co-ordinate N 5038622.81, E 4414620.33;

Thence south 12° 59' 56" east a distance of 147.92 meters to N.S. co-ordinate N 5038478.68, E 4414653.60;

Thence north 79° 59' 45" east a distance of 16.94 meters to N.S. co-ordinate N 5038481.62, E 4414670.28;

Thence south 12° 01' 23" east a distance of 1172.04 meters to N.S. co-ordinate N 5037335.30, E 4414914.42;

Thence south 75° 03' 09" west a distance of 325.34 meters to N.S. co-ordinate N 5037251.38, E 4414600.09;

Thence north 82° 39' 12" west a distance of 370.22 meters to N.S. co-ordinate N 5037298.72, E 4414232.92;

Thence north 79° 58' 54" west a distance of 272.71 meters to the place of beginning, said point being N.S. co-ordinate N 5037346.16, E 4413964.37.

[Please note: Map "A" is not available in this format. Contact the Registry of Regulations for more information or to obtain a hard copy.]

Last updated: 10-12-2017