This consolidation is unofficial and is for reference only.  For the official version of the regulations, consult the original documents on file with the Office of the Registrar of Regulations, or refer to the Royal Gazette Part II.
Regulations are amended frequently.  Please check the list of Regulations by Act to see if there are any recent amendments to these regulations filed with our office that are not yet included in this consolidation.
Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this electronic version, the Office of the Registrar of Regulations assumes no responsibility for any discrepancies that may have resulted from reformatting.
This electronic version is copyright © 2025, Province of Nova Scotia, all rights reserved.  It is for your personal use and may not be copied for the purposes of resale in this or any other form.

Maintenance Enforcement Regulations

made under subsection 61(1) of the

Maintenance Enforcement Act

S.N.S. 1994-95, c. 6

O.I.C. 96-137 (effective March 5, 1996), N.S. Reg. 40/1996

as amended to O.I.C. 2018-73 (effective March 27, 2018), N.S. Reg. 49/2018


Table of Contents

Please note: this table of contents is provided for convenience of reference and does not form part of the regulations.
Click here to go to the text of the regulations.




Persistent arrears: number of payments and total accumulated amount prescribed


Time deadlines

Disclosure of financial information

Disclosure to professional organizations prescribed


Notification by the income source if payments cease

Attachment of payor’s pension entitlement


Costs to be awarded

Service of documents on Director

Form 1: Statement of Financial Information

Form 2: Notice of Garnishment

Form 3: Notice of Variation of Garnishment

Form 4

Form 5: Satisfaction Piece

Form 6: Notice to Administrator of Intention to Attach Pension Entitlement

Form 7: Notice to Payor of Intention to Attach Pension Entitlement

Form 8: Notice of Attachment of Pension Entitlement



1     These regulations may be cited as the Maintenance Enforcement Regulations.


2     (1)    For the purpose of the Act and these regulations,


“income” includes but is not limited to


                         (i)     federal benefits, which are benefits payable to the payor under


                                  (A)   the Employment Insurance Act (Canada),


                                  (B)   Sections 3, 11, 19 or 21 of the Old Age Security Act (Canada), or


                                  (D)   the Canada Pension Plan,


                         (ii)    an insurance settlement payable to the payor,


                         (iii)   a lottery winning payable to the payor,


                         (iv)   an inheritance received by the payor, or


                         (v)    any money or benefits owed or payable to the payor under a contract, express or implied, or an enactment, or on any other basis, including a debt owed to the payor.


“pension benefit” means a periodic payment of money to which a person is entitled pursuant to a pension plan;


“prescribed registered retirement savings plan” means a registered retirement savings plan that is


                         (i)     established in accordance with the Income Tax Act (Canada), and


                         (ii)    established by a contract that includes or is required by an Act of the Legislature or Parliament to include the provisions prescribed by regulations made pursuant to the Pension Benefits Act for a contract that establishes a retirement savings arrangement for the purpose of a transfer under Section 50 of the Pension Benefits Act;


“proceeding” includes both a proceeding in court and any action taken by the Director in accordance with the provisions of the Act;


“spouse” includes


                         (i)     a husband or wife of a payor, and


                         (ii)    a man or woman who is living with a payor in a marriage-like relationship.


       (2)    In these regulations


                (a)    “administrator” means an administrator as defined in clause 27A(a) of the Act;


                (b)    “pension entitlement” means a pension entitlement as defined in clause 27A(b) of the Act;


                (c)    “pension plan” means a pension plan as defined in clause 27A(c) of the Act.

Persistent arrears: number of payments and total accumulated amount prescribed

2A  For the purpose of the definition of “persistent arrears” in clause 2(fa) of the Act,


                (a)    any 3 payment periods is prescribed as the number of times for a payor to have failed to make, in full, all payments required under a maintenance order; and


                (b)    $3000 is prescribed as the total amount of arrears for a payor to have accumulated.


3     (1)    For the purpose of Section 34 of the Act and these regulations a statement of financial information shall be in Form 1 attached hereto and forming part of these regulations.


       (2)    For the purpose of Section 19 of the Act a notice of garnishment shall be in Form 2 attached hereto and forming part of these regulations.


       (3)    For the purpose of subsection 20(5) of the Act a notice of variation of garnishment shall be in Form 3 attached hereto and forming part of these regulations.


       (4)    For the purpose of subsection 38(4) of the Act a certificate of judgment shall be in Form 4 attached hereto and forming part of these regulations.


       (5)    For the purpose of subsection 38(6) of the Act a certificate of the discharge of a judgment shall be in the form of a satisfaction piece as contained in Form 5 attached hereto and forming part of these regulations.


       (6)    For the purpose of clause 27C(1)(a) of the Act, a notice to an administrator of the Director’s intention to attach a payor’s pension entitlement shall be in Form 6.


       (7)    For the purpose of clauses 27C(1)(b) and (c) of the Act, a notice to a payor of the Director’s intention to attach the payor’s pension entitlement shall be in Form 7.


       (8)    For the purpose of subsection 27F(1) of the Act, a notice to an administrator of attachment of a payor’s pension entitlement shall be in Form 8.

Time deadlines

4     If the recipient and payor wish to opt out of the enforcement program pursuant to Section 10 of the Act, the recipient shall file with the Director a written consent signed by them both, within 10 days of receiving notice from the Director’s office that the maintenance order has been filed with the program.


6     For the purpose of subsection 30(2) of the Act, 21 days from the day the payor receives a notice is prescribed as the time for the payor to make an arrangement satisfactory to the Director for complying with the maintenance order.


7     Pursuant to Section 41 of the Act if there is a termination of the maintenance obligation under the order, the parties to a maintenance order filed with the Director shall notify the Director in writing immediately, which notice shall be consented to and signed by both parties.

Disclosure of financial information

8     If the Director requires financial information from the payor, the Director may ask the payor to provide the following:


                (a)    supporting financial documents, including


                         (i)     a copy, certified by Revenue Canada, of each of the 3 most recent income tax returns filed with Revenue Canada by the payor and of the assessment notice that relates to each of those returns,


                         (ii)    a copy of each pay stub or similar statement received during the past 6 months by or on behalf of the payor from the payor’s employer to account for the payor’s employee income and deductions,


                         (iii)   a copy of each statement of income other than employee income received during the past 6 months by or on behalf of the payor, including unemployment insurance, disability, pension, superannuation and worker’s compensation,


                         (iv)   a copy of the most recent assessment notice for each property in which the payor has a beneficial interest,


                         (v)    a copy of each statement of account received during the past 12 months by the payor from a savings institution, insurer, broker, or other investment institution,


                         (vi)   a copy of each credit card statement the payor has received during the past 6 months,


                         (vii)  a copy of any loan document evidencing the payor’s current indebtedness;


                (b)    a statement of financial information as set out in Form 1 completed by the payor’s spouse;


                (c)    any additional documents requested by the Director to support claims made by the payor as to his or her financial circumstances generally; and


                (d)    proof of job search and monthly update of efforts to seek employment.

Disclosure to professional organizations prescribed

8A  (1)    For the purpose of clause 32(1)(p) of the Act, this Section prescribes an additional exception to the prohibition against disclosure in subsection 32(1) of the Act.


       (2)    If a payor is in default under a maintenance order being enforced by the Director, the Director may disclose any information or documents related to the payor, the default, the maintenance obligation, the circumstances of the payor’s default or the steps taken by the Director to enforce the maintenance order, to any of the following:


                (a)    a professional or occupational organization that the Director believes the payor belongs to;


                (b)    the governing body of a self-governing or regulated profession that the Director believes the payor practises;


                (c)    an entity that is responsible for a licence or registration that the Director believes the payor holds for occupational purposes;


                (d)    an entity that is responsible under an enactment for governing the conduct of individuals for occupational purposes in an occupation that the Director believes the payor practises.


       (3)    The information and documents that may be disclosed under subsection (2) may include any of the following:


                (a)    the name of the payor;


                (b)    the date of the maintenance order;


                (c)    the amount and frequency of the payor’s maintenance obligation under the maintenance order;


                (d)    the amount of the arrears owing under the maintenance order at the time of the disclosure;


                (e)    any other name or any alias by which the payor is or has been known;


                (f)    the payor’s date of birth;


                (g)    the payor’s last known home and work addresses;


                (h)    any membership or other number by which the organization, governing body or entity identifies the payor;


                (i)     a copy of the maintenance order;


                (j)     a description of the steps taken by the Director to enforce the maintenance order;


                (k)    a sworn statement of arrears prepared by the Director in respect of the arrears owing under the maintenance order at the time of the disclosure;


                (l)     a copy of any document filed with the Director’s office in relation to the enforcement of the maintenance order, or prepared by the Director for that purpose.


9     (1)    A garnishment issued by the Director may be valid for 5 years.


       (2)    If the Director issues a garnishment to an income source, the amount garnished monthly may be in an amount equal to 25% of the gross income of the payor in addition to the amount of the regular maintenance payment required under the Maintenance Order, calculated monthly, until the arrears are paid off or until further proceeding by the Director. Once the arrears are paid off, the Director may require an income source to forward to the Director the amount of the regular maintenance payment required under the Maintenance Order.


       (3)    If the Director issues more than one notice of garnishment to an income source in respect of the same payor, and the money payable to the payor from the income source is insufficient to satisfy all the notices, the Director shall ensure that the amounts garnished from the income of the payor shall not exceed 25% of the gross income of the payor, regardless of the number of notices that have been issued.


       (4)    The Director has the discretion to issue a garnishment to an income source for an amount less than 25% of the gross income of the payor, if the Director believes that to do otherwise would cause undue hardship to the payor.


       (5)    If the Director issues a garnishment against federal benefits owed to the payor, in no case shall such a garnishment exceed 50% of the federal benefits payable to the payor.

Notification by the income source if payments cease

10   Within 10 days of ceasing to make payments under garnishment, the income source shall advise the Director in writing, providing the following information:


       (1)    the date and circumstances that resulted in the income source ceasing to make these payments;


       (2)    the date and circumstances, if any, for resumption of an obligation of the income source to pay money to the payor in the future; and


       (3)    if payment ceased because the payor ceased to be employed by the income source,


                (a)    the name and address of the payor’s new employer, where these are known to the income source; and


                (b)    the pay, salary or other monetary benefits to which the payor became entitled from the income source on termination.

Attachment of payor’s pension entitlement

11   The information respecting a payor’s pension entitlement to be provided by an administrator pursuant to clause 27C(1)(a) of the Act shall include


                (a)    the most recent address for the payor in the administrator’s records;


                (b)    if the restrictions described in subsection 27D(1) of the Act do not apply to the payor,


                         (i)     confirmation that the restrictions described in subsection 27D(1) of the Act do not apply to the payor, and


                         (ii)    the value of the payor’s pension entitlement that would be, or but for a provision of the pension plan would be, available to be transferred from the pension plan as of the date of the notice in Form 6;


                (c)    the postal address of the administrator;


                (d)    the address of the administrator where personal service of notices and documents can be effected for purposes of the Act and these regulations.


12   (1)    The Director may charge to the payor the following fees pursuant to the Act:


                (a)    $33.15, if the payor requests that the Director provide an annual statement showing the current status of payments;


                (b)    $46.45, if a cheque received by the Director from the payor is returned to the Director because of insufficient funds;


                (c)    $59.80, if the Director is required to provide a certificate of the discharge of a judgment entered pursuant to Section 38 of the Act;


                (d)    where a payor is in default of a maintenance order filed with the Director under the Act:


                         (i)     $265.40, payable once in any 12-month period, in addition to the fees set out in subclauses (ii) to (v), if the Director is required as a result of the default to take any measure under the Act to enforce the maintenance order,


                         (ii)    $99.50, if the Director is required to issue a garnishment against an income source of the payor,


                         (iii)   $66.35, if the Director is required to examine the payor in accordance with Sections 34 and 35 of the Act,


                         (iv)   $66.35, if the Director is required to request that the Registrar of Motor Vehicles suspend or revoke the payor’s privileges in relation to a motor vehicle,


                         (v)    $265.40, if the Director is required to attach the pension entitlement of the payor pursuant to Sections 27A to 27F of the Act.


       (2)    The Director has the discretion to waive payment by a payor of any of the fees prescribed in subsection (1) where, in the opinion of the Director, the payor’s financial circumstances warrant it.


       (3)    If a payor complies with a payment arrangement that is accepted by the Director, the Director has the discretion to waive, in whole or in part, the payment of a fee charged under subclause 12(1)(d)(i).

Costs to be awarded

13   If satisfied that the payor who is a party to a proceeding before the court could have avoided defaulting under a maintenance order, the court may award costs against the payor in the amount of $664.10 in favour of the Director.


Service of documents on Director

14   (1)    Subject to subsection (4), for the purposes of the Act and these regulations, service on the Director of a notice or document shall be by registered mail to any postal address provided by the Director for that purpose, or by personal delivery to any regional office of the Director.


       (2)    For the purposes of clause 27C(1)(b) of the Act, service by the Director on a payor of a notice in Form 7 shall be effected by mailing it by registered mail to the most recent address in the Director’s records for the payor.


       (3)    For the purposes of the Act and these regulations, service by the Director on an administrator of a notice or document required to be served by the Director on an administrator shall be effected by registered mail to the postal address of the administrator provided by the administrator to the Director for that purpose, or by personally serving the administrator.


       (4)    For the purpose of subsection 27E(2) of the Act, service by a payor on the Director and on an administrator of a notice of an application shall be effected by personally serving the Director and the administrator, respectively.


Form 1
Statement of Financial Information

In the Family Court for the Province of Nova Scotia                                   Court File Number

Under the Maintenance Enforcement Act                                                          MEP Case No.

                                                                                                                            Court Location

In the case between:


Name                                                                                                                          Applicant


Name                                                                                                                       Respondent


I, (Name) ________________, at _____________ in the Province of Nova Scotia



1.    THAT I have made a full and complete disclosure of my present financial situation in the Statement of Financial Information (exhibit “A”) which is attached to my affidavit.

2.    THAT all the information contained in my Statement of Financial Information is true and correct.

Sworn before me at (Location) ______________ in the Province of Nova Scotia, on ______________, 19___ [20__].



A Commissioner for taking oaths in                                                                        Respondent

the Province of Nova Scotia

Take Notice

It is an offence to give false information

FAILURE TO PROVIDE the Statement of Financial Information may lead to action being taken under Section 34 of the Maintenance Enforcement Act. This may include an order for your imprisonment, or an order for you to pay the Applicant an amount of up to $2000.



                (a)    3 most recent income tax returns certified by Revenue Canada and the assessment notice which relates to each of those returns;


                (b)    each pay stub or similar statement received by you or on your behalf from your employer to account for your employee income and deductions during the past 6 months;


                (c)    each statement of income other than employee income received by you or on your behalf during the past 6 months including unemployment insurance, disability, pension, superannuation and workers’ compensation benefits;


                (d)    most recent assessment notice for each property in which you hold a beneficial interest;


                (e)    all statements of accounts you have received from a savings institution, insurer, broker or other investment institution during the past 12 months; and


                (f)    a copy of each credit card statement you have received during the past 6 months.

Exhibit “A”

Personal Information - Section 1

Name - Last



Address - Street



Postal Code

Birthdate - Day Month Year


Driver’s Licence No.

Social Insurance No.

Telephone - Home

Health No.

Do you use any other names? (If yes give details)                                                                   

Are you a member of a union/trade/professional organization? ☐ No ☐ Yes

If yes please specify organization and membership No.                                                           

Do you have a trade, profession or other occupational qualification? ☐ No ☐ Yes

If yes give details                                                                                                                       


Marital status   ☐ Single    ☐ Married             ☐ Other Specify                                              

Please note that spouse includes your

(a) husband or wife, and (b) a man or woman who is living with you in a marriage-like relationship

Name of present spouse                                                                                                             

Address of present spouse                                                                                                         

Employer or source of income of spouse:                                                                                 

Do you have any children who are legally dependent on you for financial support?

☐ No ☐ Yes

If yes, please fill in the following information:


Full name of dependant


Address (if different)

Relationship to you


Full name of dependant


Address (if different)

Relationship to you


Full name of dependant


Address (if different)

Relationship to you

Do you have any other person(s) dependent on your financial support?

☐ No

☐ Yes

Full name of dependant



Relationship to you

Reason for dependency

Income Information - Section II


(a)   Employment

Current employer

If more than one employer see below


Present address - Street



Postal Code


What type of business

Your position


☐ Full time

☐ Part time

Gross monthly salary (attach pay slips)


(To calculate monthly salary weekly salary x 4.33)




Net monthly salary




☐ Same as above


☐ Other (specify)


Current employer

(use this section if more than one employer)

Present address - Street



Postal Code


What type of business

Your position


☐ Full time

☐ Part time

Gross monthly salary (attach pay slips)


(To calculate monthly salary weekly salary x 4.33)




Net monthly salary




☐ Same as above


☐ Other (specify)



Have you received any tips, gratuities, bonuses or overtime payments within the last 12 months?☐ No ☐ Yes

If yes please specify amount and give reason $                                                                         

Have you received any commission income within the last 12 months? ☐ No ☐ Yes

If yes please specify amount and give reason $                                                                         

Have you received any other benefits in the last 12 months? ☐ No ☐ Yes

☐ Company car

☐ Loans

☐ Share purchase option

☐ House

☐ Savings plan


☐ Other (specify)


Estimated value of benefit                                                                                                         


(b)  Miscellaneous income

Do you have any income-producing hobbies? ☐ No ☐ Yes

If yes, specify income received within the last 12 months, give details about type of hobby



List all monthly income received from any other sources:

Show any annual income received in the last 12 months as average monthly income by dividing by 12

Rental income




Pensions (state type or source)




Unemployment insurance


Income assistance


Spouse’s income (from pg. )


Other (income tax refunds, child tax credits, inheritance, insurance settlement, etc.) Please specify



(c)   Self-employment

Please note If you have, or are involved in more than one business, photocopy this section and complete for each business.

Is your business a:

☐ Proprietorship

☐ Corporation

☐ Partnership

☐ Joint venture


☐ Other (specify)


If so provide the following information about any partners, principles, or participants.
















What type of business?


Name of business


Location (Street)






Postal Code




What is the net book value of your business (in total)


List assets of your company (vehicles, equipment, licences, etc.)




Name of accountant







Estimated equity





What is the estimated market value (total)




What % of the business is owned by you




Estimated value of your %



List income received from this business for the last 12 months



Show this income received as average monthly income by dividing by 12














Auto expenses



Meal allowance







Please note. If you have, or are involved in more than one business, photocopy this section and complete for each business

Have you received any other benefits in the last 12 months? ☐ No ☐ Yes

☐ Company car

☐ Loans

☐ Share purchase option

☐ House

☐ Savings plan

☐ Pension contributions

☐ Other (specify)


Estimated value of benefit                                                                                                         

If the business is a corporation is it

☐ Public

☐ Private

☐ Professional

☐ Other (specify)


Are you an officer of the corporation? ☐ No ☐ Yes (if yes state title)                                       

If the business is not a public corporation, complete the following:

Total number of shares issued and outstanding (describe type and class of shares)



Net Book Value $



Net Book Value $



Net Book Value $



Net Book Value $

Total number of shares of each class held by you



Net Book Value $



Net Book Value $



Net Book Value $



Net Book Value $

State total amount of all loans payable to you by the corporation

Amount $

Interest earned $

Repayment terms

Amount $

Interest earned $

Repayment terms

Amount $

Interest earned $

Repayment terms

Amount $

Interest earned $

Repayment terms


Attach a copy of the most recent financial statement of your business

Add total monthly income from pages 4-7, enter total here and in Summary Section VII (Part A) - Page 16

Total monthly income $__________

Expenses (monthly) - Section III








Rent or mortgage


Property taxes


Utilities (heat, light and water)






Home repair/furnishings


House/tenant insurance




Life insurance


Restaurant meals




Sundries/personal grooming






Laundry/dry cleaning




Motor vehicle (licence, insurance, fuel & service)




Transportation (public)












Video rentals/movies
















Maintenance/support for others




Child care/babysitting




School expenses




Children’s activities/music lessons




Child allowance




Savings (for emergencies, holidays)




Payroll deductions (e.g. Canada Savings Bond, charities)




Other (specify)













Add monthly expenses - enter total here and in Summary Section VII (Part B) - Page 16

Total monthly expenses $____________


Note:       Do not include under monthly debt payments any expenses taken into account under monthly expenses.

List your monthly debt payments (loans, credit cards, personal debts, etc.)

Amount of debt

To whom payable

Date last paid

Monthly payment

Amount outstanding
















List any other expenses not covered here which either require a monthly payment or could be shown as a monthly payment.


Terms of payment

Date last paid

Monthly payment

Amount outstanding

















Instructions           Add monthly payments - enter total here

and in Summary Section VII (Part D) - Page 16$__________

Instructions           Add amount outstanding - enter total here

and in Summary Section VII (Part G) - Page 16$__________

Assets and Liabilities - Section IV

Real estate

Fill in the requested information below regarding all real estate (homes, rental properties, cottages, condominiums, time shares, etc.) inside and outside the Province of Nova Scotia in which you own an interest:






1.Municipal address















Legal description

Date of purchase

Purchase price











Balance owing




Estimated current market value



2.Municipal address















Legal description

Date of purchase

Purchase price











Balance owing




Estimated current market value



Equipment (motor vehicles, etc.) (photocopy this section and complete for any additional equipment)

Fill in the requested information below regarding all equipment (cars, trucks, recreational vehicles, motorcycles, boats, vessels, aircraft, construction equipment, tools, trailers, etc.) in which you own an interest:





1. Description


















Creditor (street address)


Balance owing




Estimated current market value



2. Description


















Creditor (street address)


Balance owing




Estimated current market value




Instructions:          Add Liabilities from pages 10-11

Enter total here and in Summary Section VII (Part H) - Page 16

Total liabilities      $__________

Bank accounts

List all chequing and saving accounts, term deposits, registered savings plans, annuities, etc.:







1. Type of deposit


Account No.




Name of institution






Name(s) in which account held




2. Type of deposit


Account No.




Name of institution






Name(s) in which account held




3. Type of deposit


Account No.




Name of institution






Name(s) in which account held




If you have holdings in a public corporation(s) complete the following:

List your shares, options, warrants, etc. and their current market value below:







Location of certificates




Name of broker


Current market value






List all your bonds and debentures held and their current market value:













Current market value


Other Assets

List the kind, value and location of any other assets (whether solely owned or jointly owned) below

Type of Asset


Sole Owner



Interests in other businesses


☐ Yes ☐ No




☐ Yes ☐ No



Promissory notes, judgment debts


☐ Yes ☐ No




☐ Yes ☐ No



Loans and mortgages receivable


☐ Yes ☐ No




☐ Yes ☐ No



Pension plans, registered pension plans, self-administered pension plans, life insurance policies (cash surrender value)


☐ Yes ☐ No




☐ Yes ☐ No




☐ Yes ☐ No




☐ Yes ☐ No



Objects of art, jewelry, bullion, coins, cameras, collections


☐ Yes ☐ No




☐ Yes ☐ No




☐ Yes ☐ No



Household contents (appliances, electronics, computers, furniture, etc.)


☐ Yes ☐ No




☐ Yes ☐ No




☐ Yes ☐ No




☐ Yes ☐ No



Property or interests held in trust by others for you


☐ Yes ☐ No




☐ Yes ☐ No




☐ Yes ☐ No



Assets held in trust by you for others (children)


☐ Yes ☐ No




☐ Yes ☐ No




☐ Yes ☐ No



Other assets not already listed or described


☐ Yes ☐ No




☐ Yes ☐ No




☐ Yes ☐ No




Add assets from pages 10-12-enter total here

and in Summary Section VII (Part F)-Page 16

Total assets


Transfer of Property - Section V

Have you given away, sold, assigned, or otherwise transferred any property (land, buildings, vehicles, money, household furnishings, etc.) to anyone within the last 12 months?

☐ No ☐ Yes

If yes give details

1Description of property



To whom transferred




Date of transfer




How much money or other compensation was received by you?




2Description of property



To whom transferred




Date of transfer




How much money or other compensation was received by you?




Spouse’s Income and Assets - Section VI

Please note that spouse includes your

       (a)    husband or wife, and


       (b)    a man or a woman who is living with you in a marriage-like relationship.

Income of spouse






Monthly income

Current employer




☐ Full time

☐ Part time


Gross monthly salary


Net monthly salary


Current employer

(if more than two employers)



☐ Full time

☐ Part time


Gross monthly salary


Net monthly salary


Bonuses received in past 12 months


Commissions received in past 12 months


Benefits received in past 12 months


☐ Company car

☐ Loans

☐ House

☐ Savings plan



☐ Other (specify)




Business Income

Type of business


Interest in business

☐ Proprietorship

☐ Joint venture

☐ Partnership

☐ Corporation


☐ Other (specify)


Name of business


Value of interest in business


Income from business



☐ Salary

☐ Company car


☐ Bonuses

☐ Loans


☐ Commission

☐ Share purchase option


☐ Dividends

☐ Savings plan


☐ Other

☐ Other (specify)







Assets of spouse

Real estate





Net Value



















Legal description

Date of purchase (mm/dd/yy)

Purchase price









Market value






Mortgage balance






Motor vehicles















Amount owing



Bank accounts






























Other assets


















Household contents (appliances, electronics, computers, furniture, etc.)




















Recreational equipment (boats, vehicles, etc.)




















Art, jewellery, cameras, collections (specify)
















Summary of Statement of Finances - Section VII

Part 1 - Monthly income and expenses





Enter total amount from monthly total of Section II, page 7


Total monthly income








Enter total monthly expenses from Section III, page 8


Total monthly expenses








Subtract B from A. Enter total in C


Total disposable income as per statement






Enter total monthly payments from Section III, page 9


Total monthly payments







Subtract D from C. Enter total in E


Total net income as per statement






Part 2 - Total assets and liabilities





Enter total assets from Section IV, page 12




Total assets






Enter total amount outstanding from Section III, page 9


Total amount outstanding







Enter total liabilities from Section IV, page 11


Total liabilities








Add G + H. Enter total in I








Net worth as per stmt.

Subtract I from F. Enter total in J






Form 2
Notice of Garnishment

issued pursuant to the Nova Scotia Maintenance Enforcement Act


MEP Case No:

Garnishment ID

TO: Garnishee


RE: (Payor)

You are hereby served with this Notice of Garnishment and you are required to deduct from money you owe the payor amounts to satisfy maintenance arrears in the amount of $__________ and to settle ongoing maintenance payments when they become due as follows:


1.    $                                  due on

2.    $                                  due on

3.    $                                  due on

This garnishment expires on _______________________. You are required to make deductions until the expiry of this notice. You must send all funds that you deduct from the money you owe the payor to the Director of Maintenance Enforcement forthwith.

If you owe the payor a WAGE, then you are to deduct 25% from the gross pay you owe the payor and remit this amount to the Director along with the regular maintenance payment until such a time as the arrears listed above are paid in full. This 25% is to be deducted from each pay cheque you give to the payor. If there are no arrears listed above, then you are to deduct the ongoing maintenance payments from the payor’s wage as they become due. There is also a fee of $ prescribed in the Maintenance Enforcement Regulations that the payor owes for the issuance of a garnishment, which must be deducted from the payor’s exempt amount. Deduct this amount and add it to your first payment.

If the money you owe is not a WAGE, then you are to deduct the lesser of


       (1)    the arrears amount listed above plus the amount of $ for the payor’s future maintenance obligations, and


       (2)    100% of the money you owe,

and remit these funds to the Director immediately. You are also required to make deductions from any further funds that come due by you to the payor. There is a fee of $     prescribed in the Maintenance Enforcement Regulations that the payor owes for the issuance of a garnishment. If, after you have deducted the amount owed for arrears and the payor’s future maintenance obligations, there are still funds left owing by you to the payor, then add the prescribed fee of $ to the amount and remit it with your payment.

Make cheques payable to the Director of Maintenance Enforcement. On the cheque or money order you must write the payor’s name and MEP Case No. as shown on the top of

this notice. Send all payments to:

Nova Scotia Maintenance Enforcement Program

Central Payment Processing Unit

P.O. Box 803

Halifax, N.S. B3J 2V2

You must complete and return the enclosed Response by Garnishee form within 10 days after you receive this notice, even if you do not owe anything to the payor.

If you do not pay as set out in this notice you should be aware that you may be taken to court and that the court has the authority to require you to pay the amount you failed to pay, as well as impose additional penalties and fines on you.

Dated ______________________, 19___ [20__].


Enforcement Officer on behalf of the

Director of Maintenance Enforcement

Response by Garnishee

Under the Maintenance Enforcement Act


MEP Case No:

Garnishment ID No.


TO: Director, Maintenance Enforcement Program



FROM:    (Garnishee, address)


RE: (Name of payor)

Concerning the enclosed notice of garnishment, complete either Part 1 or Part 2:

Part 1

If you agree that you owe or will owe money to the payor, briefly describe the amount(s) and date(s) due, etc., in this space.

I am indebted to the Payor as follows:





Part 2

If you disagree that you owe money to the payor, briefly describe in this space.

I, _______________________, representing the Garnishee, dispute the fact that any money is or will be owing by me to the Payor:




If you want to receive future correspondence by fax, please write your fax number here:


Dated __________, 19___ [20__.]                                                                                           

Signature of Garnishee

You must return this response to the office listed at the top of this form within 10 days of receipt of the notice of garnishment. Please make a photocopy of this form for your own record.


Form 3
Notice of Variation of Garnishment

issued pursuant to the Notice Scotia Maintenance Enforcement Act


MEP Case No:

Garnishment ID

TO: Garnishee


RE: (Payor)

You are hereby served with this Notice of Variation of Garnishment. You must disregard the previous Notice of Garnishment ID No. _________________ dated ________________, 19___ [20__], and now deduct money in accordance with the terms of this Notice of Variation of Garnishment.

You are required to deduct from money you owe the payor amounts to satisfy the maintenance arrears in the amount of $______________________ and to settle ongoing maintenance payments as they become due as follows:


1.       $                               due on

2.       $                               due on

3.       $                               due on

This garnishment expires on ________________. You are required to make deductions until

the expiry of this notice. You must send all funds that you deduct from the money you owe the payor to the Director of Maintenance Enforcement forthwith.

If you owe the payor a WAGE, then you are to deduct 25% from the gross pay you owe the payor and remit this amount to the Director along with the regular maintenance payment until such a time as the arrears listed above are paid in full. This 25% is to be deducted from each pay cheque you give to the payor. If there are no arrears listed above, then you are to deduct the ongoing maintenance payments from the payor’s wage as they become due. There is also a fee of $ prescribed in the Maintenance Enforcement Regulations that the payor owes for the issuance of a garnishment, which must be deducted from the payor’s exempt amount. Deduct this amount and add it to your first payment.

If the money you owe is not a WAGE, then you are to deduct the lesser of


          (1) the arrears amount listed above plus the amount of $ for the payor’s future maintenance obligations, and


          (2) 100% of the money you owe,

and remit these funds to the Director immediately. You are also required to make deductions from any further funds that come due by you to the payor. There is a fee of $ prescribed in the Maintenance Enforcement Regulations that the payor owes for the issuance of a garnishment. If, after you have deducted the amount owed for arrears and the payor’s future maintenance obligations, there are still funds left owing by you to the payor, then add the prescribed fee of $ to the amount and remit it with your payment.

Make cheques payable to the Director of Maintenance Enforcement. On the cheque or money order you must write the payor’s name and MEP Case No. as shown on the top of this notice. Send all payments to:

Nova Scotia Maintenance Enforcement Program

Central Payment Processing Unit

P.O. Box 803

Halifax, N.S. B3J 2V2

You must complete and return the enclosed Response by Garnishee form within 10 days after you receive this notice, even if you do not owe anything to the payor.

If you do not pay as set out in this notice you should be aware that you may be taken to court and that the court has the authority to require you to pay the amount you failed to pay, as well as impose additional penalties and fines on you.


Dated _______________, 19___ [20__].                                                                                

Enforcement Officer on behalf of the Director

of Maintenance Enforcement

Response by Garnishee

Under the Maintenance Enforcement Act


MEP Case No:

Garnishment ID No.


TO:          Director, Maintenance Enforcement Program


FROM:    (Garnishee, address)

RE:          (Name of payor)

Concerning the enclosed notice of variation of garnishment, complete either Part 1 or Part 2:

Part 1

If you agree that you owe or will owe money to the payor, briefly describe the amount(s) and date(s) due, etc., in this space.

I am indebted to the Payor as follows:





Part 2

If you disagree that you owe money to the payor, briefly describe in this space.

I, _______________________, representing the Garnishee, dispute the fact that any money is or will be owing by me to the Payor:




If you want to receive future correspondence by fax, please write your fax number here:


Dated __________, 19___ [20__.]                                                                                           

Signature of Garnishee

You must return this response to the office listed at the top of this form within 10 days of receipt of the notice of garnishment. Please make a photocopy of this form for your own record.


Form 4

19___ [20__].F. No.








Debt,       $


Judg’t.     $

Judgment entered in the above action for the ___________ against ___________________

_____________________________ for $___________ debt and $____________ costs of suit, amounting in all to $_________________


I, ____________________, Clerk of the Family Court of Nova Scotia, at _____________, Nova Scotia, do certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the original Judgment

in the above cause, which Judgment was duly signed on __________________, 19___ [20__].

GIVEN under the seal of the Court at ____________________, on ____________, 19___ [20__].



                S.S.                    Office of Registry of Deeds,

I certify that the foregoing true copy of a Judgment duly certified by the Clerk of the Family Court under the Seal of the Family Court at _________________________ was produced to be registered in this office at the hour of ________, the ___ day of __________ one thousand nine hundred and [two thousand and] ______________ and was registered accordingly in Book ____, page ____.


Registrar of Deeds


Form 5
Satisfaction Piece


19____ [20___].F. No.






Satisfaction is hereby acknowledged of the Judgment entered herein on _______________, 19___ [20__], for the sum of $__________ debt and $___________ costs recorded at the Registry of Deeds at _____________, N.S., in Book _________ at page _____.

Dated at _______________, Nova Scotia, on _________, 19___ [20__].


Solicitor for


Form 6
Notice to Administrator of Intention to Attach Pension Entitlement

issued pursuant to the Maintenance Enforcement Act (Nova Scotia)

MEP Case ID: _____________


TO: Administrator (name and address of administrator)

RE: (payor)

NOTE: For purposes of an attachment of the pension entitlement of a payor under the Maintenance Enforcement Act, “pension entitlement” of a payor means the amount of money in a pension plan of a payor that is available for attachment pursuant to the Maintenance Enforcement Act. A “pension plan” also includes a registered retirement savings plan established by a contract that is a retirement savings arrangement prescribed by regulations made pursuant to the Pension Benefits Act (Nova Scotia).



1.    This Notice is served on you pursuant to Section 27C of the Maintenance Enforcement Act, with respect to the payor, (payor’s name), who we believe has a pension entitlement in a pension plan that you administer. Sections 27A to 27F of the Maintenance Enforcement Act authorize the Director of Maintenance Enforcement to attach the payor’s pension entitlement and apply the money received to the payor’s obligations under a maintenance order filed with the Director pursuant to the Maintenance Enforcement Act.


2.    This Notice requires you to provide the following information within 30 days after you receive this notice:


                (a)    the most recent address in your records for the payor;


                (b)    confirmation, where applicable, that


                         (i)     neither the payor nor the payor’s employer on his or her behalf is currently required to and is making contributions to the pension plan that you administer, and


                         (ii)    the payor is not receiving a pension benefit from the pension plan that you administer,


and if you are unable to provide confirmation, full written reasons must be provided;


                (c)    if neither the payor nor the payor’s employer on his or her behalf is currently required to and is making contributions to the pension plan that you administer and the payor is not receiving a pension benefit from the pension plan that you administer, the value of the payor’s pension entitlement as of the date of this Notice;


                (d)    your mailing address; and


                (e)    the address where personal service of notices and documents can be effected on you for purposes of the Maintenance Enforcement Act and the regulations made pursuant to the Act.


3.    You shall provide the information described in paragraph 2 to the Director of Maintenance Enforcement within 30 days after you receive this Notice by completing the enclosed Response by Administrator to Notice to Administrator of Intention to Attach Pension Entitlement (Form 6) and mailing it by registered mail to the following postal address or by delivering it personally to the regional office of the Director that is listed on the attached Response by Administrator to Notice to Administrator of Intention to Attach Pension Entitlement (Form 6). The postal address of the Director is as follows:


Nova Scotia Maintenance Enforcement Program

PO Box 803

Halifax, NS B3J 2V2


4.    You shall also provide the information described in paragraph 2 of this Notice to the payor by forwarding a copy of the completed Response by Administrator to Notice to Administrator of Intention to Attach Pension Entitlement (Form 6) by ordinary mail to the most recent address in your records for the payor.


5.    Subsection 27D(2) of the Maintenance Enforcement Act prohibits you from paying out any of the payor’s pension entitlement at the payor’s direction, until 60 days after


                (a)    the date on which the Director of Maintenance Enforcement receives the information that you are required to provide to the Director in paragraph 2 of this Notice; or


                (b)    the date a court orders that the payor’s pension entitlement may be attached, if the payor serves you with a notice of application to the court to dispute this attachment.


Dated                          , 20 .



Director of Maintenance Enforcement


                  Response by Administrator to Notice to Administrator of Intention
to Attach Pension Entitlement (Form 6)

under the Maintenance Enforcement Act

MEP Case ID: ___________


TO:          Director, Maintenance Enforcement Program

(address of regional office)


FROM:    (Administrator, postal address)


RE:          (Name of payor)

Concerning the Notice to Administrator of Intention to Attach Pension Entitlement of Payor: Administrator must complete either Part 1 or Part 2.

Administrator must also complete Part 3.

Part 1

Instructions to Administrator - If the payor does not have a pension entitlement in a pension plan that you administer, complete Parts 1 and 3.

I, __________________, Administrator, confirm that the payor does not have a pension entitlement in a pension plan that is administered by the undersigned Administrator.


Part 2

Instructions to Administrator - If the payor has a pension entitlement in a pension plan that you administer, complete Parts 2 and 3.

I, ____________________, Administrator, confirm that:


1.    The payor has a pension entitlement in a pension plan that is administered by the undersigned Administrator.


2.    The most recent address for the payor in the records of the undersigned Administrator is:

Instructions to Administrator: delete the paragraph 3 that does not apply to you.


3.    I can confirm that:


       (a)    neither the payor nor the payor’s employer on his or her behalf is currently required to and is making contributions to the pension plan administered by the undersigned Administrator; and


       (b)    the payor is not receiving a pension benefit from the pension plan administered by the undersigned Administrator.



3.    I cannot confirm that:


       (a)    neither the payor nor the payor’s employer on his or her behalf is currently required to and is making contributions to the pension plan administered by the undersigned Administrator; and


       (b)    the payor is not receiving a pension benefit from the pension plan administered by the undersigned Administrator.


The reasons that I am not able to confirm are as follows:


4.    The value of the payor’s pension entitlement available for attachment under the Maintenance Enforcement Act as of the date of the Notice to Administrator of Intention to Attach Pension Entitlement (Form 6), is $_________.

Part 3


(a) [1.]     The address for service of notices or documents by mail by the Director of Maintenance Enforcement on the undersigned Administrator is:


(b) [2.]     The mailing address for the undersigned Administrator is:


(c) [3.]     I want to receive future correspondence from the Director of Maintenance Enforcement by fax. My fax number for future correspondence from the Director of Maintenance Enforcement is:                                                                                   

Dated ____________, 20 .


Signature of Administrator


Telephone number

Instructions to Administrator: you must return this Response to the Director of Maintenance Enforcement within 30 days of receipt of the Notice to Administrator of Intention to Attach Pension Entitlement (Form 6) by either:


       1)     mailing the Response by registered mail to the postal address of the Director of Maintenance Enforcement referred to in paragraph 3 of that Notice (Form 6); or


       2)     delivering the Response personally to the regional office of the Director as indicated on the Response.

In addition, you must forward a copy of this Response to the payor, within 30 days of receipt by you of the Notice to Administrator of Intention to Attach Pension Entitlement (Form 6), by mailing the Response by ordinary mail to the most recent address in your records for the payor.


Form 7
Notice to Payor of Intention to Attach Pension Entitlement

issued pursuant to the Maintenance Enforcement Act (Nova Scotia)

MEP Case ID: _________


TO: Payor

(name and address of payor)


RE: (payor)



1.    The Director of Maintenance Enforcement may attach your pension entitlement to enforce a Maintenance Order filed with the Director of Maintenance Enforcement.


2.    The Administrator has been directed to provide information regarding your pension entitlement to the Director of Maintenance Enforcement and to you within 30 days. A copy of the Notice to the Administrator is attached (Form 6).


3.    To stop the Director of Maintenance Enforcement from attaching your pension entitlement, you must immediately contact the Director of Maintenance Enforcement and make arrangements satisfactory to the Director for payment of the outstanding arrears of maintenance payments and to comply with the maintenance order filed with the Director.


4.    You may apply within 30 days to the court pursuant to Section 27E of the Maintenance Enforcement Act for an order that your pension entitlement not be attached and the court may agree if you demonstrate one of the following:


                (a)    you are less than 3 months in arrears on your maintenance payments;


                (b)    either you or your employer on your behalf are required to make contributions to the pension plan that the Director of Maintenance Enforcement proposes to attach; or


                (c)    you are receiving a pension benefit from the pension plan.


5.    If the Director of Maintenance Enforcement attaches your pension entitlement, you will be responsible for the following:


                (a)    the fees payable to the Director of Maintenance Enforcement under the Maintenance Enforcement Act and regulations;


                (b)    any costs and fees that the Administrator is entitled to charge respecting the attachment, and if your pension entitlement is subject to the Pension Benefits Act (Nova Scotia), the Administrator may deduct the costs of complying with the attachment in the manner set out in the regulations made pursuant to Section 71A of the Pension Benefits Act (Nova Scotia);


                (c)    income tax consequences resulting from the attachment of your pension entitlement.

ALSO TAKE NOTICE THAT: if the Director of Maintenance Enforcement attaches your pension entitlement, there will be a reduction in the value of your entitlement in the pension plan in accordance with the law applicable to your pension plan.


Dated                , 20 .


Director of Maintenance Enforcement





Telephone number


Form 8
Notice of Attachment of Pension Entitlement

issued pursuant to the Maintenance Enforcement Act (Nova Scotia)

MEP Case ID: _____________


TO: Administrator

(name and address of administrator)


RE: (payor)



1.    This Notice is served on you pursuant to Section 27F of the Maintenance Enforcement Act, with respect to the payor, ___________________________, (payor’s name) and the payor’s obligations under the maintenance order(s) filed with the Director pursuant to the Maintenance Enforcement Act.


Sections 27A to 27F of the Maintenance Enforcement Actauthorize the Director of Maintenance Enforcement to attach the payor’s pension entitlement and apply the money received to the payor’s obligations under the maintenance order(s) filed with the Director pursuant to the Maintenance Enforcement Act.


2.    According to the information provided by you to the Director of Maintenance Enforcement on _____________________ (date information was received) pursuant to the Notice to Administrator of Intention to Attach Pension Entitlement (Form 6), the payor’s pension entitlement is $__________ (amount) as at ________ (date).


3.    Within 45 days after you receive this Notice, you shall deduct from the payor’s pension entitlement the amount of withholding tax that you are required by law to remit to the Canada Customs and Revenue Agency, respecting the attachment of the payor’s pension entitlement, and any costs and fees that you are entitled to deduct pursuant to the Act that governs the pension plan that you administer. If the Pension Benefits Act (Nova Scotia) governs the pension plan that you administer, the costs that you may deduct are prescribed by regulations made pursuant to Section 71A of that Act.


You shall then send to the Director of Maintenance Enforcement a cheque or money order in an amount equal to the lesser of:


       (a)    $_____________ (the arrears of maintenance payments under the maintenance order(s) filed with the Director); and


       (b)    the remainder of the payor’s pension entitlement after deduction of the withholding tax, and any costs and fees that you are entitled to deduct pursuant to the Act that governs the pension plan that you administer.


4.    If you fail to comply with this notice, judgment may be entered against you for the amount in default, without further notice to you.


5.    You shall forward the amount determined pursuant to paragraph 3 by cheque or money order payable to the Director of Maintenance Enforcement at the following address:


Maintenance Enforcement Program Office

46 Portland Street, 6th floor

Dartmouth NS B3J 2V2


Mailing Address:

Maintenance Enforcement Program

PO Box 803

Halifax NS B3J 2V2


6.    An extra copy of this notice is provided and you shall deliver or mail it to the payor as soon as possible. You may deliver the notice to the most recent address in your records for the payor.

Dated _____________________, 20___.


Director of Maintenance Enforcement


Telephone number



Legislative History
Reference Tables

Maintenance Enforcement Regulations

N.S. Reg. 40/1996

Maintenance Enforcement Act

Note:  The information in these tables does not form part of the regulations and is compiled by the Office of the Registrar of Regulations for reference only.

Source Law

The current consolidation of the Maintenance Enforcement Regulations made under the Maintenance Enforcement Act includes all of the following regulations:


In force

How in force

Royal Gazette
Part II Issue


Mar 5, 1996

date made

Mar 29, 1996


Oct 19, 2000

date specified

Nov 3, 2000


Jul 26, 2001

date specified

Aug 10, 2001


Sep 7, 2001

date made

Sep 21, 2001


Apr 1, 2004

date specified

Apr 6, 2004


Apr 1, 2007

date specified

Mar 30, 2007


Apr 1, 2008

date specified

Apr 18, 2008


Apr 1, 2009

date specified

Apr 14, 2009


Apr 1, 2011

date specified

Apr 15, 2011


Apr 1, 2013

date specified

Apr 12, 2013


Apr 1, 2015

date specified

Apr 8, 2015


Oct 17, 2017

date specified

Oct 27, 2017


Mar 27, 2018

date specified

Apr 13, 2018

The following regulations are not yet in force and are not included in the current consolidation:


In force

How in force

Royal Gazette
Part II Issue













*See subsection 3(6) of the Regulations Act for rules about in force dates of regulations.

Amendments by Provision

ad. = added
am. = amended

fc. = fee change
ra. = reassigned

rep. = repealed
rs. = repealed and substituted

Provision affected

How affected

2 .......................................................

ra. as 2(1) 94/2001


ra. from 2 94/2001

2(1), clause letters removed.............

am. 156/2017

2(1), defn. of “income”, paragraph (i)(A)............................................

am. 156/2017

2(1), defn. of “income”, paragraph (i)(B).............................................

am. 156/2017

2(1), defn. of “income”, paragraph (i)(C).............................................

rep. 156/2017

2(1), defn. of “income”, subclause (v).................................................

ad. 156/2017

2(1), defn. of “pension benefit”.......

ad. 94/2001

2(1), defn. of “prescribed registered retirement savings plan”...............

ad. 94/2001


ad. 94/2001


ad. 156/2017

3(6) to 3(8).......................................

ad. 94/2001

4 .......................................................

am. 156/2017

5 .......................................................

rep. 156/2017

6 .......................................................

rs. 49/2018


ad. 156/2017


rs. 168/2000


ra. as 12 94/2001


ad. 94/2001


ra. from 11(k) 117/2001


ra. from 11(l) 117/2001


ra. as 11(a) 117/2001


ra. as 11(b) 117/2001


ra. as 13 94/2001


ra. from 11 94/2001

12(1)(a) to (c)..............................

fc. 84/2004, 122/2007, 181/2008, 122/2009, 96/2011, 122/2013, 120/2015

12(1)(d)(i) to 12(1)(d)(v)............

fc. 84/2004, 122/2007, 181/2008, 122/2009, 96/2011, 122/2013, 120/2015


rs. 94/2001


ad. 94/2001


ra. as 14 94/2001


ra. from 12 94/2001

fc. 84/2004, 122/2007, 181/2008, 122/2009, 96/2011, 122/2013, 120/2015


ra. from 13 94/2001

rs. 94/2001

Forms 2 to 3.....................................

am. 156/2017

Forms 6 to 7.....................................

ad. 94/2001

Form 8..............................................

ad. 94/2001

am. 117/2001

Note that changes to headings are not included in the above table.

Editorial Notes and Corrections:













Repealed and Superseded:



In force






Note:  Only regulations that are specifically repealed and replaced appear in this table.  It may not reflect the entire history of regulations on this subject matter.



Webpage last updated: 17-04-2018