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Traffic Signs Regulations

made under Section 88 of the

Motor Vehicle Act

R.S.N.S. 1989, c. 293

N.S. Reg. 165/2012 (August 22, 2012, effective September 1, 2012)

amended to N.S. Reg. 178/2023 (effective October 2, 2023)

Table of Contents

Please note: this table of contents is provided for convenience of reference and does not form part of the regulations.
Click here to go to the text of the regulations.




Advisory or warning signs

Official traffic sign must be in accordance with description and depiction

Lettering style, dimensions and proportions of signs

Expressing rate of speed or speed limit

Abbreviations for displaying time of day

Designations and descriptions of official traffic signs




1        These regulations may be cited as the Traffic Signs Regulations.


2        In these regulations,


“Act” means the Motor Vehicle Act;


“Provincial Traffic Authority” means the person appointed by the Minister under Section 86 of the Act as Provincial Traffic Authority;


“Schedule” means the document entitled Province of Nova Scotia Schedule of Official Traffic Signs attached to and forming part of these regulations;


“traffic authority” means a traffic authority appointed under Section 86 of the Act, Section 311 of the Municipal Government Act or Section 7 of the Halifax-Dartmouth Bridge Commission Act.

Advisory or warning signs

3        (1)    In this Section, “Manual” means the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Canada, Fifth Edition, January 2014, published by the Transportation Association of Canada, as revised from time to time.


          (2)    An official traffic sign that is not described in these regulations may be erected or placed on or near a highway for advisory or warning purposes if


                   (a)      the sign conforms to the description, depiction and specifications prescribed in the Manual, to the extent that the Manual is not inconsistent with the Act and its regulations, or


                   (b)     the sign is approved by the Provincial Traffic Authority.

Official traffic sign must be in accordance with description and depiction

4        (1)    Except as provided in Section 3 for official traffic signs erected for advisory or warning purposes, and subject to subsection (2), an official traffic sign must be made in accordance with its description in the table in Section 8 and its depiction in the Schedule.


          (2)    The distance, speed, weight, time or date shown on an official traffic sign described in these regulations may be varied by the Minister or the traffic authority.


          (3)    [repealed]

Lettering style, dimensions and proportions of signs

5        (1)    Letters, numerals and symbols on an official traffic sign described in these regulations must conform as nearly as possible to the styles and proportions shown on the sign as depicted in the Schedule.


          (2)    The dimensions shown in the Schedule for an official traffic sign are the minimum dimensions allowed, and may be increased proportionally.

Expressing rate of speed or speed limit

6        Notice of a maximum or minimum rate of speed or a speed limit in kilometres per hour that has been fixed and approved for a highway may be given by an official traffic sign on which is displayed


                   (a)      “maximum” or “truck maximum” or “minimum”; and


                   (b)     the rate of speed expressed merely as a numeral without description or qualifying words.

Abbreviations for displaying time of day

7        An official traffic sign that displays a time of day may use “h” to designate an hour and “m” to designate a minute.

Designations and descriptions of official traffic signs

8        Unless varied by the Minister or a traffic authority under subsection 4(2), designations and descriptions of the official traffic signs are as set out in the following table:

Designations and Descriptions of Official Traffic Signs

Individual Sign Designations and Descriptions




“Stop” sign

   must have block capital white letters on a red background

   lettering must be at least 20 cm in height


Bilingual “Stop” sign

     must have block capital white letters on a red background

     must contain only the words “STOP” and “ARRÊT”

     must have the word “STOP” above the word “ARRÊT”

RA-1S1, RA-1S2, RA-1S3

“Pictographic all way stop” tab sign

   must have a red background

   must have red octagons imposed on a white symbol of an intersection

   the configuration of the intersection shown on the sign must generally match the physical configuration of the intersection where the sign is erected

   must be used only in combination with and displayed under a “stop” sign (RA-1)

   must not be used in combination with a “4-way” tab sign (RA-1S4) or an “all way” tab sign (RA-1S5)


“4-way” tab sign

   must have block capital white letters on a red background, except signs erected before the date this Section comes into force which may have block capital black letters on a white background

   must be used only in combination with and displayed under a “stop” sign (RA-1)

   must not be used in combination with a “pictographic all way stop” tab sign (RA-1S1, RA-1S2, or RA-1S3) or an “all way” tab sign (RA-1S5)


“All way” tab sign

   must have block capital white letters on a red background, except signs erected before the date this Section comes into force which may have block capital black letters on a white background

   must be used only in combination with and displayed under a “stop” sign (RA-1)

   must not be used in combination with a “pictographic all way stop” tab sign (RA-1S1, RA-1S2, or RA-1S3) or a “4-way” tab sign (RA-1S4)


“Yield” sign

   must be a red inverted triangle with a white centre

RA-3L, RA-3R

“School crosswalk” sign

   must have a black symbol of a walking schoolboy and schoolgirl on a white background

   must be oriented so that the symbol shows the pedestrians walking toward the centre of the roadway

RA-4L, RA-4R

“Pedestrian crosswalk” sign

   must have a black symbol of a pedestrian on a white background

   must be oriented so that the symbol shows the pedestrian walking toward the centre of the roadway

RA-5L, RA-5R

“Overhead pedestrian crosswalk” sign

   must have a white symbol of a pedestrian on a black background

   must be mounted above the crosswalk and oriented so that the symbol shows the pedestrian walking toward the centre of the roadway

   must be internally illuminated


“In-street school crosswalk” sign

   must have a white background

   must have a red inverted triangle with a white centre above the word “TO” in block capital letters above a black symbol of a walking schoolboy and schoolgirl

   sign must be surrounded by a wide fluorescent yellow-green border


“Maximum speed” sign

   must have block capital black letters and black numerals on a white background

   the numerals on the sign indicate the maximum rate of speed in kilometres per hour for the section of the highway where the sign is erected


“Trucks maximum speed” sign

   must have block capital black letters and black numerals on a white background

   the numerals on the sign indicate the maximum rate of speed in kilometres per hour for trucks for the section of on the highway where the sign is erected


“Night speed” sign

   must have block capital white letters and white numerals on a black background

   the numerals on the sign indicate the maximum rate of speed in kilometres per hour for the section of the highway at night where the sign is erected


“Minimum speed” sign

   must have block capital black letters and black numerals on a white background

   the numerals on the sign indicate the minimum rate of speed in kilometres per hour for the section of the highway where the sign is erected


“Maximum speed ahead” sign

   must have a black arrow and black numerals on a white background

   may only be placed in advance of a “maximum speed” sign (RB-1)

   the numerals on the sign indicate the maximum rate of speed in kilometres per hour for the upcoming speed zone in advance of which the sign is displayed


“Except bicycles” tab sign

   must have block capital black letters on a white background

   must be used only in combination with and displayed under the following signs, to indicate that approaching cyclists are not required to comply with the sign under which the tab sign is displayed:

    - “through traffic prohibited” sign (RB-10),

    - “prohibitive turn control” sign (RB-11L, RB-11R or RB-16),

    - “restrictive turn control” sign (RB-14L, RB-14R, RB-15 or RB-15A),

    - “do not enter” sign (RB-23),

    - any other regulatory sign that approaching cyclists are not required to comply with


“Through traffic prohibited” sign

   must have a red circle and a diagonal line superimposed over a black arrow on a white background

   may be used only to indicate that traffic approaching the sign must not proceed straight ahead

   may be supplemented by any of the following signs displayed under it:

    - “except bicycles” tab sign (RB-9S)

    - “except buses” tab sign (RB-11S1)

    - “except authorized vehicles” tab sign (R-107)

RB-11L, RB-11R, RB-16

“Prohibitive turn control” sign

   must have a red circle and a diagonal line superimposed over a black arrow on a white background

   may be used only to indicate that traffic approaching the sign must not turn in the direction shown by the black arrow on the sign

   may be supplemented by and displayed above any of the following signs:

    - “except bicycles” tab sign (RB-9S)

    - “except buses” tab sign (RB-11S1)

    - “except authorized vehicles” tab sign (R-107)

RB-14L, RB-14R, RB-15, RB-15A

“Restrictive turn control” sign

   must have a green circle circumscribing a black arrow or arrows on a white background

   may be used only to indicate that traffic approaching the sign must proceed only in the direction or directions shown by the black arrow or arrows on the sign

   may be supplemented by and displayed above any of the following signs:

    - “except bicycles” tab sign (RB-9S)

    - “except buses” tab sign (RB-11S1)

    - “except authorized vehicles” tab sign (R-107)


“Except buses” tab sign

   must have block capital black letters on a white background

   must be used only in combination with and displayed under the following signs, to indicate that approaching buses are not required to comply with the sign under which the tab sign is displayed:

    - “through traffic prohibited” sign (RB-10)

    - “prohibitive turn control” sign (RB-11L, RB-11R or RB-16)

    - “restrictive turn control” sign (RB-14L, RB-14R, RB-15 or RB-15A)

    - any other regulatory sign that an approaching bus is not required to comply with


“No right turn on red” sign

   must have a white background

   must have a red circle and a diagonal line superimposed over a black arrow, above a depiction of a black traffic signal head showing a red display

   may be used only to indicate that approaching traffic must not make a right turn when the red light is displayed

   may be supplemented by an “except with green arrow” sign (R-105) as part of the sign or displayed as a tab under the sign


“No left turn on red” sign

   must have a white background

   must have a red circle and a diagonal line superimposed over a black arrow, above a depiction of a black traffic signal head showing a red display

   may be used only to indicate that approaching traffic must not make a left turn when the red light is displayed

   may be supplemented by an “except with green arrow” sign (R-105) as part of the sign or displayed as a tab under the sign


“Left turn signal” sign

   must have block capital black letters on a white background

   may be used only on an intersection approach where separate traffic signals are used for left-turning traffic and it is not clear that they are separate from signals for traffic moving through the intersection


“One way” sign

   must have a white arrow on a black background


“Do not enter” sign

   must have a red circle on a white background with a thick white horizontal line in the centre of the circle


“Two-way traffic” sign

   must have black symbols and black arrows on a white background


“Keep right” sign

   must have a black symbol and a black arrow on a white background

   may be used only to indicate that traffic proceeding beyond the sign must travel to the right of the sign


“Do not pass” sign

   must have a red circle with a red diagonal line superimposed over 2 black symbols of a car on a white background


“Passing permitted” sign

   must have a green circle circumscribing 2 black symbols of a car on a white background


“Motor vehicle passing prohibited” sign

   must have a red circle with a red diagonal line superimposed over a black symbol of a car to the left of a black symbol of a bicycle on a white background

   must be used with in combination with a “do not pass bicycles” tab sign (RB-33S1) at the beginning of or within the no-passing zone to indicate that motorists must not overtake cyclists within the zone

   may be used in combination with an “ends” tab sign (RB-33S2) at the end of the no-passing zone to indicate the end of the zone and that passing of cyclists is again permitted


“Do not pass bicycles” tab sign

   must have block capital black letters on a white background

   must be used only in combination with a “motor vehicle passing prohibited” sign (RB-33)


“Ends” tab sign

   must have block capital black letters on a white background

   must be used only in combination with another regulatory sign to indicate the end of an area where a specific requirement or prohibition applies


“Keep right except to pass” sign

   must have block capital black letters on a white background


“Slower traffic keep right” sign

   must have block capital black letters on a white background

   may be used to indicate that slower moving traffic must travel in the right lane


“Yield centre lane to opposing traffic” sign

   must have block capital black letters on a white background


“Turning vehicles yield to bicycles” sign

   must have black and red symbols on a white background

   may be used where motorists are required to cross an area set aside for cyclists and are required to yield to the cyclist


“Turning vehicles yield to bicycles and pedestrians” sign

   must have block capital black letters and a red yield symbol on a white background

   may be used where motorists are required to cross or share an area used by cyclists and pedestrians and are required to yield to the cyclists and pedestrians


“Bicycles yield to pedestrians”sign

   must have black and red symbols on a white background

   may be used where cyclists are required to cross or share an area used by pedestrians and are required to yield to pedestrians


“Bicycles yield at high speed ramp” sign

   must have black and red symbols on a white background

   may be used where cyclists are required to yield to vehicles before crossing a ramp to or from a major road and where the maximum rate of speed for the major road is higher than 70 km/h

RB-41L, RB-41R, RB-42L, RB-42R, RB-43, RB-44, RB-45, RB-48

“Overhead lane control” sign

   must have a white arrow or arrows on a black background

   may be mounted above a lane to indicate that traffic in the lane must proceed in the direction or directions shown by the arrow or arrows

   RB-41L, RB-41R, RB-42L, RB-42R, RB-43, RB-44 and RB-45 signs may be side-mounted, if the traffic authority determines it is appropriate, to indicate that the traffic in the lane immediately next to the sign must proceed in the direction or directions shown by the arrow or arrows

   RB-48 sign may only be side-mounted if a “centre lane” tab sign (RB-48S) is displayed below it


“Centre lane” tab sign

   must have block capital letters on [a] white background

   must be displayed under a side-mounted “overhead lane control” sign (RB-48)

   may be displayed under an overhead-mounted “overhead lane control” sign (RB-48)

RB-46A, RB-46B, RB-46L, RB-46R, RB-47A, RB-47B, RB-47C, RB-47D, RB-47E, RB-47L, RB-47R, RB-49

“Side-mounted lane control” sign

   must have white arrows on a black background separated by short white lines

   may be used only to indicate that traffic in a lane must proceed in the direction shown for that lane

RB-51, RB-52, RB-52A

“No parking” sign

   must have a red circle with a red diagonal line superimposed over a black capital letter “P” on a white background

   may have 1 or 2 arrows pointing in the direction or directions in which parking is prohibited and may have wording in block capital black letters showing where parking is prohibited, such as “on pavement”, “next 3 km”, or “within 3 m of pavement”

   may have block capital black letters and black numerals indicating the hours of the day and the days of the week during which parking is prohibited

   may have, in block capital black letters, wording such as “bus stop”, “taxi stand”, “loading zone”, “except police vehicles” or other wording determined to be necessary by the traffic authority under whose authority the sign is erected

   may be used in combination with RB-53, RB-55, RB-57 or RB-57A


“Accessible parking” sign

   must have a white background

   must have a red circle with a red diagonal line superimposed over a black capital letter “P”, above a white and blue disabled person symbol beside the words “accessible parking by permit only” in block capital black letters

   may have 1 or 2 black arrows pointing in the direction or directions in which parking is prohibited without the required identification permit or number plate

   may have block capital black letters and black numerals indicating the length of time, the hours of the day and days of the week during which parking is permitted

   may be used in combination with RB-53, RB-55, RB-57 or RB-57A


“Parking permitted” sign

   must have a green circle circumscribing a black capital letter “P” on a white background

   may have 1 or 2 black arrows pointing in a direction or directions in which parking is permitted

   may have block capital black letters and black numerals indicating the length of time, hours of the day, or days of the week during which parking is permitted

   may have other wording, in block capital black letters, that is determined necessary by the traffic authority under whose authority the sign is erected

   may be used in combination with RB-51, RB-52, RB-52A, RB-52B, RB-55, RB-57 or RB-57A

RB-55, RB-57, RB-57A

“No stopping” sign

   must have a red circle with a red diagonal line superimposed over a black octagon on a white background

   may have 1 or 2 black arrows pointing in the direction or directions in which stopping is prohibited

   may have wording in block capital black letters showing where stopping is prohibited, such as “on pavement”, “next 3 km”, “on tracks”, or “within 3 m of pavement”

   may have block capital black letters and black numerals indicating the hours of the day and days of the week during which stopping is prohibited

   may be used in combination with RB-51, RB-52, RB-52A, RB-52B or RB-53


“Truck route” sign

   must have a green circle circumscribing a black symbol of a truck on a white background

   may be supplemented by a “truck route arrows” sign (RB-61SA, RB-61SB, RB-61SC) as part of the sign or displayed as a tab under the sign

RB-61SA, RB-61SB, RB-61SC

“Truck route arrows” sign

   must have a black arrow or arrows on a white background or a white arrow or arrows on a black background

   may have block capital black letters and black numerals on a white background, or block capital white letters and white numerals on a black background, indicating the hours of the day and days of the week during which trucks are permitted on the highway

   must be part of, or displayed as a tab under, a “truck route” sign (RB-61) to indicate that truck traffic approaching the sign must proceed only in the direction or directions shown by the arrow or arrows, and only during any period of time shown


“Truck prohibition” sign

   must have a red circle with a red diagonal line superimposed over a black symbol of a truck on a white background

   may be used only to indicate that a truck with a registered weight of over 3000 kg must not be used on the highway except to make a local delivery


“Weight limit control” sign

   must have block capital black letters and black numerals on a white background

   the numerals on the sign indicate the maximum gross vehicle weight in tonnes permitted for a vehicle on the highway


“Bridge weight restriction” sign

   must have block capital black letters and black numerals on a white background

   the numerals on the sign indicate the maximum allowable axle weight loads for the various vehicles using the bridge


“Vehicle combination bridge weight restriction” sign

   must have block capital black letters, black numerals and black symbols of trucks on a white background

   the numerals on the sign may be used only to indicate the maximum gross vehicle weights allowed on the bridge for a single unit vehicle, a combination of 2-vehicle units, and a combination of 3-vehicle units


“Snowmobile route” sign

  must have a green circle circumscribing a black symbol of a snowmobile on a white background

  may be used to indicate that snowmobiles are permitted to travel on a specific section of road or within a specific area


“Snowmobiles prohibited” sign

   must have a red circle with a red diagonal line superimposed over a black symbol of a snowmobile on a white background


“Pedestrians prohibited” sign

   must have a red circle with a red diagonal line superimposed over a black symbol of a walking pedestrian on a white background


“Cycling prohibited” sign

   must have a red circle with a red diagonal line superimposed over a black symbol of a bicycle on [a] white background


“Lane use restriction” sign

   must have a white background

   must have a red circle with a red diagonal line superimposed over a black symbol of a truck, above a black downward pointing arrow

   may be mounted only above the lane where trucks are prohibited, to indicate that a truck with a registered weight of over 3000 kg is prohibited in the lane


“Dangerous goods route” sign

   must have a green circle circumscribing a black diamond on a white background


“Dangerous goods prohibited” sign

   must have a red circle with a red diagonal line superimposed over a black diamond on a white background

   indicates that the carriage of dangerous goods is prohibited on the highway

RB-73L, RB-73R

“Cross other side” sign

   must have a white background

   must have a red circle with a red diagonal line superimposed over a black symbol of a walking pedestrian, oriented so that the pedestrian is walking in the direction that pedestrians are permitted to cross

   must have a green circle circumscribing a black symbol of a walking pedestrian, oriented so that the pedestrian is walking in the direction that pedestrians are permitted to cross, with a horizontal black arrow below the circle pointing in the direction that pedestrians are permitted to cross

   may be used only to indicate that pedestrians must not cross one leg of an intersection and directs pedestrians to where they are permitted to cross


“Truck inspection station (advance)” sign

   must have [a] black symbol of a truck and scale and black numerals on a white background

   the numerals on the sign must indicate the distance to the scale (truck inspection station)

   may be used only to indicate that a scale (truck inspection station) is ahead


“Truck inspection station exit” sign

   must have [a] black symbol of a truck and scale and a black upward-slanting arrow on a white background

   may be used only to indicate the exit for and direction to a scale (truck inspection station)


“Cycling prohibited on sidewalks” sign

   must have a red circle with a red diagonal line superimposed over a black symbol of a bicycle on a white background

   must have the words “on sidewalk” in block capital black letters below the red circle


“Dismount and walk” sign

   must have a green circle circumscribing a black symbol of a pedestrian and bicycle on a white background

   may be used only to indicate to indicate that cyclists are required to dismount and walk their bicycle in a specific area

   may be used in combination with a “dismount and walk” tab sign (RB-79T)

   may be used in combination with an “ends” sign (RB-33S2) to indicate the end of the dismount-and-walk zone and that cycling may be resumed


“Dismount and walk” tab sign

   must have block capital black letters on a white background

   must be used only in combination with and displayed under a “dismount and walk” sign (RB-79)

RB-80, RB-80A, RB-81, RB-81A

“Reserved lane” sign

   must have a white background

   must have a black symbol of a bus, taxi, bicycle or car with a white numeral on the car symbol, or some combination of those, to the right of a white diamond on a black rectangular area in the upper left-hand corner of the sign

   must have a black arrow indicating the lane that is reserved

   the numeral shown on the car symbol must indicate the minimum number of occupants required to be carried in a vehicle, other than any authorized bus, taxi or bicycle, to operate in the lane indicated by the sign

   may be used to designate a reserved lane on a highway or the entire highway, and indicate that vehicles other than the vehicles specified on the sign must not use the reserved lane

   if a lane is reserved only on particular days and between particular hours, the sign must have block capital black letters and black numerals that indicate the days or hours when the reserved lane is in effect

   when 1 or 2 vehicle symbols are to be displayed, RB-80 or RB-81 must be used

   when 3 or more vehicle symbols are to be displayed, RB-80A or RB-81A must be used

   RB-80 or RB-80A must be mounted directly above the lane that is reserved

   RB-81 or RB-81A must be side-mounted next to the lane that is reserved

   the dates, times and combination of symbols displayed on a “reserved lane” sign are as determined by the traffic authority under whose authority the sign is erected


“Reserved lane begins” tab sign

   must have block capital black letters on a white background

   must be used only in combination with a “reserved lane” sign (RB-80, RB-80A, RB-81, RB-81A), displayed as a tab under the first “reserved lane” sign in a series


“Reserved lane ends” tab sign

   must have block capital black letters on a white background

   must be used in only combination with a “reserved lane” sign (RB-80, RB-80A, RB-81, RB-81A), displayed as a tab under the sign, to indicate the end of a reserved lane


“In-line skating prohibited” sign

   must have a red circle and a diagonal line superimposed over a black symbol of an in-line skate on a white background

   may be used only to indicate that in-line skating is prohibited in a specific area


“Motorcycles prohibited” sign

   must have a red circle and a diagonal line superimposed over a black symbol of a motorcycle on a white background

   may be used only at the entrance to a bicycle path or multi-use trail to indicate that motorcycles are prohibited in a specific area


“Pedestrians and motorcycles prohibited” sign

   must have a red circle and a diagonal line superimposed over a black symbol of a pedestrian above a black symbol of a motorcycle, all on a white background

   may be used only at the entrance to a bicycle path or multi-use trail to indicate that pedestrians and motorcycles are prohibited in a specific area


“All-terrain vehicles prohibited” sign

  must have a red circle and a diagonal line superimposed over a black symbol of an all-terrain vehicle on a white background

  may be used to indicate that all-terrain vehicles and dirt bikes are prohibited in a specific area


“Automobiles prohibited” sign

   must have a red circle and a diagonal line superimposed over a black symbol of a car on a white background

   may be used only at the entrance to a bicycle path or multi-use trail to indicate that motor vehicles other than motorcycles, all-terrain vehicles and snowmobiles are prohibited in a specific area

   may be used in combination with an “except authorized vehicles” tab sign (R-107)


“Automobiles and motorcycles prohibited” sign

   must have a red circle and a diagonal line superimposed over a black symbol of car above a black symbol of a motorcycle, all on a white background

   may be used only at the entrance to a bicycle path or multi-use trail to indicate that motor vehicles including motorcycles but not including all-terrain vehicles and snowmobiles are prohibited in a specific area          

   may be used in combination with an “except authorized vehicles” tab sign (R-107)

RB-90, RB-91

“Reserved bicycle lane” sign

   must have a white background

   must have a black symbol of a bicycle to the right of a white diamond on a black rectangular area in the upper left-hand corner of the sign

   must have a black arrow that indicates the lane that is reserved for use exclusively by bicycles

   the position of a “reserved bicycle lane” sign is determined by the location of the lane for which the sign is intended, as follows:

    - RB-90 must be displayed directly above the reserved bicycle lane

    - RB-91 must be displayed next installed adjacent to the reserved bicycle lane

   must not be used when a reserved bicycle lane is shared with buses, taxis or high-occupancy vehicles


“Reserved bicycle lane ends” sign

   must have a white background

   must have a black symbol of a bicycle to the right of a white diamond on a black rectangular area in the upper left-hand corner of the sign, with block capital black letters below

   must be installed at the end of a reserved bicycle lane to mark its end


“Shared pathway” sign

   must have a a white background

   must have a green circle circumscribing black symbols of a walking pedestrian and a bicycle

   the words “shared pathway” must be below the green circle in block capital black letters

   may be used only to indicate that both cyclists and pedestrians are permitted to use a path

RB-94L, RB-94R

“Shared sidewalk or pathway organization” sign

   must have a black symbol of a bicycle and a a black symbol of a pedestrian and block capital black letters on a white background

   may be used only to indicate to pedestrians and cyclists how to share a sidewalk or pathway on which there is a designated area provided for each


“Engine brake prohibited” sign

   must have a white background

   must have a black symbol of a truck above the words “engine brake” in block capital letters superimposed over a red circle with a diagonal line though it

   may be used only to indicate to drivers that the use of a diesel engine enhanced braking system is prohibited under normal circumstances

RB-97, RB-98, RB-99, RB-100, RB-101, RB-102, RB-103, RB-104, RB-105, RB-106, RB-107

“Roundabout lane designation” signs

   must have white curved arrows on a black background

   may have a white dot in the centre of the curved arrow

   may be used only to indicate that traffic in a lane in a roundabout must proceed in the direction shown for that lane


“Roundabout left lane” tab sign

   must have the words “left lane” in block capital white letters on a black background

   must be used only in combination with and displayed under a side-mounted “roundabout lane designation” sign (RB-97, RB-98, RB-99)


“Roundabout centre lane” tab sign

   must have the words “centre lane” in block capital white letters on a black background

   must be used only in combination with and displayed under a side-mounted “roundabout lane designation” sign (RB-101, RB-102, RB-103, RB-104)


“Roundabout right lane” tab sign

   must have the words “right lane” in block capital white letters on a black background

   must be used only in combination with and displayed under a side-mounted “roundabout lane designation” sign (RB-101, RB-102, RB-103, RB-104)


“No fishing from bridge” sign

   must have block capital black letters on a white background

RC-4L, RC-4R

“Stop line” sign

   must have block capital black letters on a white background, together with a black arrow that indicates the location of the stop line at which traffic approaching the traffic control device must stop

   must be oriented so that the arrow on the sign points toward the roadway


“Littering prohibited” sign

   must have a red circle with a red diagonal line superimposed over a black symbol of a can on a white background


“Seat belt” sign

   must have a green circle circumscribing a black arrow symbol of a seated person wearing a seat belt on a white background

   may be used to remind vehicle occupants they must wear seat belts

RC-6 [(optional)]

“Seat belt” sign

   must have block capital black letters on a white background

   must have a green circle circumscribing a black symbol of a seated person wearing a seat belt on a white background

   may be used to remind vehicle occupants they must wear seat belts


“School area” sign

   must have a black symbol of a walking schoolboy and schoolgirl on a fluorescent yellow-green background

   must be used to indicate the beginning of a school area


“Wrong way” sign

   must have block capital white letters on a red background


“Through traffic keep right” sign

   must have block capital black letters on a white background


“End school area” sign

   must have block capital black letters on a fluorescent yellow-green background

   may be used only to indicate the end of a school area and the speed limit in effect is the speed limit that applies immediately before the beginning of that school area

   may be used in combination with “end school area” tab sign (R-102T)


“End school area” tab sign

   must have block capital black letters on a fluorescent yellow-green background

   may be used only in combination with and mounted directly under a “maximum speed” sign (RB-1) to indicate the end of a school area and that the speed limit is as indicated by the RB-1 sign


“School area maximum speed 30” tab sign

   must have block capital black letters and black numerals on a white background

   may be used only in combination with and displayed under a “school area” sign (WC-1) to indicate that the maximum speed in the school area is 30 km/h when children are present


“School area maximum speed 50” tab sign

   must have block capital black letters and black numerals on a white background

   may be used only in combination with and displayed under a “school area” sign (WC-1) to indicate that the maximum speed in the school area is 50 km/h when children are present


“Except with green arrow” sign

   must have block capital black letters on a white background


“Except authorized vehicles” tab sign

   must have block capital black letters on a white background

   may be used only in combination with and displayed under any of the following signs to indicate that approaching authorized vehicles (as determined by the traffic authority under whose authority the signs are erected) are not required to comply with the sign under which the tab sign is displayed:

    - “through traffic prohibited” sign (RB-10)

    - “prohibitive turn control” sign (RB-11L, RB-11R or RB-16)

    - “restrictive turn control” sign (RB-14L, RB-14R, RB-15 or RB-15A)

    - any other regulatory sign that an approaching authorized vehicle is not required to comply with


“Time” sign

   must have block capital black letters and black numerals on a white background

   may be used only in combination with and displayed under a “turn control” sign (RB-11 to RB-16A inclusive) a “do not pass” sign (RB-31) or a “do not enter” sign (RB-23)

   the letters and numerals on the “time” sign must indicate the hours of the day and days of the week during which the other sign applies


“Tow-away zone” sign

   must have block capital red letters on a white background

   may be used only in combination with and displayed with a “no parking” sign (RB-51 to RB-52B inclusive) or a “no stopping” sign (RB-55 to RB-57A inclusive)


“Emergency parking only” sign

   must have block capital black letters on a white background


“Slow moving vehicles prohibited” sign

   must have a white background

   must have a red circle with a red diagonal line superimposed over an orange triangle with a red border


“Keep off median” sign

   must have block capital black letters on a white background


“Do not drive on paved shoulder” sign

   must have block capital black letters on a white background


“Do not cross median” sign

   must have block capital black letters on a white background


“Street closed local traffic only” sign

   must have block capital black letters on a white background

R-117, R-118

“Road closed detour” sign

   must have block capital black letters and a black single-headed or double-headed arrow on a white background

   may be used to indicate that traffic approaching the sign must proceed in the direction, or 1 of the directions, shown by the arrows

R-119, R-120

“All traffic exit left” or “all traffic exit right” sign

   must have block capital black letters and a black arrow on a white background


“Vehicles over 12 tonnes reduce speed” sign

   must have block capital black letters on a white background


“Vehicles over 12 tonnes 15 km/h on bridge” sign

   must have block capital black letters on a white background


“Gross weight” sign

   must have block capital black letters and black numerals on a white background

   may be used only in combination with and displayed under a “truck route” sign (RB-61) or “truck prohibition” sign (RB-62)

   may be used only to indicate that a vehicle with a gross weight in excess of the gross weight stated on the sign must not be used on the highway


“Shut off your radio transmitter” sign

   must have block capital black letters on a white background


“Trucks and truck/trailer combinations over 4500 kg registered weight report to scale” sign

   must have block capital black letters on a white background

   may be used only to indicate that a vehicle, or vehicle combination, with a total registered weight of over 4500 kg must report to the upcoming scale (truck inspection station)


“Report to scale when directed” sign

   must have [a] symbol of a black truck and scale and block capital black letters on a white background

   may be used only to indicate that truck must report to a scale (truck inspection station) when directed by a “truck report to/bypass scale” sign (R-127)


“Truck report to/bypass scale” sign

   must have a lighted electronic display on a black background that displays 1 of the following messages in block capital letters:

    - “truck report to scale”, to indicate that a truck must report to the scale (truck inspection station)

    - “truck bypass scale”, to indicate that a truck may bypass the scale (truck inspection station)


“Trucks right lane only next X km” sign

   must have block capital black letters on a white background

   may be used only to indicate that a driver of a vehicle, or vehicle combination, with a registered weight in excess of 4500 kg must use only the right lane for the distance specified on the sign


“Do not pass here to crosswalk” sign

   must have a white background

   must have a red circle with a red diagonal line superimposed over 2 black symbols of a car, with the words “do not pass here to crosswalk” in block capital black letters below the symbols


“Shared sidewalk” sign

   must have a white background

   must have a green circle circumscribing a black symbol of a walking pedestrian above a black symbol of a bicycle

   must have the words “shared sidewalk” in block capital black letters below the green circle

   may be used only to indicate that cyclists and pedestrians may use the sidewalk, as determined by the traffic authority under whose authority the sign is erected


“No lane change ahead” sign

   must have block capital black letters on a white background with an upward pointing black arrow

   may be used only in advance of a “no lane change” sign (R-201) or “no lane change” overhead sign (R-202) to indicate that there is an area ahead where traffic must not change from one lane to another


“No lane change” sign

   must have block capital black letters on a white background

   may be used only to indicate the beginning of an area where traffic must not change from one lane to another


“No lane change” overhead sign

   must have block capital black letters on a white background with a downward pointing black arrow

   may be mounted only above a lane to indicate that traffic in that lane must not travel from that lane to another lane


“End no lane change” sign

   must have block capital black letters on a white background

   may be used only to indicate the end of no-lane-change area


“All-terrain vehicle route” sign

  must have a green circle circumscribing a black symbol of an all-terrain vehicle on a white background

  may be used to indicate that all-terrain vehicles and dirt bikes are permitted to travel on a specific section of road or within a specific area

Colours Required for Sign Borders

Border Colour

Sign Designation


RA-1, RA-1S to RA-1S5, RA-2, RA-5, RB-3, RB-21, RB-41L to RB-48 inclusive, RB-49, RB-61SC, RB-97 to RB-105 inclusive, R-100


RA-3, RA-4, RB-1 to RB-2 inclusive, RB-4 to RB-18 inclusive, RB-23 to RB-40 inclusive, RB-48S, RB-51 to RB-61SB inclusive, RB-62 to RC-6 inclusive, WC-1, R-101 to R-108 inclusive, R-110 to R-126 inclusive, R-128 to R-130 inclusive, R-200 to R-203 inclusive



fluorescent yellow-green



Official Traffice Signs page 1

Official Traffice Signs page 2

Official Traffice Signs page 3

Official Traffice Signs page 4

Official Traffice Signs page 5

Official Traffice Signs page 6

Official Traffice Signs page 7

Official Traffice Signs page 8




Legislative History
Reference Tables

Traffic Signs Regulations

N.S. Reg. 165/2012

Motor Vehicle Act

Note:  The information in these tables does not form part of the regulations and is compiled by the Office of the Registrar of Regulations for reference only.

Source Law

The current consolidation of the Traffic Signs Regulations made under the Motor Vehicle Act includes all of the following regulations:


In force

How in force

Royal Gazette
Part II Issue


Sep 1, 2012

date specified

Sep 7, 2016


Dec 5, 2012

date specified

Dec 28, 2012


Mar 3, 2016

date specified

Apr 1, 2016


Sep 5, 2017

date specified

Sep 29, 2017


Jul 23, 2021

date filed (not filed within 7 days of date made)

Aug 13, 2021


Oct 2, 2023

date specified

Oct 20, 2023

The following regulations are not yet in force and are not included in the current consolidation:


In force

How in force

Royal Gazette
Part II Issue













*See subsection 3(6) of the Regulations Act for rules about in force dates of regulations.

Amendments by Provision

ad. = added
am. = amended

fc. = fee change
ra. = reassigned

rep. = repealed
rs. = repealed and substituted


Provision affected

How affected



am. 42/2016


ad. 134/2017; rep. 113/2021

8, table..............................................

rs. 220/2012, 42/2016; am. 134/2017, 113/2021, 178/2023


rs. 42/2016, 134/2017, 113/2021, 178/2023
















Note that changes to headings are not included in the above table.

Editorial Notes and Corrections













Repealed and Superseded



In force






Note:  Only regulations that are specifically repealed and replaced appear in this table.  It may not reflect the entire history of regulations on this subject matter.


Webpage last updated: 03-11-2023