This consolidation is unofficial and is for reference only. For the official version of the regulations, consult the original documents on file with the Registry of Regulations, or refer to the Royal Gazette Part II. Regulations are amended frequently. Please check the list of Regulations by Act to see if there are any recent amendments to these regulations filed with our office that are not yet included in this consolidation. Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this electronic version, the Registry of Regulations assumes no responsibility for any discrepancies that may have resulted from reformatting. This electronic version is copyright © 2016, Province of Nova Scotia, all rights reserved. It is for your personal use and may not be copied for the purposes of resale in this or any other form.
Railway Discontinuance of Services and Abandonment Regulations
made under Section 48 of the
Railways Act
S.N.S. 1993, c. 11
O.I.C. 2016-77 (March 29, 2016), N.S. Reg. N.S. Reg. 55/2016
1 These regulations may be cited as the Railway Discontinuance of Services and Abandonment Regulations.
2 (1) In these regulations,
“Act” means the Railways Act;
“abandonment plan” means the plan required by clause 14(2)(a) to accompany an application for approval to abandon a railway line;
“date of abandonment” of a railway line means the date determined by the Minister under Section 18 on approval of an application for approval to abandon the railway line;
“deadline for expressions of interest” means the deadline required by clause 5(2)(d) to be stated in an advertisement of an owner’s or lessee’s intention to abandon a railway line;
“municipality” means a regional municipality, town or county or district municipality;
“net salvage value”, in relation to a railway line, means the net value of the railway line less the estimated cost of disposal, as determined in accordance with the Canadian Transportation Agency Guidelines Respecting Net Salvage Value Determination Applications as amended or replaced from time to time;
“owner or lessee”, in relation to a railway line, means the owner or lessee of the railway line.
(2) In the Act and these regulations,
“abandonment” means the discontinuance of all railway services on a railway line whether or not track and structures are removed from the railway line;
“discontinuance of service”, in relation to a railway service or a type of railway service, means the withdrawal of the service or type of service on a railway line, but does not include withdrawal of services from a yard, track, siding or spur or other auxiliary track.
Part 1: Discontinuance of Service
Application to Board for discontinuance of service
3 An application by a railway company to the Board under subsection 41(2) of the Act for a determination of the length of notice required for a proposed discontinuance of service and approval of a discontinuance plan must include all of the following:
(a) a description of the railway line on which the railway service is to be discontinued;
(b) the proposed date of discontinuance;
(c) a list of shippers who, within the previous 12 months, used the railway service that is proposed to be discontinued;
(d) a proposed discontinuance plan, including any plan to reduce the railway service before the proposed date of discontinuance.
Publishing notice of discontinuance of service
4 A notice of discontinuance of service required by clause 41(1)(a) of the Act must be published in 1 or more newspapers having general circulation in the municipalities that would be most affected by the discontinuance and must include all of the following information:
(a) a description of the railway line on which the railway service is to be discontinued;
(b) a statement that the railway company no longer intends to provide the railway service after the date of discontinuance;
(c) if the railway line is no longer to be used for any railway service, a statement that the railway line or the operating interest in the railway line is available for sale, lease or transfer to a railway company for continued operation.
Part 2: Abandonment
Notice of intention to abandon
5 (1) Before applying for approval to abandon a railway line, the owner or lessee must do all of the following:
(a) notify the Minister and each municipality the railway line runs through, in writing, of its intention to abandon the railway line;
(b) at least 30 days after notifying the Minister and municipalities under clause (a), advertise its intention to abandon the railway line once a week for 2 consecutive weeks in a newspaper or newspapers having general circulation in the municipalities that would be most affected by the abandonment.
(2) The advertisement required by clause (1)(b) must contain all of the following information:
(a) a statement that the owner or lessee no longer intends to operate the railway line;
(b) a statement that the railway line is available for sale, lease or transfer for continued operation to a person authorized under the Act to operate a railway;
(c) a description of the railway line;
(d) the date by which a person interested in acquiring the railway line must express their interest in writing to the owner or lessee, which must be no later than 30 days after the date the advertisement is first published.
Filing statement with Minister
6 (1) No later than 30 days after the date the advertisement required by clause 5(1)(b) is first published, the owner or lessee must file a statement with the Minister in the form required by the Minister and including all of the following information:
(a) the net salvage value of the railway line;
(b) a list of all structures on the railway line, including all of the following:
(i) bridges,
(ii) culverts and other drainage structures,
(iii) retaining walls,
(iv) tunnels,
(v) rock sheds,
(vi) service pits,
(vii) storage tanks;
(c) the location of all road and utility crossings on the railway line;
(d) a list of property included with the railway line that is not required for railway purposes;
(e) a list of existing environmental reports and studies for the railway line, including environmental assessment reports and geotechnical and erosion studies.
(2) In addition to the statement required by subsection (1), the owner or lessee must provide the Minister with a copy of each crossing agreement for the railway line.
Process for evaluating expressions of interest
7 If, before the deadline for expressions of interest, a person expresses interest in acquiring a railway line that is intended to be abandoned, the owner or lessee must immediately disclose the process it intends to follow for receiving and evaluating the offers it receives to that person and to the Minister.
Negotiating with interested person
8 (1) An owner or lessee must negotiate with any interested person in good faith and in accordance with the process disclosed under Section 7.
(2) On application by an owner or lessee that has not, by the end of 6 months after the deadline for expressions of interest, reached an agreement with any person for the sale, lease or transfer of the railway line, the Minister may grant an extension of up to 6 months to the owner or lessee to continue to negotiate the sale, lease or transfer, if the Minister is satisfied that the extension is likely to result in an agreement.
Offer to Minister and municipalities
9 In any of the following circumstances, an owner or lessee must offer to sell the railway line for its net salvage value to the Minister on behalf of Her Majesty the Queen in Right of the Province and to each municipality the railway line runs through:
(a) the deadline for expressions of interest has passed and no one has expressed an interest in acquiring the railway line;
(b) by the end of 6 months after the deadline for expressions of interest or any extension granted by the Minister under subsection 8(2), the owner or lessee has failed to reach an agreement for the sale, lease or transfer of the railway line;
(c) the owner or lessee has reached an agreement with a person for the sale, lease or transfer of the railway line, but the transaction has not been completed in accordance with the agreement.
Determining priorities of multiple interests
10 (1) For their interest in acquiring the railway line to be considered, the Minister, on behalf of Her Majesty in Right of the Province, or a municipality must express the interest in writing to the owner or lessee no later than 30 days after the date the Minister or municipality receives an offer under Section 9.
(2) If more than 1 expression of interest is provided to an owner or lessee under subsection (1), the priority of interests is determined as follows:
(a) the Minister has first priority and if the Minister expresses an interest, the owner or lessee must not consider any municipal expression of interest;
(b) if there is no expression of interest from the Minister, the owner or lessee must consider each municipal expression of interest for the portion of the railway line within the municipality’s boundaries.
Negotiating terms of agreement for sale to Minister or municipality
11 (1) An owner or lessee and any party whose expression of interest is being considered under Section 10 must negotiate in good faith in an effort to reach an agreement on the terms of sale of the railway line, including the net salvage value of the railway line.
(2) If the parties do not reach an agreement on net salvage value within 90 days after beginning negotiations, the matter must be referred to an independent appraiser, which may be the Canadian Transportation Agency, to determine the net salvage value.
(3) The cost of an appraiser to which a matter is referred under subsection (2) must be borne equally by the parties.
Removing safety devices before transferring title
12 Before transferring title to a railway line to the Minister on behalf of Her Majesty in Right of the Province or to a municipality, the owner or lessee must, if requested by the intended purchaser,
(a) remove all safety devices from the public road crossings on the railway line; and
(b) repair the road surface to a condition satisfactory to the Minister.
Definition for Sections 14 to 18
13 In Sections 14 to 18, “applicant” means an owner or lessee of a railway line that applies to the Minister under Section 16 for approval to abandon the railway line.
Application to approve abandonment plan
14 (1) If no sale, lease or transfer of a railway line has been concluded in compliance with these regulations, the owner or lessee must apply to the Minister for approval to abandon the railway line.
(2) An application for approval to abandon a railway line must be in the form required by the Minister and must include all of the following:
(a) an abandonment plan, including the proposed date of abandonment;
(b) if the applicant intends to retain the railway line after it is abandoned, proof that the applicant has an insurance policy that is in force and includes all the coverage required by Section 7 of the Railway Notification and Licence Regulations made under the Act.
(3) An abandonment plan must include all of the following:
(a) a statement as to whether the applicant will remove the structures and track on the railway line;
(b) if structures and track are to be removed, details about
(i) the scope of work for the removal,
(ii) the contractor or contractors that the applicant proposes will conduct the removal work,
(iii) the estimated time required for completion of the removal work,
(iv) liability insurance coverage that the applicant proposes to maintain during the removal;
(c) if all structures and track are not to be removed, the applicant’s plan for managing the railway line to ensure there is no unreasonable risk to the public or environment.
(4) An applicant must demonstrate, to the Minister’s satisfaction, compliance with Sections 5 to 11 when applying for approval to abandon a railway line.
Terms and conditions on approval of abandonment
15 Terms and conditions that the Minister may impose on an approval to abandon a railway line under subsection 42(2) of the Act include the following:
(a) any conditions the Minister considers necessary to adequately protect the public, including a requirement to remove tracks and structures;
(b) a requirement that the applicant provide security in the amount, form or manner specified by the Minister.
Reasons for refusing application for abandonment
16 The Minister may refuse an application for abandonment of a railway line in any of the following circumstances:
(a) the Minister is not satisfied that the applicant has complied with Sections 5 to 11;
(b) the applicant does not provide proof of insurance as required by clause 14(2)(b);
(c) in the Minister’s opinion, the abandonment plan proposed by the applicant does not provide for adequate protection of the public.
Deadline for decision on application for approval to abandon railway line
17 (1) Unless the Minister notifies the applicant otherwise in writing, the Minister must decide on an application for approval to abandon a railway line no later than 60 days after the date the Minister receives the application.
(2) The Minister must notify an applicant in writing of the decision in the application together with reasons for the decision.
Date of abandonment
18 (1) Subject to subsection (2), on approving an application for approval to abandon a railway line, the Minister must determine the date of abandonment.
(2) If structures and track are to be removed from a railway line that is to be abandoned, the date of abandonment must not be before the date they are removed.
(3) The Minister must notify the applicant and the Board of the date of abandonment.
(4) A railway line must not be abandoned before the date of abandonment.
Insurance coverage for railway retained after abandonment
19 (1) An owner or lessee that retains a railway line after abandoning it must, for as long as it holds the railway line, continue to maintain the insurance coverage referred to in clause 14(2)(b).
(2) In each year, no later than the anniversary of the date of abandonment, an owner or lessee that retains an abandoned railway line must provide proof to the Minister that the insurance coverage required by subsection (1) is still in force.
Crossing agreements for railway line retained after abandonment
20 All road and utility crossing agreements for an abandoned railway line that is being retained by the owner or lessee must continue in force for 5 years after the date of abandonment.
Last updated: 10-12-2017