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Short-term Rentals Registration Regulations

made under Section 6 of the

Short-term Rentals Registration Act

S.N.S. 2019, c. 9

O.I.C. 2024-303 (effective September 30, 2024), N.S. Reg. 158/2024

amended to O.I.C. 2024-330 (effective September 30, 2024), N.S. Reg. 185/2024

Table of Contents

Please note: this table of contents is provided for convenience of reference and does not form part of the regulations.
Click here to go to the text of the regulations.




Secondary or backyard suite

Registry and Registrar

Host and platform operator registration requirement

Registration application for whole home primary residence short-term rental host

Registration application for commercial short-term rental host

Registration application for traditional tourist accommodation host

Registration application for platform operator

Terms and conditions of registration

Denial, cancellation, revocation or suspension of registration

Annual registration tax for whole home primary residence short-term rental hosts

Annual registration tax for commercial short-term rental hosts

Annual registration tax for traditional tourist accommodation hosts

Annual registration tax for platform operators

Registration renewal

Disclosure of collected information

Offence and penalty


Schedule A—Tiers for Commercial Short-term Rentals



1        These regulations may be cited as the Short-term Rentals Registration Regulations.


2        (1)    In these regulations,


“Act” means the Short-term Rentals Registration Act;


“applicant” means a person applying for registration as a host or platform operator under the Act and these regulations;


“backyard suite” means a self-contained accessory dwelling unit that is located on the same lot as the main dwelling;


“bed and breakfast establishment” means a short-term rental premises within the host’s primary residence consisting of individual bedrooms within a dwelling unit that are rented to separate parties or groups, any spaces for the provision of meals and other connected services and facilities;


“commercial short-term rental host” means a person who offers short-term rentals of 1 of the following:


                              (i)      a dwelling unit that is not their primary residence,


                              (ii)     a room or rooms as separate accommodation in a dwelling unit that is not their primary residence;


“commercial use” means a property that is assessed as a commercial property under the Assessment Act;


“Department” means the Department of Municipal Affairs and Housing;


“dwelling” means a building or part of a building that is occupied or capable of being occupied as a home or residence by 1 or more persons and which contains 1 or more dwelling units, but does not include a traditional tourist accommodation;


“dwelling unit” means living quarters that meet all of the following criteria:


                              (i)      they are accessible from a private entrance located outside the building or in a common area within the building,


                              (ii)     they are occupied or, if unoccupied, are reasonably fit for occupancy,


                              (iii)    they contain their own dedicated kitchen facilities,


                              (iv)    they have toilet facilities that are not shared with other dwelling units;


“former Act” means Chapter 9 of the Acts of 1994-95, the Tourist Accommodations Act;


“Halifax Regional Municipality” means the Halifax Regional Municipality described in the Halifax Regional Municipality Charter;


“hostel establishment” means a commercial use that provides shared sleeping accommodation and common facilities for cooking, eating and washing;


“hotel establishment” means a commercial use that provides sleeping accommodation and housekeeping services to the public and which may provide amenities such as restaurants or meeting rooms, and includes an inn;


“Minister” means the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing;


“motel establishment” means a commercial use consisting of a building or group of buildings that provides sleeping accommodation to the public in the form of rooms with direct access to outside and adjacent parking, and which may provide amenities such as restaurants or meeting rooms;


“municipality” means a city, an incorporated town, a municipality of a county or district or a regional municipality, and includes the Peggy’s Cove Preservation Area and any Peggy’s Cove Commission by-laws established under the Peggy’s Cove Commission Act;


“ordinary resident” means the person who lives, makes their home and conducts their daily affairs, including paying bills and receiving mail, in a dwelling unit, and uses the residential address of the dwelling unit on documentation related to billing, identification, taxation and insurance, such as income tax returns, medical services plan documentation, driver’s licences, personal identification, vehicle registrations and utility bills;


“personal vacation home” means a dwelling that meets all of the following criteria:


                              (i)      it is primarily intended for seasonal or recreational use,


                              (ii)     it is primarily used and occupied by 1 or more of the following, who do not pay rent to use and occupy it:


                                        (A)   its owner,


                                        (B)   its owner’s immediate family,


                                        (C)   close friends of its owner’s family,


                              (iii)    it is not a primary residence or located on the same property as a primary residence,


                              (iv)    it is not primarily intended to be a rental income property or to be used as a rental income property,


                              (v)     it is not intended for continuous, year-round occupancy;


“primary residence” means a dwelling unit owned or rented and occupied by an ordinary resident either alone or jointly with others;


“program” means the Secondary and Backyard Suite Incentive Program established and offered by the Department;


“registrant” means a host or platform operator who is registered under the Act and these regulations;


“registration year” means 1 of the following:


                              (i)      September 30, 2024, to March 31, 2025,


                              (ii)     after March 31, 2025, the period from April 1 of a given year to March 31 of the following year;


“Registry” means the Short-term Rentals Registry established under Section 4;


“rented room” means 1 of the following:


                              (i)      a room in a host’s primary residence that is a short-term rental,


                              (ii)     a dormitory-style room that is part of an educational institution and that is a short-term rental;


“resort establishment” means a commercial use that provides sleeping accommodation to the public within a set of units, suites, cabins or cottages that is located on the premises under single ownership and which may provide amenities such as restaurants, recreational facilities or meeting rooms;


“secondary suite” means a self-contained accessory dwelling unit contained within a main dwelling;


“short-term rental duration period” means the duration of time that constitutes a short-term rental, as set out in subsection (2);


“tier” means a tier established under Section 13 and listed in Schedule A to these regulations;


“traditional tourist accommodation host” means a person operating any of the following:


                              (i)      a bed and breakfast establishment,


                              (ii)     a hostel establishment,


                              (iii)    a hotel establishment,


                              (iv)    a motel establishment,


                              (v)     a personal vacation home,


                              (vi)    a rented room,


                              (vii)   a resort establishment,


                              (viii)  an unusual lodging;


“unusual lodging” means a yurt, dome, stationary recreational vehicle, bunkie or any other form of lodging that is a fixed in place short-term rental and is not a whole home primary residence short-term rental or commercial short-term rental;


“whole home primary residence short-term rental host” means a person who offers the whole dwelling of their primary residence as a short-term rental.


          (2A) For the purposes of the Act and these regulations, the duration of a short-term rental is a period of 28 consecutive days or less.


          (2B) Despite subsection (2), for a personal vacation home, the duration of all short-term rentals of the personal vacation home must total no more than 150 days per registration year.


          (3)    For the purposes of the Act and these regulations, the following are the classes of host:


                   (a)      whole home primary residence short-term rental host;


                   (b)     commercial short-term rental host;


                   (c)      traditional tourist accommodation host.

Secondary or backyard suite

3        (1)    For the purposes of these regulations, a secondary suite or backyard suite is considered to be a commercial short-term rental, unless the suite is the host’s primary residence.


          (2)    An owner or occupant of a secondary suite or backyard suite who has received funding under the program is prohibited from operating or registering the suite as a short-term rental, unless the suite is the owner or occupant’s primary residence or the owner or occupier is exempted from this prohibition under subsection (3).

          (3)    The Minister may exempt a person in writing from the prohibition described in subsection (2) if the person has complied with the terms and conditions of the program or if the Minister determines that an exemption is in the public interest.

Registry and Registrar

4        (1)    The Minister may appoint 1 or more persons as Registrar to maintain, administer and operate a Short-term Rentals Registry in accordance with the Act and these regulations.


          (2)    The Minister may delegate any powers or duties conferred by these regulations to the Registrar and may impose any terms or conditions on the Registrar that the Minister considers advisable.


          (3)    A Registrar appointed under subsection (1) must carry out the duties and responsibilities assigned by the Minister.

Host and platform operator registration requirement

5        (1)    A person who is operating as 1 of the following must apply to be registered under the Act in the form and manner outlined in the corresponding Section set out in the following table and must renew their registration annually in the form and manner outlined in Section 16:

Type of operator

Section of regulations

whole home primary residence short-term rental host

Section 6

commercial short-term rental host

Section 7

traditional tourist accommodation host

Section 8

platform operator

Section 9


          (2)    If the Minister is satisfied that an application for registration or renewal of registration made under subsection (1) meets all of the requirements in these regulations and the applicant has paid the prescribed annual registration tax for the short-term rental, the Minister may grant the registration or renewal of registration for a period of time not exceeding the registration year.


          (3)    A registration or renewal of registration granted under subsection (2) is not transferrable or assignable.


          (4)    A person operating as a whole home primary residence short-term rental host without being registered as a whole home primary residence short-term rental host in accordance with the Act and these regulations is guilty of an offence.


          (5)    A person operating as a commercial short-term rental host without being registered as a commercial short-term rental host in accordance with the Act and these regulations is guilty of an offence.


          (6)    A person operating as a traditional tourist accommodation host without being registered as a traditional tourist accommodation host in accordance with the Act and these regulations is guilty of an offence.


          (7)    A person operating as a platform operator without being registered as a platform operator in accordance with the Act and these regulations is guilty of an offence.

Registration application for whole home primary residence short-term rental host

6        (1)    A person applying for registration as a whole home primary residence short-term rental host must submit an application to the Minister that includes all of the following information and documents, together with payment of the annual registration tax prescribed under Section 12:


                   (a)      the applicant’s full legal name;


                   (b)     any name under which the applicant carries on business as a host;


                   (c)      the address of the location where the applicant offers short-term rentals;


                   (d)     the number of bedrooms available for rent;


                   (e)      confirmation from the municipality that the accommodation the applicant seeks to register complies with applicable municipal land-use by-laws;


                   (f)      proof the accommodation is the applicant’s primary residence in the form of at least 2 of the following:


                              (i)      a copy of the applicant’s driver’s licence or the applicant’s government-issued photo identification card,


                              (ii)     a copy of the applicant’s most recent tax return,


                              (iii)    a copy of the applicant’s most recent property tax bill,


                              (iv)    a copy of the applicant’s lease agreement,


                              (v)     any other form of documentation that provides proof of the applicant’s primary residence, if the Minister is satisfied that unique circumstances exist and that the documentation confirms the applicant’s primary residence;


                   (g)     if the applicant is not an owner of the property or if the property is a condominium unit, written consent for the applicant to register under the Act from the property owner or the condo board, as applicable;


                   (h)     if the applicant is the joint owner of the property, confirmation that the applicant has obtained the consent of all other joint owners to register under the Act;


                   (i)      any additional information required by the Minister to register the applicant.


          (2)    An application for registration described in subsection (1) and the annual registration tax payment prescribed under Section 12 may be submitted in 1 of the following ways:


                   (a)      electronically through the online system established by the Department;


                   (b)     in person at an Access Nova Scotia office;


                   (c)      by mail.

Registration application for commercial short-term rental host

7        (1)    A person applying for registration as a commercial short-term rental host must submit an application to the Minister that includes all of the following information, together with payment of the annual registration tax prescribed for each dwelling unit associated with the short-term rental under Section 13 and in accordance with the applicable tier and geographic area listed in Schedule A to these regulations:


                   (a)      the applicant’s full legal name and any registered business names under which they operate as a commercial short-term rental host in the Province;


                   (b)     any name under which the applicant carries on business as a host;


                   (c)      the address of each dwelling unit where the applicant offers short-term rentals;


                   (d)     the number of bedrooms available for rent in each dwelling unit where the applicant offers short-term rentals;


                   (e)      the number of rooms available as separate accommodation in each dwelling unit where the applicant offers short-term rentals;


                   (f)      confirmation from the municipality that the accommodation the applicant seeks to register complies with applicable municipal land-use by-laws;


                   (g)     if the applicant is not an owner of the property or if the property is a condominium unit, written consent for the applicant to register under the Act from the property owner or the condo board, as applicable;


                   (h)     any additional information required by the Minister to register the applicant.


          (2)    An application for registration described in subsection (1) and the annual registration tax payment prescribed under Section 13 may be submitted in 1 of the following ways:


                   (a)      electronically through the online system established by the Department;


                   (b)     in person at an Access Nova Scotia office;


                   (c)      by mail.

Registration application for traditional tourist accommodation host

8        (1)    A person applying for registration as a traditional tourist accommodation host must submit an application to the Minister that includes all of the following information and documents, together with payment of the annual registration tax prescribed under Section 14:


                   (a)      the applicant’s full legal name and any registered business names under which they operate as a traditional tourist accommodation host in the Province;


                   (b)     any name under which the applicant carries on business as a host;


                   (c)      the address of the location where the applicant offers traditional tourist accommodation;


                   (d)     which of the following types of accommodation the applicant plans to offer:


                              (i)      a bed and breakfast establishment,


                              (ii)     a hostel establishment,


                              (iii)    a hotel establishment,


                              (iv)    a motel establishment,


                              (v)     a personal vacation home,


                              (vi)    a rented room,


                              (vii)   a resort establishment,


                              (viii)  an unusual lodging;


                   (e)      the number of rooms available for rent in the location where the applicant offers traditional tourist accommodation;


                   (f)      confirmation that the accommodation the applicant seeks to register complies with applicable municipal land-use by-laws in a form acceptable to the Minister, which may include a licence issued to the applicant under the former Act;


                   (g)     for a rented room that is not part of an educational institution or a bed and breakfast establishment, proof the accommodation is the applicant’s primary residence in the form of at least 2 of the following:


                              (i)      a copy of the applicant’s driver’s licence or the applicant’s government-issued photo identification card,


                              (ii)     a copy of the applicant’s most recent tax return,


                              (iii)    a copy of the applicant’s most recent property tax bill,


                              (iv)    a copy of the applicant’s lease agreement,


                              (v)     any other form of documentation that provides proof of the applicant’s primary residence, if the Minister is satisfied that unique circumstances exist and that the documentation confirms the applicant’s primary residence;


                   (h)     for a personal vacation home, proof that the personal vacation home is exclusively owned by 1 or more individuals who are not a business association, society or trust;


                   (i)      for a personal vacation home, all of the following documents:


                              (i)      documents that demonstrate that it is not the applicant’s primary residence in at least 2 of the forms described in clause (g),


                              (ii)     an attestation by its owner or owners that it is used primarily for personal vacation purposes;


                   (j)      for an applicant that is an owner of a traditional tourist accommodation that is 1 of the following and is not part of a resort establishment, written consent for the applicant to register under the Act from the property owner:


                              (i)      a bed and breakfast establishment,


                              (ii)     an unusual lodging that is on private property that is either vacant or shared with only 1 primary residence,


                              (iii)    a rented room that is not part of an educational institution;


                   (k)     for a traditional tourist accommodation that is a condominium unit, written consent for the applicant to register under the Act from the condo board;


                   (l)      any additional information required by the Minister to register the applicant.


          (2)    An application for registration described in subsection (1) and the annual registration tax payment prescribed under Section 14 may be submitted in 1 of the following ways:


                   (a)      electronically through the online system established by the Department;


                   (b)     in person at an Access Nova Scotia office;


                   (c)      by mail.

Registration application for platform operator

9        (1)    A person applying for registration as a platform operator must submit an application to the Minister that includes all of the following information, together with payment of the annual registration tax prescribed under Section 15:


                   (a)      the applicant’s full legal name and any registered business names under which they operate as a platform operator in the Province;


                   (b)     all of the following information for a person designated by the applicant as their contact person for the purposes of the Act and these regulations:


                              (i)      name,


                              (ii)     title or position,


                              (iii)    telephone number,


                              (iv)    e-mail address;


                   (c)      the website or app through which the applicant brokers or facilitates reservations for short-term rentals;


                   (d)     confirmation that all postings on the applicant’s website or app include a valid registration number for the host, except for an applicant listing only hotel or motel accommodation.


          (2)    The Minister may enter into an agreement with a platform operator, in a form approved by the Minister, for the provision of the information about the platform operator’s transactions that is required to be retained under Section 4 of the Act to the Minister.


          (3)    An application for registration described in subsection (1) and the annual registration tax payment prescribed under Section 15 may be submitted in 1 of the following ways:


                   (a)      electronically through the online system established by the Department;


                   (b)     in person at an Access Nova Scotia office;


                   (c)      by mail.

Terms and conditions of registration

10      (1)    A registrant must adhere to all of the following terms and conditions of registration:


                   (a)      they must report any changes to the information provided in their registration application to the Minister within 10 days of the change;


                   (b)     they must comply with the Act, these regulations and any additional terms and conditions of their registration;


                   (c)      they must ensure that their registered accommodation maintains compliance with applicable municipal by-laws in the manner prescribed by the Minister;


                   (d)     for a host, they must ensure that any online advertisement for their accommodation includes their registration number, except if the advertisement appears on a platform operator’s website or app that lists only hotel or motel accommodation;


                   (e)      for a platform operator, they must


                              (i)      ensure that all postings on their website or app include a valid registration number for the host, unless they list only hotel or motel accommodation,


                              (ii)     share records required to be retained under Section 4 of the Act with the Minister upon request, and


                              (iii)    remove an advertisement for a short-term rental from their website or app upon request of the Minister.


          (2)    The Minister may do any of the following after providing notice to a registrant:


                   (a)      impose any terms and conditions, in addition to those described in subsection (1), that the Minister considers appropriate on the registrant’s registration;


                   (b)     amend or remove a term or condition of the registrant’s registration imposed under clause (a).


          (3)    The Minister must communicate any change to the terms and conditions of registration imposed under subsections (1) and (2) to registrants.


          (4)    A registrant who fails to comply with the terms and conditions of their registration in accordance with the Act and these regulations is guilty of an offence.

Denial, cancellation, revocation or suspension of registration

11      (1)    The Minister may deny the registration of an applicant or cancel, revoke or suspend the registration of a registrant for a period of time or subject to any conditions the Minister considers necessary in any of the following circumstances:


                   (a)      the applicant or registrant fails to comply with or does not meet the application for registration requirements of Section 6, 7, 8 or 9;


                   (b)     the applicant or registrant has contravened any of the following:


                              (i)      a term or condition of their registration,


                              (ii)     a provision of the Act or these regulations;


                   (c)      the Minister has determined that it is in the public interest to deny, cancel, revoke or suspend the registration.

          (2)    The Minister must provide written reasons to an applicant or a registrant for a decision made under subsection (1).


          (3)    The Minister may delegate the authority to make a decision under subsection (1) to a delegate and the delegate must provide written reasons for the decision, and an applicant or a registrant may appeal a decision made by a Minister’s delegate under subsection (1) by providing written comments to the Minister within 15 days of receiving written reasons for the decision.


          (4)    After considering any written comments provided by an applicant or a registrant under subsection (3), the Minister may confirm, vary or set aside the decision made by a Minister’s delegate to deny, cancel, revoke or suspend the registration under subsection (1).


          (5)    A decision made by the Minister under subsection (1) or (4) is final.

Annual registration tax for whole home primary residence short-term rental hosts

12      (1)    A whole home primary residence short-term rental host must pay an annual registration tax of $50.


          (2)    A person operating as a whole home primary residence short-term rental host who fails to pay the annual registration tax prescribed in subsection (1) is guilty of an offence.


          (3)    The annual registration tax prescribed in this Section is not refundable.

Annual registration tax for commercial short-term rental hosts

13      (1)    For the purposes of the Act and these regulations, the Province is divided into the geographic areas and tiers listed in Schedule A to these regulations.


          (2)    A commercial short-term rental host must pay the following annual registration tax for each dwelling unit offered as a short-term rental:


                   (a)      for a dwelling unit located in tier 1, $2000;


                   (b)     for a dwelling unit located in tier 2, $500;


                   (c)      for a dwelling unit located in tier 3, $240.


          (3)    A person operating as a commercial short-term rental host who fails to pay the annual registration tax prescribed in subsection (1) is guilty of an offence.


          (4)    The annual registration taxes prescribed in this Section are not refundable.


          (5)    Despite subsection (4), an annual registration tax paid under this Section may be refunded to an applicant or a registrant if the Minister determines that the tax was paid in error and the applicant or registrant should receive a refund.


          (6)    An applicant or a registrant is not entitled to a refund if the Minister has exercised their authority under Section 11.

Annual registration tax for traditional tourist accommodation hosts

14      (1)    A traditional tourist accommodation host must pay the following annual registration tax for each location at which it is operating traditional tourist accommodation:


                   (a)      for accommodation with 1 to 4 bedrooms, $50;


                   (b)     for accommodation with 5 or more bedrooms, $150.


          (2)    A person operating as a traditional tourist accommodation host who fails to pay the annual registration tax prescribed in subsection (1) is guilty of an offence.


          (3)    The annual registration taxes prescribed in this Section are not refundable.

Annual registration tax for platform operators

15      (1)    A platform operator must pay an annual registration tax of $500.


          (2)    A person operating as a platform operator who fails to pay the annual registration tax prescribed in subsection (1) is guilty of an offence.


          (3)    The annual registration tax prescribed in this Section is not refundable.

Registration renewal

16      (1)    A registrant may renew their registration under the Act by submitting all of the following to the Minister before the end of their current registration year:


                   (a)      1 of the following:


                              (i)      confirmation that the registrant’s registered information is unchanged from the previous registration year,


                              (ii)     written notice of any change to the registrant’s registered information since the previous registration year;


                   (b)     payment of the applicable annual registration tax.


          (2)    If written notice of a change to the registrant’s registered information is provided under subclause (1)(a)(ii), the Minister must review the change and may do any of the following:


                   (a)      approve the registration renewal;


                   (b)     require the registrant to provide additional information to determine their eligibility for renewal;


                   (c)      require the registrant to apply for registration as a new applicant;


                   (d)     deny the registrant’s request for renewal.


          (3)    A person who continues to operate as a host or platform operator and fails to renew their registration in accordance with this Section is guilty of an offence.

Disclosure of collected information

17      (1)    The Minister may disclose any information collected for the purpose of registration under Sections 6, 7, 8 and 9 and information concerning the registration status of a host for any of the following reasons:


                   (a)      to administer, ensure compliance with or enforce the Act or these regulations;


                   (b)     to administer an enactment of the Province, the Parliament of Canada or another province of Canada concerning the imposition of taxation;


                   (c)      to fulfill an agreement between the Province and another government that


                              (i)      relates to the administration or enforcement of an enactment of the Province, the Parliament of Canada or another province of Canada concerning the imposition of taxation, and


                              (ii)     allows the parties to disclose and exchange information, returns and records;


                   (d)     to be used by the Government of Canada or the Province to compile statistical information;


                   (e)      to be used by a public body as defined in the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act;


                   (f)      to be used by a crown corporation as defined in the Finance Act;


                   (g)     to be used by a member of the Executive Council to administer an enactment of the Province;


                   (h)     to be used by a municipal unit as defined in the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, another province of Canada or another government in accordance with an agreement between the Province and the municipal unit, other province of Canada or other government;


                   (i)      to be used by a person with whom the Minister has entered into an agreement regarding the use of the information;


                   (j)      to monitor compliance with the Act and these regulations under an agreement with a platform operator.


          (2)    The Minister may disclose information collected under the Act or these regulations in aggregate form.

Offence and penalty

18      (1)    A person who commits an offence under the Act or these regulations is liable on summary conviction to a fine of not less than $1000 and not more than $100 000.


          (2)    An offence described in subsection (1) that is committed or continued for more than 1 day is considered to be a separate violation for each day it is committed or continued and the person who committed the offence is liable on summary conviction to a fine for each day the offence is committed or continued, up to a total of $100 000 annually.

Schedule A—Tiers for Commercial Short-term Rentals

For the purposes of Section 13, the Province is divided into the following geographic areas and tiers which are used to determine the annual registration tax paid by commercial short-term rental hosts:


Geographic areas

Tier 1

The following communities located in the Halifax Regional Municipality:



Cole Harbour




Lower Sackville

Tier 2

Annapolis Royal

Cape Breton Regional Municipality

Municipality of the County of Annapolis

Municipality of the County of Antigonish

Municipality of the County of Clare

Municipality of the County of Colchester

Municipality of the County of Cumberland

Municipality of the County of Digby

Municipality of the County of Inverness

Municipality of the County of Kings

Municipality of the County of Pictou

Municipality of the County of Richmond

Municipality of the County of Victoria

Municipality of the District of Argyle

Municipality of the District of Barrington

Municipality of the District of Chester

Municipality of the District of East Hants

Municipality of the District of Guysborough

Municipality of the District of Lunenburg

Municipality of the District of Shelburne

Municipality of the District of St. Mary’s

Municipality of the District of Yarmouth

Region of Queens Municipality

Town of Amherst

Town of Antigonish

Town of Berwick

Town of Bridgewater

Town of Kentville

Town of Lunenburg

Town of Mahone Bay

Town of Middleton

Town of New Glasgow

Town of Oxford

Town of Pictou

Town of Port Hawkesbury

Town of Stellarton

Town of Stewiacke

Town of Trenton

Town of Truro

Town of Westville

Town of Wolfville

Town of Yarmouth

West Hants Regional Municipality

The following communities located in the Halifax Regional Municipality:


Bald Rock

Barkhouse Settlement


Bear Cove

Beaver Bank

Beaver Dam

Beaver Harbour

Beech Hill

Big Lake

Black Point

Blind Bay

Boutiliers Point



Caribou Mines

Carrolls Corner



Cherry Brook

Clam Bay

Clam Harbour

College Lake

Conrod Settlement

Cooks Brook

Cow Bay


Debaies Cove

Devils Island


Duncans Cove

Dutch Settlement

Earn [East] Loon Lake Village

East Chezzetcook

East Dover

East Jeddore

East Lawrencetown

East Pennant

East Petpeswick

East Preston

East Quoddy

East Ship Harbour

Eastern Passage

Ecum Secum

Ecum Secum West



Fall River

Fergusons Cove

Fletchers Lake

French Village

Gaetz Brook

Glen Haven

Glen Margaret




Governor Lake

Grand Desert

Grand Lake


Hacketts Cove

Halibut Bay

Hammonds Plains


Harrigan Cove

Hartlin Settlement

Hatchet Lake

Head of Chezzetcook

Head of Jeddore

Head of St Margarets Bay

Herring Cove




Indian Harbour


Jacket Lake

Ketch Harbour


Lake Charlotte

Lake Echo

Lake Egmont

Lake Loon




Lewis Lake

Lindsay Lake

Liscomb Sanctuary

Little Harbour

Lochaber Mines

Long Lake

Lower East Chezzetcook

Lower Prospect

Lower Ship Harbour

Lower Three Fanthom Harbour


Malay Falls


McGraths Cove

McNabs Island

Meaghers Grant

Middle Musquodobit

Middle Porters Lake

Middle Sackville


Mill Lake


Mitchell Bay

Montague Gold Mines

Moose River Gold Mines



Moser River


Murphy Cove


Musquodobit Harbour

Myers Point

Necum Teuch

Newcomb Corner

North Preston



Ostrea Lake

Otter Lake

Owls Head

Oyster Pond

Pace Settlement

Peggy’s Cove

Peggy’s Cove Preservation Area

Pleasant Harbour

Pleasant Point

Pleasant Valley

Popes Harbour

Port Dufferin

Porters Lake

Portuguese Cove


Prospect Bay


River Lake

Salmon River Bridge


Sambro Creek

Sambro Head



Shad Bay


Sheet Harbour

Sheet Harbour Passage

Ship Harbour

Smiths Settlement

Sober Island

South Section

South Uniacke

Southwest Cove

Spry Bay

Spry Harbour

Stillwater Lake



Ten Mile Lake

Terence Bay

Third Lake

Three Fanthom [Fathom] Harbour



Upper Hammonds Plains

Upper Lakeville

Upper Musquodobit

Upper Sackville

Upper Tantallon

Watt Section



West Chezzetcook

West Dover

West Jeddore

West Loon Lake

West Pennant

West Petpeswick

West Porters Lake

West Quoddy


Whites Lake


Windsor Junction

Wyses Corner

Tier 3

Town of Clark’s Harbour

Town of Digby

Town of Lockeport

Town of Mulgrave

Town of Shelburne




Legislative History
Reference Tables

Short-term Rentals Registration Regulations

N.S. Reg. 158/2024

Short-term Rentals Registration Act

Note:  The information in these tables does not form part of the regulations and is compiled by the Office of the Registrar of Regulations for reference only.

Source Law

The current consolidation of the Short-term Rentals Registration Regulations made under the Short-term Rentals Registration Act includes all of the following regulations:


In force

How in force

Royal Gazette
Part II Issue


Sep 30, 2024

date specified

Aug 23, 2024


Sep 30, 2024

date specified

Sep 6, 2024













The following regulations are not yet in force and are not included in the current consolidation:


In force

How in force

Royal Gazette
Part II Issue













*See subsection 3(6) of the Regulations Act for rules about in force dates of regulations.

Amendments by Provision

ad. = added
am. = amended

fc. = fee change
ra. = reassigned

rep. = repealed
rs. = repealed and substituted

Provision affected

How affected


am. 185/2024









Note that changes to headings are not included in the above table.

Editorial Notes and Corrections





Clauses 2(2)(a) and (b) lettered as clauses in original text redesignated as subsections 2(2A) and 2(2B) for the purposes of this consolidation.








Repealed and Superseded



In force



Tourist Accommodations Regulations (made under the Tourist Accommodations Act)

Jan 16, 1996

Nov 6, 2003


Tourist Accommodations Regulations (made under the Tourist Accommodations Act)

Nov 6, 2003

Apr 1, 2020


Tourist Accommodations Registration Regulations

Apr 1, 2020

Sep 30, 2024

Note:  Only regulations that are specifically repealed and replaced appear in this table.  It may not reflect the entire history of regulations on this subject matter.