This consolidation is unofficial and is for reference only.  For the official version of the regulations, consult the original documents on file with the Office of the Registrar of Regulations, or refer to the Royal Gazette Part II.
Regulations are amended frequently.  Please check the list of Regulations by Act to see if there are any recent amendments to these regulations filed with our office that are not yet included in this consolidation.
Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this electronic version, the Office of the Registrar of Regulations assumes no responsibility for any discrepancies that may have resulted from reformatting.
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Technical Safety Fees Regulations

made under Section 50 of the

Technical Safety Act

S.N.S. 2008, c. 10

N.S. Reg. 182/2015 (effective April 1, 2015)

amended to N.S. Reg. 154/2018 (effective August 28, 2018)


Table of Contents

Please note: this table of contents is provided for convenience of reference and does not form part of the regulations.
Click here to go to the text of the regulations.



Fees are as prescribed in these regulations


Technical safety general fees

Boilers and pressure equipment fees

Crane operator fees

Fuel safety fees

Power engineer fees




1        These regulations may be cited as the Technical Safety Fees Regulations.

Fees are as prescribed in these regulations

2        The fees for services provided under the Technical Safety Act and its regulations are prescribed as the fees set out in these regulations.


3        A term used in these regulations with respect to a prescribed fee has the same meaning as the term as it is defined in the regulations made under the Technical Safety Act that the fee is prescribed for.


Technical safety general fees

4        (1)    The fees for general services provided under the Technical Safety General Regulations are as set out in this Section.


Reinstatement fees

          (2)    The fee for an application for a reinstatement of an authorization, registration, licence or permit that is suspended or revoked under the Act is 1.5 times the initial application fee for that authorization, registration, licence or permit.


Alternative compliance method fees

          (3)    The fee for an application for an approval of an alternative compliance method is $55.55 plus the cost for a review of the alternative compliance method, calculated at a rate of $96.60 for each hour or part hour required for the review of the application


Minor variance fees

          (4)    The fee for an application for a minor variance is $22.25.

Boilers and pressure equipment fees

5        (1)    The BPE fees for boiler and pressure equipment services provided under the Boiler and Pressure Equipment Regulations are as set out in this Section.


Design registration fees

          (2)    Except as set out in subsections (6) and (7), the fees for the registration of a design are as follows:


                   (a)      for a boiler


                              (i)      up to and including 232.5 m2.................................................$116.00



                              (ii)     over 232.5 m2 to 464.5 m2.....................................................$257.65


                              (iii)    over 464.5 m2 to 929.5 m2.....................................................$386.50


                              (iv)    over 929.5 m2 to 2323.5 m2....................................................$644.15


                              (v)     over 2323.5 m2......................................................................$644.15

plus an additional $3.75 per 5 m2 or any part of 5 m2 in excess of 2323.5 m2


                   (b)     for pressure equipment, other than a heat exchanger, if the product of the diameter or the width of the pressure equipment multiplied by its length over the heads is


                              (i)      not greater than 1.0 m2.............................................................$64.45


                              (ii)     greater than 1.0 m2 but not greater than 3.0 m2.........................$91.70


                              (iii)    greater than 3.0 m2 but not greater than 5.5 m2.......................$137.55


                              (iv)    greater than 5.5 m2 but not greater than 11.5 m2.....................$196.50


                              (v)     greater than 11.5 m2 but not greater than 23.5 m2...................$257.65


                              (vi)    greater than 23.5 m2 but not greater than 46.5 m2...................$386.50


                              (vii)   greater than 46.5 m2...............................................................$644.15


                   (c)      for a heat exchanger


                              (i)      up to and including 5.0 m2 heating surface.............................$104.80


                              (ii)     over 5.0 m2 to 18.5 m2...........................................................$128.85


                              (iii)    over 18.5 m2 to 28.0 m2.........................................................$196.50


                              (iv)    over 28.0 m2 to 46.5 m2.........................................................$257.65


                              (v)     over 46.5 m2 of heating surface..............................................$327.50


                   (d)     for a pressure piping system in a power plant


                              (i)      up to and including 500 HP...................................................$128.85


                              (ii)     over 500 HP to 1000 HP........................................................$257.65


                              (iii)    over 1000 HP........................................................................$386.50


Design survey fees

          (3)    In addition to the design registration fee in subsection (2), the fees for surveying the design for a boiler, heat-exchanger or pressure equipment are as follows:


                   (a)      for a heat-exchanger or pressure equipment, that has a flange requiring calculations in accordance with the BPE standards, the fee is $77.30 for each flange that requires separate calculations;


                   (b)     for a heat-exchanger or pressure equipment, that has more than 5 openings that require calculation, the fee is $38.70 for each opening that requires separate calculation;


                   (c)      for a request that a survey be expedited, the fee is the costs and expenses of the expedition.


Amendment fees for registered designs

          (4)    Except as set out in subsection (5), the fees for the registration of an amendment to any registered design in subsection (2) are as follows:


                   (a)      for an amendment to any registered design, with no calculations required, the fee is $38.70;


                   (b)     for an amendment to any registered design, with calculations required, the fee is $77.30.


          (5)    Design changes involving shell thickness, diameter, working pressure or tensile strength of material for a registered design constitute a new design, and a new registration must be made and the fees for the registration of a new design in subsection (2) must be paid.


Design registration fees for pressure piping systems

          (6)    The fees for the registration of a design for the layout of a pressure piping system are as follows:


                   (a)      for a pressure piping system used in an oil refinery, petrochemical plant or other similar installation, the fee is $64.45 for each 152.5 m of piping or any part of 152.5 m;


                   (b)     for the registration of design drawings and specifications for an addition to or alteration of a pressure piping system in clause (a), the fee is the same as for the initial design registration;


                   (c)      for pressure piping systems not listed in clause (a), the fee is as in clause 5(2)(d).


Design survey and registration fees for fittings

          (7)    The fees for the survey and registration of a design for a fitting are as follows:


                   (a)      for a single fitting...............................................................................$38.70


                   (b)     for a range of fittings in a single category.........................................$141.75


Welding procedure registration fees

          (8)    The fee for the registration of a procedure, in 1 thickness material and quality of plate, for 1 process, and surveyed separately is $51.55 for each procedure.


Pressure welder licence and proficiency test fees

          (9)    The fees for a pressure welder licence or proficiency test are as follows:


                   (a)      for an all-position pressure welder licence proficiency test

in 1 procedure (for 2-year term)..........................................................$64.45


                   (b)     for the pressure welder licence proficiency

re-test of a pressure welder for 1 position...........................................$38.70


                   (c)      to transfer and change the named pressure welding employer

on a pressure welder licence...............................................................$51.50


                   (d)     for the renewal of a pressure welder licence

without a proficiency re-test (for 2-year term).....................................$64.45


BPE contractor licence fees

          (10)  The fees for a BPE contractor licence are as follows:


                   (a)      for an initial BPE contractor licence (for 1 year), the fee is $265.40 plus the cost for the time required for a review and to approve the quality program, calculated at a rate of $96.60 per hour or part hour;


                   (b)     for a review of an amendment to an approved quality program, the fee is the cost for the time required for the review, calculated at the rate of $96.60 per hour or part hour;


                   (c)      for the renewal of a BPE contractor licence (per year).......................$132.70


Installation and periodic inspection fees

          (11)  The fees for an installation or periodic inspection are as follows:


                   (a)      for a power boiler


                              (i)      up to and including 23.5 m2.....................................................$51.55


                              (ii)     over 23.5 m2 to 70.0 m2.........................................................$104.80


                              (iii)    over 70.0 m2 to 186.0 m2.......................................................$154.60


                              (iv)    over 186.0 m2 to 464.5 m2......................................................$225.50


                              (v)     over 464.5 m2 to 1394.0 m2....................................................$277.00


                              (vi)    over 1394.0 m2 to 2788.0 m2..................................................$347.85


(vii)                                 over 2788.0 m2......................................................................$347.85

plus an additional $3.75 per 46.5 m2 or part of 46.5 m2
in excess of 2788 m2 to a maximum fee of.............................$966.25


                   (b)     for the first 3 m of the length of a pressure vessel, heat-exchanger or pressure equipment


                              (i)      up to 610 mm diameter............................................................$38.70


                              (ii)     over 610 mm diameter to 762 mm...........................................$77.05


                              (iii)    over 762 mm diameter to 1270 mm.........................................$91.70


                              (iv)    over 1270 mm diameter to 1778 mm.....................................$116.00


                              (v)     over 1778 mm diameter to 2540 mm.....................................$154.60


                              (vi)    over 2540 mm diameter to 3048 mm.....................................$180.35


                              (vii)   over 3048 mm diameter.........................................................$206.15


                   (c)      for a regulated product in clause (b) that is over 3 m in length, in addition to the fee in clause (b), an additional $25.75 for each 3 m or any part of 3 m in overall length beyond the first 3 m in length;


                   (d)     for a digester


                              (i)      up to and including 100 m3....................................................$180.35


                              (ii)     over 100 m3 capacity..............................................................$347.85


                   (e)      for dryer rolls


                              (i)      a set of 20 or more contained in 1 machine............................$695.70


                   (f)      for the inspection of a pressure plant, pressure piping, fitting or valving for a new installation under construction or for an alteration made to an existing installation, the fee is the special inspection and service fee in subsection (13).


Inspection fees outside of regular work hours

          (12)  The fees for conducting an inspection outside of regular work hours and on the written request of the owner are as follows:


                   (a)      for after hours on a weekday or on a weekend, the fee is calculated at a rate of $144.90 per hour for each hour or part hour required for the inspection and for a minimum of 3 hours;


                   (b)     for hours on a statutory holiday, the fee is calculated at a rate of $193.25 per hour for each hour or part hour required for the inspection and for a minimum of 3 hours.


Special inspection and special service fees

          (13)  The fees for conducting a special inspection or special service are as follows:


                   (a)      if the pressure system or the testing of a pressure welder is subject to the provisions of the Act,


                              (i)      for hours within regularly scheduled work hours, the fee is calculated at a rate of $96.70 per hour for each hour or part hour required,


                              (ii)     for after hours on a weekday or on a weekend, the fee is calculated at a rate of $144.90 per hour for each hour or part hour required and for a minimum of 3 hours,


                              (iii)    for hours on a statutory holiday, the fee is calculated at a rate of $193.25 per hour for each hour or part hour required and for a minimum of 3 hours;


                   (b)     if the pressure system or the testing of a pressure welder is not subject to the provisions of the Act,


                              (i)      for hours within the regularly scheduled work hours, the fee is calculated at a rate of $148.20 per hour for each hour or part hour required,


                              (ii)     for after hours on a weekday or on a weekend, the fee is calculated at a rate of $219.05 per hour for each hour or part hour required and for a minimum of 3 hours,


                              (iii)    for hours on a statutory holiday, the fee is calculated at a rate of $296.35 per hour for each hour or part hour required and for a minimum of 3 hours;


                   (c)      the special inspection or service fees in clauses (a) and (b) also apply to all of the following services:


                              (i)      witnessing the setting and sealing of safety valve,


                              (ii)     viewing radiographs,


                              (iii)    shop inspection of a boiler, pressure vessel, heat-exchanger or digester during its fabrication, alteration, repair or field assembly,


                              (iv)    returning for or continuing an inspection or test, if a BPE inspector is unable in 1 visit to commence or complete an inspection or testing because of failure of the owner, contractor or the employer to comply with the BPE inspector’s requirements.


Transportation and other reasonable expenses

          (14)  In addition to the applicable fees for the service, if an owner or contractor requests any of the following services, the owner or contractor must also pay the cost of transportation for the BPE inspector, calculated at the mileage rate allowed for a BPE inspector using their own vehicle, and also for the reasonable expenses of the BPE inspector while conducting the inspection or service:


                   (a)      conducting a special inspection or special service in subsection (13);


                   (b)     conducting an installation inspection;


                   (c)      conducting a shop inspection;


                   (d)     rendering a special service for a pressure system;


                   (e)      conducting a pressure welder licence proficiency test.


Miscellaneous fees

          (15)  The fees for miscellaneous services are as follows:


                   (a)      for adjusting a pressure gauge............................................................$38.70


                   (b)     for copying an inspection report.........................................................$51.55


                   (c)      for filing an affidavit or data report.......................................................$6.45


                   (d)     for stamping an extra copy of a design drawing................................. $19.30


BPE permit fee

          (16)  The fee for a BPE permit is $62.50.


Equipment licence fee

          (17)  The fee for an equipment licence is $62.50 per year.


BPE certificate of competency (inspections)

          (18)  The fees for a BPE certificate of competency (inspections) are as follows:


                   (a)      for an initial BPE certificate of competency (inspections) (for 1 year), the fee is $265.40 plus the cost for the time required for a review of the applicant’s qualifications, calculated at a rate of $96.60 per hour or part hour;


                   (b)     for renewal of a BPE certificate of competency (inspections)

(per year)..........................................................................................$132.70


General fees

          (19)  The general fees listed in Section 4.

Crane operator fees

6        (1)    The CO fees for crane operator services provided under the Crane Operators Regulations are as set out in this Section.


CO certificate of competency fees

          (2)    The fees related to certificates of competency are as follows:


                   (a)      for an examination for a CO certificate of competency (per paper).... $39.80


                   (b)     to rewrite an examination (per paper)................................................ $39.80


                   (c)      for re-marking an examination (per paper)..........................................$39.80


                   (d)     for an oral examination (per paper).....................................................$79.60


                   (e)      for a requested special examination, for each hour or any part of an hour
required for the examination...............................................................$96.60


                   (f)      for an application for a CO certificate of competency or for an endorsement
on a CO certificate of competency......................................................$72.90


CO licence fees

          (3)    The fees related to CO licences are as follows:


                   (a)      for an application for an initial CO licence or an initial endorsement on a CO licence........................................................................................ $72.90


                   (b)     for the renewal of a CO licence and any endorsements (per year).......$72.90


General fees

          (4)    The general fees listed in Section 4.

Fuel safety fees

7        (1)    The FS fees for fuel safety services provided under the Fuel Safety Regulations are as set out in this Section.


Gas business licence fees

          (2)    The fees for an initial application for a gas business licence (for 1 year) are as follows:


                   (a)      for a Class 1 (gas storage/distribution) (for 1 location)


                              (i)      to operate a propane plant (aggregate storage
capacity) ..................................................................$0.0528/USWG

(minimum $132.70)


                              (ii)     to operate a propane dispensing unit .........................$0.0528/USWG

(minimum $132.70)


                              (iii)    to operate a business transporting propane in bulk or propane


                              (iv)    to operate a gas storage facility..............................................$132.70


                   (b)     for a Class 2 (contractor)..................................................................$132.70


                   (c)      for a Class 2A (contractor)...............................................................$265.45


                   (d)     for a Class 3 (industrial)...................................................................$132.70


                   (e)      for a Class 4 (natural gas dispensing station).....................................$132.70


          (3)    The fee for the renewal of a gas business licence (per year) is the same as the initial application fee for the class and type in subsection (2), except that the fee for renewal of a Class 2A (contractor) gas business licence is $199.05 per year.


          (4)    The fees set out in subsections (2) and (3) include the cost of any inspections carried out under the Fuel Safety Regulations.


Gas technician licence fees

          (5)    The fees related to gas technician licences are as follows:


                   (a)      for an application for an initial gas technician licence or for a liquid
propane endorsement (for 1 year)...................................................... $33.20


                   (b)     for renewal of a gas technician licence and any endorsements
(per year).......................................................................................... $33.20


FS certificate of competency fees

          (6)    The fees related to FS certificates of competency are as follows:


                   (a)      for an application for an FS certificate of competency, not including applicable training fees,


                              (i)      in a class other than class F......................................................$72.90


                              (ii)     in class F.................................................................................$33.20


                   (b)     for a duplicate FS certificate of competency in any class.....................$19.95


Gas operator licence

          (7)    The fees related to gas operator licences are as follows:


                   (a)      for an initial application for a gas operator licence (for 1 year), in a class
other than class F...............................................................................$53.10


                   (b)     for an initial application for a gas operator licence (for 1 year),
in class F............................................................................................$33.20


                   (c)      for renewal of an FS gas operator licence in any class, the same fee as set out in clause (a) or (b) for an initial application for a licence in that class.


Gas permit fees

          (8)    The fees for a gas permit are as follows:


                   (a)      for an installation with total load of 3 000 000 BTU/h or less ............$31.20


                   (b)     for an installation with total load of more than 3 000 000 BTU/h,


                              (i)      for a new installation......................$0.0745/1000 BTU/h of total load

(max. $12 883.05)


                              (ii)     for an addition or alteration to an existing
in[s]tallation...................................$0.0745/1000 BTU/h of total load

(min. $128.85 to max. $12 883.05)


                   (c)      for installing or altering a digester gas or landfill gas installation, as determined and charged by the certification agency;


                   (d)     for installing or altering a propane dispenser with less than 5000 USWG
aggregate capacity..............................................................................$64.45


                   (e)      for building new propane bulk plant.............$0.0062/USWG of total storage


                   (f)      for altering a bulk plant......................................................................$62.50


                   (g)     for installing or altering a natural gas vehicle refuelling station...........$62.50


Gas registration fees

          (9)    The fee for a gas registration for the installation or alteration of a regulated product, authorized to be registered by the Fuel Safety Regulations, is $31.20.


Special inspection fees

          (10)  The fee for a requested special inspection is calculated at the rate of $128.85 per hour or any part of an hour of time required.


Oil burner technician licence fees

          (11)  The fees related to oil burner technician licences are as follows:


                   (a)      for an initial oil burner technician licence (for 1 year) ........................$33.20


                   (b)     for renewal of an oil burner technician licence (per year) ...................$33.20


General fees

          (12)  The general fees listed in Section 4.

Power engineer fees

8        (1)    The PE fees for power engineer services provided under the Power Engineers Regulations are as set out in this Section.


PE certificate of qualification fees

          (2)    The fees related to PE certificates of qualification are as follows:


                   (a)      for an examination, a re-examination or re-marking an
examination (per paper).....................................................................$39.80


                   (b)     for an application for a PE certificate of qualification.........................$66.35


                   (c)      for replacement of a PE certificate of qualification.............................$33.20


PE licence fees

          (3)    The fees related to PE licences are as follows:


                   (a)      for an initial PE licence (for 1 year) ...................................................$66.35


                   (b)     for a replacement pocket PE licence...................................................$33.20


                   (c)      for renewal of a PE licence (per year) ................................................$66.35


Plant registration certificate fees

          (4)    The fee for registration, re-registration, re-classification or replacement of a plant registration certificate is $193.25 (per year).


Special inspection or services fees

          (5)    The fee for a requested special inspection or special service for any of the following is calculated at the rate of $96.60 for each hour or any part of an hour of time required:


                   (a)      a plant registration;


                   (b)     an examination for PE certification of qualification,


General fees

          (6)    The general fees listed in Section 4.

Legislative History
Reference Tables

Technical Safety Fees Regulations

N.S. Reg. 182/2015

Technical Safety Act

Note:  The information in these tables does not form part of the regulations and is compiled by the Office of the Registrar of Regulations for reference only.

Source Law

The current consolidation of the Technical Safety Fees Regulations made under the Technical Safety Act includes all of the following regulations:


In force

How in force

Royal Gazette
Part II Issue


Apr 1, 2015

date specified

Apr 8, 2015


Aug 28, 2018

date specified

Sep 14, 2018













The following regulations are not yet in force and are not included in the current consolidation:


In force

How in force

Royal Gazette
Part II Issue













*See subsection 3(6) of the Regulations Act for rules about in force dates of regulations.

Amendments by Provision

ad. = added
am. = amended

fc. = fee change
ra. = reassigned

rep. = repealed
rs. = repealed and substituted

Provision affected

How affected


rs. 154/2018









Note that changes to headings are not included in the above table.

Editorial Notes and Corrections:













Repealed and Superseded:



In force



Technical Safety Fees Regulations

Apr 1, 2011

Mar 23, 2011


Technical Safety Fees Regulations

Apr 1, 2011

Apr 1, 2013


Technical Safety Fees Regulations

Apr 1, 2013

Apr 1, 2015

Note:  Only regulations that are specifically repealed and replaced appear in this table.  It may not reflect the entire history of regulations on this subject matter.


Webpage last updated: 14-09-2018