This website is designed to help Nova Scotians compare and understand their drinking water test results.
This tool allows you to compare your drinking water sample results to Health Canada drinking water quality guidelines and also provides links to additional sources of information.
The bacteria, metals, and organic chemicals listed here are those often tested for in typical laboratory drinking water test packages. Information about less commonly sampled chemicals (such as pesticides) is available through Health Canada and Nova Scotia Environment.
The owner of a private water system in Nova Scotia is responsible for using and meeting recommended water quality guidelines. If you are unsure about your responsibility, contact Nova Scotia Environment for more information.
By using the Nova Scotia Drinking Water Interpretation tool, you accept responsibility for your use of the tool.
The information here is provided free of charge solely for the user's information and, while thought to be accurate, is provided strictly "as is" and without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including its accuracy or fitness for any particular purpose.
Nova Scotia Environment, the Crown, its agents, employees or contractors will not be liable to you for any damages, direct or indirect, or lost profits or data arising out of your use of this information.