Government of Nova Scotia Government of Nova Scotia Nova Scotia, Canada


Environmental Assessment


Benjamins Mill Wind Project


This is to advise that on 6 January 2023, Natural Forces Developments Limited Partnership registered an Additional Information Addendum for the Benjamins Mill Wind Project for environmental assessment, in accordance with Part IV of the Environment Act.

Natural Forces Developments LP is developing and will own and operate the Project in partnership with Wskijnu'k Mtmo'taqnuow Agency Limited, a corporate body wholly owned by the 13 Mi'kmaw bands in Nova Scotia. The purpose of the proposed undertaking is to construct up to 28 wind turbines for a wind energy project located in West Hants Regional Municipality, approximately 13 km southwest of Windsor, NS. The Project will produce up to 150 MW of renewable energy from wind turbines that are up to 200 m tall to the tip of the blade and individually produce up to 6.2 MW. Construction on the first phase of the project would start in the winter of 2023 at the earliest. The Project is expected to be operational for a minimum of 25 years starting in 2025.

On 18 January 2022, Natural Forces Developments Limited first registered the Benjamins Mill Wind Project for Environmental Assessment. On 9 March 2022, the Minister determined that the registration information was insufficient to make a decision, and that additional information was required regarding geoscience, flora and fauna, including Species at Risk and their habitat, wetlands, fish and fish habitat, landscape-scale biodiversity, noise and heritage resources.

Minister's Decision

On 13 February 2023, the Minister of Environment and Climate Change released a decision (PDF) concerning the review of the Benjamins Mill Wind project. The Minister has decided to approve the undertaking in accordance with Section 13(1)b of the Environmental Assessment Regulations, pursuant to Part IV of the Environment Act. The undertaking has been approved subject to a number of conditions (PDF).

Project Documents



Opportunities for Public Input

Public comments on the Addendum were accepted until 5 February 2023.

All comments received from the public consultation are posted on the department's website for public viewing. In the case of an individual, the address, email and contact information were removed before being placed on the website.