Government of Nova Scotia Government of Nova Scotia Nova Scotia, Canada


Protected Areas


Rogues Roost Wilderness Area

Rogues Roost Wilderness Area This iconic coastal wilderness area near Terence Bay and Prospect protects dramatic coastal barrens and nearly 18 km of rugged, indented coastline. Here you will find exposed granite headlands, cliffs, rocky crags and 22 islands, along with sheltered passageways, saltmarsh and a few sand beaches.

The adjacent coastal waters provide an overwintering area for common eider and endangered Harlequin duck, and are frequented by whales and other marine species.

At the heart of this wilderness area is the network of sheltered coves and passageways of Rogues Roost, so named for the area’s historic role as a hideout for privateers. Today, this area and surrounding coastal waters is renowned for exceptional scenery that attracts yachters, kayakers and power-boaters; photographers, rock climbers, anglers and many others. The lands surround one of Nova Scotia’s most sought after anchorages for local sailors. This is also a destination for some commercial tourism operators.

Rogues Roost Wilderness Area is part of a network of other conservation lands along this coast, including Terence Bay Wilderness Area, Crystal Crescent Provincial Park, provincial park lands at Peggy’s Cove and Blind Bay, and lands at Prospect High Head protected by the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) and HRM.

A 12 hectare (30 acre) inholding at Rogues Roost was recently acquired by the Nova Scotia Nature Trust (NSNT) and transferred to the Province for protection. This property is part of the wilderness area.

Boundaries were adjusted through the survey process to avoid five hectares of land along Prospect Bay which are not Crown owned as was originally thought.

Now that mineral rights that affect an additional 63 hectares of Crown land near the northern extent of the wilderness area have expired, designation of this area will take effect if no new mineral rights are granted.